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Options for editor fundamental data structure




Optional announcerStringGetter

announcerStringGetter: (key: KnownAnnounceStrings) => string

Type declaration

    • A callback to help get string template to announce, used for accessibility


      Returns string

      A template string to announce, use placeholder such as "{0}" for variables if necessary

Optional coreApiOverride

coreApiOverride: Partial<CoreApiMap>

A function map to override default core API implementation Default value is null

Optional disposeErrorHandler

disposeErrorHandler: (plugin: EditorPlugin, error: Error) => void

Type declaration

    • A callback to be invoked when any exception is thrown during disposing editor


      • plugin: EditorPlugin

        The plugin that causes exception

      • error: Error

        The error object we got

      Returns void

Optional experimentalFeatures

experimentalFeatures: string[]

Enabled experimental features

Optional initialModel

initialModel: ContentModelDocument

Initial Content Model

Optional plugins

plugins: EditorPlugin[]

List of plugins. The order of plugins here determines in what order each event will be dispatched. Plugins not appear in this list will not be added to editor, including built-in plugins. Default value is empty array.

Optional scrollContainer

scrollContainer: HTMLElement

The scroll container to get scroll event from. By default, the scroll container will be the same with editor content DIV

Optional snapshots

snapshots: Snapshots

Undo snapshot. Use this parameter to provide an external storage of undo snapshots

Optional trustedHTMLHandler

trustedHTMLHandler: TrustedHTMLHandler

Customized trusted type handler used for sanitizing HTML string before assign to DOM tree This is required when trusted-type Content-Security-Policy (CSP) is enabled. See https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Content-Security-Policy/trusted-types

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