Source code for vivainsights.create_lorenz

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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This module calculates the Gini coefficient and plots the Lorenz curve for a given metric.

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] def get_value_proportion(df, population_share): """ Calculate the proportion of total values (e.g., income, email sent) that corresponds to a given cumulative share of the population. Parameters: df (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing cumulative population and value proportions. population_share (float): The cumulative share of the population (between 0 and 1). Returns: float: The proportion of total values corresponding to the given population share. Raises: ValueError: If population_share is not between 0 and 1. """ if population_share < 0 or population_share > 1: raise ValueError("Population share must be between 0 and 1") # Find the row in the DataFrame where the cumulative population meets or exceeds the input share closest_row = df[df['cum_population'] >= population_share].iloc[0] return closest_row['cum_values_prop']
[docs] def compute_gini(x): """ Compute the Gini coefficient, a measure of statistical dispersion to represent inequality. Parameters: x (list, np.ndarray, pd.Series): A numeric vector representing values (e.g., income, emails sent). Returns: float: The Gini coefficient for the given vector of values. Raises: ValueError: If input is not a numeric vector. """ if not isinstance(x, (list, np.ndarray, pd.Series)): raise ValueError("Input must be a numeric vector") # Sort the values in ascending order x = np.sort(x) n = len(x) # Calculate the Gini coefficient using the formula gini = (2 * np.sum((np.arange(1, n + 1)) * x) - (n + 1) * np.sum(x)) / (n * np.sum(x)) return gini
[docs] def create_lorenz(data, metric, return_type="plot"): """ Name ---- create_lorenz Description ----------- Calculate and return the Lorenz curve and Gini coefficient for a given metric. Parameters ---------- data (pd.DataFrame): DataFrame containing the data to analyze. metric (str): The column name in the DataFrame representing the values to analyze. return_type (str): The type of output to return: - "gini": returns the Gini coefficient. - "table": returns a DataFrame of cumulative population and value shares. - "plot" (default): displays a Lorenz curve plot with the Gini coefficient. Returns ------- float/pd.DataFrame/None: Depending on return_type: - "gini": returns the Gini coefficient. - "table": returns a DataFrame of population and value shares. - "plot": displays the Lorenz curve plot Raises ------ ValueError: If the metric is not found in the DataFrame, or if an invalid return_type is specified. Examples -------- Using `pq_data` from `vi.load_pq_data()`, which returns a DataFrame with an "Emails_sent" column. >>> # Compute the Gini coefficient: >>> vi.create_lorenz(data=vi.load_pq_data(), metric="Emails_sent", return_type="gini") >>> # Compute the underlying table for the Lorenz curve: >>> vi.create_lorenz(data=vi.load_pq_data(), metric="Emails_sent", return_type="table") >>> # Plot the Lorenz curve >>> vi.create_lorenz(data=vi.load_pq_data(), metric="Emails_sent", return_type="plot") """ if metric not in data.columns: raise ValueError(f"Metric '{metric}' not found in data.") n = data[metric] # Create a DataFrame sorted by the metric to analyze lorenz_df = pd.DataFrame({ 'n': n }).sort_values(by='n') # Calculate cumulative sums for values and population lorenz_df['cum_values'] = lorenz_df['n'].cumsum() lorenz_df['cum_population'] = np.cumsum(np.ones(len(lorenz_df))) / len(lorenz_df) lorenz_df['cum_values_prop'] = lorenz_df['cum_values'] / lorenz_df['n'].sum() if return_type == "plot": # Plot the Lorenz curve and display the Gini coefficient gini_coef = compute_gini(n) fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 6)) ax.plot(lorenz_df['cum_population'], lorenz_df['cum_values_prop'], color='#C75B7A') ax.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], linestyle='dashed', color='darkgrey') ax.set_title(f"% of population sharing % of {metric}") fig.suptitle(f"Lorenz curve for {metric}") ax.set_xlabel("Cumulative Share of Population") ax.set_ylabel("Cumulative Share of Values") ax.set_xlim([0, 1]) ax.set_ylim([0, 1]) ax.grid(True) ax.annotate(f"Gini coefficient: {round(gini_coef, 2)}", xy=(0.5, 0.1), xycoords='axes fraction') # Return the figure object return fig elif return_type == "gini": # Return the Gini coefficient return compute_gini(n) elif return_type == "table": # Create and return a table of cumulative population and value shares population_shares = np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1) return pd.DataFrame({ 'population_share': population_shares, 'value_share': [get_value_proportion(lorenz_df, x) for x in population_shares] }) else: raise ValueError("Invalid return type. Choose 'gini', 'table', or 'plot'.")