Source code for vivainsights.extract_date_range

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
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import pandas as pd
"""Extracts the date range from a dataframe."""

[docs] def extract_date_range(data: pd.DataFrame, return_type: str = "table"): """ Name ---- extract_date_range Description ----------- The function `extract_date_range` extracts the date range from a dataframe and returns it either as a table or as a text string. Parameters --------- data : pandas dataframe The `data` parameter is a pandas DataFrame that contains the data from which you want to extract the date range. It should have at least one column that represents the date return_type : str The `return_type` parameter is a string that specifies the format in which the date range should be returned. It has two possible values:, defaults to table Returns ------- The function `extract_date_range` returns either a pandas DataFrame or a string, depending on the value of the `return_type` parameter. """ date_var = None if "Date" in data.columns: date_var = pd.to_datetime(data["Date"], format="%m/%d/%Y") elif "MetricDate" in data.columns: date_var = pd.to_datetime(data["MetricDate"], format="%Y-%m-%d") elif all(x in data.columns for x in ["StartDate", "EndDate"]): date_var = pd.to_datetime(data[["StartDate", "EndDate"]].stack().reset_index(drop=True), format="%m/%d/%Y") if date_var is None: raise ValueError("Error: no date variable found.") """ Data frame to output """ outTable = pd.DataFrame({"Start": date_var.min(), "End": date_var.max()}, index=[0]) if return_type == "table": return outTable elif return_type == "text": return f"Data from {outTable.iloc[0]['Start'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')} to {outTable.iloc[0]['End'].strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}"