Source code for vivainsights.identify_daterange

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
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Takes a vector of dates and identify whether the frequency is 'daily', 'weekly', or 'monthly'. 
The primary use case for this function is to provide an accurate description of the query type 
used and for raising errors should a wrong date grouping be used in the data input.
import pandas as pd

[docs] def identify_datefreq(x): x = pd.to_datetime(x) # Data frame for checking date_df = pd.DataFrame({ "weekdays": pd.Series(list(pd.Series(x).dt.weekday.unique())), "n": pd.Series(list(pd.Series(x).dt.weekday.value_counts())) }) if len(pd.Series(x).dt.month_name().unique()) == len(x): return "monthly" elif sum(date_df.loc[date_df.weekdays == 6].n) == len(x): # Check number of Sundays - should equal number of weeks if weekly return "weekly" elif len(date_df) >= 3: # At least 3 days of the week must be present return "daily" else: return "Unable to identify date frequency."