Source code for vivainsights.network_g2g

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
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This module returns a network plot given a data frame containing a group-to-group query.
import pandas as pd
from igraph import *
import igraph as ig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import re
import random

[docs] def network_g2g(data, primary=None, secondary=None, metric="Group_collaboration_time_invested", algorithm="fr", node_colour="lightblue", exc_threshold=0.1, org_count=None, node_scale = 1, edge_scale = 10, subtitle="Collaboration Across Organizations", return_type="plot"): """ Name ---- network_g2g Description ------------ This function returns a network plot given a data frame containing a group-to-group query. Parameters ---------- data : data frame Data frame containing a group-to-group query. primary : str String containing the variable name for the Primary Collaborator column. secondary : str String containing the variable name for the SecondaryCollaborator column. metric: str String containing the variable name for metric. Defaults to `Meeting_Count`. algorithm : str String to specify the node placement algorithm to be used. - Defaults to `"fr"` for the force-directed algorithm of Fruchterman and Reingold. - See <> for a full list of options. node_colour : str or dictionary String or named vector to specify the colour to be used for displaying nodes. - Defaults to `"lightblue"`. - If `"vary"` is supplied, a different colour is shown for each node at random. - If a named dictionary is supplied, the names must match the values of the variable provided for the `primary` and `secondary` columns. - See example section for details. exc_threshold: Numeric value between 0 and 1 specifying the exclusion threshold to apply. - Defaults to 0.1, which means that the plot will only display collaboration above 10% of a node's total collaboration. - This argument has no impact on `"data"` or `"table"` return. org_count : optional Optional data frame to provide the size of each organizationin the `secondary` attribute. - The data frame should contain only two columns: - Name of the `secondary` attribute excluding any prefixes, e.g. `"Organization"`. - Must be of character or factor type. `"n"`. Must be of numeric type. - Defaults to `None`, where node sizes will be fixed. node_scale : Numeric value controlling the size of the nodes. 1 keeps the size of the nodes as is. edge_scale: Numeric value controlling the width of the edges. 1 keeps the size of the edges as is. Defaults to 10. subtitle : str String to override default plot subtitle. return_type : str String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings: - `"plot"` - `"table"` - `"network"` - `"data"` - Defaults to `"plot"`. Returns ------- A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the `return` argument: - `"plot"`: 'ggplot' object. A group-to-group network plot. - `"table"`: data frame. An interactive matrix of the network. - `"network`: 'igraph' object used for creating the network plot. - `"data"`: data frame. A long table of the underlying data. Example ------- >>> network_g2g(data = vi.load_g2g_data(), metric = "Group_meeting_count") # Return a network visual >>> network_g2g(data = vi.load_g2g_data(), return_type = "table") # Return the interaction matrix >>> network_g2g(data = vi.load_g2g_data(), exc_threshold = 0) # Return a network visual with no exclusion threshold """ if primary is None: #Only return first match primary = data.filter(regex = "^PrimaryCollaborator_").columns[0] print("Primary field not provided. Assuming {} as the primary variable.".format(primary)) if secondary is None: #Only return first match secondary = data.filter(regex = "^SecondaryCollaborator_").columns[0] print("Secondary field not provided. Assuming {} as the secondary variable.".format(secondary)) #Get string of HR variable (for grouping) hrvar_string = re.sub("SecondaryCollaborator_", "", string = secondary) #Warn if 'Within Group' is not in the data if "Within Group" not in data[secondary].unique().tolist(): print("Warning: Within Group variable is not found in the " + secondary + " variable. The analysis may be excluding in-group collaboration.") #Run plot_data plot_data = data.rename(columns={primary: "PrimaryOrg", secondary: "SecondaryOrg", metric: "Metric"}) plot_data = plot_data.assign(SecondaryOrg=np.where(plot_data.SecondaryOrg == "Within Group", plot_data.PrimaryOrg, plot_data.SecondaryOrg)) plot_data = plot_data.groupby(["PrimaryOrg", "SecondaryOrg"]).agg({"Metric": "mean"}).reset_index() plot_data = plot_data.query('PrimaryOrg != "Other_Collaborators" & SecondaryOrg != "Other_Collaborators"') plot_data = plot_data.groupby("PrimaryOrg") plot_data = plot_data.apply(lambda func: func.assign(metric_prop=func.Metric / func.Metric.sum())).reset_index(drop=True) plot_data = plot_data.loc[:, ["PrimaryOrg", "SecondaryOrg", "metric_prop"]] if return_type == "table": # return a 'tidy' matrix table = plot_data.pivot(index = "PrimaryOrg", columns = "SecondaryOrg", values = "metric_prop") return table elif return_type == "data": # return long table return plot_data elif return_type in ["plot", "network"]: # create network object - one for export, one for plotting # exclusion threshold ONLY applies in network output and plotting mynet_em = plot_data[plot_data['metric_prop'] > exc_threshold] mynet_em.loc[:, ['PrimaryOrg', 'SecondaryOrg']] = mynet_em[['PrimaryOrg', 'SecondaryOrg']].apply(lambda func: func.str.replace(' ', '\n')) # a version of the graph without self-collaboration mynet_em_noloops = mynet_em[mynet_em['PrimaryOrg'] != mynet_em['SecondaryOrg']] mynet_em_noloops.loc[:, 'metric_prop'] = mynet_em_noloops['metric_prop'] * edge_scale # only scale width for the plotting graph # Set 'metric_props' as edge attribute g = ig.Graph.TupleList(mynet_em.itertuples(index=False), directed=False, edge_attrs = ['metric_prop']) g_noloops = ig.Graph.TupleList(mynet_em_noloops.itertuples(index=False), directed=False, edge_attrs = ['metric_prop']) # Org count can vary by size if org_count is not None: g.vs["org_size"] = ( pd.DataFrame({"id": g.vs["name"]}) .assign(id=lambda org: org["id"].str.replace("\n", " ")) .merge(org_count, how="left", left_on="id", right_on=hrvar_string) .assign(n=lambda org: org["n"] / 100) #scale for plotting .loc[:, "n"] .tolist() ) g_noloops.vs["org_size"] = ( pd.DataFrame({"id": g_noloops.vs["name"]}) .assign(id=lambda org: org["id"].str.replace("\n", " ")) .merge(org_count, how="left", left_on="id", right_on=hrvar_string) .assign(n=lambda org: org["n"] / 100) #scale for plotting .loc[:, "n"] .tolist() ) else: #imputed size if not specified g.vs['org_size'] = ( pd.DataFrame({"id": g.vs['name']}) .assign(id=lambda org: org['id'].str.replace('\n', ' ')) .assign(n=0.4) .loc[:, 'n'] .tolist() ) g_noloops.vs['org_size'] = ( pd.DataFrame({"id": g_noloops.vs['name']}) .assign(id=lambda org: org['id'].str.replace('\n', ' ')) .assign(n=0.4) .loc[:, 'n'] .tolist() ) # scale the size of the nodes g.vs["org_size"] = [x*node_scale for x in g.vs["org_size"]] g_noloops.vs["org_size"] = [x*node_scale for x in g_noloops.vs["org_size"]] # Add edge_colour with transparent grey["edge_colour"] = [(0.827, 0.827, 0.827, 0.5)] * g_noloops.ecount() if return_type == "network": return g # return 'igraph' object else: # Keep multiple edges, remove loops # g = g.simplify(multiple = True, loops = True) g = g_noloops # use version of graph with no self-collaboration # plot object fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8)) ig.plot( g, layout=g.layout(algorithm), target=ax, vertex_label=g.vs["name"], vertex_frame_width=0, vertex_size=g.vs["org_size"], vertex_color=setColor(node_colour, g.vs["name"]), edge_width=["metric_prop"], # edge_width=mynet_em["metric_prop"] * 1, # edge_alpha=0.2, edge_color=["edge_colour"] ) plt.suptitle("Group to Group Collaboration" + '\n' + subtitle, fontsize=13) plt.figtext(0.95, 0.05, "Displays only collaboration above {}% of node's total collaboration".format(int(exc_threshold * 100)), ha="right", va="bottom", fontsize=8) return #return 'ggplot' object else: raise ValueError("Please enter a valid input for 'return'.")
[docs] def setColor(node_colour, org): org = [i.replace("\n", " ") for i in org] if isinstance(node_colour, str) and len(node_colour) > 1: if node_colour == "vary": #generate a random colour for each node in the network node_colour = [f"#{random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF):06x}" for _ in range(len(org))] else: node_colour = node_colour #use the colour provided elif isinstance(node_colour, dict): #use dictionary to map each node to a colour node_colour = {node: colour for node, colour in node_colour.items()} for node, colour in node_colour.items(): if colour == "random": node_colour[node] = f"#{random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF):06x}" else: node_colour[node] = colour node_colour = [node_colour.get(node, "lightblue") for node in org] #use default colour if key not found else: #default colour node_colour = "lightblue" return node_colour