# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
This module performs network analysis with a person-to-person query
import vivainsights as vi
import pandas as pd
import igraph as ig
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.colors as mcolors
from matplotlib.legend_handler import HandlerTuple
import matplotlib.lines as mlines
from matplotlib.backends.backend_pdf import PdfPages
import random
from sklearn.preprocessing import minmax_scale
import warnings
import time
def network_p2p(data,
hrvar = "Organization",
return_type = "plot",
centrality = None,
community = None,
weight = None,
comm_args = None,
layout = "mds",
path = "",
style = "igraph",
bg_fill = "#FFFFFF",
font_col = "grey20",
legend_pos = "best",
palette = "rainbow",
node_alpha = 0.7,
edge_alpha = 1,
edge_col = "#777777",
node_sizes = [1, 20],
node_scale = 1,
seed = 1,
This function returns a network plot given a data frame containing a person-to-person query.
data : dataframe
Data frame containing a person-to-person query.
hrvar : str
String containing the label for the HR attribute.
return_type : str
A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the `return_type` argument:
- `'plot'` (default)
- `'plot-pdf'`
- `'sankey'`
- `'table'`
- `'data'`
- `'network'`
centrality : str
string to determines which centrality measure is used to scale the size of the nodes. All centrality measures are automatically calculated when it is set to one of the below values, and reflected in the `'network'` and `'data'` outputs.
Measures include:
- `betweenness`
- `closeness`
- `degree`
- `eigenvector`
- `pagerank`
When `centrality` is set to None, no centrality is calculated in the outputs and all the nodes would have the same size.
community : str
String determining which community detection algorithms to apply. Valid values include:
- `None` (default): compute analysis or visuals without computing communities.
- `"multilevel"` (a version of louvain)
- `"leiden"`
- `"edge_betweenness"`
- `"fastgreedy"`
- `"infomap"`
- `"label_propagation"`
- `"leading_eigenvector"`
- `"optimal_modularity"`
- `"spinglass"`
- `"walk_trap"`
weight : str
String to specify which column to use as weights for the network. To create a graph without weights, supply `None` to this argument.
comm_args : list
list containing the arguments to be passed through to igraph's clustering algorithms. Arguments must be named. See examples section on how to supply arguments in a named list.
layout : str
String to specify the node placement algorithm to be used. Defaults to `"mds"` for the deterministic multi-dimensional scaling of nodes.
See <https://rdrr.io/cran/ggraph/man/layout_tbl_graph_igraph.html> for a full list of options.
path : str (file path)
File path for saving the PDF output. Defaults to a timestamped path based on current parameters.
bg_fill : str
String to specify background fill color.
font_col : str
String to specify font color.
legend_pos : str
String to specify position of legend. Valid values include:
String to specify position of legend. Valid values include:
- `"best"`
- `"upper right"`
- `"upper left"`
- `"lower left"`
- `"right"`
- `"center left"`
- `"center right"`
- `"lower center"`
- `"upper center"`
- `"center"`
palette : str
String specifying the function to generate a color palette with a single argument `n`. Uses `"rainbow"` by default.
node_alpha : int
A numeric value between 0 and 1 to specify the transparency of the nodes. Defaults to 0.7.
:param edge_alpha : int
A numeric value between 0 and 1 to specify the transparency of the edges (only for 'ggraph' mode). Defaults to 1.
edge_col: String to specify edge link color.
node_sizes: int
Numeric vector of length two to specify the range of node sizes to rescale to, when `centrality` is set to a non-null value.
node_scale: int
A numeric value to multiply or divide the size of the nodes.
This is applied to the 'node_size' attribute in the graph to increase or decrease the size of the nodes.
seed : int
Seed for the random number generator passed to either `set.seed()` when the louvain or leiden community detection algorithm is used, to ensure consistency. Only applicable when `community` is set to one of the valid non-null values.
legend_ncols : int
Value is either 0 or 1, Parameter to change the orientation horizontal to vertical of legend in the plot.
A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the `return_type` argument:
- `'plot'`: return a network plot, interactively within R.
- `'plot-pdf'`: save a network plot as PDF. This option is recommended when the graph is large, which make take a long time to run if `return_type = 'plot'` is selected. Use this together with `path` to control the save location.
- `'sankey'`: return a sankey plot combining communities and HR attribute. This is only valid if a community detection method is selected at community`.
- `'table'`: return a vertex summary table with counts in communities and HR attribute. When `centrality` is non-NULL, the average centrality values are calculated per group.
- `'data'`: return a vertex data file that matches vertices with communities and HR attributes.
- `'network'`: return 'igraph' object.
>>> vi.network_p2p(data = p2p_data, return_type = "plot")
# Return a network visual
>>> vi.network_p2p(data = p2p_data, community = "leiden", comm_args = {"resolution": 0.01}, return_type = "table")
# Return the vertex table with counts in communities and HR attribute
# Resolution is set to a low value to yield fewer communities
>>> vi.network_p2p(data = p2p_data, centrality = "betweenness", return_type = "table")
# Return the vertex table with centrality calculations
>>> vi.network_p2p(
data = p2p_data, # or whatever your query is stored
node_scale = 50, # adjust this parameter to make nodes bigger/smaller
return_type = "plot"
>>> vi.network_p2p(
data=p2p_data, # or whatever your query is stored
return_type = "sankey", # another return type for visualization
centrality = "betweenness", # centrality can be set as per requirement
community = "leiden" # Adjust community
# Return the sankey output based on centrality and community
>>> vi.network_p2p(
data=p2p_data, # or whatever your query is stored
return_type = "plot",
font_col = "grey20", # Color change option for fonts in chart
legend_pos = "upper left", # Adjust the legend position using this parameter
legend_ncols = 1 # Adjust this parameter to 0 or 1 to change legend orientation from vertical to horizontal
# Return the plot output based on different color scheme, legend orientation and position, font color change
path ="p2p" + ("" if community is None else '_' + community)
# `style` is currently a placeholder as only igraph is supported
# legacy argument from the R implementation
style = "igraph"
if len(node_sizes) != 2:
raise ValueError("`node_sizes` must be of length 2")
#Set data frame for edges
if weight is None:
edges = data.assign(NoWeight = 1).loc[:, ["PrimaryCollaborator_PersonId", "SecondaryCollaborator_PersonId", "NoWeight"]].rename(columns = {"NoWeight": "weight"})
edges = data.loc[:, ["PrimaryCollaborator_PersonId", "SecondaryCollaborator_PersonId", weight]]
pc_hrvar = "PrimaryCollaborator_" + hrvar
sc_hrvar = "SecondaryCollaborator_" + hrvar
# TieOrigin = PrimaryCollaborator
tieOrigin = (
.merge(data[["PrimaryCollaborator_PersonId", pc_hrvar]], on = "PrimaryCollaborator_PersonId", how = "left") #left join
.rename(columns = {"PrimaryCollaborator_PersonId": "node"})
.assign(**{hrvar: lambda row: row[pc_hrvar]}) #assign new column
.drop(columns = [pc_hrvar])
# TieDest = SecondaryCollaborator
tieDest = (
.merge(data[["SecondaryCollaborator_PersonId", sc_hrvar]], on = "SecondaryCollaborator_PersonId", how = "left")
.rename(columns = {"SecondaryCollaborator_PersonId": "node"})
.assign(**{hrvar: lambda row: row[sc_hrvar]})
.drop(columns = [sc_hrvar])
# Vertices data frame to provide meta-data
vert_ft = pd.concat([tieOrigin, tieDest]).drop_duplicates()
# Create igraph object
g_raw = ig.Graph.TupleList(edges.itertuples(index=False), directed=True, weights=True)
# Assign vertex attributes - HR attribute and node
g_raw.vs[hrvar] = vert_ft[hrvar].tolist()
g_raw.vs["node"] = vert_ft["node"].tolist()
# Assign weights
g_raw.es["weight"] = edges["weight"]
# allowed community values
valid_comm = ["leiden", "multilevel", "edge_betweenness", "fastgreedy", "infomap", "label_propagation", "leading_eigenvector", "optimal_modularity", "spinglass", "walk_trap"]
# Finalise `g` object
# If community detection is selected, this is where the communities are appended
if community is None:
# g = g_raw.simplify()
g = g_raw # Note: NOT simplified as simplification may remove too many edges
v_attr = hrvar
elif community in valid_comm:
g_ud = g_raw.as_undirected() # Convert to undirected graph
# combine arguments to clustering algorithms
comm_func = getattr(ig.Graph, "community_" + community)
if comm_args is None:
comm_args = {}
# call community detection function
comm_out = comm_func(graph = g_ud, **comm_args)
# g = g_ud.simplify()
g = g_ud # Note: NOT simplified as simplification may remove too many edges
g.vs["cluster"] = [str(member) for member in comm_out.membership]
#Name of vertex attribute
v_attr = "cluster"
raise ValueError("Please enter a valid input for `community`.")
# centrality calculations ------------------------
# valid values of `centrality`
valid_cent = ['betweenness', 'closeness', 'degree', 'eigenvector', 'pagerank']
# attach centrality calculations if `centrality` is not None
if centrality in valid_cent:
g = vi.network_summary(g, return_type="network")
node_sizes = (node_sizes[1] - node_sizes[0])
node_sizes *= minmax_scale(g.vs[centrality]) + node_sizes #min and max values
g.vs["node_size"] = node_sizes/100 #scale for plotting
elif centrality is None:
# all nodes with the same size if centrality is not calculated
# adjust for plotting formats
if style == "igraph":
g.vs["node_size"] = [0.08] * g.vcount()
elif style == "ggraph":
g.vs["node_size"] = [0.08] * g.vcount()
node_sizes = [0.03,0.03] #fix node size
raise ValueError("Please enter a valid input for `centrality`.")
# Common area ------------------- ----------------
# vertex table
vert_ft = vert_ft.rename(columns = {"node": "name"})
if centrality is not None:
if community is None:
vert_tb = pd.DataFrame({
"name": g.vs["name"],
"betweenness": g.vs["betweenness"],
"closeness": g.vs["closeness"],
"degree": g.vs["degree"],
"eigenvector": g.vs["eigenvector"],
"pagerank": g.vs["pagerank"],
else :
vert_tb = pd.DataFrame({
"name": g.vs["name"],
"cluster": g.vs[v_attr],
"betweenness": g.vs["betweenness"],
"closeness": g.vs["closeness"],
"degree": g.vs["degree"],
"eigenvector": g.vs["eigenvector"],
"pagerank": g.vs["pagerank"],
if community is None:
vert_tb = pd.DataFrame({
"name": g.vs["name"],
vert_tb = pd.DataFrame({
"name": g.vs["name"],
"cluster": g.vs[v_attr]
vert_tb = vert_tb.merge(vert_ft, on = "name", how = "left").drop_duplicates() #merge hrvar to vertex table
g_layout = g.layout(layout)
out_path = path + '_' + time.strftime("%y%m%d_%H%M%S") + '.pdf'
# Return outputs ---------------------------------------
#use fast plotting method
if return_type in ["plot", "plot-pdf"]:
def rainbow(n):
return [f"#{random.randint(0, 0xFFFFFF):06x}" for _ in range(n)]
# Set colours
vert_tb = vert_tb.drop_duplicates()
colour_tb = (
pd.DataFrame({v_attr: g.vs[v_attr]})
.assign(colour = eval(f"{palette}(len(vert_tb))"))
# Colour vector
colour_v = (
pd.DataFrame({v_attr: g.vs[v_attr]})
.merge(colour_tb, on = v_attr, how = "left")
.loc[:, "colour"]
if style == "igraph":
# Set graph plot colours
# color_names = list(mcolors.CSS4_COLORS.keys())
# g.vs["color"] = [mcolors.to_rgba(color_names[i % len(color_names)], alpha=node_alpha) for i in range(len(g.vs))]
g.vs["frame_color"] = None
g.es["width"] = 1
#Internal basic plotting function used inside 'network_p2p()'
def plot_basic_graph(lpos = legend_pos, pdf=False, node_scale=node_scale):
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.rcParams["figure.facecolor"] = bg_fill
layout_func = getattr(ig.Graph, f"layout_{layout}")
# Get the unique values of the vertex attribute
unique_values = list(set(g.vs[v_attr]))
# Create a colormap with one color for each unique value
cmap = mcolors.ListedColormap([plt.get_cmap('tab20')(i) for i in range(len(unique_values))])
handles = []
labels = []
# Map each unique value to an index in the colormap
value_to_index = {value: i for i, value in enumerate(unique_values)}
# Legend
for i, value in enumerate(unique_values):
marker = mlines.Line2D([0], [0], marker='o', color='w', label=value, markerfacecolor=cmap(i), markersize=5)
# Set node colours
for i, value in enumerate(g.vs[v_attr]):
index = value_to_index[g.vs[i][v_attr]]
color = cmap(index)
g.vs[i]["color"] = color
g.vs["node_size"] = [x*node_scale for x in g.vs["node_size"]] # scale the size of the nodes
layout = layout_func(g),
vertex_label = None,
vertex_size = g.vs["node_size"],
edge_arrow_mode = "0",
edge_color = "#adadad",
# Number of legend columns
if legend_ncols==0:
if len(handles)<=10:
elif 10<len(handles)<=20:
leg_cols = (len(handles) // 2)
leg_cols = (len(handles) // 4)
warnings.warn("There are over 20 unique node categories. Consider changing your grouping variable, merging existing groups, or tweaking algorithm parameters (if applicable).", UserWarning)
handles = handles,
labels = labels,
handler_map={tuple: HandlerTuple(ndivide=20)},
loc = legend_pos,
edgecolor= edge_col,
frameon = True,
markerscale = 1,
fontsize= 5,
labelcolor = 'grey',
ncols = leg_cols
if pdf:
return fig
return plt.show() #return 'ggplot' object
# Default PDF output unless None supplied to path
if return_type == "plot":
plot_basic_graph(lpos = legend_pos)
elif return_type == "plot-pdf":
with PdfPages(out_path) as pdf:
print(f"Saved to {out_path}.")
raise ValueError("Invalid input for `style`.")
elif return_type == "data":
vert_tb = vert_tb.reset_index(drop = True)
return vert_tb
elif return_type == "network":
return g
elif return_type == "sankey":
if community is None:
raise ValueError("Note: no sankey return option is available if `None` is selected at `community`. Please specify a valid community detection algorithm.")
elif community in valid_comm:
vi.create_sankey(data = vert_tb.groupby([hrvar, 'cluster']).size().reset_index(name='n'), var1=hrvar, var2='cluster')
elif return_type == "table":
if community is None:
if centrality is None:
vert_tb = vert_tb.groupby(hrvar).size().reset_index(name='n')
vert_tb = vert_tb.groupby(hrvar).agg(
n=('betweenness', 'size'),
betweenness=('betweenness', 'mean'),
closeness=('closeness', 'mean'),
degree=('degree', 'mean'),
eigenvector=('eigenvector', 'mean'),
pagerank=('pagerank', 'mean')
elif community in valid_comm:
if centrality is None:
vert_tb = vert_tb.groupby([hrvar, 'cluster']).size().reset_index(name='n')
vert_tb = vert_tb.groupby([hrvar, 'cluster']).agg(
n=('betweenness', 'size'),
betweenness=('betweenness', 'mean'),
closeness=('closeness', 'mean'),
degree=('degree', 'mean'),
eigenvector=('eigenvector', 'mean'),
pagerank=('pagerank', 'mean')
return vert_tb
raise ValueError("invalid input for `return_type`.")