Source code for vivainsights.network_summary

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
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This module summarises node centrality statistics with an igraph object
from igraph import *
import igraph as ig
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

[docs] def network_summary(graph, hrvar = None, return_type = "table"): """ Name ---- network_summary Description ------------ This function summarises node centrality statistics with an igraph object. Parameters ---------- graph : igraph object 'igraph' object that can be returned from `network_g2g()` or `network_p2p()` when the `return` argument is set to `"network"`. hrvar : str String containing the name of the HR Variable by which to split metrics. Defaults to `None`. return_type : str String specifying what output to return. Valid inputs include: - `"table"` - `"network"` - `"plot"` Returns ------- By default, a data frame containing centrality statistics. Available statistics include: - `betweenness`: number of shortest paths going through a node. - `closeness`: number of steps required to access every other node from a given node. - `degree`: number of connections linked to a node. - `eigenvector`: a measure of the influence a node has on a network. - `pagerank`: calculates the PageRank for the specified vertices. Examples -------- >>> graph = network_g2g(data = vi.load_g2g_data(), return_type = "network") >>> network_summary(graph, hrvar = "Organization", return_type = "table") """ #calculate summary table sum_tb = pd.DataFrame({ "node_id": graph.vs["name"], "betweenness": graph.betweenness(), "closeness": graph.closeness(), "degree":, "eigenvector": graph.evcent(), "pagerank": graph.pagerank() }) if(hrvar is not None): sum_tb['hrvar'] = graph.vs[hrvar] # graph = graph.simplify() # Note: NOT simplified as simplification may remove too many edges if return_type == "table": return sum_tb #return table elif return_type == "network": graph.vs["betweenness"] = sum_tb["betweenness"] graph.vs["closeness"] = sum_tb["closeness"] graph.vs["degree"] = sum_tb["degree"] graph.vs["eigenvector"] = sum_tb["eigenvector"] graph.vs["pagerank"] = sum_tb["pagerank"] return graph #return network elif return_type == "plot": if hrvar is None: raise ValueError("Visualisation options currently only available when a valid HR attribute is supplied.") else: return #TODO: return plot else: raise ValueError("Invalid input to `return`")