Azure Kinect Sensor SDK  refs/heads/master
Documentation for

◆ DepthImageToColorCameraCustom()

void Microsoft.Azure.Kinect.Sensor.Transformation.DepthImageToColorCameraCustom ( Image  depth,
Image  custom,
Image  transformedDepth,
Image  transformedCustom,
TransformationInterpolationType  interpolationType,
uint  invalidCustomValue 

Transforms a depth Image and a custom Image from the depth camera perspective to the color camera perspective.

depthDepth image to transform.
customCustom image to transform.
transformedDepthAn transformed depth image to hold the output.
transformedCustomAn transformed custom image to hold the output.
interpolationTypeParameter that controls how pixels in custom image should be interpolated when transformed to color camera space.
invalidCustomValueDefines the custom image pixel value that should be written to transformedCustom in case the corresponding depth pixel can not be transformed into the color camera space.

The transformedDepth Image must be of the resolution of the color camera, and of the pixel format of the depth image. The transformedCustom Image must be of the resolution of the color camera, and of the pixel format of the custom image.