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FLOW2 Objects

class FLOW2(Searcher)

Local search algorithm FLOW2, with adaptive step size.


def __init__(init_config: dict, metric: Optional[str] = None, mode: Optional[str] = None, space: Optional[dict] = None, resource_attr: Optional[str] = None, min_resource: Optional[float] = None, max_resource: Optional[float] = None, resource_multiple_factor: Optional[float] = None, cost_attr: Optional[str] = "time_total_s", seed: Optional[int] = 20, lexico_objectives=None)



  • init_config - a dictionary of a partial or full initial config, e.g., from a subset of controlled dimensions to the initial low-cost values. E.g., {'epochs': 1}.
  • metric - A string of the metric name to optimize for.
  • mode - A string in ['min', 'max'] to specify the objective as minimization or maximization.
  • space - A dictionary to specify the search space.
  • resource_attr - A string to specify the resource dimension and the best performance is assumed to be at the max_resource.
  • min_resource - A float of the minimal resource to use for the resource_attr.
  • max_resource - A float of the maximal resource to use for the resource_attr.
  • resource_multiple_factor - A float of the multiplicative factor used for increasing resource.
  • cost_attr - A string of the attribute used for cost.
  • seed - An integer of the random seed.
  • lexico_objectives - dict, default=None | It specifics information needed to perform multi-objective optimization with lexicographic preferences. When lexico_objectives is not None, the arguments metric, mode will be invalid. This dictionary shall contain the following fields of key-value pairs:
    • "metrics": a list of optimization objectives with the orders reflecting the priorities/preferences of the objectives.
    • "modes" (optional): a list of optimization modes (each mode either "min" or "max") corresponding to the objectives in the metric list. If not provided, we use "min" as the default mode for all the objectives
    • "targets" (optional): a dictionary to specify the optimization targets on the objectives. The keys are the metric names (provided in "metric"), and the values are the numerical target values.
    • "tolerances" (optional): a dictionary to specify the optimality tolerances on objectives. The keys are the metric names (provided in "metrics"), and the values are the absolute/percentage tolerance in the form of numeric/string. E.g.,
    lexico_objectives = {
  • "metrics" - ["error_rate", "pred_time"],
  • "modes" - ["min", "min"],
  • "tolerances" - {"error_rate": 0.01, "pred_time": 0.0},
  • "targets" - {"error_rate": 0.0}, }
    We also support percentage tolerance.
    lexico_objectives = {
  • "metrics" - ["error_rate", "pred_time"],
  • "modes" - ["min", "min"],
  • "tolerances" - {"error_rate": "5%", "pred_time": "0%"},
  • "targets" - {"error_rate": 0.0}, }


def complete_config(partial_config: Dict, lower: Optional[Dict] = None, upper: Optional[Dict] = None) -> Tuple[Dict, Dict]

Generate a complete config from the partial config input.

Add minimal resource to config if available.


def normalize(config, recursive=False) -> Dict

normalize each dimension in config to [0,1].


def denormalize(config)

denormalize each dimension in config from [0,1].


def on_trial_complete(trial_id: str, result: Optional[Dict] = None, error: bool = False)

Compare with incumbent. If better, move, reset num_complete and num_proposed. If not better and num_complete >= 2*dim, num_allowed += 2.


def on_trial_result(trial_id: str, result: Dict)

Early update of incumbent.


def suggest(trial_id: str) -> Optional[Dict]

Suggest a new config, one of the following cases:

  1. same incumbent, increase resource.
  2. same resource, move from the incumbent to a random direction.
  3. same resource, move from the incumbent to the opposite direction.


def can_suggest() -> bool

Can't suggest if 2*dim configs have been proposed for the incumbent while fewer are completed.


def config_signature(config, space: Dict = None) -> tuple

Return the signature tuple of a config.


def converged() -> bool

Whether the local search has converged.


def reach(other: Searcher) -> bool

whether the incumbent can reach the incumbent of other.