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def check_spark()

Check if Spark is installed and running. Result of the function will be cached since test once is enough. As lru_cache will not cache exceptions, we don't raise exceptions here but only log a warning message.


Return (True, None) if the check passes, otherwise log the exception message and return (False, Exception(msg)). The exception can be raised by the caller.


def get_n_cpus(node="driver")

Get the number of CPU cores of the given type of node.


  • node - string | The type of node to get the number of cores. Can be 'driver' or 'executor'. Default is 'driver'.


An int of the number of CPU cores.


def with_parameters(trainable, **kwargs)

Wrapper for trainables to pass arbitrary large data objects.

This wrapper function will store all passed parameters in the Spark Broadcast variable.


  • trainable - Trainable to wrap.
  • **kwargs - parameters to store in object store.


A new function with partial application of the given arguments and keywords. The given arguments and keywords will be broadcasted to all the executors.

import pyspark
import flaml
from sklearn.datasets import load_iris
def train(config, data=None):
if isinstance(data, pyspark.broadcast.Broadcast):
data = data.value
print(config, data)

data = load_iris()
with_parameters_train = flaml.tune.spark.utils.with_parameters(train, data=data)
train(config={"metric": "accuracy"})


def broadcast_code(custom_code="", file_name="mylearner")

Write customized learner/metric code contents to a file for importing. It is necessary for using the customized learner/metric in spark backend. The path of the learner/metric file will be returned.


  • custom_code - str, default="" | code contents of the custom learner/metric.
  • file_name - str, default="mylearner" | file name of the custom learner/metric.


The path of the custom code file.

from flaml.tune.spark.utils import broadcast_code
from flaml.automl.model import LGBMEstimator

custom_code = '''
from flaml.automl.model import LGBMEstimator
from flaml import tune

class MyLargeLGBM(LGBMEstimator):
def search_space(cls, **params):
return {
"n_estimators": {
"domain": tune.lograndint(lower=4, upper=32768),
"init_value": 32768,
"low_cost_init_value": 4,
"num_leaves": {
"domain": tune.lograndint(lower=4, upper=32768),
"init_value": 32768,
"low_cost_init_value": 4,

from flaml.tune.spark.mylearner import MyLargeLGBM
assert isinstance(MyLargeLGBM(), LGBMEstimator)


def get_broadcast_data(broadcast_data)

Get the broadcast data from the broadcast variable.


  • broadcast_data - pyspark.broadcast.Broadcast | the broadcast variable.


The broadcast data.

PySparkOvertimeMonitor Objects

class PySparkOvertimeMonitor()

A context manager class to monitor if the PySpark job is overtime.


with PySparkOvertimeMonitor(time_start, time_budget_s, force_cancel, parallel=parallel):
results = parallel(
for trial_to_run in trials_to_run


def __init__(start_time, time_budget_s, force_cancel=False, cancel_func=None, parallel=None, sc=None)


Specify the time budget and start time of the PySpark job, and specify how to cancel them.


Args relate to monitoring:

  • start_time - float | The start time of the PySpark job.

  • time_budget_s - float | The time budget of the PySpark job in seconds.

  • force_cancel - boolean, default=False | Whether to forcely cancel the PySpark job if overtime.

    Args relate to how to cancel the PySpark job: (Only one of the following args will work. Priorities from top to bottom)

  • cancel_func - function | A function to cancel the PySpark job.

  • parallel - joblib.parallel.Parallel | Specify this if using joblib_spark as a parallel backend. It will call parallel._backend.terminate() to cancel the jobs.

  • sc - pyspark.SparkContext object | You can pass a specific SparkContext.

    If all three args is None, the monitor will call pyspark.SparkContext.getOrCreate().cancelAllJobs() to cancel the jobs.


def __enter__()

Enter the context manager. This will start a monitor thread if spark is available and force_cancel is True.


def __exit__(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)

Exit the context manager. This will wait for the monitor thread to nicely exit.