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4. Test Power Platform CLI


You will import the current solution and use this to start your work. You will also add a column to a table and modifying the app to use it. You will also configure and test the Power Platform CLI.

In Exercise 4 you will learn and test the Power Platform CLI.

4.1 Test the Power Platform CLI​

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.
  2. Select the Power Platform tab and click Add Auth Profile.

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  1. The sign in popup should appear.

  2. Provide your credentials and sign in.

  3. Right click on the auth profile you created and select Name/Rename Auth profile.

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  1. Type Dev Auth and ENTER.

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  1. You should now have at least one auth profile. If you have more than profile, make sure the profile you created is selected.

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  1. Go to the Environments & Solutions pane and expand the environment you are using for this lab.
  2. You should see all the solutions in the environment.

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  1. Right click on the dev environment you created and select copy the Environment Url.

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  1. Click Terminal and select New Terminal.

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  1. Run the command below to select the dev environment. Replace [YOUR ENVIRONEMNT URL] with the environment URL you copied.
pac org select --environment [YOUR ENVIRONMENT URL]

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  1. Run the command below to see list of solutions.
pac solution list

🤖 Note: You should see list of solutions installed on your environment.

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