Source code for olive.passes.pytorch.lora

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Based on original implementation at
# LoRA:
# QLoRA:
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
import dataclasses
import logging
import os
import tempfile
from abc import abstractmethod
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, ClassVar, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import transformers
from packaging import version

from olive.common.config_utils import ConfigBase, NestedConfig
from olive.common.hf.utils import get_peft_task_type_from_task
from olive.common.pydantic_v1 import Field, validator
from olive.common.utils import find_submodules, resolve_torch_dtype
from import DataConfig
from import IGNORE_INDEX
from olive.hardware.accelerator import AcceleratorSpec
from olive.model import HfModelHandler
from olive.model.config.hf_config import HfLoadKwargs
from olive.passes import Pass
from olive.passes.olive_pass import PassConfigParam

    from peft import PeftModel
    from transformers import PreTrainedModel, PreTrainedTokenizer

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)


# pylint: disable=unused-import

# ruff: noqa: B010
# creating a Config class since transformers.TrainingArguments is a dataclass
# pydantic handles dataclasses differently and causes issues with validation
# this also allows us to handle and validate extra_args better
[docs]class HFTrainingArguments(NestedConfig): """Training arguments for transformers.Trainer. Has the same fields as transformers.TrainingArguments with recommended default values for QLoRA fine-tuning. """ _nested_field_name = "extra_args" seed: int = Field(42, description="Random seed for initialization.") data_seed: int = Field(42, description="Random seed to be used with data samplers.") optim: str = Field("paged_adamw_32bit", description="The optimizer to use.") per_device_train_batch_size: int = Field(1, description="The batch size per GPU for training.") per_device_eval_batch_size: int = Field(1, description="The batch size per GPU for evaluation.") gradient_accumulation_steps: int = Field( 16, description=( "Number of updates steps to accumulate the gradients for, before performing a backward/update pass." ), ) max_steps: int = Field(10000, description="The total number of training steps to perform.") # use lora dropout instead for regularization if needed weight_decay: float = Field(0.0, description="The L2 weight decay rate of AdamW") learning_rate: float = Field(0.0002, description="The initial learning rate for AdamW.") gradient_checkpointing: bool = Field(True, description="Use gradient checkpointing. Recommended.") lr_scheduler_type: str = Field( "constant", description="Learning rate schedule. Constant a bit better than cosine, and has advantage for analysis.", ) warmup_ratio: float = Field(0.03, description="Fraction of steps to do a warmup for.") logging_steps: int = Field(10, description="Number of update steps between two logs.") evaluation_strategy: str = Field( "no", description="The evaluation strategy to use. Will be forced to 'no' if there is no eval dataset." ) eval_steps: float = Field( None, description=( "Number of update steps between two evaluations if `evaluation_strategy='steps'`. Will default to the same" " value as `logging_steps` if not set" ), ) group_by_length: bool = Field( True, description="Whether or not to group samples of roughly the same length together when batching." ) report_to: Union[str, List[str]] = Field( "none", description="The list of integrations to report the results and logs to." ) output_dir: str = Field(None, description="The output dir for logs and checkpoints. If None, will use a temp dir.") overwrite_output_dir: bool = Field( False, description=( "If True, overwrite the content of output_dir. Otherwise, will continue training if `output_dir` points to" " a checkpoint directory." ), ) resume_from_checkpoint: str = Field( None, description=( "The path to a folder with a valid checkpoint for the model. Supercedes any checkpoint found in output_dir." ), ) extra_args: Dict[str, Any] = Field( None, description=( "Extra arguments to pass to the trainer. Values can be provided directly to this field as a dict or as" " keyword arguments to the config. See transformers.TrainingArguments for more details on the available" " arguments." ), ) @validator("extra_args", pre=True, always=True) def validate_extra_args(cls, v): if v is None: v = {} # make sure extra args are fields of transformers.Trainer training_args_fields = { for f in dataclasses.fields(transformers.TrainingArguments) if f.init} # use_module_with_loss is a field of optimum.onnxruntime.ORTTrainingArguments training_args_fields.add("use_module_with_loss") for k in list(v): # need a copy of the keys since we are mutating the dict if k == "fp16": logger.warning("Extra arg %s is not allowed. Please use `torch_dtype` instead.", k) del v[k] elif k not in training_args_fields: logger.warning("Extra arg %s is not a field of transformers.TrainingArguments. Ignoring.", k) del v[k] return v
[docs] def create_training_args(self, use_ort_trainer: bool) -> transformers.TrainingArguments: args = self.dict() if not args["output_dir"]: raise ValueError("output_dir must be provided.") extra_args = args.pop("extra_args") if use_ort_trainer: from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTTrainingArguments training_args_cls = ORTTrainingArguments else: training_args_cls = transformers.TrainingArguments if "use_module_with_loss" in extra_args: logger.warning("use_module_with_loss is not supported by transformers.TrainingArguments. Ignoring.") extra_args.pop("use_module_with_loss") return training_args_cls(**args, **extra_args)
class LoRABase(Pass): """Base class for LoRA and QLoRA fine-tuning passes.""" # these are the attributes of the model (from hf model config) that will be overwritten by the pass # values from the input model will be ignored and new values will be set based on the pass config model_overwrites: ClassVar[tuple] = ("torch_dtype", "device_map") @classmethod def _default_config(cls, accelerator_spec: AcceleratorSpec) -> Dict[str, PassConfigParam]: return { "use_ort_trainer": PassConfigParam( type_=bool, default_value=False, description="Whether or not to use ORTTrainer." ), "ortmodule_onnx_opset_version": PassConfigParam( type_=int, default_value=16, description=( "The opset version to use for ONNX export when using ORTTrainer. Only used if use_ort_trainer is" " True. 16+ is required when using bfloat16 and model has operators such as Where." ), ), "lora_r": PassConfigParam(type_=int, default_value=64, description="Lora attention dimension."), "lora_alpha": PassConfigParam( type_=float, default_value=16, description="The alpha parameter for Lora scaling." ), "lora_dropout": PassConfigParam( type_=float, default_value=0.0, description="The dropout probability for Lora layers." ), "bias": PassConfigParam(type_=str, default_value="none", description="Bias type for Lora"), "modules_to_save": PassConfigParam( type_=None, default_value=None, description=( "List of modules apart from LoRA layers to be set as trainable and saved in the final checkpoint." ), ), "torch_dtype": PassConfigParam( type_=str, default_value="bfloat16", description=( "Data type to use for training. Should be one of `bfloat16`, `float16` or `float32`. If `float16`" " will use fp16 mixed-precision training." ), ), "allow_tf32": PassConfigParam( type_=bool, default_value=True, description=( "Whether or not to allow TF32 on Ampere GPUs. " "Can be used to speed up training. For more information, " "see ''" ), ), # data parameters "train_data_config": PassConfigParam( type_=Union[DataConfig, Dict], required=True, description=( "Data config for fine-tuning training. If `eval_data_config` is not provided and" " `eval_dataset_size` is not None, the data will be split into train and eval. Otherwise, the data" " will be used for training only." ), ), "eval_data_config": PassConfigParam( type_=Union[DataConfig, Dict], description=( "Data config for fine-tuning evaluation. Optional if `eval_dataset_size` is provided or evaluation" " is not needed." ), ), "eval_dataset_size": PassConfigParam( type_=float, default_value=None, description=( "Size of the validation dataset. Should be either positive and smaller than the number of train" " sample or a float in the (0, 1) range. If `eval_data_config` is provided, this parameter will be" " ignored." ), ), # training parameters "training_args": PassConfigParam( type_=Union[HFTrainingArguments, Dict], default_value=None, description=( "Training arguments. If None, will use default arguments. See HFTrainingArguments for more details." ), ), } def validate_search_point( self, search_point: Dict[str, Any], accelerator_spec: AcceleratorSpec, with_fixed_value: bool = False ) -> bool: if with_fixed_value: search_point = self.config_at_search_point(search_point or {}) if search_point.get("use_ort_trainer") and search_point.get("training_args", {}).get("gradient_checkpointing"): "gradient_checkpointing is not supported by onnxruntime-training. Please set gradient_checkpointing" " to False." ) return False return True @classmethod def check_dependencies(cls, config: ConfigBase, is_qlora: bool = False): """Check dependencies for the pass.""" if config.use_ort_trainer: # check for ort trainer dependencies try: from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTTrainer # noqa: F401 from optimum.onnxruntime.utils import is_onnxruntime_training_available from torch_ort import ORTModule # noqa: F401 assert is_onnxruntime_training_available(), "onnxruntime-training is not available." except (ImportError, AssertionError): raise ImportError( "Please install `olive-ai[optimum,ort-training]` or `onnxruntime-training optimum torch-ort` to use" f" {cls.__name__} pass with use_ort_trainer=True." ) from None # check if model uses bfloat16 uses_bf16 = cls.get_torch_dtype(config.torch_dtype) == torch.bfloat16 if is_qlora and config.compute_dtype: # qlora compute dtype might be different from torch dtype uses_bf16 |= cls.get_torch_dtype(config.compute_dtype) == torch.bfloat16 from onnxruntime import __version__ as OrtVersion # onnxruntime-training doesn't support bfloat16 fully until 1.17.0 if uses_bf16 and version.parse(OrtVersion) < version.parse("1.17.0"): raise ImportError( f"Please install onnxruntime >= 1.17.0 to use {cls.__name__} with bfloat16 and" " use_ort_trainer=True." ) assert config.ortmodule_onnx_opset_version > 0, "ortmodule_onnx_opset_version must be a positive integer." # ops such as Where only support bfloat16 from opset 16 if uses_bf16 and config.ortmodule_onnx_opset_version < 16: logger.warning( "ortmodule_onnx_opset_version is %d but training with bfloat16" " might not work properly with opset versions < 16", config.ortmodule_onnx_opset_version, ) os.environ["ORTMODULE_ONNX_OPSET_VERSION"] = str(config.ortmodule_onnx_opset_version) # bitsandbytes quantization only supported after transformers 4.30.0 if is_qlora and version.parse(transformers.__version__) < version.parse("4.30.0"): raise ImportError(f"Please install transformers >= 4.30.0 to use {cls.__name__} pass.") if config.training_args: # check if output_dir is a valid directory # must be a directory with checkpoints output_dir = config.training_args.output_dir if config.training_args.overwrite_output_dir or not output_dir or not Path(output_dir).exists(): return # find the last checkpoint in output_dir checkpoint = transformers.trainer_utils.get_last_checkpoint(output_dir) if not checkpoint and len(list(Path(output_dir).iterdir())) > 0: raise ValueError( f"Output directory ({output_dir}) already exists and is not empty. Set overwrite_output_dir to True" " to overwrite or provide a new output_dir." ) @staticmethod def collate_batch(batch: List[Dict], tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer") -> Dict[str, torch.Tensor]: """Collate a batch of samples into a padded batch of tensors. Add padding to the input_ids, attention_mask and labels. """ from torch.nn.utils.rnn import pad_sequence input_ids = [sample["input_ids"] for sample in batch] attention_mask = None if "attention_mask" in batch[0]: attention_mask = [sample["attention_mask"] for sample in batch] label_col = "labels" if "labels" in batch[0] else "label" if label_col not in batch[0]: raise ValueError("Batch does not contain 'labels' or 'label' column.") labels = [sample[label_col] for sample in batch] # apply padding and add to batch new_batch = { "input_ids": pad_sequence(input_ids, batch_first=True, padding_value=tokenizer.pad_token_id), "labels": pad_sequence(labels, batch_first=True, padding_value=IGNORE_INDEX), } if attention_mask: new_batch["attention_mask"] = pad_sequence(attention_mask, batch_first=True, padding_value=0) return new_batch @staticmethod def get_datasets( config: ConfigBase, ) -> tuple: """Load training and evaluation datasets.""" train_data_config = config.train_data_config eval_data_config = config.eval_data_config eval_dataset_size = config.eval_dataset_size # load training dataset train_data_container = train_data_config.to_data_container() train_dataset = train_data_container.pre_process(train_data_container.load_dataset()) train_dataset = train_dataset.to_hf_dataset(label_name="labels") # load evaluation dataset if needed if eval_data_config: # eval data config has been provided eval_data_container = eval_data_config.to_data_container() eval_dataset = eval_data_container.pre_process(eval_data_container.load_dataset()) eval_dataset = eval_dataset.to_hf_dataset(label_name="labels") elif eval_dataset_size: if eval_dataset_size >= 1: # when eval_dataset_size is an integer, it is the number of samples eval_dataset_size = int(eval_dataset_size) # eval data config has not been provided, but eval_dataset_size has been provided split_data = train_dataset.train_test_split( test_size=eval_dataset_size, shuffle=True, seed=config.training_args.data_seed ) train_dataset = split_data["train"] eval_dataset = split_data["test"] else: # eval data config has not been provided, and eval_dataset_size has not been provided eval_dataset = None return train_dataset, eval_dataset @staticmethod def prepare_model_for_lora_finetuning( model: "PreTrainedModel", use_gradient_checkpointing: bool ) -> "PreTrainedModel": """Prepare the model for fine-tuning. Freeze base model's layers and prepare model for gradient checkpointing if necessary. Similar to peft.prepare_model_for_kbit_training but no casting to fp32 and gradient checkpointing is also supported for non-quantized models. :param model: The Hugging Face PyTorch model to prepare for fine-tuning. :param use_gradient_checkpointing: Whether to use gradient checkpointing. :return: The prepared model. """ for param in model.parameters(): # freeze base model's layers param.requires_grad = False if use_gradient_checkpointing: # For backward compatibility if hasattr(model, "enable_input_require_grads"): model.enable_input_require_grads() else: def make_inputs_require_grad(module_, input_, output_): output_.requires_grad_(True) model.get_input_embeddings().register_forward_hook(make_inputs_require_grad) # enable gradient checkpointing for memory efficiency model.gradient_checkpointing_enable() return model def create_and_load_new_model( self, model_handler: HfModelHandler, config: ConfigBase, **kwargs ) -> Tuple[HfModelHandler, "PreTrainedModel"]: """Clone the input model handler and update the model load_kwargs. :param model_handler: The input model handler. :param config: The config for the pass run. :param kwargs: Additional arguments to update load_kwargs with. :return: The new model handler and the new loaded pytorch model. """ # don't want the original loaded model # also frees gpu memory if original model is on gpu model_handler.model = None if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # create copy of the input model, will modify this model # also resets adapter_path new_model_handler = self.input_model_check(deepcopy(model_handler)) torch_dtype = self.get_torch_dtype(config.torch_dtype) # will use mixed precision since full fp16 is unstable model_dtype = torch_dtype if torch_dtype != torch.float16 else torch.float32 # load model, reset load_kwargs and adapter_path load_kwargs = new_model_handler.load_kwargs.dict() if new_model_handler.load_kwargs else {} load_kwargs.update( { "torch_dtype": model_dtype, # TODO(jambayk): Worry about `use_multi_gpu` and distributed training later # "auto": uses all available GPUs, model parallel # ORTTrainer falls back to pytorch when model parallel is used # None: maps to cpu for non-quantized models, first gpu for quantized models "device_map": "auto" if not config.use_ort_trainer else None, } ) # overwrite load_kwargs with kwargs load_kwargs.update(kwargs) new_model_handler.load_kwargs = HfLoadKwargs(**load_kwargs) pytorch_model = new_model_handler.load_model() pytorch_model.config.torch_dtype = model_dtype return new_model_handler, pytorch_model def init_lora_adapters( self, model: "PreTrainedModel", task: str, config: ConfigBase, target_modules: Optional[List[str]] = None, use_loftq: Optional[bool] = False, ) -> "PeftModel": """Initialize LoRA adapters. :param model: The Hugging Face PyTorch model to add LoRA adapters to. :param task: The task type of the model. :param config: The config for the pass run. :param target_modules: List of modules to target for LoRA fine-tuning. :param use_loftq: Whether to use LoftQ to initialize weights. :return: The LoRA model. """ from peft import LoraConfig, get_peft_model lora_config_kwargs = {} if use_loftq: from peft import LoftQConfig lora_config_kwargs = { "init_lora_weights": "loftq", "loftq_config": LoftQConfig(loftq_bits=4, loftq_iter=config.loftq_iter), } peft_task_type = get_peft_task_type_from_task(task, fail_on_not_found=True) lora_config = LoraConfig( r=config.lora_r, lora_alpha=config.lora_alpha, lora_dropout=config.lora_dropout, target_modules=target_modules, bias=config.bias, task_type=peft_task_type, modules_to_save=config.modules_to_save, **lora_config_kwargs, ) return get_peft_model(model, lora_config) def enable_lora( self, model: "PreTrainedModel", tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", task: str, config: ConfigBase, adapter_path: Optional[str] = None, target_modules: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> "PeftModel": """Enable LoRA fine-tuning on a Hugging Face PyTorch model. Add padding token to tokenizer and resize model embedding layer if needed. Prepare model for fine-tuning by freezing master weights and enabling gradient checkpointing if needed. Load or initialize LoRA adapters. :param model: The Hugging Face PyTorch model to enable LoRA fine-tuning on. :param tokenizer: The tokenizer for the model. :param task: The task type of the model. :param config: The config for the pass run. :param adapter_path: Path to the adapter weights. If None, will initialize new adapters. :param target_modules: List of modules to target for LoRA fine-tuning. Only used if adapter_path is None. :return: The LoRA model. """ from peft import PeftModel from peft.tuners.lora import LoraLayer logger.debug("Enabling LoRA fine-tuning") # if there is no pad token, add to tokenizer and model # TODO(jambayk): Do this in a better way since the embedding size might become unoptimal # (not a multiple of 64, etc) perhaps use eos_token as pad_token, but need to ensure the actual eos_token # at the end of the sequence is not masked (both in attention mask and loss calculation) if not tokenizer.pad_token_id: self.smart_tokenizer_and_embedding_resize( special_tokens_dict={"pad_token": DEFAULT_PAD_TOKEN}, tokenizer=tokenizer, model=model ) if config.training_args.gradient_checkpointing and not model.supports_gradient_checkpointing: logger.warning( "gradient_checkpointing is True, but model does not support gradient checkpointing! Setting" " gradient_checkpoing to False" ) config.training_args.gradient_checkpointing = False model = self.prepare_model_for_lora_finetuning(model, config.training_args.gradient_checkpointing) # set model_parallel and is_parallelizable to True # we are using "auto" device_map, so model_parallel is True or doing DDP # don't want the trainer to do Data Parallel setattr(model, "model_parallel", True) setattr(model, "is_parallelizable", True) logger.debug( "The number of trainable parameters in the original model: %s", self.count_trainable_parameters(model) ) if not adapter_path: logger.debug("Initializing LoRA adapters from config") lora_model = self.init_lora_adapters(model, task, config, target_modules=target_modules) else: logger.debug("Loading LoRA adapters from %s", adapter_path) lora_model = PeftModel.from_pretrained(model, adapter_path, is_trainable=True) logger.debug( "The number of trainable parameters in the LoRA model: %s", self.count_trainable_parameters(lora_model) ) # cast lora modules to model's dtype, should be same as torch_dtype for module in lora_model.modules(): if isinstance(module, LoraLayer): return lora_model def train_and_save_new_model( self, model: "PeftModel", tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", config: ConfigBase, output_model: HfModelHandler, output_model_path: str, ) -> HfLoadKwargs: """Train and save the new model. The fine-tuned adapter weights will be saved and updated in the output model handler. :param model: The prepared LoRA model to train. :param tokenizer: The tokenizer for the model. :param config: The config for the pass run. :param output_model: The output model handler. :param output_model_path: The path to save the output model to. :return: The output model handler. """ if torch.cuda.is_available(): allow_tf32 = torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = config.allow_tf32 # get datasets train_dataset, eval_dataset = self.get_datasets(config) # get training arguments if config.training_args.evaluation_strategy is None and eval_dataset is not None: "evaluation_strategy is None, but eval_dataset is not None. Please set evaluation_strategy if" " evaluation is needed while training." ) elif config.training_args.evaluation_strategy is not None and eval_dataset is None: logger.warning( "evaluation_strategy is not None, but eval_dataset is None. Setting evaluation_strategy to 'no'." ) config.training_args.evaluation_strategy = "no" # We always create a temp dir even if output_dir is provided because we want the temp dir to be deleted # after training or if there is an error # With a context manager, the temp dir will be deleted automatically as soon as the context is exited or # there is an error # If we do `tmp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="olive_tmp")` and there is an error before # cleanup or run returns (tmp_dir goes out of scopt), the temp dir will not be deleted until the the exception # is handled by the caller (after try except) or the program exits # Plus the cleanup after error doesn't work as expected with notebooks with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory(prefix="olive_tmp") as temp_dir: checkpoint = config.training_args.resume_from_checkpoint if not config.training_args.output_dir:"No training_args.output_dir provided. Using a temp dir.") config.training_args.output_dir = temp_dir # set save_total_limit to 1 since the temp dir will be deleted after training config.training_args.extra_args["save_total_limit"] = 1 elif ( not checkpoint and not config.training_args.overwrite_output_dir and Path(config.training_args.output_dir).exists() ): # find the last checkpoint in output_dir checkpoint = transformers.trainer_utils.get_last_checkpoint(config.training_args.output_dir) if checkpoint: "Checkpoint detected in output_dir. Resuming training at %s. To avoid this behavior and train" " from scratch, change `output_dir` or set `overwrite_output_dir` to True.", checkpoint, ) if self.get_torch_dtype(config.torch_dtype) == torch.float16: # use fp16 mixed precision training config.training_args.extra_args["fp16"] = True # create training args logger.debug("Training args: %s", config.training_args.dict()) trainer_cls = transformers.Trainer if config.use_ort_trainer: from optimum.onnxruntime import ORTTrainer trainer_cls = ORTTrainer # there is a bug in accelerate where it assumes 4bit models on multiple gpus cannot be trained but it is # not the case. refer to for more details # we will force the accelerator to use the first device using the ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE env variable # only catches the bug on aml compute with multiple gpus where the model has no weights on device 0 for # some reason # TODO(jambayk): add a version check when the fix is released accelerate_torch_device = os.environ.get("ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE", None) try: # using a try finally block in case the environment variable is used elsewhere first_device = next(iter(set(model.hf_device_map.values()))) first_device_index = first_device.index if isinstance(first_device, torch.device) else first_device os.environ["ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE"] = f"cuda:{first_device_index}" logger.debug("ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE set to: %s", os.environ["ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE"]) # get trainer' trainer = trainer_cls( model=model, tokenizer=tokenizer, args=config.training_args.create_training_args(config.use_ort_trainer), train_dataset=train_dataset, eval_dataset=eval_dataset, data_collator=partial(self.collate_batch, tokenizer=tokenizer), ) # TODO(jambayk): trainer callback for saving might be needed for DDP training # worry about this later # train"Running fine-tuning") train_result = trainer.train(resume_from_checkpoint=checkpoint) logger.debug("train_result: %s", train_result) finally: if accelerate_torch_device is not None: os.environ["ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE"] = accelerate_torch_device else: os.environ.pop("ACCELERATE_TORCH_DEVICE", None) if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.backends.cuda.matmul.allow_tf32 = allow_tf32 # lgtm # save adapter weights adapter_path = Path(output_model_path) / "adapter" adapter_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # don't save embedding layers since only adapter weights are trained # if we don't provide as False, it defaults to "auto" which checks if the vocab size changed model.save_pretrained(adapter_path, save_embedding_layers=False) # remove loaded model output_model.model = None del model if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.empty_cache() # remove the device map since we don't want "auto" device map output_model.load_kwargs.device_map = None # remove model_overwrites from model_attributes if output_model.model_attributes: for k in self.model_overwrites: output_model.model_attributes.pop(k, None) # set adapter_path output_model.set_resource("adapter_path", adapter_path) return output_model @staticmethod def smart_tokenizer_and_embedding_resize( special_tokens_dict: Dict, tokenizer: "PreTrainedTokenizer", model: "PreTrainedModel" ): """Resize the tokenizer and the model embedding layer to take into account new special tokens. NOTE: This is only used to ensure we have a pad token. The new embeddings don't get training signals the pad tokens are masked out in the attention mask and loss calculation. Moreover, only the adapter weights are set as trainable and saved in the final checkpoint. """ # resize tokenizer num_new_tokens = tokenizer.add_special_tokens(special_tokens_dict) # resize model embedding layer model.resize_token_embeddings(len(tokenizer)) if num_new_tokens > 0:"Added %d new tokens to tokenizer and resized model embedding layer.", num_new_tokens) input_embeddings_data = model.get_input_embeddings() output_embeddings_data = model.get_output_embeddings() # average the embeddings of the pre-existing tokens input_embeddings_avg = input_embeddings_data[:-num_new_tokens].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) output_embeddings_avg = output_embeddings_data[:-num_new_tokens].mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # set the new embeddings to the average input_embeddings_data[-num_new_tokens:] = input_embeddings_avg output_embeddings_data[-num_new_tokens:] = output_embeddings_avg @staticmethod def get_torch_dtype(torch_dtype: str) -> torch.dtype: """Get the torch dtype from the string.""" supported_dtypes = ("bfloat16", "float16", "float32") assert torch_dtype in supported_dtypes, f"torch_dtype must be one of {supported_dtypes} but got {torch_dtype}" return resolve_torch_dtype(torch_dtype) @classmethod def input_model_check(cls, model: HfModelHandler) -> HfModelHandler: """Validate the input model and reset load_kwargs and adapter_path.""" # load model, reset load_kwargs and adapter_path load_kwargs = {} if model.load_kwargs: load_kwargs = model.load_kwargs.dict() for k in cls.model_overwrites: if load_kwargs.get(k) is not None: logger.warning( "Input model has load_kwargs. %s. Ignoring. %s will overwrite it based on the pass config.", k, cls.__name__, ) if model.get_resource("adapter_path"): logger.warning( "Input model has adapter_path. Ignoring. QLoRA will save the adapter weights to its own adapter_path." ) model.set_resource("adapter_path", None) return model @staticmethod def count_trainable_parameters(model) -> str: """Count and return the number of trainable parameters in a model.""" trainable_params = 0 all_param = 0 for param in model.parameters(): all_param += param.numel() if param.requires_grad: trainable_params += param.numel() return ( f"trainable params: {trainable_params} || all params: {all_param} " f"|| trainable%: {100 * trainable_params / all_param:.2f}" ) class LoRA(LoRABase): """Run LoRA fine-tuning on a Hugging Face PyTorch model.""" @classmethod def _default_config(cls, accelerator_spec: AcceleratorSpec) -> Dict[str, PassConfigParam]: config = { "target_modules": PassConfigParam(type_=List[str], default_value=None, description="Target modules"), } config.update(super()._default_config(accelerator_spec)) return config def _run_for_config(self, model: HfModelHandler, config: Dict[str, Any], output_model_path: str) -> HfModelHandler: # convert config to pass config class # this will validate the config and convert to the correct types config = self._config_class(**config) # check dependencies self.check_dependencies(config) # use default training args if not provided config.training_args = config.training_args or HFTrainingArguments() # get new model new_model_handler, pytorch_model = self.create_and_load_new_model(model, config) if torch.cuda.is_available() and pytorch_model.model.device.type == "cpu": # put the model on GPU since model was loaded on CPU with device_map=None"cuda") # tokenizer tokenizer = new_model_handler.get_hf_tokenizer() # add lora modules pytorch_model = self.enable_lora( pytorch_model, tokenizer, new_model_handler.task, config, target_modules=config.target_modules ) # train and return new model return self.train_and_save_new_model(pytorch_model, tokenizer, config, new_model_handler, output_model_path) class QLoRABase(LoRABase): """Base class for QLoRA and LoftQ fine-tuning passes.""" model_overwrites: ClassVar[tuple] = ("torch_dtype", "device_map", "quantization_method", "quantization_config") @classmethod def _default_config(cls, accelerator_spec: AcceleratorSpec) -> Dict[str, PassConfigParam]: config = { # quantization parameters "compute_dtype": PassConfigParam( type_=str, description=( "Computation data type for the quantized modules. If not provided, will use the same dtype as" " torch_dtype" ), ) } config.update(super()._default_config(accelerator_spec)) return config def _run_for_config(self, model: HfModelHandler, config: Dict[str, Any], output_model_path: str) -> HfModelHandler: # convert config to pass config class # this will validate the config and convert to the correct types config = self._config_class(**config) # check dependencies self.check_dependencies(config, is_qlora=True) # MatMulBnb4 contrib op doesn't support double quantization so the trainer falls back to PythonOp # which uses more memory and is slower if config.use_ort_trainer and getattr(config, "double_quant", False): logger.warning( "double_quant is set to True but it is inefficient with onnxruntime-training! Consider setting it to" " False." ) # use default training args if not provided config.training_args = config.training_args or HFTrainingArguments() # get models and tokenizer new_model_handler, pytorch_model, tokenizer, quantized_modules = self.get_tokenizer( model, config, output_model_path ) # train and get new model output_model = self.train_and_save_new_model( pytorch_model, tokenizer, config, new_model_handler, output_model_path ) # add quantized_modules attributes output_model.model_attributes["quantized_modules"] = quantized_modules return output_model @abstractmethod def get_tokenizer( self, model: HfModelHandler, config: ConfigBase, output_model_path: str ) -> Tuple[HfModelHandler, "PreTrainedModel", "PreTrainedTokenizer", List[str]]: """Get the model handler, LoRA model and tokenizer for fine-tuning.""" raise NotImplementedError class QLoRA(QLoRABase): """Run QLoRA fine-tuning on a Hugging Face PyTorch model.""" @classmethod def _default_config(cls, accelerator_spec: AcceleratorSpec) -> Dict[str, PassConfigParam]: config = { # quantization parameters "double_quant": PassConfigParam( type_=bool, default_value=False, description=( "Whether to use nested quantization where the quantization constants from the first quantization" " are quantized again." ), ), "quant_type": PassConfigParam( type_=str, default_value="nf4", description="Quantization data type to use. Should be one of `fp4` or `nf4`.", ), } config.update(super()._default_config(accelerator_spec)) return config def get_tokenizer( self, model: HfModelHandler, config: ConfigBase, output_model_path: str ) -> Tuple[HfModelHandler, "PreTrainedModel", "PreTrainedTokenizer", List[str]]: """Get the model handler, LoRA model and tokenizer for QLoRA fine-tuning. :param model: The input model handler. :param config: The config for the pass run. :param output_model_path: The path to save the output model to. :return: The new model handler, LoRA model, tokenizer and list of quantized modules. """ import bitsandbytes as bnb # get new model bnb_quant_config = { "quantization_method": "bitsandbytes", "quantization_config": { "load_in_4bit": True, "bnb_4bit_compute_dtype": self.get_torch_dtype(config.compute_dtype or config.torch_dtype), "bnb_4bit_use_double_quant": config.double_quant, "bnb_4bit_quant_type": config.quant_type, }, } new_model_handler, pytorch_model = self.create_and_load_new_model(model, config, **bnb_quant_config) # find the quantized modules # this doesn't pick up the embedding layer and projection layer since those are not quantized # this is good since we don't want to touch those, LoRA might not work with input output embedding layers quantized_modules = find_submodules(pytorch_model, bnb.nn.Linear4bit) logger.debug("Quantized modules: %s", quantized_modules) # tokenizer tokenizer = new_model_handler.get_hf_tokenizer() # enable lora fine-tuning with new lora modules pytorch_model = self.enable_lora( pytorch_model, tokenizer, new_model_handler.task, config, target_modules=quantized_modules ) return new_model_handler, pytorch_model, tokenizer, quantized_modules class LoftQ(QLoRABase): """Run LoftQ fine-tuning on a Hugging Face PyTorch model.""" @classmethod def _default_config(cls, accelerator_spec: AcceleratorSpec) -> Dict[str, PassConfigParam]: config = { # quantization parameters "loftq_iter": PassConfigParam( type_=int, default_value=1, description="Number of LoftQ iterations.", ), } config.update(super()._default_config(accelerator_spec)) return config @classmethod def check_dependencies(cls, config: ConfigBase, is_qlora: bool = False): """Check dependencies for the pass.""" super().check_dependencies(config, is_qlora=is_qlora) from peft import __version__ as peft_version # LoftQ is only supported after peft 0.7.0 if version.parse(peft_version) < version.parse("0.7.0"): raise ImportError(f"Please install peft >= 0.7.0 to use {cls.__name__} pass.") def get_tokenizer( self, model: HfModelHandler, config: ConfigBase, output_model_path: str ) -> Tuple[HfModelHandler, "PreTrainedModel", "PreTrainedTokenizer", List[str]]: """Get the model handler, LoRA model and tokenizer for LoftQ fine-tuning. :param model: The input model handler. :param config: The config for the pass run. :param output_model_path: The path to save the output model to. :return: The new model handler, LoRA model, tokenizer and list of quantized modules. """ import bitsandbytes as bnb # get new quantized model bnb_quant_config = { "quantization_method": "bitsandbytes", "quantization_config": { "load_in_4bit": True, "bnb_4bit_compute_dtype": self.get_torch_dtype(config.compute_dtype or config.torch_dtype), "bnb_4bit_use_double_quant": False, "bnb_4bit_quant_type": "nf4", }, } new_model_handler, pytorch_model = self.create_and_load_new_model(model, config, **bnb_quant_config) # find the quantized modules quantized_modules = find_submodules(pytorch_model, bnb.nn.Linear4bit) logger.debug("Quantized modules: %s", quantized_modules) # only need the quantized module to find the quantized modules # delete quantized model to free memory del pytorch_model new_model_handler.model = None # get the original base model _, pytorch_model = self.create_and_load_new_model( model, config, device_map="auto", quantization_method=None, quantization_config=None ) # get loftq initialized lora model logger.debug("Initializing LoRA with LoftQ") pytorch_model = self.init_lora_adapters( pytorch_model, new_model_handler.task, config, quantized_modules, use_loftq=True ) # change adapter config since we don't want to apply loftq again pytorch_model.peft_config["default"].base_model_name_or_path = "../model" pytorch_model.peft_config["default"].init_lora_weights = True output_model_path = Path(output_model_path) # save the loftq initialized adapter weights loftq_init_adapter_path = output_model_path / "loftq_init_adapter" loftq_init_adapter_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) pytorch_model.save_pretrained(loftq_init_adapter_path) # unload adapter and get the base model with new weights pytorch_model: PreTrainedModel = pytorch_model.unload() # save the new master weights new_master_weights_path = output_model_path / "model" new_master_weights_path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) model.save_metadata(new_master_weights_path) pytorch_model.save_pretrained(new_master_weights_path) # update the model path in new model handler new_model_handler.set_resource("model_path", new_master_weights_path) # load the quantized model with new master weights pytorch_model: PreTrainedModel = new_model_handler.load_model() pytorch_model.config.torch_dtype = pytorch_model.dtype # tokenizer tokenizer = new_model_handler.get_hf_tokenizer() # enable lora fine-tuning with the loftq initialized adapter weights pytorch_model = self.enable_lora( pytorch_model, tokenizer, new_model_handler.task, config, adapter_path=loftq_init_adapter_path ) return new_model_handler, pytorch_model, tokenizer, quantized_modules