Parts Unlimited MRP Microservices

Parts Unlimited MRP Microservices is a fictional outsourced Manufacturing Resource Planning (MRP) application for training purposes based on the description in chapters 31-35 of The Phoenix Projectby Gene Kim, Kevin Behr and George Spafford. © 2013 IT Revolution Press LLC, Portland, OR. Resemblance to “Project Unicorn” in the novel is intentional; resemblance to any real company is purely coincidental.

This microservices-based application uses entirely open source software including Docker, Kubernetes, Java, Apache, Hystrix, and MongoDB which creates a web front end and 5 supporting microservices. Click here for the related Parts Unlimited Website application which is .Net Core and SQL Azure based or here for the same Parts Unlimited MRP application except with everything running on a single Azure Linux VM (IaaS) without a microservices architecture.

Key Features

  • Entire application is dockerized and runs on Azure Container Service with Kubernetes orchestrator
  • Front end website - runs Apache Tomcat and talks to all microservices services utilizing Hystrix and JSP.
  • Catalog, Order, Shipment, and Quote microservices - are Java spring APIs and call DocDb using the MongoDB driver.
  • Dealer microservice - is a .Net Core API using C#

Hands On Labs

All of these labs utilize the application designed to run on top of Kubernetes. Here are the recommended lab options for starting out:

  1. Deployment to Azure Kubernetes Service using Helm - These steps deploy the entire application suite onto Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) and dependent infrastructure (CosmosDB with MongoDB API and Azure Container Registry) using the az cli.
  2. CI with CircleCI and Azure Container Registry - builds and tests all 6 docker images then deploys them to ACR using CircleCI

After completion of lab 1 essentially all services have been deployed to the Kubernetes cluster, then the following labs can be completed in any desired order:

  • Implement Fluentd logging
  • Implement Monitoring and Alerts with Prometheus
  • Implement Opentracing using Zipkin


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