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Plugins In-Depth

· 5 min read

Pre-requisites: Please refer to the Introduction and the Plugin Development pages for a better understanding of the plugin concept and its development process.

Plugin Basics

In TaskWeaver, the plugins are the essential components to extend the functionality of the agent. Specifically, a plugin is a piece of code wrapped in a class that can be called as a function by the agent in the generated code snippets. The following is a simple example of a plugin that generates n random numbers:

from taskweaver.plugin import Plugin, register_plugin

class RandomGenerator(Plugin):
def __call__(self, n: int):
import random
return [random.randint(1, 100) for _ in range(n)]

In this example, the RandomGenerator class inherits the Plugin class and implements the __call__ method, which means it can be called as a function. What would be the function signature of the plugin? It is defined in the associated YAML file. For example, the YAML file for the RandomGenerator plugin is as follows:

name: random_generator
enabled: true
required: true
description: >-
This plugin generates n random numbers between 1 and 100.
examples: |-
result = random_generator(n=5)
- name: n
type: int
required: true
description: >-
The number of random numbers to generate.

- name: result
type: list
description: >-
The list of random numbers.

The YAML file specifies the name, description, parameters, and return values of the plugin. When the LLM generates the code snippets, it will use the information in the YAML file to generate the function signature. We did not check the discrepancy between the function signature in the Python implementation and the YAML file. So, it is important to keep them consistent. The examples field is used to provide examples of how to use the plugin for the LLM.

Configurations and States

Although the plugin is used as a function in the code snippets, it is more than a normal Python function. The plugin can have its own configurations and states. For example, the RandomGenerator plugin can have a configuration to specify the range of the random numbers. The configurations can be set in the YAML file as follows:

# the previous part of the YAML file
- name: range
type: list
required: false
description: >-
The range of the random numbers.
default: [1, 100]

We did not show how to use the configurations in the plugin implementation, which could be found in one of our sample plugins, namely sql_pull_data. Supporting configurations in the plugin is a powerful feature to make the plugin more flexible and reusable. For example, we can have multiple YAML files pointing to the same Python implementation but with different configurations. Read this page for more details. When TaskWeaver loads the plugins, it will elaborate the YAML files and create the plugin objects with the configurations. Therefore, two plugins with the same Python implementation but different configurations are actually different objects in memory. That is why different plugins can have different states, and this is especially helpful when the plugin needs to maintain some states across different calls. Consider the example of the sql_pull_data sample plugin, which has the following code snippet:

class SqlPullData(Plugin):
db = None

def __call__(self, query: str):

if self.db is None:
self.db = SQLDatabase.from_uri(self.config.get("sqlite_db_path"))

In the example above, the SqlPullData plugin maintains a database connection across different calls. If we design the plugin to be a stateless normal Python function, we would need to establish a new connection for each call, which is inefficient and not necessary.

The Plugin Lifecycle

The plugin lifecycle is the process of how the plugin is loaded, initialized, and called by the agent. When TaskWeaver starts, it goes through all the plugin configuration files in the plugins directory and creates the plugin entries in the memory. The Python implementation of the plugin is not loaded at this stage. When the agent generates the code snippets, it will call the plugin by the name specified in the YAML file, and fill in the function signature based on the information in the YAML file.

The plugin is loaded and initialized when the code executor executes the code snippets for the first time in a session. The plugin is initialized with the configurations specified in the YAML file. Although we have the feature to dynamically select the plugins in the LLM, all the plugins are loaded no matter whether they are used in the current conversation round. The only way of controlling the plugin loading is to enable or disable the plugin in the YAML file. In theory, the plugins can be configured separately for different sessions. For example, when a user starts a new session, we can load a different set of plugins based on the user's profile. But this feature is not supported in TaskWeaver yet.

The plugin is called when the agent executes the code snippets. The plugin can maintain states across different calls, which has been discussed in the previous section. As each session is associated with a Jupyter kernel, the plugin objects are created in the kernel memory and can be accessed across different code snippets, from different code cells, in the same session. When the session is closed, the plugin objects are also destroyed with the kernel.


In this page, we discussed the basics of the plugin in TaskWeaver, including the plugin implementation, the YAML file, the configurations, and the states. We also introduced the plugin lifecycle, which is the process of how the plugin is loaded, initialized, and called by the agent. The plugin is a powerful component in TaskWeaver to extend the functionality of the agent.