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Experience selection

· 4 min read

We have introduced the motivation of the experience module in Experience and how to create a handcrafted experience in Handcrafted Experience. In this blog post, we discuss more advanced topics about the experience module on experience selection.

Static experience selection

Every role in TaskWeaver can configure its own experience directory, which can be configured by setting the role_name.experience_dir field in the project configuration file. For the Planner and CodeInterpreter roles, you can configure the experience directory by setting the planner.experience_dir and code_interpreter.experience_dir fields respectively. The default experience directory is experience in the project directory.


The role name is by default the name of the implementation file (without the extension) of the role unless you have specified the role name by calling _set_name in the implementation file.

By configuring different experience directories for different roles, you can have different experiences for different roles in a static way. Use the Planner role as an example, you can have the following project configuration file to enable the experience selection for the Planner role.

"planner.use_experience": true,
"planner.experience_dir": "planner_exp_dir"

Dynamic experience selection

In some cases, you may want to select the experience dynamically based on the input task. In TaskWeaver, although we retrieve the experience based on the query content, it is sometimes difficult to obtain the right experience based solely on the similarity between the query content and the experience content.

One real example we encountered is that we need to retrieve the experience based on the task type. We have many task types in the project, let's say task_type_1, task_type_2, and task_type_3. Every task type is about following a set of instructions to complete a task. Although different task types have different instructions, the instructions are similar in structure. For example, they all have similar steps like step_1, step_2, and step_3, only the content of the steps is slightly different for different task types. Actually, even most of the step titles are the same for different task types.

Each task type has its own experience, and we want to select the experience based on the task type. Even though we can mix all the experiences into one experience directory, it is very hard to differentiate the experiences based on the user input or the step content. In this project, the user input is simply a task ID, and we need to first figure out the task type based on the task ID, and then select the experience based on the task type.

To achieve this, we add a layer in the experience selection process. Specifically, we allow having subdirectories in the experience directory. For example, we can have the following experience directory structure:

├── task_type_1
│ ├── exp_1.yaml
│ ├── exp_2.yaml
│ └── ...

When we can identify the task type based on the task ID, we can set the experience subdirectory. This looks straightforward, but how can we set the experience subdirectory in TaskWeaver? As we need to do this in a dynamic way, the only way is to set the experience subdirectory in a role.

TaskWeaver recently introduced the concept of shared memory as discussed in Shared Memory. Shared memory allows a role to share information with other roles, and in this case, we can use shared memory to set the experience subdirectory.

We can add a new role called TaskTypeIdentifier to identify the task type based on the task ID. The key part of the reply function in TaskTypeIdentifier is shown below:

def reply(self, memory: Memory, **kwargs: ...) -> Post:
# ...
# get the task type from the last post message
task_type = get_task_type(last_post.message)
# create an attachment
message="Add experience sub path",
scope="conversation", # define the effective scope of the shared memory entry to be the whole conversation

return post_proxy.end()

In a role that needs to set the experience subdirectory, we can get the experience subdirectory from the shared memory.

exp_sub_paths = memory.get_shared_memory_entries(

if exp_sub_paths:
exp_sub_path = exp_sub_paths[0].content
exp_sub_path = ""
selected_experiences = self.load_experience(query=query, sub_path=exp_sub_path)

This is the current experimental feature in TaskWeaver which is subject to change.


In this blog post, we have discussed how to select experiences in TaskWeaver. We have static experience selection by configuring the experience directory for each role. To enable dynamic experience selection, we have introduced the concept of shared memory to set the experience subdirectory.