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Handcrafted Experience

We have introduced the motivation of the experience module in Experience. In the quick start guide, we have shown how to extract experiences and lessons from the current conversation. However, a more common scenario is that you have a handcrafted experience that you want to use to guide the agent.

Create a handcrafted experience

To create a handcrafted experience, you need to create a YAML file that contains the experience. The YAML file should have the following structure:

exp_id: the-id-of-the-experience
experience_text: the content of the experience

The file should be saved in the experience folder in the project directory. The file name should be prefixed with handcrafted_exp_{exp_id}. For example, if the exp_id is 1, the file name should be handcrafted_exp_1.yaml.


Do not use underscores in the exp_id field in order to avoid conflicts with the file name.

In the experience_text field, you can write the content of the experience in Markdown format. For example:

exp_id: 1
experience_text: |-
- Say "world" if you hear "hello".
- Say "peace" if you hear "love".

Load the handcrafted experience

Loading the handcrafted experience is the same with loading the extracted experience. If either planner.use_experience or code_generator.use_experience is set to True in the project configuration file taskweaver_config.json, the handcrafted experience will be loaded at the time of starting the agent. If your agent is running, you need to restart the agent to load the handcrafted experience.