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This is the command line interface for TaskWeaver. You can interact with TaskWeaver through this interface.

Follow the instruction in Quick Start to clone the repository and fill in the necessary configurations.

Run the following command in terminal.

# assume you are in the TaskWeaver folder
python -m taskweaver -p ./project/ # -p is the path to the project directory

This will start the TaskWeaver process, and you can interact with it through the command line interface. If everything goes well, you will see the following prompt:

_____ _ _ __
|_ _|_ _ ___| | _ | | / /__ ____ __ _____ _____
| |/ _` / __| |/ /| | /| / / _ \/ __ `/ | / / _ \/ ___/
| | (_| \__ \ < | |/ |/ / __/ /_/ /| |/ / __/ /
|_|\__,_|___/_|\_\|__/|__/\___/\__,_/ |___/\___/_/
TaskWeaver: I am TaskWeaver, an AI assistant. To get started, could you please enter your request?
Human: ___

We have provided a set of commands to interact with TaskWeaver. You can type help to see the list of available commands. All commands start with a / character. For example, you can type /help to see the list of available commands.

 TaskWeaver ▶  I am TaskWeaver, an AI assistant. To get started, could you please enter your request?
Human ▶ /help

TaskWeaver Chat Console
/load <file>: load a file
/info: print the information of the current session
/reset: reset the session
/clear: clear the console
/exit: exit the chat console
/help: print this help message
/save: save the chat history of the current session for experience extraction

The table of commands supported by TaskWeaver is as follows:

/load <file>Load a file by its absolute path, e.g., /load /home/taskweaver/sample.csv
/infoPrint the session id and the active roles of the current session
/resetReset the current session and start a new session
/clearClear the console content
/exitExit the chat console
/helpPrint the help message
/saveSave the chat history of the current session for experience extraction

When TaskWeaver runs generated code, the CWD (current working directory) is set to the project/workspace/session_id/cwd directory. If you need to use relative paths in the generated code, the cwd directory should be the base path.