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Configuration File

An overview of all configurations available in the config file, which is located at project/taskweaver_config.json. You can edit this file to configure TaskWeaver.


The configuration file is in JSON format. So for boolean values, use true or false instead of True or False. For null values, use null instead of None or "null". All other values should be strings in double quotes.

The following table lists the parameters in the configuration file:

ParameterDescriptionDefault Value
llm.modelThe model name used by the language model.gpt-4
llm.api_baseThe base URL of the OpenAI API.
llm.api_keyThe API key of the OpenAI API.null
llm.api_typeThe type of the OpenAI API, could be openai or azure.openai
llm.api_versionThe version of the OpenAI API.2023-07-01-preview
llm.response_formatThe response format of the OpenAI API, could be json_object, text or null.json_object
llm.embedding_api_typeThe type of the embedding APIsentence_transformers
llm.embedding_modelThe name of the embedding modelall-mpnet-base-v2
code_interpreter.code_verification_onWhether to enable code verification.false
code_interpreter.allowed_modulesThe list of allowed modules to import in code generation.["pandas", "matplotlib", "numpy", "sklearn", "scipy", "seaborn", "datetime", "typing"], if the list is empty, no modules would be allowed
code_interpreter.blocked_functionsThe list of functions to block from code generation.["__import__", "eval", "exec", "execfile", "compile", "open", "input", "raw_input", "reload"]
logging.log_fileThe name of the log file.taskweaver.log
logging.log_folderThe folder to store the log file.logs
plugin.base_pathThe folder to store plugins.${AppBaseDir}/plugins
{RoleName}.use_exampleWhether to use the example for the role.true
{RoleName}.example_base_pathThe folder to store the examples for the role.${AppBaseDir}/examples/{RoleName}_examples
{RoleName}.dynamic_example_sub_pathWhether to enable dynamic example loading based on sub-path.false
{RoleName}.use_experienceWhether to use experience summarized from the previous chat history for the role.false
{RoleName}.experience_dirThe folder to store the experience for the role.${AppBaseDir}/experience/
{RoleName}.dynamic_experience_sub_pathWhether to enable dynamic experience loading based on sub-path.false
planner.prompt_compressionWhether to compress the chat history for planner.false
code_generator.prompt_compressionWhether to compress the chat history for code interpreter.false
code_generator.enable_auto_plugin_selectionWhether to enable auto plugin selection.false
code_generator.auto_plugin_selection_topkThe number of auto selected plugins in each round.3
session.max_internal_chat_round_numThe maximum number of internal chat rounds between Planner and Code Interpreter.10
session.rolesThe roles included for the conversation.["planner", "code_interpreter"]
round_compressor.rounds_to_compressThe number of rounds to compress.2
round_compressor.rounds_to_retainThe number of rounds to retain.3
execution_service.kernel_modeThe mode of the code executor, could be local or container.container

${AppBaseDir} is the project directory.

${RoleName} is the name of the role, such as planner or code_generator. In the current implementation, the code_interpreter role has all code generation functions in a "sub-role" named code_generator. So, the configuration for the code generation part should be set to code_generator.


Up to 11/30/2023, the json_object and text options of llm.response_format is only supported by the OpenAI models later than 1106. If you are using an older version of OpenAI model, you need to set the llm.response_format to null.


Read this for more information for planner.prompt_compression and code_generator.prompt_compression.


We support to set configurations via environment variables. You need to transform the configuration key to uppercase and replace the dot with underscore. For example, llm.model should be set as LLM_MODEL, llm.api_base should be set as LLM_API_BASE, etc.