from __future__ import annotations
import trace
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict
if TYPE_CHECKING: # to prevent circular import
from opto.trace.nodes import Node
from opto.trace.bundle import bundle
import copy
def clone(x: Any):
""" This is a clone operator of x. """
return copy.deepcopy(x)
def identity(x: Any):
# identity(x) behaves the same as x.clone()
return x.clone()
# Unary operators and functions
def pos(x: Any):
""" This is a pos operator of x. """
return +x
def neg(x: Any):
""" This is a neg operator of x. """
return -x
def abs(x: Any):
""" This is an abs operator of x. """
return abs(x)
def invert(x: Any):
""" This is an invert operator of x. """
return ~x
def round(x: Any, n: Any):
""" This is a round operator of x. """
return round(x, n)
def floor(x: Any):
""" This is a floor operator of x. """
import math
return math.floor(x)
def ceil(x: Any):
""" This is a ceil operator of x. """
import math
return math.ceil(x)
def trunc(x: Any):
""" This is a trunc operator of x. """
import math
return math.trunc(x)
# Normal arithmetic operators
def add(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is an add operator of x and y. """
return x + y
def subtract(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a subtract operator of x and y. """
return x - y
def multiply(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a multiply operator of x and y. """
return x * y
def floor_divide(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a floor_divide operator of x and y. """
return x // y
def divide(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a divide operator of x and y. """
return x / y
def mod(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a mod operator of x and y. """
return x % y
def node_divmod(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a divmod operator of x and y. """
return divmod(x, y)
def power(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a power operator of x and y. """
return x**y
def lshift(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a lshift operator of x and y. """
return x << y
def rshift(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a rshift operator of x and y. """
return x >> y
def and_(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is an and operator of x and y. """
return x & y
def or_(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is an or operator of x and y. """
return x | y
def xor(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a xor operator of x and y. """
return x ^ y
# Comparison methods
def lt(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a lt operator of x and y. """
return x < y
def le(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a le operator of x and y. """
return x <= y
def eq(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is an eq operator of x and y. """
return x == y
def neq(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a not eq operator of x and y. """
return x != y
def ne(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a ne operator of x and y. """
return x != y
def ge(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a ge operator of x and y. """
return x >= y
def gt(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a gt operator of x and y. """
return x > y
# logical operators
def cond(condition: Any, x: Any, y: Any):
""" This selects x if condition is True, otherwise y. """
x, y, condition = x, y, condition # This makes sure all data are read
return x if condition else y
def not_(x: Any):
""" This is a not operator of x. """
return not x
def is_(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Whether x is equal to y. """
return x is y
def is_not(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Whether x is not equal to y. """
return x is not y
def in_(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Whether x is in y. """
return x in y
def not_in(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Whether x is not in y. """
return x not in y
# Indexing and slicing
def getitem(x: Any, index: Any):
""" This is a getitem operator of x based on index. """
return x[index]
def pop(x: Any, index: Any):
""" This is a pop operator of x based on index. """
return x.pop(index)
def len_(x: Any):
""" This is a len operator of x. """
return len(x)
# String operators
def ord_(x: Any):
""" The unicode number of a character. """
return ord(x)
def chr_(x: Any):
""" The character of a unicode number. """
return chr(x)
def concat(x: Any, y: Any):
""" This is a concatenation operator of x and y. """
return x + y
def lower(x: Any):
""" This makes all characters in x lower case. """
return x.lower()
def upper(x: Any):
""" This makes all characters in x upper case. """
return x.upper()
def title(x: Any):
""" This makes the first character to upper case and the rest to lower case. """
return x.title()
def swapcase(x: Any):
""" Swaps the case of all characters: uppercase character to lowercase and vice-versa. """
return x.swapcase()
def capitalize(x: Any):
""" Converts the first character of a string to uppercase. """
return x.capitalize()
def split(x: Any, y: Any, maxsplit: Any = -1):
""" Splits the string by finding a substring y in string x, return the first part and second part of string x without y. """
return x.split(y, maxsplit)
def strip(x: Any, chars=None):
""" Removes the leading and trailing characters of x. """
return x.strip(chars)
def replace(x: Any, old: Any, new: Any, count: Any = -1):
""" Replaces all occurrences of substring y in string x with z. """
return x.replace(old, new, count)
def format(x: Any, *args, **kwargs):
""" Fills in a string template with content, str.format(). """
return x.format(*args, **kwargs)
def join(x: Any, *y: Any):
""" Joins a sequence y with different strs with x: "\n".join(["a", "b", "c"]) -> "a\nb\nc". """
return x.join(y)
def node_getattr(obj: Node, attr: str):
""" This operator gets attr of obj. """
return getattr(obj, attr)
def call(fun: Node, *args, **kwargs):
""" This operator calls the function `fun` with args (args_0, args_1, etc.) and kwargs. If there are no args or kwargs, i.e. call(fun=function_name), the function takes no input. """
# Run the function as it is
fun = fun._data
# Call the node with the input arguments
assert callable(fun), "The function must be callable."
output = fun(*args, **kwargs)
return output
def to_list(x: Any):
""" This converts x to a list. """
return list(x)
def make_list(*args):
""" This creates a list from the arguments. """
return list(args)
def to_dict(x: Any):
""" This converts x to a dictionary. """
return dict(x)
def make_dict(**kwargs):
""" This creates a dictionary from the keyword arguments. """
return kwargs
def to_set(x: Any):
""" This converts x to a set. """
return set(x)
def make_set(*args):
""" This creates a set from the arguments. """
return set(args)
def to_tuple(x: Any):
""" This converts x to a tuple. """
return tuple(x)
def make_tuple(*args):
""" This creates a tuple from the arguments. """
return tuple(args)
# dict operators
def keys(x: Dict):
""" Return the keys of a dictionary x as a list. """
if not isinstance(x, dict):
raise AttributeError(f"{type(x)} object has no attribute 'values'.")
return [k for k in x.keys()]
def values(x: Dict):
""" Return the values of a dictionary x as a list. """
if not isinstance(x, dict):
raise AttributeError(f"{type(x)} object has no attribute 'values'.")
return [k for k in x.values()]
# dict in-place operators
def dict_update(x: Dict, y: Dict):
""" Update the dictionary x with the dictionary y. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def dict_pop(x: Dict, key: Any):
""" Pop the key from the dictionary x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def dict_popitem(x: Dict):
""" Pop the last item from the dictionary x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
# list in-place operators
def list_append(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Append y to x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def list_clear(x: Any):
""" Clear x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def list_extend(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Extend x with y. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def list_insert(x: Any, index: Any, y: Any):
""" Insert y at index in x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
x.insert(index, y)
return x
def list_pop(x: Any, index: Any):
""" Pop the index from x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def list_remove(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Remove y from x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def list_reverse(x: Any):
""" Reverse x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def list_sort(x: Any, key: Any = None, reverse: Any = False):
""" Sort x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
x.sort(key=key, reverse=reverse)
return x
# set in-place operators
def set_add(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Add y to x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_clear(x: Any):
""" Clear x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_discard(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Discard y from x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_intersection_update(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Update x with the intersection of x and y. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_pop(x: Any):
""" Pop an element from x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_remove(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Remove y from x. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_symmetric_difference_update(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Update x with the symmetric difference of x and y. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def set_update(x: Any, y: Any):
""" Update x with y. """
x = copy.copy(x)
return x
def call_llm(system_prompt, *user_prompts, **kwargs):
""" Query the language model of system_prompt with user_prompts."""
messages = [{"role": "system", "content": system_prompt}]
for user_prompt in user_prompts:
messages.append({"role": "user", "content": user_prompt})
from opto.utils.llm import AutoGenLLM
llm = AutoGenLLM()
response = llm(messages=messages, **kwargs)
return response.choices[0].message.content