Challenge 4: Explore and Analyze FHIR EHR Data

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In this challenge, you will deploy the OSS FHIR-to-Synapse Analytics Pipeline to move FHIR data from Azure FHIR service to a Azure Data Lake storage in near real time and making it available to a Synapse workspace, which will enable you to query against the entire FHIR dataset with tools such as Synapse Studio, SSMS, and/or Power BI.

This pipeline is an Azure Function solution that extracts data from the FHIR server using FHIR Resource APIs, converts them to hierarchical Parquet files, and writes them to Azure Data Lake storage in near real time. It contains a script to create External Tables and Views in Synapse Serverless SQL pool pointing to the Parquet files. You can also access the Parquet files directly from a Synapse Spark Pool to perform custom transformation to downstream systems, i.e. USCDI datamart, etc.


You need to deploy an instance of FHIR service (done in challenge 1) and a Synapse Workspace.

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