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CanvasTextRenderingMode Enumeration
Specifies the behavior when glyphs are rendered.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.Text
Assembly:  Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas (in Microsoft.Graphics.Canvas.dll) Version:
public enum CanvasTextRenderingMode
  Member nameValueDescription
Default0 The behavior is determined automatically, based on the font and text size.
Aliased1 No anti-aliasing is performed.
GdiClassic2 Antialiasing is performed in the horizontal direction, and the appearance of glyphs is layout-compatible with GDI when GDI's CLEARTYPE_QUALITY option is used. This option is unlikely to be used by WinRT apps. It's intended for backwards compatibility with legacy rendering.
GdiNatural3 Antialiasing is performed in the horizontal direction, and the appearance of glyphs is compatible with GDI when GDI's CLEARTYPE_NATRUAL_QUALITY option is used. This option is unlikely to be used by WinRT apps. It's intended for backwards compatibility with legacy rendering.
Natural4 Antialiasing is performed in the horizontal direction. This allows glyphs to be positioned with horizontally subpixel precision.
NaturalSymmetric5 Similar to Natural except antialiasing is performed in both the horizontal and vertical directions. This is typically used at larger sizes to make curves and diagonal lines look smoother.
Outline6Specifies that text rendering should be perfomed using geometric outlines.
NaturalSymmetricDownsampled7 Similar to NaturalSymmetric except that text is rendered in a downsampled form where possible, sacrificing quality for faster performance.

Outline text is recommended for scenarios where text size is animated- for example, text being zoomed in and out- if maintaining smooth quality is important. The default rendering mode may have a small 'snapping' effect when text size changes. Out of the non-default options, outline is specifically optimized to maintain smoothness across size changes.

See Also