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Utilities for client classes


def validate_parameter(params: Dict[str, Any], param_name: str,
allowed_types: Tuple, allow_None: bool,
default_value: Any, numerical_bound: Tuple,
allowed_values: list) -> Any

Validates a given config parameter, checking its type, values, and setting defaults


  • params Dict[str, Any] - Dictionary containing parameters to validate.
  • param_name str - The name of the parameter to validate.
  • allowed_types Tuple - Tuple of acceptable types for the parameter.
  • allow_None bool - Whether the parameter can be None.
  • default_value Any - The default value to use if the parameter is invalid or missing. numerical_bound (Optional[Tuple[Optional[float], Optional[float]]]): A tuple specifying the lower and upper bounds for numerical parameters. Each bound can be None if not applicable.
  • allowed_values Optional[List[Any]] - A list of acceptable values for the parameter. Can be None if no specific values are required.


  • Any - The validated parameter value or the default value if validation fails.


  • TypeError - If allowed_values is provided but is not a list.

    Example Usage:

    # Validating a numerical parameter within specific bounds
params = {"temperature": 0.5, "safety_model": "Meta-Llama/Llama-Guard-7b"}
temperature = validate_parameter(params, "temperature", (int, float), True, 0.7, (0, 1), None)
# Result: 0.5

# Validating a parameter that can be one of a list of allowed values
model = validate_parameter(
params, "safety_model", str, True, None, None, ["Meta-Llama/Llama-Guard-7b", "Meta-Llama/Llama-Guard-13b"]
# If "safety_model" is missing or invalid in params, defaults to "default"


def should_hide_tools(messages: List[Dict[str, Any]], tools: List[Dict[str,
hide_tools_param: str) -> bool

Determines if tools should be hidden. This function is used to hide tools when they have been run, minimising the chance of the LLM choosing them when they shouldn't.


  • messages List[Dict[str, Any]] - List of messages
  • tools List[Dict[str, Any]] - List of tools
  • hide_tools_param str - "hide_tools" parameter value. Can be "if_all_run" (hide tools if all tools have been run), "if_any_run" (hide tools if any of the tools have been run), "never" (never hide tools). Default is "never".


  • bool - Indicates whether the tools should be excluded from the response create request

    Example Usage:

    # Validating a numerical parameter within specific bounds
messages = params.get("messages", [])
tools = params.get("tools", None)
hide_tools = should_hide_tools(messages, tools, params["hide_tools"])