OpenAI proxy service

The solution consists of three parts; the proxy service, the proxy playground, with a similar look and feel to the official Azure OpenAI Playground, and event admin.

Deployment issues

  1. Deploying the AI Proxy Admin Portal does not work on macOS on Apple Silicon. The workaround for now is to deploy the admin portal on a Windows, Linux machine, or from GitHub Codespaces.


This repo is set up for deployment on Azure Container Apps using the configuration files in the infra folder.


  1. An Azure subscription
  2. Deployed Azure OpenAI Models

Required software

Tested on Windows, macOS and Ubuntu 22.04.


  1. VS Code
  2. VS Code Dev Containers extension
  3. Docker

Create an Entra app registration

The AI Proxy admin is secured using Entra. You first need to register an application in your organizations Entra directory.

  1. Log into the Azure Portal.
  2. Select Microsoft Entra ID from the left-hand menu.
  3. Select + Add dropdown, then select App registration.
  4. Name the registration, ensure Accounts in this organizational directory only is selected, and select Register.
  5. Navigate to Overview, and make a note of the Application (client) ID as you will need it when you deploy the solution.

  6. When you deploy the solution, you will need to create a client secret.

  7. After the solution has been deployed, you will need to amend the app registration to add the redirect URI and enable the ID tokens under Authentication.


The recommended way to deploy this app is with Dev Containers. Install the VS Code Remote Containers extension and Docker, open this repository in a container and you'll be ready to go.


Deploying the AI Proxy Admin Portal does not work on macOS on Apple Silicon. The workaround for now, is to deploy the solution from a Windows/Linux machine on X64, or GitHub Codespaces.

  1. Ensure Docker is installed and running.
  2. Clone the repo:

    git clone
  3. Open the repo in VS Code.

  4. You will be prompted to Reopen in Container, click the button to do so. This will build the container and open the repo in a container.
  5. In the VS Code dev container, open a terminal and run the following commands to authenticate with Azure:

    azd auth login --use-device-code
    az login --use-device-code
  6. Provision and deploy the proxy solution by running the following command in the terminal:

    azd up

    You will be prompted for the following:

    1. The environment name, keep the name short, max 7 characters to avoid invalid resource names being generated.
    2. Select a subscription from your Azure account.
    3. Select a location (like "eastus" or "sweden central"). Then azd will provision the resources in your account and deploy the latest code. Recommend deploying the proxy to the same location you plan to deploy your models.
    4. Enter a value for the authClientId infrastructure parameter. This is the Entra App Registration Application (client) ID you created.
    5. You will be prompted for the entraAuthorizationToken. Press ctrl+c to cancel the deployment.
    6. Run the azd up command again. You will be prompted for the authClientSecret infrastructure parameter again, but this time you will not be prompted for the entraAuthorizationToken.
    7. Enter a value for the principalName infrastructure parameter. This is the name of the PostgreSQL database admin user. Recommend using your email address.
    8. Select the 'swaLocation' infrastructure parameter. Recommend selecting a location close to or the same as the Azure location you previously selected.

    On completion, the following Azure resources will be provisioned:

    Azure OpenAI Playground experience

  7. When azd has finished deploying you'll see a link to the Azure Resource Group created for the solution.

    The Admin and Playground links will be displayed when azd up completes.

Entra App Registration

After the solution has been deployed, you may need to manually amend the app registration to add the redirect URI and enable the ID tokens under Authentication.

  1. Navigate to the AI Proxy Admin portal URL. You'll find the URL from the output of the azd up command under Deploying service admin.

  2. The log in will fail, but you will see the redirect URI in the error message. Copy the redirect URI, including the /signin-oidc prefix as you will need it when you update the app registration in the Azure Portal.

  3. Log into the Azure Portal.

  4. Select Microsoft Entra ID from the left-hand menu.
  5. Select the app registration you created earlier.
  6. Navigate to Authentication.
  7. Add the redirect URI https://<your-app-url>/signin-oidc.
  8. Enable ID tokens under Advanced settings.
  9. Save the changes.

Updating the deployed app

To make any changes to the app code, just run:

azd deploy [admin | playground | proxy]

Next steps

  1. Deploy an Azure AI Resources
  2. Map AI Resources to the AI Proxy
  3. Create and manage events
  4. Capacity planning

Deploy an Azure AI Resources

  1. Open the Azure Portal.
  2. Create a Azure resource group for your models. Naming suggestions include ai-proxy-resources.
  3. Add AI resources to the resource group you created. See Create and deploy an Azure OpenAI Service resource for more information.
  4. Make a note of the endpoint_key and endpoint_url as you'll need them when you configure resources for the AI Proxy.


If you encounter any issues deploying the solution, please raise an issue on the GitHub repo

azd up failure

If the first deployment with azd up fails, the postgresql server is already locked down to the virtual network. Running another deployment will fail because you cannot reach the server and thus database anymore. Go to the Postgres Server and add the IP address that you are deploying from to the firewall rules. Example of the error messages below. Use the IP-address from the warning:

DeploymentScriptError: The provided script failed with multiple errors. First error:
Setting postgresql14 as the default version. Please refer to for more deployment script information.
DeploymentScriptError: * Setting postgresql14 as the default version
DeploymentScriptError: psql: error: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 f is not valid for this server's tenant. Please acquire a new token for the tenant 43207ea0-2cda-4abb-9c84-efb8193dada8.
DeploymentScriptError: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL:
"", user "gdex-openai-spn", database "postgres", no encryption
DeploymentScriptError: psql: error: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 f is not valid for this server's tenant. Please acquire a new token for the tenant 43207ea0-2cda-4abb-9c84-efb8193dada8.
DeploymentScriptError: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL:
"", user "gdex-openai-spn", database "aoai-proxy", no encryption
DeploymentScriptError: psql: error: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 f is not valid for this server's tenant. Please acquire a new token for the tenant 43207ea0-2cda-4abb-9c84-efb8193dada8.
DeploymentScriptError: connection to server at "" (, port 5432 failed: FATAL:
"", user "gdex-openai-spn", database "aoai-proxy", no encryption

Screenshot of the server firewall settings


Do not forget to remove the Postgres network firewall rule after a successful deployment!