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Introduction to the AI Proxy Playground

The Azure AI Playground is a web-based application that provides a Playground experience for developers to explore the Azure OpenAI chat completion using a time bound event code with different models and parameters.

The AI Playground provides a simple and intuitive interface to interact with the Azure OpenAI chat completion API. The AI Playground is designed to be used in a workshop or event setting, where attendees can explore the Azure OpenAI chat completion using a time bound event code with different models and parameters.

The AI Playground provides the following features:

  1. Model selection: The AI Playground allows you to select from a list of available models. The models are configured by the event organizer and are available to the attendees of the event.

OpenAI Proxy Playground

  1. Set the Max Token parameter: The Max Token parameter is used to control the length of the chat completion.
  2. Set the Temperature parameter: The Temperature parameter is used to control the randomness of the chat completion.
  3. Set the Top P parameter: The Top P parameter is used to control the diversity of the chat completion.

Azure Chat Completions Functions

Attendees can explore Azure OpenAI Chat Completions Functions using the AI Playground. Simply paste an Azure Function, select the function from the OpenAI Functions dropdown. The AI Playground will call the Azure OpenAI Chat Completions API with the selected function and display the results.