Garnet Code Structure
In the following list, we describe the C# projects part of the Garnet Visual Studio solution as well as the folder containing them:
- \.azure\pipelines folder
- Description: Contains .yml files and other resources for running CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps
- \.github\workflows folder
- Description: Contains .yml files and other resources for running CI/CD pipelines in GitHub Actions
- \benchmark folder
- BDN.benchmark
- Description: A benchmarking tool using the BenchmarkDotNet library. This is currently the preferred tool for benchmarking different Garnet functionalities. Use command-line arguments to configure your run.
- Resp.benchmark
- Description: A benchmark tool to issue RESP commands to Garnet Server. Refer to the Resp benchmark page for details here.
- BDN.benchmark
- \charts\garnet folder
- Description: Contains a Helm chart for Garnet.
- \hosting\Windows folder
- Garnet.worker
- Description: An app to host Garnet as a Windows Service.
- Garnet.worker
- \libs folder
- storage\Tsavorite folder
- Description: Solution, sources, and tests for Tsavorite library.
- Garnet.client project
- Description: Clients that can be used with Garnet server with limited functionality.
- Garnet.cluster project
- Description: The Garnet Cluster implementation.
- Garnet.common project
- Description: Network layer implementation and common tools used for requests and responses processing.
- project
- Description: The hosting class that instantiates the Garnet server.
- Garnet.resources project
- Description: Contains large text resources that can be dynamically loaded as needed, as to not overload the Garnet binaries.
- Garnet.server project
- Description: All the API for the keys operations, ACL commands, Checkpointing, Metrics, Transactions, Garnet server API, and storage layer implementation with RESP.
- storage\Tsavorite folder
- \main folder
- GarnetServer project
- Description: The main program (entry point) where the Garnet server executable is created using the host.
- GarnetServer project
- \metrics folder
- HdrHistogram project
- Description: Project for creating High Dynamic Range (HDR) Histograms used for graphs of different server metrics.
- HdrHistogram project
- \playground folder
- Bitmap project
- Description: A project that exercises different bitmaps operations, using Tsavorite.
- ClusterStress project
- Description: A work in progress project that executes stress tests over a Garnet server with cluster mode.
- CommandInfoUpdater project
- Description: A tool for updating RESP commands metadata (info, docs) using a local RESP server (for usage instructions see: Adding command info).
- Embedded.perftest project
- Description: A tool to issue RESP commands to Garnet server, while bypassing the network stack.
- GarnetClientStress project
- Description: A project to run stress tests against the GarnetClient library.
- GarnetJSON project
- Description: A library defining a sample Garnet module that is capable of performing operations on JSON strings.
- MigrateBench project
- Description: A tool designed to test the performance and robustness of the migration operation by issuing batch migration requests between several nodes.
- SampleModule project
- Description: A library defining a sample Garnet module that is capable of performing custom commands, transactions and procedures.
- TstRunner project
- Description: Console application to run keys migration commands.
- Bitmap project
- \samples folder
- GarnetClientSample project
- Description: Example of how to use GarnetClient.
- MetricsMonitor project
- Description: Console app to get Latency metrics using StackExchange.Redis.
- GarnetClientSample project
- \test folder
- Garnet.test project
- Description: Project for Garnet server unit tests, including unit tests of RESP commands.
- Garnet.test.cluster project
- Description: Project for Cluster unit tests.
- testcerts folder
- Description: Self-signed certificates for testing purposes when TLS is enabled.
- Garnet.test project
- \website folder
- Description: Files for the Garnet documentation website.
- root folder
- Description: Editorconfig file, docker files, etc.