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Modules help bundle related custom commands, procedures and transactions into a single binary. Once loaded, a module makes all of its contained custom operations available to users. All modules must derive from the ModuleBase class and implement the OnLoad method to perform module initialization. All custom commands, procedures and transactions implemented within a module get registered with Garnet during initialization using this method:

OnLoad(ModuleLoadContext context, string[] args)

Optional arguments passed in to the module are made available through the args parameter. The ModuleLoadContext exposes the following APIs to register the module and its components:

  • ModuleActionStatus Initialize(string name, uint version)
    This must be the first step to register the module with its name and version information. All other registrations must be performed after this. The ModuleActionStatus enum returned indicates the status of module initialization with Success status confirming successful registration of the module.

  • ModuleActionStatus RegisterCommand(string name, CustomRawStringFunctions customFunctions, CommandType type = CommandType.ReadModifyWrite, RespCommandsInfo commandInfo = null, long expirationTicks = 0) Any custom raw string command should be registered using this method with its name, implementation of the raw string command in customFunctions, type indicating whether it is an ReadModifyWrite or Read command (RMW is the default type), optional commandInfo to provide details like arity, key specification, acl categories, etc. and the optional expirationTicks to govern when the key expires.

  • ModuleActionStatus RegisterTransaction(string name, Func<CustomTransactionProcedure> proc, RespCommandsInfo commandInfo = null) Transactions should get registered using this with its name, a method that returns the tansaction implementation proc and optional commandInfo.

  • ModuleActionStatus RegisterType(CustomObjectFactory factory) Custom data types are registered using this method with factory being the implementation of the custom object factory that can create instances of the custom object.

  • ModuleActionStatus RegisterCommand(string name, CustomObjectFactory factory, CustomObjectFunctions command, CommandType type = CommandType.ReadModifyWrite, RespCommandsInfo commandInfo = null) Custom object commands are registered using this with their name, factory instance registered already using the RegisterType, implementation of the custom object command in command, type indicating whether it is an ReadModifyWrite or Read command (RMW is the default type) and optional commandInfo.

  • ModuleActionStatus RegisterProcedure(string name, CustomProcedure customScriptProc, RespCommandsInfo commandInfo = null) Custom non-transactional procedures are registered using this with their name, implementation as customScriptProc and optional commandInfo.


As a reference of an implementation of a module, see the example in playground\SampleModule.