Source code for genalog.text.alignment

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ---------------------------------------------------------

import re

from Bio import pairwise2

from genalog.text.preprocess import _is_spacing, tokenize

# Configuration params for global sequence alignment algorithm (Needleman-Wunsch)
GAP_CHAR = "@"

def _join_char_list(alignment_tuple):
    """ Post-process alignment results for unicode support """
    gt_char_list, noise_char_list, score, start, end = alignment_tuple
    return "".join(gt_char_list), "".join(noise_char_list), score, start, end

def _align_seg(
    """Wrapper function for Bio.pairwise2.align.globalms(), which
    calls the sequence alignment algorithm (Needleman-Wunsch)

        gt (str) : a ground truth string
        noise (str) : a string with ocr noise
        match_reward (int, optional) : reward for matching characters. Defaults to ``MATCH_REWARD``.
        mismatch_pen (int, optional) : penalty for mistmatching characters. Defaults to ``MISMATCH_PENALTY``.
        gap_pen      (int, optional) : penalty for creating a gap. Defaults to ``GAP_PENALTY``.
        gap_ext_pen  (int, optional) : penalty for extending a gap. Defaults to ``GAP_EXT_PENALTY``.

        list : a list of alignment tuples. Each alignment tuple
        is one possible alignment candidate.

        A tuple (str, str, int, int, int) contains the following information:
            (aligned_gt, aligned_noise, alignment_score, alignment_start, alignment_end)

                ("alignm@ent", "alignrnent", 10, 0, 10),
                ("align@ment", "alignrnent", 10, 0, 10),

    def match_reward_fn(x, y):
        if x == y:
            return match_reward
        elif x == " " or y == " ":
            # mismatch of a character with a space get a stronger penalty
            return mismatch_pen - space_mismatch_penalty
            return mismatch_pen

    # NOTE: Work-around to enable support full Unicode character set - passing string as a list of characters
    alignments = pairwise2.align.globalcs(
    # Alignment result is a list of char instead of string because of the work-around
    return list(map(_join_char_list, alignments))

def _select_alignment_candidates(alignments, target_num_gt_tokens):
    """Return an alignment that contains the desired number
    of ground truth tokens from a list of possible alignments

    Case Analysis:
        Invariant 1: aligned strings are equal in length. This should
                     be guaranteed by the nature of text alignment.
        Invariant 2: we should not expect alignment introducing
                     additional ground truth tokens.
            However, in some cases, the alignment algorithm can
            introduce a group of GAP_CHARs as a separate token at the
            end of string, especially if there are lingering whitespaces.
                    gt: "Boston is big "  (num_tokens = 3)
                 noise: "B oston bi g"
            aligned_gt: "B@oston is big @" (num_tokens = 4)
         aligned_noise: "B oston @@@bi@ g"

        Remember, the example above is just one out of the many possible alignment
        candidates, and we need to search for the one with the target number of gt_tokens
                    gt: "Boston is big "   (num_tokens = 3)
                 noise: "B oston bi g"
            aligned_gt: "B@oston is bi@g " (num_tokens = 3)
         aligned_noise: "B oston @@@bi g@"

        This method is to search for such candidate that satisfy the invariant.

        alignments (list) : a list of alignment tuples as follows:
                            [(str1, str2, alignment_score, alignment_start, alignment_end), (str1, str2, ...), ...]
        target_num_gt_tokens (int) : the number of token in the aligned ground truth string should have

        ValueError: raises this error if
        1. all the alignment candidates does NOT have the target number of tokens OR
        2. the aligned strings (str1 and str2) in the selected candidate are NOT EQUAL in length

        an alignment tuple (str, str, int, int, int) with following information:
            (str1, str2, alignment_score, alignment_start, alignment_end)
    for alignment in alignments:
        aligned_gt = alignment[0]
        aligned_noise = alignment[1]
        num_aligned_gt_tokens = len(tokenize(aligned_gt))
        # Invariant 2
        if num_aligned_gt_tokens == target_num_gt_tokens:
            # Invariant 1
            if len(aligned_gt) != len(aligned_noise):
                raise ValueError(
                    f"Aligned strings are not equal in length: \naligned_gt: '{aligned_gt}'\naligned_noise '{aligned_noise}'\n"
            # Returns the FIRST candidate that satisfies the invariant
            return alignment

    raise ValueError(
        f"No alignment candidates with {target_num_gt_tokens} tokens. Total candidates: {len(alignments)}"

[docs]def align(gt, noise, gap_char=GAP_CHAR): """Align two text segments via sequence alignment algorithm **NOTE**: this algorithm is O(N^2) and is NOT efficient for longer text. Please refer to `genalog.text.anchor` for faster alignment on longer strings. Arguments: gt (str) : ground true text (should not contain GAP_CHAR) noise (str) : str with ocr noise (should not contain GAP_CHAR) gap_char (char, optional) : gap char used in alignment algorithm (default: GAP_CHAR) Returns: tuple(str, str) : a tuple of aligned ground truth and noise Invariants: The returned aligned strings will satisfy the following invariants: 1. ``len(aligned_gt) == len(aligned_noise)`` 2. ``number of tokens in gt == number of tokens in aligned_gt`` Example: :: gt: "New York is big" (num_tokens = 4) aligned_gt: "N@ew @@York @is big@@" (num_tokens = 4) """ if not gt and not noise: # Both inputs are empty string return "", "" elif not gt: # Either is empty return gap_char * len(noise), noise elif not noise: return gt, gap_char * len(gt) else: num_gt_tokens = len(tokenize(gt)) alignments = _align_seg(gt, noise, gap_char=gap_char) try: aligned_gt, aligned_noise, _, _, _ = _select_alignment_candidates( alignments, num_gt_tokens ) except ValueError as e: raise ValueError( f"Error with input strings '{gt}' and '{noise}': \n{str(e)}" ) return aligned_gt, aligned_noise
def _format_alignment(align1, align2): """Wrapper function for Bio.pairwise2.format_alignment() Arguments: align1 (str) : alignment str align2 (str) : second str for alignment Returns: a string with formatted alignment. '|' is for matching character '.' is for substition '-' indicates gap For example: " New York is big. |||||.|| ||||||| New Yerk@is big. " """ formatted_str = pairwise2.format_alignment( align1, align2, 0, 0, len(align1), full_sequences=True ) # Remove the "Score=0" from the str formatted_str_no_score = formatted_str.replace("\n Score=0", "") return formatted_str_no_score def _find_token_start(s, index): """Find the position of the start of token Arguments: s (str) : string to search in index (int) : index to begin search from Returns: - position {int} of the first non-whitespace character Raises: ValueError: if input s is an empty string IndexError: if is out-of-bound index """ max_index = len(s) - 1 if len(s) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot search in an empty string") if index > max_index: raise IndexError(f"Out-of-bound index: {index} in string: {s}") while index < max_index and _is_spacing(s[index]): index += 1 return index def _find_token_end(s, index): """Find the position of the end of a token *** Important *** This method ALWAYS return index within the bound of the string. So, for single character string (eg. "c"), it will return 0. Arguments: s (str) : string to search in index (int) : index to begin search from Returns: - position {int} of the first non-whitespace character Raises: ValueError: if input s is an empty string IndexError: if is out-of-bound index """ max_index = len(s) - 1 if len(s) == 0: raise ValueError("Cannot search in an empty string") if index > max_index: raise IndexError(f"Out-of-bound index: {index} in string: {s}") while index < max_index and not _is_spacing(s[index]): index += 1 return index def _find_next_token(s, start): """Return the start and end index of a token in a string *** Important *** This method ALWAYS return indices within the bound of the string. So, for single character string (eg. "c"), it will return (0,0) Arguments: s (str) : the string to search token in start (int) : the starting index to start search in Returns: a tuple of (int, int) responding to the start and end indices of a token in the given s. """ token_start = _find_token_start(s, start) token_end = _find_token_end(s, token_start) return token_start, token_end def _is_valid_token(token, gap_char=GAP_CHAR): """Returns true if token is valid (i.e. compose of non-gap characters) Invalid tokens are 1. multiple occurrences of the GAP_CHAR (e.g. '@@@') 2. empty string ("") 3. string with spaces (" ") **Important: this method expects one token and not multiple space-separated tokens Arguments: token (str) : input string token gap_char (char, optional) : gap char used in alignment algorithm. Defaults to GAP_CHAR. Returns: bool : True if is a valid token, false otherwise """ # Matches multiples of 'gap_char' that are padded with whitespace characters on either end INVALID_TOKEN_REGEX = ( rf"^\s*{re.escape(gap_char)}*\s*$" # Escape special regex chars ) return not re.match(INVALID_TOKEN_REGEX, token)
[docs]def parse_alignment(aligned_gt, aligned_noise, gap_char=GAP_CHAR): r"""Parse alignment to pair ground truth tokens with noise tokens :: Case 1: Case 2: Case 3: Case 4: Case 5: one-to-many many-to-one many-to-many missing tokens one-to-one gt "New York" "New York" "New York" "New York" "New York" | | | | | | | | | | aligned_gt "New Yo@rk" "New York" "N@ew York" "New York" "New York" | /\ \/ /\/ | | | | aligned_noise "New Yo rk" "New@York" "N ew@York" "New @@@@" "New York" | | | | | | | | | noise "New Yo rk" "NewYork" "N ewYork" "New" "New York" Arguments: aligned_gt (str) : ground truth string aligned with the nose string aligned_noise (str) : noise string aligned with the ground truth gap_char (char, optional) : gap char used in alignment algorithm. Defaults to GAP_CHAR. Returns: tuple : ``(gt_to_noise_mapping, noise_to_gt_mapping)`` of two 2D int arrays: where each array defines the mapping between aligned gt tokens to noise tokens and vice versa. Example: Given input :: aligned_gt: "N@ew York @is big" /\\ | | | aligned_noise: "N ew@York kis big." The returned output will be: :: ([[0,1],[1],[2],[3]], [[0],[0,1],[2],[3]]) """ # Pseudo-algorithm: # # tk_start_gt=12 tk_index_gt = 4 total_tokens = 4 # | tk_end_gt=15 tk_index_noise = 3 total_tokens = 3 # | | # "New York is big " gt_token:big gt_to_noise_mapping: [[0][0][][2]] # "New@york @@ big " noise_token:big noise_to_gt_mapping: [[0][][3]] # | | # | tk_end_noise=15 INVALID TOKENS: @* # tk_start_noise=12 # 1. Initialization: # 1. IMPORTANT: add whitespace padding (' ') to both end of aligned_gt and aligned_noise to avoid overflow # 2. find the first gt_token and the first noise_token # 3. tk_index_gt = tk_index_noise = 0 # 2. While tk_index_gt < total_tk_gt and tk_index_noise < total_tk_noise: # 1. if tk_end_gt == tk_end_noise (1-1 case) # 1. check if the two tokens are valid # 1. if so, register tokens in mapping # 2. find next gt_token token and next noise_token # 3. tk_index_gt ++, tk_index_noise ++ # 3. if tk_end_gt < tk_end_noise (many-1 case) # 1. while tk_end_gt < tk_end_noise # 1. check if gt_token and noise_token are BOTH valid # 1. if so register tokens in mapping # 2. find next gt_token # 3. tk_index_gt ++ # 4. if tk_end_gt > tk_end_noise (1-many case) # 1. while tk_end_gt > tk_end_noise # 1. check if gt_token and noise_token are BOTH valid # 1. if so register tokens in mapping # 2. find next noise token # 3. tk_index_noise ++ # sanity check if len(aligned_gt) != len(aligned_noise): raise ValueError("Aligned strings are not equal in length") total_gt_tokens = len(tokenize(aligned_gt)) total_noise_tokens = len(tokenize(aligned_noise)) # Initialization aligned_gt += " " # add whitespace padding to prevent ptr overflow aligned_noise += " " # add whitespace padding to prevent ptr overflow tk_index_gt = tk_index_noise = 0 tk_start_gt, tk_end_gt = _find_next_token(aligned_gt, 0) tk_start_noise, tk_end_noise = _find_next_token(aligned_noise, 0) gt_to_noise_mapping = [[] for i in range(total_gt_tokens)] noise_to_gt_mapping = [[] for i in range(total_noise_tokens)] while tk_index_gt < total_gt_tokens or tk_index_noise < total_noise_tokens: # If both tokens are aligned (one-to-one case) if tk_end_gt == tk_end_noise: # if both gt_token and noise_token are valid (missing token case) if _is_valid_token( aligned_gt[tk_start_gt:tk_end_gt], gap_char=gap_char ) and _is_valid_token( aligned_noise[tk_start_noise:tk_end_noise], gap_char=gap_char ): # register the index of these tokens in the gt_to_noise_mapping index_row = gt_to_noise_mapping[tk_index_gt] index_row.append(tk_index_noise) # register the index of these tokens in the noise_to_gt_mapping index_row = noise_to_gt_mapping[tk_index_noise] index_row.append(tk_index_gt) # find the start and end the next gt_token and noise_token tk_start_gt, tk_end_gt = _find_next_token(aligned_gt, tk_end_gt) tk_start_noise, tk_end_noise = _find_next_token(aligned_noise, tk_end_noise) tk_index_gt += 1 tk_index_noise += 1 # If gt_token is shorter than noise_token (many-to-one case) elif tk_end_gt < tk_end_noise: while tk_end_gt < tk_end_noise: # if both gt_token and noise_token are valid (missing token case) if _is_valid_token( aligned_gt[tk_start_gt:tk_end_gt], gap_char=gap_char ) and _is_valid_token( aligned_noise[tk_start_noise:tk_end_noise], gap_char=gap_char ): # register the index of these tokens in the gt_to_noise_mapping index_row = gt_to_noise_mapping[tk_index_gt] index_row.append(tk_index_noise) # register the index of these tokens in the noise_to_gt_mapping index_row = noise_to_gt_mapping[tk_index_noise] index_row.append(tk_index_gt) # Find the next gt_token tk_start_gt, tk_end_gt = _find_next_token(aligned_gt, tk_end_gt) # Increment index tk_index_gt += 1 # If gt_token is longer than noise_token (one-to-many case) else: while tk_end_gt > tk_end_noise: # if both gt_token and noise_token are valid (missing token case) if _is_valid_token( aligned_gt[tk_start_gt:tk_end_gt], gap_char=gap_char ) and _is_valid_token( aligned_noise[tk_start_noise:tk_end_noise], gap_char=gap_char ): # register the index of these token in the gt_to_noise mapping index_row = gt_to_noise_mapping[tk_index_gt] index_row.append(tk_index_noise) # register the index of these token in the noise_to_gt mapping index_row = noise_to_gt_mapping[tk_index_noise] index_row.append(tk_index_gt) # Find the next gt_token tk_start_noise, tk_end_noise = _find_next_token( aligned_noise, tk_end_noise ) # Increment index tk_index_noise += 1 return gt_to_noise_mapping, noise_to_gt_mapping