Source code for genalog.text.conll_format

# ---------------------------------------------------------
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License.
# ---------------------------------------------------------

"""This is a utility tool to create CoNLL-formatted token+label files for OCR'ed text
by extracting text from grok OCR output JSON files and propagating labels from clean
text to OCR text.

:: [-h] [--train_subset] [--test_subset]
                    [--gt_folder GT_FOLDER]
                    base_folder degraded_folder

    Positional Argument:
        base_folder            base directory containing the collection of dataset
        degraded_folder        directory name containing train and test subset for degradation

    Optional Arguments:
        --train_subset            include if only train directory should be processed
        --test_subset             include if only test directory should be processed
        --gt_folder GT_FOLDER     directory name containing ground truth (default to `shared`)

    Seek Help:
        -h, --help                show this help message and exit

Example Usage:

.. code-block:: shell

    # to run for specified degradation of the dataset on both train and test
    python -m genalog.text.conll_format '/data/enki/datasets/synthetic_dataset/' 'hyphens_all'

    # to run for specified degradation of the dataset and ground truth
    python -m genalog.text.conll_format '/data/enki/datasets/synthetic_dataset/' 'hyphens_all' --gt_folder='shared'

    # to run for specified degradation of the dataset  on only test subset
    python -m genalog.text.conll_format '/data/enki/datasets/synthetic_dataset/' 'hyphens_all' --test_subset

    # to run for specified degradation of the dataset  on only train subset
    python -m genalog.text.conll_format '/data/enki/datasets/synthetic_dataset/' 'hyphens_all' --train_subset
import argparse
import concurrent.futures
import difflib
import itertools
import json
import os
import timeit

from tqdm import tqdm

from genalog.text import alignment, ner_label


[docs]def propagate_labels_sentences(clean_tokens, clean_labels, clean_sentences, ocr_tokens): """ propagate_labels_sentences propagates clean labels for clean tokens to ocr tokens and splits ocr tokens into sentences Parameters ---------- clean_tokens : list list of tokens in clean text clean_labels : list list of labels corresponding to clean tokens clean_sentences : list list of sentences (each sentence is a list of tokens) ocr_tokens : list list of tokens in ocr text Returns ------- list, list list of ocr sentences (each sentence is a list of tokens) list of labels for ocr sentences """ # Ensure equal number of tokens in both clean_tokens and clean_sentences merged_sentences = list(itertools.chain(*clean_sentences)) if merged_sentences != clean_tokens: delta = "\n".join( difflib.unified_diff( merged_sentences, clean_tokens, fromfile="merged_clean_sentences", tofile="clean_tokens", ) ) raise ValueError( "Inconsistent tokens. " + f"Delta between clean_text and clean_labels:\n{delta}" ) # Ensure that there's OCR result if len(ocr_tokens) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty OCR tokens.") elif len(clean_tokens) == 0: raise ValueError("Empty clean tokens.") # 1. Propagate labels + alig ocr_labels, aligned_clean, aligned_ocr, gap_char = ner_label.propagate_label_to_ocr( clean_labels, clean_tokens, ocr_tokens ) # 2. Parse alignment to get mapping gt_to_ocr_mapping, ocr_to_gt_mapping = alignment.parse_alignment( aligned_clean, aligned_ocr, gap_char=gap_char ) # 3. Find sentence breaks in clean text sentences gt_to_ocr_mapping_is_empty = [len(mapping) == 0 for mapping in gt_to_ocr_mapping] sentence_index = [] sentence_token_counts = 0 for sentence in clean_sentences: sentence_index.append(sentence_token_counts) sentence_token_counts += len(sentence) sentence_index.append(sentence_token_counts) # 4. propagate sentence breaks to ocr text gt_start_n_end = list(zip(sentence_index[:-1], sentence_index[1:])) ocr_text_sentences = [] ocr_labels_sentences = [] for gt_start, gt_end in gt_start_n_end: # Corner Case: 1st gt token is not mapped to any ocr token if gt_start == 0 and len(gt_to_ocr_mapping[gt_start]) < 1: ocr_start = 0 # if gt token at sentence break is not mapped to any ocr token elif len(gt_to_ocr_mapping[gt_start]) < 1: try: # finding next gt token that is mapped to an ocr token new_gt_start = gt_to_ocr_mapping_is_empty.index(False, gt_start) ocr_start = gt_to_ocr_mapping[new_gt_start][0] # If no valid token mapping in the remaining gt tokens except ValueError: ocr_start = len(ocr_tokens) # use the last ocr token else: ocr_start = gt_to_ocr_mapping[gt_start][0] # if gt token is not map to any ocr token if gt_end >= len(gt_to_ocr_mapping): ocr_end = len(ocr_tokens) elif len(gt_to_ocr_mapping[gt_end]) < 1: try: # finding next gt token that is mapped to an ocr token new_gt_end = gt_to_ocr_mapping_is_empty.index(False, gt_end) ocr_end = gt_to_ocr_mapping[new_gt_end][0] # If no valid token mapping in the remaining gt tokens except ValueError: ocr_end = len(ocr_tokens) # use the last ocr token else: ocr_end = gt_to_ocr_mapping[gt_end][0] ocr_sentence = ocr_tokens[ocr_start:ocr_end] ocr_sentence_labels = ocr_labels[ocr_start:ocr_end] ocr_text_sentences.append(ocr_sentence) ocr_labels_sentences.append(ocr_sentence_labels) return ocr_text_sentences, ocr_labels_sentences
def get_sentences_from_iob_format(iob_format_str): sentences = [] sentence = [] for line in iob_format_str: if line.strip() == "": # if line is empty (sentence separator) sentences.append(sentence) sentence = [] else: token = line.split()[0].strip() sentence.append(token) sentences.append(sentence) # filter any empty sentences return list(filter(lambda sentence: len(sentence) > 0, sentences)) def propagate_labels_sentence_single_file(arg): ( clean_labels_dir, output_text_dir, output_labels_dir, clean_label_ext, input_filename, ) = arg clean_labels_file = os.path.join(clean_labels_dir, input_filename).replace( clean_label_ext, ".txt" ) ocr_text_file = os.path.join(output_text_dir, input_filename) ocr_labels_file = os.path.join(output_labels_dir, input_filename) if not os.path.exists(clean_labels_file): print( f"Warning: missing clean label file '{clean_labels_file}'. Please check file corruption. Skipping this file index..." ) return elif not os.path.exists(ocr_text_file): print( f"Warning: missing ocr text file '{ocr_text_file}'. Please check file corruption. Skipping this file index..." ) return else: with open(clean_labels_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as clf: tokens_labels_str = clf.readlines() clean_tokens = [ line.split()[0].strip() for line in tokens_labels_str if len(line.split()) == 2 ] clean_labels = [ line.split()[1].strip() for line in tokens_labels_str if len(line.split()) == 2 ] clean_sentences = get_sentences_from_iob_format(tokens_labels_str) # read ocr tokens with open(ocr_text_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as otf: ocr_text_str = " ".join(otf.readlines()) ocr_tokens = [ token.strip() for token in ocr_text_str.split() ] # already tokenized in data try: ocr_tokens_sentences, ocr_labels_sentences = propagate_labels_sentences( clean_tokens, clean_labels, clean_sentences, ocr_tokens ) except Exception as e: print( f"\nWarning: error processing '{input_filename}': {str(e)}.\nSkipping this file..." ) return # Write result to file with open(ocr_labels_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as olf: for ocr_tokens, ocr_labels in zip( ocr_tokens_sentences, ocr_labels_sentences ): if len(ocr_tokens) == 0: # if empty OCR sentences olf.write( f"{EMPTY_SENTENCE_SENTINEL}\t{EMPTY_SENTENCE_SENTINEL_NER_LABEL}\n" ) else: for token, label in zip(ocr_tokens, ocr_labels): olf.write(f"{token}\t{label}\n") olf.write("\n")
[docs]def propagate_labels_sentences_multiprocess( clean_labels_dir, output_text_dir, output_labels_dir, clean_label_ext ): """ propagate_labels_sentences_all_files propagates labels and sentences for all files in dataset Parameters ---------- clean_labels_dir : str path of directory with clean labels - CoNLL formatted so contains tokens and corresponding labels output_text_dir : dir path of directory with ocr text output_labels_dir : dir path of directory with ocr labels - CoNLL formatted so contains tokens and corresponding labels clean_label_ext : str file extension of the clean_labels """ clean_label_files = os.listdir(clean_labels_dir) args = list( map( lambda clean_label_filename: ( clean_labels_dir, output_text_dir, output_labels_dir, clean_label_ext, clean_label_filename, ), clean_label_files, ) ) with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: iterator =, args) for _ in tqdm(iterator, total=len(args)): # wrapping tqdm for progress report pass
[docs]def extract_ocr_text(input_file, output_file): """ extract_ocr_text from GROK json Parameters ---------- input_file : str file path of input file output_file : str file path of output file """ out_dir = os.path.dirname(output_file) in_file_name = os.path.basename(input_file) file_pre = in_file_name.split("_")[-1].split(".")[0] output_file_name = "{}.txt".format(file_pre) output_file = os.path.join(out_dir, output_file_name) with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as fin: json_data = json.load(fin) json_dict = json_data[0] text = json_dict["text"] with open(output_file, "wb") as fout: fout.write(text.encode("utf-8"))
[docs]def check_n_sentences(clean_labels_dir, output_labels_dir, clean_label_ext): """ check_n_sentences prints file name if number of sentences is different in clean and OCR files Parameters ---------- clean_labels_dir : str path of directory with clean labels - CoNLL formatted so contains tokens and corresponding labels output_labels_dir : str path of directory with ocr labels - CoNLL formatted so contains tokens and corresponding labels """ text_files = os.listdir(output_labels_dir) skip_files = [] for text_filename in tqdm(text_files): clean_labels_file = os.path.join(clean_labels_dir, text_filename).replace( ".txt", clean_label_ext ) ocr_labels_file = os.path.join(output_labels_dir, text_filename) remove_first_line(clean_labels_file, clean_labels_file) remove_first_line(ocr_labels_file, ocr_labels_file) remove_last_line(clean_labels_file, clean_labels_file) remove_last_line(ocr_labels_file, ocr_labels_file) with open(clean_labels_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as lf: clean_tokens_labels = lf.readlines() with open(ocr_labels_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as of: ocr_tokens_labels = of.readlines() error = False n_clean_sentences = 0 nl = False for line in clean_tokens_labels: if line == "\n": if nl is True: error = True else: nl = True n_clean_sentences += 1 else: nl = False n_ocr_sentences = 0 nl = False for line in ocr_tokens_labels: if line == "\n": if nl is True: error = True else: nl = True n_ocr_sentences += 1 else: nl = False if error or n_ocr_sentences != n_clean_sentences: print( f"Warning: Inconsistent numbers of sentences in '{text_filename}''." + f"clean_sentences to ocr_sentences: {n_clean_sentences}:{n_ocr_sentences}" ) skip_files.append(text_filename) return skip_files
[docs]def remove_first_line(input_file, output_file): """ remove_first_line from files (some clean CoNLL files have an empty first line) Parameters ---------- input_file : str input file path output_file : str output file path """ with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as in_f: lines = in_f.readlines() if len(lines) > 1 and lines[0].strip() == "": # the clean CoNLL formatted files had a newline as the first line with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_f: out_f.writelines(lines[1:])
[docs]def remove_last_line(input_file, output_file): """ remove_last_line from files (some clean CoNLL files have an empty last line) Parameters ---------- input_file : str input file path output_file : str output file path """ with open(input_file, "r", encoding="utf-8") as in_f: lines = in_f.readlines() if len(lines) > 1 and lines[-1].strip() == "": with open(output_file, "w", encoding="utf-8") as out_f: out_f.writelines(lines[:-1])
[docs]def for_all_files(input_dir, output_dir, func): """ for_all_files will apply function to every file in a director Parameters ---------- input_dir : str directory with input files output_dir : str directory for output files func : function function to be applied to all files in input_dir """ text_files = os.listdir(input_dir) for text_filename in text_files: input_file = os.path.join(input_dir, text_filename) output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, text_filename) func(input_file, output_file)
def main(args): if not args.train_subset and not args.test_subset: subsets = ["train", "test"] else: subsets = [] if args.train_subset: subsets.append("train") if args.test_subset: subsets.append("test") for subset in subsets: print("Processing {} subset...".format(subset)) clean_labels_dir = os.path.join( args.base_folder, args.gt_folder, subset, "clean_labels" ) ocr_json_dir = os.path.join( args.base_folder, args.degraded_folder, subset, "ocr" ) output_text_dir = os.path.join( args.base_folder, args.degraded_folder, subset, "ocr_text" ) output_labels_dir = os.path.join( args.base_folder, args.degraded_folder, subset, "ocr_labels" ) # remove first empty line of labels file, if exists for_all_files(clean_labels_dir, clean_labels_dir, remove_first_line) if not os.path.exists(output_text_dir): os.mkdir(output_text_dir) # extract text from ocr json output and save to ocr_text/ for_all_files(ocr_json_dir, output_text_dir, extract_ocr_text) if not os.path.exists(output_labels_dir): os.mkdir(output_labels_dir) # make ocr labels files by propagating clean labels to ocr_text and creating files in ocr_labels propagate_labels_sentences_multiprocess( clean_labels_dir, output_text_dir, output_labels_dir, args.clean_label_ext ) print("Validating number of sentences in gt and ocr labels") check_n_sentences( clean_labels_dir, output_labels_dir, args.clean_label_ext ) # check number of sentences and make sure same; print anomaly files def create_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument( "base_folder", help="base directory containing the collection of dataset" ) parser.add_argument( "degraded_folder", help="directory containing train and test subset for degradation", ) parser.add_argument( "--gt_folder", type=str, default="shared", help="directory containing the ground truth", ) parser.add_argument( "--clean_label_ext", type=str, default=".txt", help="file extension of the clean_labels files", ) parser.add_argument( "--train_subset", help="include if only train folder should be processed", action="store_true", ) parser.add_argument( "--test_subset", help="include if only test folder should be processed", action="store_true", ) return parser if __name__ == "__main__": start = timeit.default_timer() parser = create_parser() args = parser.parse_args() main(args) elapsed_time = timeit.default_timer() - start print(f"Time to format entire dataset: {elapsed_time:0.3f}s")