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Interface: SoundServerControlEvents

Events used to send commands to a SoundServer.



sound_server_interrupt: Readonly<SoundPacket>

Requests a sound packet to be played at the earliest opportunity. If there is no existing packet with the same key currently being played, the packet will begin playing immediately. Otherwise, the existing packet will be stopped the next time one of its sound atoms finishes playing, any queued packets with the same key will be discarded, and the new packet will begin playing at that time.

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sound_server_kill: string

Requests that a sound packet stop playing at the earliest opportunity (the next time one of its sound atoms finishes playing). The event data should be the key of the packet to kill. This also prevents any queued packets with the same key from playing.

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sound_server_kill_all: void

Requests that all currently playing sound packets stop playing at the earliest opportunity (the next time one of their sound atoms finishes playing). This also clears all queued packets.

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sound_server_play: Readonly<SoundPacket>

Requests a sound packet to be played if there is no existing packet with the same key currently being played.

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sound_server_play_sound: string

Requests a single sound atom to be played non-continuously. The event data should be the ID of the sound atom to play. Publishing this command is an alias for publishing a sound_server_play command with the packet: { key: id, sequence: id, continuous: false }.

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sound_server_queue: Readonly<SoundPacket>

Requests a sound packet to be queued. If there is no existing packet with the same key currently being played, the packet will begin playing immediately. Otherwise, the new packet will begin playing after the existing packet and any other queued packets with the same key are finished playing.

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sound_server_start_sound: string

Requests a single sound atom to be played continuously. The event data should be the ID of the sound atom to play. Publishing this command is an alias for publishing a sound_server_play command with the packet: { key: id, sequence: id, continuous: true }.

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sound_server_stop: string

Requests that a continuous sound packet stop playing instead of looping the next time its sequence finishes. The event data should be the key of the packet to stop. This also prevents any queued packets with the same key from playing.

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sound_server_stop_all: void

Requests that all currently playing continuous sound packets stop playing instead of looping the next time their sequences finish. This also clears all queued packets.

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sound_server_stop_sound: string

Requests that a continuous sound packet stop playing instead of looping the next time its sequence finishes. The event data should be the key of the packet to stop. This command is an alias for sound_server_stop.

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