- ActiveLegStates
- AltAlertState
- AvionicsSystemState
- BacklightMode
- ContextMenuPosition
- DateTimeFormatSettingMode
- EISPageTypes
- FmsHEvent
- FuelComputerSimVars
- G1000AlertsLevel
- NearestAirportSoftKey
- NearestAirportsPageGroups
- NearestVorSoftKey
- PfdMapLayoutSettingMode
- ScrollMode
- SpeedConfigType
- TimeDisplayFormat
- TimerMode
- TrafficAltitudeModeSetting
- TrafficMotionVectorModeSetting
- TrafficOperatingModeSetting
- UnitsAltitudeSettingMode
- UnitsDistanceSettingMode
- UnitsNavAngleSettingMode
- UnitsTemperatureSettingMode
- UnitsWeightSettingMode
- VSpeedValueKey
- WindOverlayRenderOption
- WindOverlaySettingMode
- ADCAvionicsSystem
- ADFFreqInput
- AHRSSystem
- ALTUnitsMenu
- ActionButton
- ActiveNavSourceManager
- AhrsPublisher
- AirportFilter
- AirspeedIndicatorConfig
- Alerts
- AlertsSubject
- Altimeter
- AltimeterBaroKeyEventHandler
- AltitudeAlertController
- ApproachNameDisplay
- ArrowControl
- ArrowToggle
- ArrowToggle_OLD
- ArtificialHorizon
- AttitudeIndicator
- AutopilotConfig
- AvionicsComputerSystem
- BacklightManager
- BacklightUserSettings
- BaseGauge
- BasicAvionicsSystem
- BearingDisplay
- BottomInfoPanel
- CasAlertsBridge
- ColorRangeConfig
- CompassRose
- ConstraintSelector
- ContextMenuDialog
- CourseNeedleComponent
- CourseNeedles
- CourseNumberInput
- CylinderSet
- CylinderTempGauge
- CylinderTempGaugeTwin
- DMEWindow
- DateTimeUserSettings
- DefaultConfigFactory
- DigitInput
- DirectTo
- DirectToController
- DirectToStore
- EngineAirframeSystem
- EngineMenu
- FPLApproach
- FPLArrival
- FPLDeparture
- FPLDestination
- FPLDetails
- FPLDetailsController
- FPLDetailsStore
- FPLEmptyRow
- FPLEnroute
- FPLHeader
- FPLHeaderApproach
- FPLHeaderArrival
- FPLHeaderDeparture
- FPLHeaderDestination
- FPLHeaderEnroute
- FPLOrigin
- FPLSection
- FPLStringHeader
- FPLUtils
- FacilitiesGroup
- FacilityGroup
- FacilityItem
- FlightDirector
- FlightPathMarker
- FlightPlanAsoboSync
- Fma
- FmaApSlot
- FmaDisplaySlot
- FmaLegIcon
- FplActiveLegArrow
- FrequencyItem
- FuelComputer
- FuelRemMenu
- G1000APPublisher
- G1000AirframeOptionsManager
- G1000AirspeedIndicator
- G1000AirspeedIndicatorDataProvider
- G1000Autopilot
- G1000AvionicsPlugin
- G1000ControlList
- G1000ControlPublisher
- G1000PfdAvionicsPlugin
- G1000SettingSaveManager
- G1000SynVis
- G1000UiControl
- G1000UiControlWrapper
- G1000UiMapWaypointIconImageCache
- G1000WaypointIcon
- GenericControl
- GenericNumberInput
- GpsNeedle
- GroupBox
- HSIMap
- HSIMapCourseDeviation
- HSIRose
- Hold
- HoldController
- HoldStore
- HorizonCompass
- InputComponent
- InsetMenu
- LNavNavSource
- LeanMenu
- List
- ListMenuDialog
- LookupTableConfig
- MFDAirportInformationPage
- MFDDirectTo
- MFDFPLDetails
- MFDFPLRootMenu
- MFDFPLVNavProfile
- MFDFPLWeather
- MFDHold
- MFDInformationPage
- MFDIntersectionInformationPage
- MFDMapRangeSettingRow
- MFDMapSettings
- MFDMapSettingsAirspaceGroup
- MFDMapSettingsAviationGroup
- MFDMapSettingsGroup
- MFDMapSettingsLandGroup
- MFDMapSettingsMapGroup
- MFDMapSettingsRow
- MFDMapSettingsTrafficGroup
- MFDMapSettingsWeatherGroup
- MFDMapSingleEnumSettingRow
- MFDMapToggleEnumSettingsRow
- MFDMapToggleRangeSettingsRow
- MFDMapToggleSettingRow
- MFDNavDataBar
- MFDNavDataBarUserSettings
- MFDNavMapPage
- MFDNavMapRootMenu
- MFDNdbInformationPage
- MFDNearestAirportRootMenu
- MFDNearestAirportsPage
- MFDNearestIntersectionsPage
- MFDNearestNdbsPage
- MFDNearestPage
- MFDNearestVorRootMenu
- MFDNearestVorsPage
- MFDPageMenuDialog
- MFDPageSelect
- MFDProc
- MFDRootMenu
- MFDSelectAirway
- MFDSelectApproach
- MFDSelectApproachController
- MFDSelectApproachStore
- MFDSelectArrival
- MFDSelectArrivalController
- MFDSelectArrivalStore
- MFDSelectDepArr
- MFDSelectDepArrController
- MFDSelectDeparture
- MFDSelectDepartureController
- MFDSelectDepartureStore
- MFDSelectProcedurePage
- MFDSelectProcedureRootMenu
- MFDSetRunway
- MFDSystemSetupAirspaceAlertsGroup
- MFDSystemSetupComSpacingGroup
- MFDSystemSetupDataBarGroup
- MFDSystemSetupDateTimeGroup
- MFDSystemSetupGenericRow
- MFDSystemSetupNearestAirportGroup
- MFDSystemSetupPage
- MFDSystemSetupRootMenu
- MFDSystemSetupRow
- MFDSystemSetupSelectRow
- MFDSystemSetupToggleRow
- MFDSystemSetupUnitsGroup
- MFDTrafficMapAltitudeMenu
- MFDTrafficMapMotionDurationMenu
- MFDTrafficMapMotionMenu
- MFDTrafficMapPage
- MFDTrafficMapRootMenu
- MFDUiPage
- MFDViewService
- MFDVorInformationPage
- MFDWptDupDialog
- MFDWptInfo
- MagVarDisplay
- MagnetometerSystem
- MapBuilder
- MapDataIntegrityController
- MapEnumSettingControl
- MapHSILayoutMenu
- MapHSIMenu
- MapInset
- MapOptMenu
- MapRangeDisplay
- MapRangeSettingControl
- MapSettingControl
- MapToggleSettingControl
- MapUserSettings
- MapWaypointIconImageCache
- MarkerBeacon
- MessageDialog
- MultipleSoftKeyUserSettingController
- NPConfig
- Nav1Needle
- Nav2Needle
- NavComFrequencyElement
- NavComRadio
- NavComUserSettings
- Nearest
- NearestAirportApproachesGroup
- NearestAirportFrequenciesGroup
- NearestAirportInformationGroup
- NearestAirportItem
- NearestAirportRunwaysGroup
- NearestAirportSearchSettings
- NearestController
- NearestIntersectionInformationGroup
- NearestIntersectionReferenceVorGroup
- NearestNdbFrequencyGroup
- NearestNdbInformationGroup
- NearestStore
- NearestVorFrequencyGroup
- NearestVorInformationGroup
- NeedleAnimator
- NumberInput
- NumberUnitDisplay
- NumericConstantConfig
- NumericMaxConfig
- NumericMinConfig
- PFDDirectTo
- PFDHold
- PFDOptMenu
- PFDPageMenuDialog
- PFDProc
- PFDSelectAirway
- PFDSelectApproach
- PFDSelectApproachView
- PFDSelectArrival
- PFDSelectArrivalView
- PFDSelectDepArr
- PFDSelectDeparture
- PFDSelectDepartureView
- PFDSetRunway
- PFDSetup
- PFDUserSettings
- PFDViewService
- PFDWptDupDialog
- PFDWptInfo
- PageSelectMenuSystem
- PopoutMenuItem
- PrimaryHorizonDisplay
- ProcSequenceItem
- RadioAltimeter
- RootMenu
- RunwaySelector
- SVTMenu
- ScrollBar
- ScrollController
- SelectAirway
- SelectAirwayController
- SelectAirwayStore
- SelectApproach
- SelectApproachController
- SelectApproachStore
- SelectArrivalController
- SelectArrivalStore
- SelectControl
- SelectControl2
- SelectDepArr
- SelectDepArrController
- SelectDepArrStore
- SelectDepartureController
- SelectDepartureStore
- SelectProcedureController
- SelectProcedureControllerStore
- SelectProcedureStore
- SetRunway
- SetRunwayStore
- SignInput
- SoftKey
- SoftKeyBar
- SoftKeyBooleanUserSettingController
- SoftKeyEnumUserSettingController
- SoftKeyMenu
- SoftKeyMenuSystem
- SoundSystem
- SpeedConfig
- StartupLogo
- SvtAirportLabel
- SvtAirportLabels
- SvtProjectionUtils
- SystemMenu
- TestFPL
- TimeDisplay
- TimeDistanceInput
- TimeNumberInput
- Timer
- TimerInput
- TimerRef
- TrafficUserSettings
- Transponder
- TransponderSystem
- TurbulenceGraph
- TurnRateIndicator
- UiControl
- UiControlGroup
- UiPage
- UiView
- UnitsUserSettings
- UserSettingController
- UserSettingNumberController
- UserSettingSelectControl
- UserSettingSelectController
- UserSettingToggleControl
- UserSettingToggleController
- UserSettingToggleEnumControl
- UserSettingTransformedSelectController
- VNavAlertForwarder
- VSpeedBugConfig
- VSpeedConfig
- VSpeedUserSettingManager
- VerticalDeviation
- VerticalSpeedIndicator
- ViewMenu
- ViewService
- WarningDisplay
- WaypointAlerter
- WaypointIconImageCache
- WaypointInput
- WaypointInputController
- WaypointInputStore
- WaypointRegion
- WindMenu
- WindOption
- WindOption1
- WindOption2
- WindOption3
- WindOptionController
- WindOptionStore
- WindOverlay
- WptDupDialog
- WptDupListItem
- WptInfo
- WptInfoController
- WptInfoStore
- XMLCircleGauge
- XMLColumnGroup
- XMLDoubleHorizontalGauge
- XMLDoubleVerticalGauge
- XMLGaugeColumn
- XMLHorizontalGauge
- XMLTextGauge
- XMLVerticalGauge
- XPDRCodeMenu
- XPDRMenu
- ADCSystemEvents
- AHRSSystemEvents
- AlertMessage
- AlertMessageEvents
- ArtificalHorizonProps
- AvionicsComputerSystemEvents
- AvionicsSystemStateEvent
- BacklightUserSettingTypes
- CasAlertBridgeEvents
- CasAssociatedMessage
- Config
- ConfigFactory
- ContextMenuItemDefinition
- ContextMenuOptions
- DigitInputProps
- DirectToInputData
- DirectToProps
- EISProps
- EngineAirframeSystemEvents
- FPLDetailProps
- FPLHeaderProps
- FPLInteractive
- FPLSectionProps
- FacilitiesGroupProps
- FacilityItemProps
- FlightPathMarkerProps
- FmaApSlotProps
- FmaDisplaySlotProps
- FrequencyItemProps
- FuelSimVars
- FuelTotalizerSimVars
- G1000APSimVarEvents
- G1000AirspeedIndicatorProps
- G1000AvionicsSystem
- G1000CasEvents
- G1000ControlEvents
- G1000MfdPluginBinder
- G1000PfdPluginBinder
- G1000PluginBinder
- G1000SynVisProps
- G1000UiControlProps
- GarminControlListProps
- GenericNumberInputProps
- HoldInputData
- HoldProps
- ListMenuDialogProps
- MFDFPLDetailProps
- MFDFPLPageProps
- MFDFPLWeatherProps
- MFDInformationPageProps
- MFDMapRangeSettingRowProps
- MFDMapSettingsGroupProps
- MFDMapSettingsProps
- MFDMapSettingsRowProps
- MFDMapSingleEnumSettingRowProps
- MFDMapToggleEnumSettingsRowProps
- MFDMapToggleRangeSettingsRowProps
- MFDMapToggleSettingRowProps
- MFDNavDataBarProps
- MFDNavMapPageProps
- MFDNearestPageProps
- MFDPageSelectProps
- MFDSelectAirwayProps
- MFDSelectApproachProps
- MFDSelectDepArrProps
- MFDSelectDepArrStore
- MFDSelectProcedure
- MFDSelectProcedurePageProps
- MFDSystemSetupGenericRowProps
- MFDSystemSetupGroupProps
- MFDSystemSetupPageProps
- MFDSystemSetupRowProps
- MFDSystemSetupSelectRowProps
- MFDSystemSetupToggleRowProps
- MFDTrafficMapPageProps
- MFDUiPageProps
- MFDWptDupDialogProps
- MagnetometerSystemEvents
- MapDataIntegrityControllerModules
- MapEnumSettingControlProps
- MapRangeDisplayProps
- MapRangeSettingControlProps
- MapSettingControlProps
- MenuItem
- MenuItemDefinition
- MessageDialogDefinition
- NearestAirportApproachesGroupProps
- NearestAirportFrequenciesGroupProps
- NearestAirportInformationGroupProps
- NearestIntersectionReferenceVorGroupProps
- NumericConfig
- PFDSelectApproachViewProps
- PFDSelectArrivalViewProps
- PFDSelectDepartureViewProps
- PFDSetupProps
- PlaneStateInfo
- ResolvableConfig
- SelectAirwayInputData
- SelectAirwayProps
- SelectApproachProps
- SelectControl2Props
- SelectDepArrProps
- SignInputProps
- SoundSystemEvents
- TransponderSystemEvents
- TurnRateProps
- UiControlGroupProps
- UiControlProps
- UiPageProps
- UiViewProps
- UnitsUserSettingManager
- UserSettingControlProps
- UserSettingSelectControlProps
- UserSettingToggleControlProps
- UserSettingToggleEnumControlProps
- WarningProps
- WaypointRegionProps
- WindData
- WindOptionProps
- WptDupListItemProps
- WptInfoProps
- XMLGaugeColumnProps
Type Aliases
Ƭ ActiveLegDefinition: Object
Active Segment and Leg Indexes
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
legIndex | number | The active let index in the segment. |
segmentIndex | number | The active segment index. |
Defined in
Ƭ AllMapUserSettingTypes: Omit
, keyof SplitMapUserSettingTypes
> & { mapMfdDeclutter
: MapDeclutterSettingMode
; mapMfdNexradShow
: boolean
; mapMfdRangeIndex
: number
; mapMfdTerrainMode
: MapTerrainSettingMode
; mapMfdTrafficShow
: boolean
; mapPfdDeclutter
: MapDeclutterSettingMode
; mapPfdNexradShow
: boolean
; mapPfdRangeIndex
: number
; mapPfdTerrainMode
: MapTerrainSettingMode
; mapPfdTrafficShow
: boolean
All map user settings.
Defined in
Ƭ ArrowControlProps<T
>: SubscribableArrowControlProps
> | MutableSubscribableArrowControlProps
Component props for ArrowControl.
Type parameters
Name |
T |
Defined in
Ƭ AutopilotHdgOptions: Object
Options for the autopilot HDG director.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
maxBankAngle | number | The maximum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
Defined in
Ƭ AutopilotLNavOptions: Object
Options for the autopilot LNAV director.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
maxBankAngle | number | The maximum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
Defined in
Ƭ AutopilotLocOptions: Object
Options for the autopilot LOC director.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
maxBankAngle | number | The maximum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
Defined in
Ƭ AutopilotLowBankOptions: Object
Options for the autopilot Low Bank Mode.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
maxBankAngle | number | The maximum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
Defined in
Ƭ AutopilotRollOptions: Object
Options for the autopilot ROL director.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
maxBankAngle | number | The maximum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
minBankAngle | number | The minimum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
Defined in
Ƭ AutopilotVorOptions: Object
Options for the autopilot VOR director.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
maxBankAngle | number | The maximum supported bank angle, in degrees. |
Defined in
Ƭ BacklightIntensitySettingName: "pfdScreenBacklightIntensity"
| "pfdKeyBacklightIntensity"
| "mfdScreenBacklightIntensity"
| "mfdKeyBacklightIntensity"
A name for a backlight intensity setting.
Defined in
Ƭ BacklightModeSettingName: "pfdScreenBacklightMode"
| "pfdKeyBacklightMode"
| "mfdScreenBacklightMode"
| "mfdKeyBacklightMode"
A name for a backlight mode setting.
Defined in
Ƭ DateTimeUserSettingTypes: Object
Garmin date/time user settings.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
dateTimeFormat | DateTimeFormatSettingMode | Date/time format. |
dateTimeLocalOffset | number | Local time offset, in milliseconds. |
Defined in
Ƭ EntryDirection: "top"
| "bottom"
The direction of entry to the control when focusing on the control group
Defined in
Ƭ FacilityInfo: Object
Facility and runway information for the flight.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
arrivalFacility | AirportFacility | undefined | Facility info for the arrival procedure. |
destinationFacility | AirportFacility | undefined | Facility info for the destination airport. |
originFacility | AirportFacility | undefined | Facility info for the origin airport. |
Defined in
Ƭ FixLegInfo: Object
Data needed for a FixInfoComonent to draw itself, incuding the index of the active leg.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
airwayDistance? | number | The distance from entry to exit of this airway segment. |
invalidConstraintAltitude? | number | The constrant altitude assigned to this leg that is invalid, if one exists. |
isActive | boolean | Whether or not this is the active leg. |
isAdvisory? | boolean | Whether this VNAV target altitude is advisory. |
isAirwayExitFix? | boolean | Whether this leg is an enroute airway exit fix. |
isAirwayFix? | boolean | Whether this leg is an enroute airway fix that is NOT an entry or an exit. |
isCollapsed? | boolean | Whether this leg is collapsed and hidden. |
isDirectTo | boolean | Whether or not this is an active DTO leg. |
isUserConstraint? | boolean | Whether or not the altitude constraint is a user constraint. |
legDefinition | LegDefinition | The leg definition from the flight plan. |
legIsBehind? | boolean | Whether this leg is behind the active leg. |
segmentType | FlightPlanSegmentType | The segment type of the segment that contains this leg. |
targetAltitude? | number | The VNAV target altitude for this leg |
Defined in
Ƭ FlightPlanFocus: readonly LegDefinition
[] | LatLonInterface
| null
A flight plan focus.
Defined in
Ƭ FlightPlanSelection: LegDefinition
| FlightPlanSegment
| null
A selected flight plan element.
Defined in
Ƭ FmaData: Object
A G1000 NXi FMA data object.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
altitideCaptureArmed | boolean | The Altitude Capture Armed State |
altitideCaptureValue | number | The Altitude Capture Value |
lateralActive | APLateralModes | The Active Lateral Mode |
lateralArmed | APLateralModes | The Armed Lateral Mode |
lateralModeFailed | boolean | Lateral Mode Failed |
verticalActive | APVerticalModes | The Active Vertical Mode |
verticalAltitudeArmed | APAltitudeModes | The Armed Altitude Type |
verticalApproachArmed | APVerticalModes | The Armed Vertical Approach Mode |
verticalArmed | APVerticalModes | The Armed Vertical Mode |
Defined in
Ƭ FmsUiControlEvents: Record
, UiControlEventHandler
HardwareUiControl events for Fms interaction H events.
Defined in
Ƭ FuelRemaingAdjustment: Object
Fuel remaining adjustment parameters.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
amount | number | The amount to adjust by. |
direction | "add" | "remove" | "set" | The direction in which to make the adjustment. |
Defined in
Ƭ G1000WaypointIconProps: Pick
, "waypoint"
| "planeHeading"
| "class"
| "ref"
Props for G1000WaypointIcon.
Defined in
Ƭ MFDSelectProcedureTypeComponentMap: Object
A map of procedure types to MFD select procedure component types.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
0 | MFDSelectDeparture | Departures. |
1 | MFDSelectArrival | Arrivals. |
2 | MFDSelectApproach | Approaches. |
3 | MFDSelectApproach | Visual approaches. |
Defined in
Ƭ MapOwnAirplaneIconOptions: Object
Options for the map's own airplane icon.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
airplaneIconAnchor | ReadonlyFloat64Array | The anchor point of the icon. |
airplaneIconSize | number | The size of the icon. |
airplaneIconSrc | string | The URI of the icon's image asset. |
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor? | ReadonlyFloat64Array | The anchor point of the no-heading icon. |
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc? | string | The URI of the no-heading icon's image asset. |
Defined in
Ƭ MultipleSoftkeyUserSettingDef<V
>: Object
A definition for a status bar softkey bound to a user setting used by MultipleSoftKeyUserSettingController.
Type parameters
Name |
V |
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
index | number | The index of the softkey. |
label | string | The label of the softkey. |
value | V | The setting value bound to the softkey. |
Defined in
Ƭ NavComUserSettingTypes: Object
Type description for NAV/COM user settings.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
comSpacing | ComSpacing | The COM spacing setting. |
Defined in
Ƭ NearbyAirport: Object
The data for an airport relevant to a nearest record.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
bearing | number | The bearing to the airport |
bestApproach? | string | Best approach to the best runway. |
bestHdg | number | Heading of the best runway |
bestLength | number | Length of the best runway in meters. |
distance | number | The distance to the airport in meters. |
facility | AirportFacility | null | The airport facility. |
frequency? | FacilityFrequency | The best contact frequency. |
size? | AirportSize | Airport size |
Defined in
Ƭ NearestAirportSearchSettingTypes: Object
Type description for NAV/COM user settings.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
runwayLength | number | The minimum runway length, in feet. |
surfaceTypes | number | A bitmap of the allowed SurfaceTypes |
Defined in
Ƭ PFDUserSettingTypes: Object
Type description for pfd user settings
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
altMetric | boolean | The metric alt unit setting. |
baroHpa | boolean | The baro unit setting. |
mapLayout | PfdMapLayoutSettingMode | The pfd map layout setting. |
svtHdgLabelToggle | boolean | The setting to toggle the heading labels on the horizon compass. |
svtToggle | boolean | The SVT toggle setting. |
windOption | WindOverlaySettingMode | The wind option setting. |
Defined in
Ƭ ScrollableControl: UiControl
| UiControlGroup
They type for elements that can be scrolled.
Defined in
Ƭ SplitMapUserSettingTypes: Object
Map user settings that are independent between the PFD and MFD.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
mapDeclutter | MapDeclutterSettingMode | Declutter setting. |
mapNexradShow | boolean | Whether to show NEXRAD weather or not. |
mapRangeIndex | number | The map range index setting. |
mapTerrainMode | MapTerrainSettingMode | The terrain display setting. |
mapTrafficShow | boolean | Whether to show traffic. |
Defined in
Ƭ SurfaceTypeOptions: number
Shorthand for a collection of SurfaceTypes in a byte.
Defined in
Ƭ UnitsUserSettingTypes: Object
Garmin display units user settings.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
unitsAltitude | UnitsAltitudeSettingMode | The altitude units setting. |
unitsDistance | UnitsDistanceSettingMode | The distance/speed units setting. |
unitsFuel | UnitsFuelSettingMode | The fuel units setting. |
unitsNavAngle | UnitsNavAngleSettingMode | The nav angle units setting. |
unitsTemperature | UnitsTemperatureSettingMode | The temperature units setting. |
unitsWeight | UnitsWeightSettingMode | The weight units setting. |
Defined in
Ƭ VSpeedDefinition: Object
A definition for a reference V-speed.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
defaultValue | number | The default value of the V-speed, in knots. |
label | string | The label text to display for the V-speed in the TimerRef menu. |
name | string | The name of the V-speed. |
Defined in
Ƭ VSpeedGroup: Object
Base type for V-speed groups.
Type declaration
Name | Type | Description |
name | string | This group's name. |
vSpeedDefinitions | readonly VSpeedDefinition [] | Definitions for each reference V-speed contained in this group. |
Defined in
• Const
G1000Config: NavComConfig
Defined in