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Type Aliases


Ƭ APExternalGuidanceProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for APExternalGuidanceProvider.

Type declaration

supportGlidepath?booleanWhether the provider supports glidepath guidance data. Defaults to false.
supportGpsSteer?booleanWhether the provider supports GPS steering command data. Defaults to false.
supportVNav?booleanWhether the provider supports VNAV guidance and VNAV path guidance data. Defaults to false.

Defined in



Ƭ ActiveFlightPlanOptions: Object

Options for the display of the active flight plan.

Type declaration

lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
supportFocus?booleanWhether to support flight plan focus on the primary flight plan. If focus is supported, the primary flight plan will be drawn when it is focused, regardless of whether it is active. Defaults to false.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ AdcSystemSelectionState: readonly [isAltitudeDataValid: boolean, isAirspeedDataValid: boolean, isTemperatureDataValid: boolean]

The state of an ADC used for selection.

Defined in



Ƭ AdcSystemSelectorOptions: Object

Configuration options for AdcSystemSelector.

Type declaration

desirabilityComparator?(a: AdcSystemSelectionState, b: AdcSystemSelectionState) => numberA function that compares the desirability of two ADC systems.
systemPriorities?readonly number[] | ReadonlyMap<number, number> | SubscribableMap<number, number>The priorities for selecting individual ADC systems. If two systems have the same desirability, then the one with the higher priority will be selected. If a system's priority is not defined, then it will default to a value of 0. The priorities can be specified as an array of ADC system indexes or a map of ADC system indexes to the priorities for selecting those systems. If specified as an array of indexes, then each system whose index appears in the array will be assigned a priority equal to array.length - array.indexOf(index).

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Ƭ AhrsSystemSelectionState: readonly [isAttitudeDataValid: boolean, isHeadingDataValid: boolean]

The state of an AHRS used for selection.

Defined in



Ƭ AhrsSystemSelectorOptions: Object

Configuration options for AhrsSystemSelector.

Type declaration

desirabilityComparator?(a: AhrsSystemSelectionState, b: AhrsSystemSelectionState) => numberA function that compares the desirability of two AHRS systems.
systemPriorities?readonly number[] | ReadonlyMap<number, number> | SubscribableMap<number, number>The priorities for selecting individual AHRS systems. If two systems have the same desirability, then the one with the higher priority will be selected. If a system's priority is not defined, then it will default to a value of 0. The priorities can be specified as an array of AHRS system indexes or a map of AHRS system indexes to the priorities for selecting those systems. If specified as an array of indexes, then each system whose index appears in the array will be assigned a priority equal to array.length - array.indexOf(index).

Defined in



Ƭ AircraftSymbolOptions: Pick<AttitudeAircraftSymbolProps, "color">

Options for the symbolic aircraft.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedAlertOptions: Object

Options for airspeed alerts.

Type declaration

supportOverspeedbooleanWhether to support the overspeed alert.
supportTrendOverspeedbooleanWhether to support the trend overspeed alert.
supportTrendUnderspeedbooleanWhether to suppor the trend underspeed alert.
supportUnderspeedbooleanWhether to support the underspeed alert.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedDefinitionContext: Object

A context for a AirspeedDefinitionFactory.

Type declaration

machToKiasSubscribable<number>The current conversion factor from mach number to knots indicated airspeed.
normAoaIasCoefSubscribable<number | null>The correlation coefficient between a given normalized angle of attack and the estimated indicated airspeed in knots required to maintain level flight at that angle of attack for the current aircraft configuration and environment, or null if such a value cannot be calculated.
pressureAltSubscribable<number>The current pressure altitude, in feet.
tasToIasSubscribable<number>The current conversion factor from true airspeed to indicated airspeed.
estimateIasFromNormAoa(normAoa: number) => numberEstimates the indicated airspeed, in knots, required to maintain level flight at a given normalized angle of attack value for the current aircraft configuration and environment. Normalized angle of attack is defined such that 0 equals zero-lift AoA, and 1 equals stall AoA.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedDefinitionFactory: (context: AirspeedDefinitionContext) => number | MappedSubscribable<number>

A function which creates a number or a subscribable which provides a number representing an indicated airspeed value in knots.

Type declaration

▸ (context): number | MappedSubscribable<number>


number | MappedSubscribable<number>

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedIndicatorBottomDisplayOptions: Object

Options for an airspeed indicator's bottom display box.

Type declaration

machThreshold?number | Subscribable<number>The minimum mach number required to display the box, if it is in mach display mode. Defaults to 0.
modeAirspeedIndicatorBottomDisplayModeThe display mode.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedIndicatorColorRange: Object

An airspeed indicator color range.

Type declaration

colorAirspeedIndicatorColorRangeColorThe color of this color range.
maximumAirspeedDefinitionFactoryA factory which generates the maximum speed of this color range, in knots.
minimumAirspeedDefinitionFactoryA factory which generates the minimum speed of this color range, in knots.
widthAirspeedIndicatorColorRangeWidthThe width of this color range.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedIndicatorDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for AirspeedIndicatorDataProvider.

Type declaration

isAirspeedHoldActive?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether airspeed hold is active. If not defined, airspeed hold is considered active if and only if the flight director is in FLC mode.
overspeedThresholdAirspeedDefinitionFactoryA factory which generates the overspeed threshold in knots.
trendLookaheadnumber | Subscribable<number>The lookahead time for the airspeed trend, in seconds.
underspeedThresholdAirspeedDefinitionFactoryA factory which generates the underspeed threshold in knots.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedTapeScaleOptions: Pick<AirspeedTapeProps, "minimum" | "maximum" | "window" | "majorTickInterval" | "minorTickFactor">

Scale options for an airspeed tape.

Defined in



Ƭ AirspeedTrendVectorOptions: Pick<AirspeedTapeProps, "trendThreshold">

Options for an airspeed trend vector.

Defined in



Ƭ AltimeterDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for AltimeterDataProvider.

Type declaration

trendLookaheadnumber | Subscribable<number>The lookahead time for the altitude trend, in seconds.

Defined in



Ƭ AltimeterTapeScaleOptions: Pick<AltimeterTapeProps, "minimum" | "maximum" | "window" | "majorTickInterval" | "minorTickFactor">

Scale options for an altimeter tape.

Defined in



Ƭ AltimeterTrendVectorOptions: Pick<AltimeterTapeProps, "trendThreshold">

Options for an altitude trend vector.

Defined in



Ƭ AltimeterUserSettingTypes: MetricAltitudeSelectSetting & { altimeterBaroMetric: boolean }

Altimeter user settings.

Defined in



Ƭ AltitudeArcOptions: Omit<MapAltitudeArcLayerProps, keyof MapLayerProps<any>>

Options for the altitude intercept arc.

Defined in



Ƭ ApproachDetails: Object

Details on the primary flight plan's loaded approach procedure.

Type declaration

bestRnavTypeRnavTypeFlagsThe best RNAV minima type available on the loaded approach.
isCirclingbooleanWhether the loaded approach is circling
isLoadedbooleanWhether an approach is loaded.
isRnpArbooleanWhether the loaded approach is an RNAV RNP (AR) approach.
isVtfbooleanWhether the loaded approach is a vectors-to-final approach.
referenceFacilityVorFacility | nullThe reference navaid facility for the loaded approach.
rnavTypeFlagsRnavTypeFlagsThe RNAV minima types available on the loaded approach.
runwayOneWayRunway | nullThe runway associated with the loaded approach.
typeGarminApproachTypeThe type of the loaded approach.

Defined in



Ƭ ApproachListItem: Object

An approach procedure paired with its index in its parent airport facility.

Type declaration

approachApproachProcedureThe approach procedure.
indexnumberThe index of the approach in its parent airport facility.
isVisualApproachbooleanWhether the approach is a visual approach.

Defined in



Ƭ ApproachNameParts: Object

A type representing the three parts of an approach name.

Type declaration

flags?stringAdditonal flags (eg, RNAV type)
runway?stringThe runway identifier.
subtype?stringThe approach subtype (eg, GPS)
suffix?stringThe approach suffix
typestringThe approach type.

Defined in



Ƭ ArtificialHorizonColorStop: [distance: number, color: string, step?: number]

A color gradient stop for ArtificialHorizon. The first member (distance) defines the distance of the stop from the horizon line, in pixels. The second member (color) defines the color of the stop. The optional third member (step) defines the distance, in pixels, between adjacent interpolated colors used to draw the gradient. The value of step must be at least 2 and defaults to 4.

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Ƭ ArtificialHorizonSkyColor: ArtificialHorizonColorStop

A color gradient stop in the artificial horizon sky.


Defined in



Ƭ AttitudeAircraftSymbolColor: "yellow" | "white"

An attitude indicator aircraft symbol color option.

Defined in



Ƭ BaseIndexedGarminTimerControlEvents: Object

Indexed events used to control Garmin timers, keyed by base topic names.

Type declaration

garmin_gen_timer_resetvoidResets a generic timer value to its initial value. Stops the timer if it is running.
garmin_gen_timer_set_modeFlightTimerModeSets the active mode for a generic timer.
garmin_gen_timer_set_valuenumberSets the initial and current values, in milliseconds, for a generic timer. Stops the timer if it is running.
garmin_gen_timer_startvoidStarts a generic timer.
garmin_gen_timer_stopvoidStops a generic timer.

Defined in



Ƭ BaseNavDataFieldTypeRendererOptions: Object

Basic configuration options for navigation data field renderers.

Type declaration

class?stringCSS class(es) to apply to the field's root element.
titlestringThe title to display for the field.

Defined in



Ƭ BaseNonIndexedGarminTimerControlEvents: Object

Non-indexed events used to control Garmin timers.

Type declaration

garmin_flt_timer_resetvoidResets the flight timer.

Defined in



Ƭ BaseTerrainSystemControlEvents: Object

Events used to control Garmin terrain alerting systems, keyed by base topic name.

Type declaration

terrainsys_add_inhibitstringAdds an inhibit flag.
terrainsys_remove_all_inhibitsvoidRemoves all inhibit flags.
terrainsys_remove_inhibitstringRemoves an inhibit flag.
terrainsys_start_testvoidStarts a test of the terrain system.
terrainsys_turn_offvoidTurns the terrain system off.
terrainsys_turn_onvoidTurns the terrain system on.

Defined in



Ƭ BaseTerrainSystemEvents: Object

Events published by Garmin terrain alerting systems, keyed by base topic name.

Type declaration

terrainsys_active_alertsreadonly string[]The terrain system's active alerts.
terrainsys_alert_activatedstringAn alert was activated by the terrain system.
terrainsys_alert_deactivatedstringAn alert was deactivated by the terrain system.
terrainsys_inhibit_addedstringAn inhibit flag was added to the terrain system.
terrainsys_inhibit_flagsreadonly string[]The terrain system's active inhibit flags.
terrainsys_inhibit_removedstringAn inhibit flag was removed from the terrain system.
terrainsys_operating_modeTerrainSystemOperatingModeThe current terrain system operating mode.
terrainsys_prioritized_alertstring | nullThe terrain system's current prioritized active alert.
terrainsys_status_addedstringA status flag was added to the terrain system.
terrainsys_status_flagsreadonly string[]The terrain system's active status flags.
terrainsys_status_removedstringA status flag was removed from the terrain system.
terrainsys_typestringThe terrain system type.

Defined in



Ƭ BearingNavDataFieldTypes: keyof { [P in NavDataFieldType as NavDataFieldTypeModelMap[P] extends NavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<NavAngleUnitFamily, NavAngleUnit>> ? P : never]: P }

NavDataField types that have models whose values are NumberUnitInterface|NumberUnitInterfaces with a navigation angle unit family.

Defined in



Ƭ CASAlertCounts: Object

A data structure for passing back info on the display status.

Type declaration

countAboveWindownumberThe number of scrollable messages that are out of view above the selected window.
countBelowWindownumberThe number of scrollable messages that are out of view below the selected window.
numAdvisorynumberThe number of advisories present.
numCautionnumberThe number of cautions present.
numSafeOpnumberThe number of safeop messages present.
numWarningnumberThe number of warnings present.
totalAlertsnumberThe total number of messages that are displayed.

Defined in



Ƭ ComRadioUserSettingTypes: Object

COM radio user settings.

Type declaration

comRadioSpacingComRadioSpacingSettingModeCOM radio channel spacing mode.

Defined in



Ƭ ConnextMapUserSettingTypes: Object

Connext weather map user settings.

Type declaration

connextMapRadarOverlayRangeIndexnumberConnext radar overlay maximum range setting.
connextMapRadarOverlayShowbooleanWhether the Connext weather map radar overlay is enabled.

Defined in



Ƭ DateTimeUserSettingTypes: Object

Garmin date/time user settings.

Type declaration

dateTimeFormatDateTimeFormatSettingModeDate/time format.
dateTimeLocalOffsetnumberLocal time offset, in milliseconds.

Defined in



Ƭ DefaultNavDataBarFieldModelFactoryOptions: Object

Configuration options for DefaultNavDataBarFieldModelFactory.

Type declaration

lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ DefaultObsSuspDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for DefaultObsSuspDataProvider.

Type declaration

lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ DefaultTerrainSystemDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for DefaultTerrainSystemDataProvider.

Type declaration

adcIndexnumber | Subscribable<number>The index of the ADC from which to source data.
ahrsIndexnumber | Subscribable<number>The index of the AHRS from which to source data.
fmsPosIndexnumber | Subscribable<number>The index of the FMS geo-positioning system from which to source data.
gpsAglSmootherParams?Readonly<DefaultTerrainSystemDataProviderSmootherParams>Parameters for smoothing applied to GPS above ground height. tau defaults to 2000 / Math.LN2, tauVelocity defaults to 1000 / Math.LN2, and tauAccel defaults to `undefined.
gpsVerticalSpeedSmootherParams?Readonly<DefaultTerrainSystemDataProviderSmootherParams>Parameters for smoothing applied to GPS vertical speed. tau defaults to 1000 / Math.LN2, tauVelocity and tauAccel default to `undefined.
nearestAirportUpdateInterval?numberThe interval at which the module's nearest airport data should be updated, in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000.
radarAltIndexnumber | Subscribable<number>The index of the radar altimeter from which to source data.
radarAltitudeSmootherParams?Readonly<DefaultTerrainSystemDataProviderSmootherParams>Parameters for smoothing applied to radar altitude. tau defaults to 2000 / Math.LN2, tauVelocity defaults to 1000 / Math.LN2, and tauAccel defaults to `undefined.

Defined in



Ƭ DefaultTerrainSystemDataProviderSmootherParams: Object

Parameters for exponential smoothers used by DefaultTerrainSystemDataProvider.

Type declaration

dtThreshold?numberThe elapsed time threshold, in milliseconds, above which smoothing will not be applied to a new input value. Defaults to 10000.
tau?numberThe smoothing time constant, in milliseconds. The larger the constant, the greater the smoothing effect. A value less than or equal to 0 is equivalent to no smoothing.
tauAccel?numberThe time constant, in milliseconds, for smoothing the estimated acceleration of the input value. The larger the constant, the greater the smoothing effect applied to the estimated acceleration. A value less than or equal to 0 is equivalent to no smoothing. If this value or tauVelocity is not defined, then estimated acceleration will not be used to calculate the final smoothed value.
tauVelocity?numberThe time constant, in milliseconds, for smoothing the estimated velocity of the input value. The larger the constant, the greater the smoothing effect applied to the estimated velocity. A value less than or equal to 0 is equivalent to no smoothing. If not defined, then estimated velocity will not be used to calculate the final smoothed value.

Defined in



Ƭ DefaultVNavDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for DefaultVNavDataProvider.

Type declaration

adcIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the ADC from which to source data. Defaults to 1.
cdiId?string | Subscribable<string>The ID of the CDI from which to source data. Defaults to the empty string ('').
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ DefaultVSpeedAnnunciationDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for DefaultVSpeedAnnunciationDataProvider.

Type declaration

fmsId?string | Subscribable<string>The ID of the FMS from which to source flight phase data. Defaults to the empty ID ('').

Defined in



Ƭ DmeUserSettingTypes: Object

Type descriptions for DME user settings.

Type declaration

dme1TuneModeDmeTuneSettingModeTuning mode for DME radio 1.
dme2TuneModeDmeTuneSettingModeTuning mode for DME radio 2.

Defined in



Ƭ DurationNavDataFieldTypes: keyof { [P in NavDataFieldType as NavDataFieldTypeModelMap[P] extends NavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Duration>> ? P : never]: P }

NavDataField types that have models whose values are NumberUnitInterface|NumberUnitInterfaces with a duration unit family.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightDirectorDualCueOptions: Pick<FlightDirectorDualCueProps, "conformalBounds" | "pitchErrorFactor" | "bankErrorFactor" | "bankErrorConstant">

Options for the dual-cue flight director.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightDirectorOptions: Object

Options for the flight director.

Type declaration

bankSmoothingTau?numberThe time constant used to smooth flight director bank commands, in milliseconds.
pitchSmoothingTau?numberThe time constant used to smooth flight director pitch commands, in milliseconds.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightDirectorSingleCueOptions: Pick<FlightDirectorSingleCueProps, "conformalBounds" | "conformalBankLimit">

Options for the single-cue flight director.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightPathCalculatorManagerOptions: Object

Configuration options for FlightPathCalculatorManager.

Type declaration

id?stringThe ID of the flight path calculator to manage. Defaults to the empty string ('').
isAdcDataValid?Subscribable<boolean>Whether ADC data is valid, or undefined if flight path calculations do not use ADC data for calculating airplane speed.
isGpsDataValid?Subscribable<boolean>Whether GPS data is valid, or undefined if flight path calculations do not use GPS data for calculating airplane speed.
lowBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported in Low Bank Mode. Defaults to maxBankAngle.
maxBankAnglenumberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported outside of Low Bank Mode.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightPathMarkerOptions: Pick<FlightPathMarkerProps, "minGroundSpeed" | "lookahead">

Options for the flight path marker.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightPlanFocus: readonly LegDefinition[] | LatLonInterface | null

A flight plan focus.

Defined in



Ƭ FlightPlanOptions: Object

Options for flight plan layers.

Type declaration

dataProviderMapFlightPlanDataProviderThe data provider for the flight plan to render.
drawEntirePlan?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to always draw the entire plan, or a subscribable which provides it. Defaults to false.
pathRendererMapFlightPathPlanRendererThe flight path renderer to use.

Defined in



Ƭ FmaData: Object

Data describing autopilot status used by Garmin FMAs.

Type declaration

altitideCaptureArmedbooleanWhether an altitude capture mode is armed.
altitideCaptureValuenumberThe target altitude capture value, in feet.
lateralActiveAPLateralModesThe active lateral mode.
lateralArmedAPLateralModesThe armed lateral mode.
lateralModeFailedbooleanWhether the lateral mode is in a failed state.
verticalActiveAPVerticalModesThe active vertical mode.
verticalAltitudeArmedAPAltitudeModesThe armed altitude capture mode.
verticalApproachArmedAPVerticalModesThe armed vertical approach mode.
verticalArmedAPVerticalModesThe armed vertical mode.
vnavStateFmaVNavStateThe state of VNAV to be displayed on the FMA.

Defined in



Ƭ FmaModeSlotActiveData: Object

Data describing the active autopilot mode for an FMA mode display slot.

Type declaration

activestringThe active mode.
armedTransitionstring | undefinedThe armed mode from which the active mode transitioned.
failedstring | undefinedThe failed mode that caused the transition to the current active mode.
secondaryArmedTransitionstring | undefinedThe secondary armed mode from which the active mode transitioned.

Defined in



Ƭ FmsEventsForId<ID>: { [P in keyof BaseFmsEvents as `${P}${FmsEventSuffix<ID>}`]: BaseFmsEvents[P] }

Events published by an Fms with a specific ID.

Type parameters

IDextends string

Defined in



Ƭ FmsFlightPhase: Object

Details on the current FMS phase of flight.

Type declaration

isApproachActivebooleanWhether the approach is active.
isInMissedApproachbooleanWhether the missed approach is active.
isPastFafbooleanWhether the active leg is past the final approach fix.
isToFafbooleanWhether the active leg is the leg to the final approach fix.

Defined in



Ƭ FmsFplUserDataTypeMap: Object

Mappings from Garmin flight plan user data keys to their data types.

Type declaration

namestringThe name of the flight plan.
skipCourseReversalbooleanWhether the flight plan's loaded approach procedure skips an initial course reversal.
vfr_approach_dataReadonly<FmsFplVfrApproachData>Data describing the flight plan's loaded VFR approach procedure.
visual_approachstringThe designation of the runway associated with the flight plan's loaded visual approach procedure.
visual_approach_dataReadonly<FmsFplVisualApproachData>Data describing the flight plan's loaded visual approach procedure.

Defined in



Ƭ FmsFplVfrApproachData: Object

Data describing a VFR approach procedure that is loaded into a flight plan.

Type declaration

approachIndexnumberThe index of the published approach procedure on which the loaded VFR approach is based.
isVtfbooleanWhether the loaded approach is a vectors-to-final (VTF) approach.

Defined in



Ƭ FmsFplVisualApproachData: Object

Data describing a visual approach procedure that is loaded into a flight plan.

Type declaration

isVtfbooleanWhether the loaded approach is a vectors-to-final (VTF) approach.
runwayDesignationstringThe designation of the runway associated with the loaded visual approach procedure.

Defined in



Ƭ FmsOptions: Object

Configuration options for Fms.

Type declaration

cdiId?stringThe ID of the CDI associated with the FMS. Defaults to the empty string ('').
disableApproachAvailablePublish?booleanWhether to prevent the FMS from publishing the FMS flight phase approach active status to the approach_available event bus topic. Defaults to false.
isAdvancedVnav?booleanWhether advanced VNAV is supported. Defaults to false.
lnavIndex?numberThe index of the LNAV associated with the FMS's active flight plan. Defaults to 0.
navRadioIndexes?Iterable<NavRadioIndex>The indexes of the sim NAV radios for which the FMS automatically tunes approach frequencies. The FMS will respect changes made to the iterable after the FMS is created. Defaults to [1, 2].
procedureLegMapper?(leg: FlightPlanLeg) => undefined | FlightPlanLegA function that maps flight plan legs in a procedure to flight plan legs to insert into a flight plan when loading the procedure. If the function returns undefined, then the corresponding procedure leg will be omitted from the flight plan entirely. If not defined, then all procedure flight plan legs are inserted into the flight plan without modification.
useSimObsState?booleanWhether to use the sim's native OBS state. If true, then the sim's OBS state as exposed through the event bus topics defined in NavEvents will be used, and standard sim OBS key events will be used to control the state. If false, then the OBS state exposed through the event bus topics defined in LNavObsEvents will be used, and control events defined in LNavObsControlEvents will be used to control the state. Defaults to true.
visualApproachOptions?Readonly<FmsVisualApproachOptions>Options for visual approach procedures. If not defined, then visual approach fix distances will default to 2.5 nautical miles for both runway to FINAL and FINAL to STRGHT.
vnavIndex?numberThe index of the VNAV associated with the FMS's flight plans. Defaults to 0. If a vertical path calculator is not provided to the FMS, then this option will be ignored.

Defined in



Ƭ FmsVisualApproachOptions: Object

Options for visual approach procedures.

Type declaration

finalFixDistancenumberThe distance from the FINAL fix to the runway fix, in nautical miles.
strghtFixDistancenumberThe distance from the STRGHT fix to the FINAL fix, in nautical miles.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminAPConfigDirectorOptions: Object

Options for configuring Garmin autopilot directors.

Type declaration

cdiId?stringThe ID of the CDI associated with the autopilot. Defaults to the empty string ('').
defaultBankRate?numberThe default rate at which commanded bank changes, in degrees per second. Defaults to 10.
defaultPitchRate?numberThe default rate at which commanded pitch changes, in degrees per second. Defaults to 5.
glidepathGuidance?Accessible<Readonly<GarminVNavGlidepathGuidance>>Guidance for the autopilot's glidepath director to use. Ignored if useInternalVNavComputer is true.
hdgMaxBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the HDG director. Defaults to 25.
hdgTurnReversalThreshold?numberThe threshold difference between selected heading and current heading, in degrees, at which the heading director unlocks its commanded turn direction and chooses a new optimal turn direction to establish on the selected heading, potentially resulting in a turn reversal. Any value less than or equal to 180 degrees effectively prevents the director from locking a commanded turn direction. Any value greater than or equal to 360 degrees will require the selected heading to traverse past the current heading in the desired turn direction in order for the director to issue a turn reversal. Defaults to 331.
lnavMaxBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the LNAV director. Defaults to 25.
lnavOptions?Readonly<GarminLNavDirectorOptions>Options for the LNAV director.
locMaxBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the LOC director. Defaults to 25.
lowBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, to apply to the HDG, VOR, LOC, and LNAV directors while in Low Bank Mode. Defaults to 15.
rollMaxBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the ROL director. Defaults to 25.
rollMinBankAngle?numberThe minimum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the ROL director. Defaults to 6.
useInternalVNavComputer?booleanWhether the autopilot should use internal VNAV and glidepath computers. Internal computers require that a vertical path calculator and either flight planner or static (not subscribable) FMS instance be defined. If these conditions are not met and useInternalVNavComputer is true, then the autopilot will be configured without VNAV or glidepath capability. Defaults to true.
verticalPathGuidance?Accessible<Readonly<GarminVNavPathGuidance>>Guidance for the autopilot's VNAV path director to use. Ignored if useInternalVNavComputer is true.
vnavGuidance?Accessible<Readonly<GarminVNavGuidance>>VNAV guidance for the autopilot's VNAV manager to use. Ignored if useInternalVNavComputer is true.
vnavOptions?Readonly<GarminVNavManager2InternalComputerOptions>Options for the autopilot's internal VNAV and glidepath computers. Ignored if useInternalVNavComputer is false.
vorMaxBankAngle?numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the VOR director. Defaults to 25.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminAPConfigOptions: GarminAPConfigDirectorOptions & { navToNavGuidance?: GarminNavToNavManager2Guidance ; navToNavOptions?: Readonly<GarminNavToNavManager2Options> ; useIndicatedMach?: boolean }

Options for configuring Garmin autopilots.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminAirspaceShowTypes: Record<AirspaceShowType, number>

A map of Garmin map airspace show types to their associated boundary filters.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminApproachProcedure: ApproachProcedure | GarminVfrApproachProcedure

A Garmin approach procedure.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminApproachType: ExtendedApproachType | GarminAdditionalApproachType

Types of approaches supported by Garmin.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminAutopilotOptions: Object

Options with which to configure a GarminAutopilot.

Type declaration

altSelectOptions?Readonly<Partial<AltitudeSelectManagerOptions>>Options for the autopilot's altitude select manager. The following default options will be applied if they are not explicitly provided: supportMetric: true, minValue: UnitType.FOOT.createNumber(-1000), maxValue: UnitType.FOOT.createNumber(50000), inputIncrLargeThreshold: 999, incrSmall: UnitType.FOOT.createNumber(100), incrLarge: UnitType.FOOT.createNumber(1000), incrSmallMetric: UnitType.METER.createNumber(50), incrLargeMetric: UnitType.METER.createNumber(500), initOnInput: true, initToIndicatedAlt: true, transformSetToIncDec: false
metricAltSettingsManager?MetricAltitudeSettingsManagerA manager of metric altitude mode user settings. Required for the autopilot's altitude select manager to support metric mode.
minimumsDataProvider?MinimumsDataProviderA provider of minimums data. If defined, the autopilot's altitude select manager will add an additional selected altitude stop at the baro minimums altitude if one is set.
supportMachSelect?booleanWhether to support mach number as the selected airspeed reference. Defaults to false.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminExcessiveClosureRateAlert: EcrWarning | EcrCaution

Alerts issued by GarminExcessiveClosureRateModule.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminExcessiveClosureRateModuleOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminExcessiveClosureRateModule.

Type declaration

closureRateSmootherParams?Readonly<GarminExcessiveClosureRateModuleSmootherParams>Parameters for smoothing applied to terrain closure rate.
flapsLandingAngle?readonly [number, number]The flaps extension angle range, as [min, max] in degrees, that defines the landing flaps configuration. If not defined, then flaps will never be considered to be in the landing configuration.
forceNoFlta?booleanWhether to force the module to always consider FLTA as not available. If false, then FLTA will be considered not available if and only if either the GarminTawsStatus.TawsFailed or GarminTawsStatus.TawsNotAvailable status flag is active. Defaults to false.
functionAsGpws?booleanWhether alerting should function as a GPWS alert. If true, then radar altimeter data (up to 2500 feet AGL) will be used to measure height above terrain, and alerting will be inhibited when the GarminTawsStatus.GpwsFailed status is active. If false, then GPS altitude in conjunction with terrain database ground elevation will be used to measure height above terrain, and alerting will be inhibited when the GarminTawsStatus.TawsFailed or GarminTawsStatus.TawsNotAvailable statuses are active. Defaults to false.
inhibitFlags?Iterable<string>The inhibit flags that should inhibit alerting. If not defined, then no flags will inhibit alerting.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminExcessiveClosureRateModuleSmootherParams: Object

Parameters for exponential smoothers used by GarminExcessiveClosureRateModule.

Type declaration

dtThreshold?numberThe elapsed time threshold, in milliseconds, above which smoothing will not be applied to a new input value. Defaults to 10000.
tau?numberThe smoothing time constant, in milliseconds. The larger the constant, the greater the smoothing effect. A value less than or equal to 0 is equivalent to no smoothing. Defaults to 1000 / Math.LN2.
tauAccel?numberThe time constant, in milliseconds, for smoothing the estimated acceleration of the input value. The larger the constant, the greater the smoothing effect applied to the estimated acceleration. A value less than or equal to 0 is equivalent to no smoothing. If this value or tauVelocity is not defined, then estimated acceleration will not be used to calculate the final smoothed value.
tauVelocity?numberThe time constant, in milliseconds, for smoothing the estimated velocity of the input value. The larger the constant, the greater the smoothing effect applied to the estimated velocity. A value less than or equal to 0 is equivalent to no smoothing. If not defined, then estimated velocity will not be used to calculate the final smoothed value.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminExcessiveDescentRateAlert: EdrWarning | EdrCaution

Alerts issued by GarminExcessiveDescentRateModule.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminExcessiveDescentRateModuleOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminExcessiveDescentRateModule.

Type declaration

functionAsGpws?booleanWhether alerting should function as a GPWS alert. If true, then radar altimeter data (up to 2500 feet AGL) will be used to measure height above terrain, and alerting will be inhibited when the GarminTawsStatus.GpwsFailed status is active. If false, then GPS altitude in conjunction with terrain database ground elevation will be used to measure height above terrain, and alerting will be inhibited when the GarminTawsStatus.TawsFailed or GarminTawsStatus.TawsNotAvailable statuses are active. Defaults to false.
inhibitFlags?Iterable<string>The inhibit flags that should inhibit alerting. If not defined, then no flags will inhibit alerting.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminGoAroundManagerOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminGoAroundManager.

Type declaration

cdiId?string | Subscribable<string>The ID of the CDI controlled by the manager. Defaults to the empty string ('').

Defined in



Ƭ GarminHeadingSyncManagerOptions: Object

Options for GarminHeadingSyncManager.

Type declaration

headingSyncHEvent?stringThe H event to map to heading sync events. Defaults to Garmin_AP_HDG_Sync.
supportHeadingSyncMode?booleanWhether to support toggling HDG sync mode after receiving a heading sync event while a NAV mode is active. Defaults to false.
supportTurnHeadingAdjust?booleanWhether to support automatic selected heading adjustment after receiving a heading sync event while HDG mode is active and the aircraft is banked. Defaults to false.
turnHeadingAdjustBankThreshold?numberThe bank threshold, in degrees, below which the manager will not automatically adjust selected heading after receiving a heading sync event while HDG mode is active. Ignored if supportTurnHeadingAdjust is false. Defaults to 6 degrees.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminLNavDirectorOptions: Object

Options for configuring a Garmin GPS (LNAV) director.

Type declaration

disableArming?booleanWhether to disable arming on the GPS director. If true, then the director will skip the arming phase and instead immediately activate itself when requested. Defaults to false.
steerCommand?Accessible<Readonly<APGpsSteerDirectorSteerCommand>>The steering command to send to the autopilot's GPS roll-steering director. If not defined and the autopilot is configured to source data from a static flight planner or FMS instance, then the autopilot will use a GPS director that is bundled with its own LNAV computer.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminNavToNavComputerOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminNavToNavComputer.

Type declaration

canSwitchUpdateFrequency?numberThe frequency, in hertz, with which the computer updates whether a CDI source switch is allowed. Defaults to 1.
cdiId?stringThe ID of the CDI associated with the computer. Defaults to the empty string ('').
inhibitMultipleSwitches?booleanWhether to inhibit multiple CDI source switches for the same approach. If true, then after the CDI changes from a GPS source to a NAV source while a CDI source switch is allowed by the computer, further source switches will be disallowed by the computer until the approach is activated again or another approach is loaded.
navRadioIndexes?Iterable<NavRadioIndex> | SubscribableSet<NavRadioIndex>The indexes of the NAV radios that are allowable targets of a CDI source switch.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminNavToNavManager2Options: Object

Configuration options for GarminNavToNavManager2.

Type declaration

canArmedModeActivate?(navRadioIndex: NavRadioIndex, armedLateralMode: APLateralModes) => booleanA function that checks whether an armed autopilot lateral mode can be activated as part of a CDI source switch.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminNegativeClimbRateAlert: NcrCaution

Alerts issued by GarminNegativeClimbRateModule.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminNegativeClimbRateModuleOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminNegativeClimbRateModule.

Type declaration

functionAsGpws?booleanWhether alerting should function as a GPWS alert. If true, then radar altimeter data (up to 2500 feet AGL) will be used to measure height above terrain, and alerting will be inhibited when the GarminTawsStatus.GpwsFailed status is active. If false, then GPS altitude in conjunction with runway threshold elevation data will be used to measure height above terrain, and alerting will be inhibited when the GarminTawsStatus.TawsFailed or GarminTawsStatus.TawsNotAvailable statuses are active. Defaults to false.
inhibitFlags?Iterable<string>The inhibit flags that should inhibit alerting. If not defined, then no flags will inhibit alerting.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminObsDirectorOptions: Object

Options for GarminObsDirector.

Type declaration

bankRate?number | () => numberThe bank rate to enforce when the director commands changes in bank angle, in degrees per second, or a function which returns it. If not undefined, a default bank rate will be used. Defaults to undefined.
lateralInterceptCurve?LNavDirectorInterceptFuncA function used to translate DTK and XTK into a track intercept angle. If not defined, a function that computes a default curve tuned for slow GA aircraft will be used.
maxBankAngle?number | () => numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the director, or a function which returns it. If not defined, the director will use the maximum bank angle defined by its parent autopilot (via apValues).

Defined in



Ƭ GarminObsLNavModuleOptions: Object

Options for GarminObsLNavModule.

Type declaration

intercept?LNavInterceptFuncA function used to translate DTK and XTK into a track intercept angle. If not defined, then a function that computes intercept angles tuned for slow GA aircraft will be used.
maxBankAngle?number | () => numberThe maximum bank angle, in degrees, supported by the module, or a function which returns it. If not defined, then the module will use the value published to the event bus for the autopilot's maximum bank angle. Defaults to undefined.
useSimObsState?booleanWhether to use the sim's native OBS state. If true, then the sim's OBS state as exposed through the event bus topics defined in NavEvents will be used, and standard sim OBS key events will be used to control the state. If false, then the OBS state exposed through the event bus topics defined in LNavObsEvents will be used, and control events defined in LNavObsControlEvents will be used to control the state. Defaults to true.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminPrematureDescentAlert: PdaCaution

Alerts issued by GarminPrematureDescentModule.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminPrematureDescentModuleOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminPrematureDescentModule.

Type declaration

inhibitFlags?Iterable<string>The inhibit flags that should inhibit alerting. If not defined, then no flags will inhibit alerting.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminTawsOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminTaws.

Type declaration

prioritizedAlertSelector?(alerts: Iterable<string>) => string | nullA function that selects a prioritized alert from an iterable of active alerts each time the set of active alerts changes. If not defined, then a default prioritization scheme based on TSO-151c will be used.
supportGpwsFailStatus?booleanWhether to include support for the GPWS failure status flag.
testDuration?numberThe duration of the system's self-test, in milliseconds. Defaults to 15000.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminTawsVoiceCalloutAltitude: 500 | 450 | 400 | 350 | 300 | 250 | 200 | 150 | 100 | 50 | 40 | 30 | 20 | 10

Voice callout altitudes, in feet AGL, supported by Garmin TAWS.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminTimerControlEvents: GarminTimerControlEventsForId<""> & GarminTimerControlEventsForId<string>

All events used to control Garmin timers.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminTimerControlEventsForId<ID>: { [P in keyof BaseNonIndexedGarminTimerControlEvents as `${P}${FlightTimerEventSuffix<ID>}`]: BaseNonIndexedGarminTimerControlEvents[P] } & { [P in keyof BaseIndexedGarminTimerControlEvents as `${P}${FlightTimerEventSuffix<ID>}_${number}`]: BaseIndexedGarminTimerControlEvents[P] }

Events related to flight timers with a specific ID.

Type parameters

IDextends string

Defined in



Ƭ GarminTimerManagerOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminTimerManager.

Type declaration

genericTimerCountnumberThe number of supported generic timers.
id?stringThe ID of the managed timers. Defaults to the empty ID ('').

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVNavComputerAPValues: Object

Autopilot values used by a Garmin VNAV computer.

Type declaration

lateralActiveAccessible<APLateralModes>The active lateral mode.
selectedAltitudeAccessible<number>The selected reference altitude, in feet.
selectedVerticalSpeedAccessible<number>The selected reference vertical speed, in feet per minute.
verticalActiveAccessible<APVerticalModes>The active vertical mode.
verticalArmedAccessible<APVerticalModes>The armed vertical mode.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVNavGlidepathGuidance: Object

Glidepath guidance issued by Garmin VNAV.

Type declaration

approachHasGlidepathbooleanWhether the currently loaded approach has glidepath guidance.
canCapturebooleanWhether the glidepath can be captured from an armed state.
deviationnumberThe deviation of the glidepath from the airplane, in feet. Positive values indicate the path lies above the airplane.
fpanumberThe flight path angle of the glidepath, in degrees. Positive angles indicate a downward-sloping path.
isValidbooleanWhether this guidance is valid.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVNavGuidance: Object

An object describing Garmin VNAV guidance.

Type declaration

altitudeCaptureTypeVNavAltCaptureTypeThe current VNAV altitude capture type.
altitudeToCapturenumberThe altitude to capture, in feet.
armedClimbModeAPVerticalModesThe climb mode to arm.
isActivebooleanWhether VNAV guidance is active.
pathModeVNavPathModeThe current VNAV path mode.
shouldActivateClimbModebooleanWhether the armed climb mode should be activated.
shouldCaptureAltitudebooleanWhether an altitude should be captured.
stateVNavStateThe state of VNAV.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVNavPathGuidance: Object

Vertical path guidance issued by Garmin VNAV.

Type declaration

deviationnumberThe deviation of the vertical track from the airplane, in feet. Positive values indicate the track lies above the airplane.
fpanumberThe flight path angle of the vertical track, in degrees. Positive angles indicate a downward-sloping track.
isValidbooleanWhether this guidance is valid.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVfrApproachProcedure: Omit<ApproachProcedure, "approachType"> & { approachType: APPROACH_TYPE_VFR ; parentApproachInfo: Pick<ApproachProcedure, "approachType" | "rnavTypeFlags"> }

A Garmin VFR approach procedure.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVoiceCalloutAlert: Vco500 | Vco450 | Vco400 | Vco350 | Vco300 | Vco250 | Vco200 | Vco150 | Vco100 | Vco50 | Vco40 | Vco30 | Vco20 | Vco10

Alerts issued by GarminVoiceCalloutModule.

Defined in



Ƭ GarminVoiceCalloutModuleOptions: Object

Configuration options for GarminVoiceCalloutModule.

Type declaration

inhibit500WhenGsGpActive?booleanWhether to inhibit the 500-feet callout when the autopilot's GS or GP mode is active. Defaults to false.
nearestRunwayUpdateInterval?numberThe interval at which the module's nearest runway data should be updated, in milliseconds. Defaults to 3000.

Defined in



Ƭ GpsNavSourceOptions: Object

Configuration options for GpsNavSource.

Type declaration

lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ GpsReceiverSelectionState: readonly [systemState: GPSSystemState, pdop: number, hdop: number, vdop: number]

The state of a GPS receiver used for selection.

Defined in



Ƭ GpsReceiverSelectorOptions: Object

Configuration options for GpsReceiverSelector.

Type declaration

desirabilityComparator?(a: GpsReceiverSelectionState, b: GpsReceiverSelectionState) => numberA function that compares the desirability of two GPS receivers. If not defined, then a set of default criteria will be used to compare desirability.
receiverPriorities?readonly number[] | ReadonlyMap<number, number> | SubscribableMap<number, number>The priorities for selecting individual GPS receivers. If two receivers have the same desirability, then the one with the higher priority will be selected. If a receiver's priority is not defined, then it will default to a value of 0. The priorities can be specified as an array of GPS receiver indexes or a map of GPS receiver indexes to the priorities for selecting those receivers. If specified as an array of indexes, then each receiver whose index appears in the array will be assigned a priority equal to array.length - array.indexOf(index).

Defined in



Ƭ GpsReceiverSystemOptions: Object

Options for GpsReceiverSystem.

Type declaration

warmStartOnInit?booleanWhether the system should execute a warm start instead of a cold start on initial power-up. During a warm start, the system uses almanac data to predict satellite geometry in order to choose a set of satellites to acquire that will minimize time to first fix. Defaults to false.

Defined in



Ƭ HorizonLineOptions: Object

Options for HorizonLine.

Type declaration

fontstringThe name of the heading label font.
fontColor?stringThe color of the heading label font. Defaults to 'white'.
fontOutlineColor?stringThe color of the heading label font outline. Defaults to 'black'.
fontOutlineWidth?numberThe width of the heading label font outline, in pixels. Defaults to 1 pixel.
fontSizenumberThe size of the heading label font, in pixels, when the label is projected to the center of the projection.
headingPointerSizeReadonlyFloat64ArrayThe size of the heading reference pointer. as [width, height] in pixels.
headingTickColor?stringThe color of each heading tick. Defaults to 'white'.
headingTickLengthnumberThe length of a heading tick, in pixels, when the tick is projected to the center of the projection.
headingTickWidth?numberThe width of each heading tick, in pixels. Defaults to 1 pixel.
labelOffset?numberThe offset of the heading label from its tick, in pixels. Positive offsets shift the label away from the tick. Defaults to 0 pixels.
outlineColor?stringThe color of the horizon line outline. Defaults to 'black'.
outlineWidth?numberThe width of the horizon line outline, in pixels. Defaults to 1 pixel.
strokeColor?stringThe color of the horizon line stroke. Defaults to 'white'.
strokeWidth?numberThe width of the horizon line stroke, in pixels. Defaults to 2 pixels.

Defined in



Ƭ HorizonPitchLadderOptions: Pick<PitchLadderProps, "clipBounds" | "options">

Options for the pitch ladder.

Defined in



Ƭ IndexedGarminVNavDataEvents<Index>: { [P in keyof BaseGarminVNavDataEvents as `${P}_${Index}`]: BaseGarminVNavDataEvents[P] }

Garmin VNAV-related data events keyed by indexed topic names.

Type parameters

Indexextends number = number

Defined in



Ƭ IndexedGarminVNavEvents<Index>: { [P in keyof BaseGarminVNavEvents as `${P}_${Index}`]: BaseGarminVNavEvents[P] }

Events published by Garmin VNAV keyed by indexed topic names.

Type parameters

Indexextends number = number

Defined in



Ƭ IndexedLNavDataEvents<Index>: { [P in keyof BaseLNavDataEvents as `${P}_${Index}`]: BaseLNavDataEvents[P] }

Events related to Garmin LNAV keyed by indexed topic names.

Type parameters

Indexextends number = number

Defined in



Ƭ IndexedLNavDataSimVarEvents<Index>: { [P in keyof BaseLNavDataSimVarEvents as `${P}_${Index}`]: BaseLNavDataSimVarEvents[P] }

Garmin LNAV-related events derived from SimVars keyed by indexed topic names.

Type parameters

Indexextends number = number

Defined in



Ƭ IndicatorGroupCallbacks: Omit<MapGenericLayerProps<any>, keyof MapLayerProps<any>>

Callback functions for indicator groups.

Defined in


Ƭ LNavDataDtkVector: Object

Information on a vector associated with a nominal LNAV desired track.

Type declaration

globalLegIndexnumberThe global index of the flight plan leg to which the vector belongs, or -1 if there is no vector.
vectorIndexnumberThe index of the vector in its parent leg's flightPath array, or -1 if there is no vector.

Defined in



Ƭ LocalDateTimeUserSettingTypes: { [P in keyof DateTimeUserSettingTypes as `${P}_local`]: DateTimeUserSettingTypes[P] }

Instrument-local versions of Garmin date/time user settings.

Defined in



Ƭ LocalUnitsUserSettingTypes: { [P in keyof UnitsUserSettingTypes as `${P}_local`]: UnitsUserSettingTypes[P] }

Instrument-local versions of Garmin display units user settings.

Defined in



Ƭ MapAirspaceVisUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapAirspaceClassBRangeIndex" | "mapAirspaceClassBShow" | "mapAirspaceClassCRangeIndex" | "mapAirspaceClassCShow" | "mapAirspaceClassDRangeIndex" | "mapAirspaceClassDShow" | "mapAirspaceMoaRangeIndex" | "mapAirspaceMoaShow" | "mapAirspaceRestrictedRangeIndex" | "mapAirspaceRestrictedShow" | "mapAirspaceOtherRangeIndex" | "mapAirspaceOtherShow">

User settings controlling the visibility of map airspaces.

Defined in



Ƭ MapFlightPlanFocusRangeTarget: MapFieldOfView

A map range and target solution to fit a flight plan focus.

Defined in



Ƭ MapFlightPlannerPlanDataProviderOptions: Object

Configuration options for MapFlightPlannerPlanDataProvider.

Type declaration

flightPlannerFlightPlanner | Subscribable<FlightPlanner>The flight planner from which to retrieve displayed flight plans.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source LNAV tracking data. Defaults to 0.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ MapGarminAutopilotPropsBinding: Object

A definition of a binding between a property in MapGarminAutopilotPropsModule and an event bus topic.

Type declaration

keyMapGarminAutopilotPropsKeyThe key of the property to bind.
topicstringThe event bus topic to which to bind the property.

Defined in



Ƭ MapGarminAutopilotPropsKey: Extract<keyof MapGarminAutopilotPropsModule, string>

A key for a property in MapGarminAutopilotPropsModule.

Defined in



Ƭ MapNexradUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapNexradShow" | "mapNexradRangeIndex">

User settings controlling the display of NEXRAD.

Defined in



Ƭ MapOrientationControllerSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapOrientation" | "mapAutoNorthUpActive" | "mapAutoNorthUpRangeIndex">

User settings required by MapOrientationController.


Defined in



Ƭ MapOrientationSettingsControllerSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapOrientation" | "mapAutoNorthUpActive" | "mapAutoNorthUpRangeIndex" | "mapGroundNorthUpActive">

User settings required by MapOrientationSettingsController.

Defined in



Ƭ MapPointerRTRControllerContext: Record<string, never>

Context properties required for MapPointerRTRController.

Defined in



Ƭ MapRangeCompassLabelRenderer: (range: Subscribable<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>, displayUnit: Subscribable<Unit<UnitFamily.Distance>>) => VNode

A function which renders labels for map range compasses.

Type declaration

▸ (range, displayUnit): VNode



Defined in



Ƭ MapRangeControllerSettings: Object

User settings required by MapRangeController.

Type declaration

mapRangeIndex?numberThe range setting.

Defined in



Ƭ MapRangeRingLabelRenderer: (range: Subscribable<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>, displayUnit: Subscribable<Unit<UnitFamily.Distance>>) => VNode

A function which renders labels for map range rings.

Type declaration

▸ (range, displayUnit): VNode



Defined in



Ƭ MapRangeValueDisplayProps: MapRangeValueDisplayRangeProps & ComponentProps & { class?: string | SubscribableSet<string> ; displayUnit: Subscribable<Unit<UnitFamily.Distance> | null> }

Component props for MapRangeValueDisplay.

Defined in



Ƭ MapRunwayOutlineIconOptions: Object

Styling options for MapRunwayOutlineIcon.

Type declaration

drawCenterLine?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to draw centerline markings. Defaults to true.
drawDesignation?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to draw designation markings. Defaults to true.
drawDisplacedThreshold?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to draw displaced threshold markings. Defaults to true.
drawThreshold?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to draw threshold markings. Defaults to true.
fillStyle?string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern | Subscribable<string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern>The fill style of the runway. Defaults to '#afafaf'.
markingColor?string | Subscribable<string>The color of the runway markings. Defaults to 'white'.
outlineStyle?string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern | Subscribable<string | CanvasGradient | CanvasPattern>The outline style of the runway. Defaults to 'white'.
outlineWidth?number | Subscribable<number>The width of the runway outline, in pixels. Defaults to 1 pixel.

Defined in



Ƭ MapRunwayOutlineIconStyles: Object

Map runway outline icon styles.

Type declaration

options?MapRunwayOutlineIconOptionsStyle options for the icon.
prioritynumber | Subscribable<number>The render priority of the icon. Icons with higher priority will be rendered on top of icons with lower priority.

Defined in



Ƭ MapTerrainColorsDefinition: Object

A map terrain colors definition.

Type declaration

colorsreadonly number[]The earth colors array. Index 0 defines the water color, and indexes 1 to the end of the array define the terrain colors.
elevationRangeReadonlyFloat64ArrayThe elevation range over which the terrain colors are applied, as [minimum, maximum] in feet.

Defined in



Ƭ MapTerrainControllerOptions: Object

Configuration options for MapTerrainController.

Type declaration

allowRelative?booleanWhether to allow relative terrain mode. Ignored if a user setting manager is not provided. Defaults to true.
defaultMode?MapTerrainMode | Subscribable<MapTerrainMode>The default terrain mode to which to revert if the desired terrain mode defined by user settings cannot be engaged. Ignored if a user setting manager is not provided. Defaults to MapTerrainMode.None.

Defined in



Ƭ MapTerrainUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapTerrainMode" | "mapTerrainRangeIndex" | "mapTerrainScaleShow">

User settings controlling the display of terrain.

Defined in



Ƭ MapTerrainWxUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapTerrainMode" | "mapNexradShow">

User settings controlling the display of map terrain and weather overlays.

Defined in



Ƭ MapTrafficIntruderIconOptions: Object

Configuration options for MapTrafficIntruderIcon.

Type declaration

drawOffScalebooleanWhether to draw the icon if the intruder is off-scale.
drawTARAVectorAsNormalVector?booleanWhether or not to force TA and RA vectors to be drawn as normal motion vectors.
fontSizenumberThe size of the icon font, in pixels.
forceDrawNoArrow?booleanWhether or not to force drawing of the non-arrow icons.
iconSizenumberThe size of the icon, in pixels.
supportAdsbVectorbooleanWhether to support the display of ADS-B motion vectors.
vectorLength?numberForces the motion vector length to a set pixel length.

Defined in



Ƭ MapTrafficUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapTrafficShow" | "mapTrafficRangeIndex" | "mapTrafficAlertLevelMode" | "mapTrafficLabelShow" | "mapTrafficLabelRangeIndex">

User settings controlling the visibility of map airspaces.

Defined in



Ƭ MapUserSettingTypes: Object

Type descriptions for map user settings.

Type declaration

mapAirportLargeRangeIndexnumberLarge airport maximum range setting.
mapAirportLargeShowbooleanLarge airport symbol show setting.
mapAirportMediumRangeIndexnumberMedium airport maximum range setting.
mapAirportMediumShowbooleanMedium airport symbol show setting.
mapAirportSmallRangeIndexnumberSmall airport maximum range setting.
mapAirportSmallShowbooleanSmall airport symbol show setting.
mapAirspaceClassBRangeIndexnumberClass B airspace maximum range setting.
mapAirspaceClassBShowbooleanClass B airspace show setting.
mapAirspaceClassCRangeIndexnumberClass C airspace maximum range setting.
mapAirspaceClassCShowbooleanClass C airspace show setting.
mapAirspaceClassDRangeIndexnumberClass D airspace maximum range setting.
mapAirspaceClassDShowbooleanClass D airspace show setting.
mapAirspaceMoaRangeIndexnumberMOA airspace maximum range setting.
mapAirspaceMoaShowbooleanMOA airspace show setting.
mapAirspaceOtherRangeIndexnumberOther airspace maximum range setting.
mapAirspaceOtherShowbooleanOther airspace show setting.
mapAirspaceRestrictedRangeIndexnumberRestricted airspace maximum range setting.
mapAirspaceRestrictedShowbooleanRestricted airspace show setting.
mapAltitudeArcShowbooleanWhether to show the altitude intercept arc.
mapAutoNorthUpActivebooleanWhether north-up above is active.
mapAutoNorthUpRangeIndexnumberThe range index above which north-up above applies.
mapDeclutterMapDeclutterSettingModeDeclutter setting.
mapGroundNorthUpActivebooleanWhether north-up on ground is active.
mapIntersectionRangeIndexnumberIntersection maximum range setting.
mapIntersectionShowbooleanIntersection symbol show setting.
mapNdbRangeIndexnumberNDB maximum range setting.
mapNdbShowbooleanNDB symbol show setting.
mapNexradRangeIndexnumberNEXRAD maximum range setting.
mapNexradShowbooleanWhether to show NEXRAD weather or not.
mapOrientationMapOrientationSettingModeThe orientation setting.
mapRangeIndexnumberThe map range index setting.
mapTerrainModeMapTerrainSettingModeThe terrain display setting.
mapTerrainRangeIndexnumberThe terrain maximum range setting.
mapTerrainScaleShowbooleanThe terrain scale show setting.
mapTrackVectorLookaheadnumberThe track vector lookahead time, in seconds.
mapTrackVectorShowbooleanWhether to show the track vector.
mapTrafficAlertLevelModeMapTrafficAlertLevelSettingModeTraffic alert level mode setting.
mapTrafficLabelRangeIndexnumberTraffic label maximum range setting.
mapTrafficLabelShowbooleanWhether to show traffic labels.
mapTrafficRangeIndexnumberTraffic maximum range setting.
mapTrafficShowbooleanWhether to show traffic.
mapUserWaypointRangeIndexnumberUser waypoint maximum range setting.
mapUserWaypointShowbooleanUser waypoint symbol show setting.
mapVorRangeIndexnumberVOR maximum range setting.
mapVorShowbooleanVOR symbol show setting.
mapWindVectorShowbooleanWhether to show the wind vector.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWaypointHighlightIconOptions: Object

Initialization options for a MapWaypointHighlightIcon.

Type declaration

bgColor?string | Subscribable<string>The color of the ring background. Defaults to '#3c3c3c'.
outlineColor?string | Subscribable<string>The color of the outline for the ring. Defaults to 'black'.
outlineWidth?number | Subscribable<number>The width of the outline for the ring, in pixels. Defaults to 0.
ringRadiusBuffer?number | Subscribable<number>The buffer of the ring around the base icon, in pixels. Defaults to 0.
strokeColor?string | Subscribable<string>The color of the stroke for the ring. Defaults to 'white'.
strokeWidth?number | Subscribable<number>The width of the stroke for the ring, in pixels. Defaults to 2.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWaypointIconHighlightStyles: MapWaypointIconStyles & { highlightOptions: MapWaypointHighlightIconOptions }

Map highlighted waypoint icon styles.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWaypointIconStyles: Object

Map waypoint icon styles.

Type declaration

prioritynumber | Subscribable<number>The render priority of the icon. Icons with higher priority will be rendered on top of icons with lower priority.
sizeReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The size of the icon, as [width, height] in pixels.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWaypointLabelStyles: Object

Map waypoint label styles.

Type declaration

alwaysShowboolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether the label is immune to culling.
options?MapLocationTextLabelOptionsStyle options for the label.
prioritynumber | Subscribable<number>The render priority of the label. Labels with higher priority will be rendered on top of labels with lower priority. Moreover, labels with lower priority will be preferentially culled over labels with higher priority.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWaypointVisUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapAirportLargeRangeIndex" | "mapAirportLargeShow" | "mapAirportMediumRangeIndex" | "mapAirportMediumShow" | "mapAirportSmallRangeIndex" | "mapAirportSmallShow" | "mapIntersectionRangeIndex" | "mapIntersectionShow" | "mapNdbRangeIndex" | "mapNdbShow" | "mapVorRangeIndex" | "mapVorShow" | "mapUserWaypointRangeIndex" | "mapUserWaypointShow">

User settings controlling the visibility of map waypoints.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWaypointsVisControllerOptions: Object

Configuration options for MapWaypointsVisController.

Type declaration

airportLargeMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which large airports should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level2.
airportMediumMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which medium airports should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level2.
airportSmallMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which small airports should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level2.
intMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which intersections should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level3.
ndbMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which NDBs should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level3.
userMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which user waypoints should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level3.
vorMaxDeclutterMode?MapDeclutterModeThe highest global declutter mode, inclusive, at which VORs should remain visible. Defaults to MapDeclutterMode.Level3.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWindVectorLayerProps: MapLayerProps<MapWindVectorLayerModules>

Component props for MapWindVectorLayer.

Defined in



Ƭ MapWindVectorUserSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes, "mapWindVectorShow">

User settings controlling the display of the wind vector.

Defined in



Ƭ MultipleSoftkeyEnumDef<V>: Object

A definition for a softkey bound to a state by MultipleSoftKeyEnumController.

Type parameters


Type declaration

indexnumberThe index of the softkey.
labelstringThe label of the softkey.
valueVThe setting value bound to the softkey.

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataBarFieldTypeModelMap: { [Type in keyof NavDataFieldTypeModelMap]: NavDataBarFieldModel<NavDataFieldTypeModelMap[Type] extends NavDataFieldModel<infer T> ? T : never> }

A map from navigation data field type to navigation data bar field data model type.

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataBarSettingName: `navDataBarField${number}`

A navigation data bar user setting name.

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataBarSettingTypes: Record<NavDataBarSettingName, NavDataFieldType>

Type descriptions for navigation data bar user settings.

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataFieldBearingRendererOptions<T>: Pick<NavDataBearingFieldProps<T>, "displayUnit" | "formatter" | "unitFormatter" | "use360"> & BaseNavDataFieldTypeRendererOptions

Configuration options for NavDataFieldBearingRenderer.

Type parameters

Textends NumberUnitInterface<NavAngleUnitFamily, NavAngleUnit>

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataFieldDurationRendererOptions<T>: Pick<NavDataDurationFieldProps<T>, "options"> & BaseNavDataFieldTypeRendererOptions

Configuration options for NavDataFieldDurationRenderer.

Type parameters

Textends NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Duration>

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataFieldNumberUnitRendererOptions<T>: Pick<NavDataNumberUnitFieldProps<T>, "displayUnit" | "formatter" | "unitFormatter" | "hideUnitWhenNaN"> & BaseNavDataFieldTypeRendererOptions

Configuration options for NavDataFieldNumberUnitRenderer.

Type parameters

Textends NumberUnitInterface<string>

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataFieldTextRendererOptions<T>: { formatter?: (value: T) => string } & BaseNavDataFieldTypeRendererOptions

Configuration options for NavDataFieldTextRenderer.

Type parameters


Defined in


Ƭ NavDataFieldTimeRendererOptions: Pick<NavDataTimeFieldProps, "format" | "localOffset" | "padHour" | "suffixFormatter" | "hideSuffixWhenNaN"> & BaseNavDataFieldTypeRendererOptions

Configuration options for NavDataFieldTimeRenderer.

Defined in


Ƭ NavDataFieldTypeModelMap: Object

A map from navigation data field type to data model type.

Type declaration

AGLNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Altitude above ground level.
BRGNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<NavAngleUnitFamily, NavAngleUnit>>Bearing to next waypoint.
CABNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Cabin altitude.
CLGNavDataFieldModel<number>Climb gradient.
CLMNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.DistanceRatio>>Climb gradient (height per distance).
CONavDataFieldModel<number>Carbon monoxide sensor value.
DANavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Density altitude.
DESTNavDataFieldModel<string>Destination ident.
DISNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Distance to next waypoint.
DTGNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Distance to destination.
DTKNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<NavAngleUnitFamily, NavAngleUnit>>Desired track.
ECONavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.DistancePerWeight>>Fuel economy.
ENDNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Duration>>Endurance (time to zero fuel).
ENRNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Duration>>Estimated time enroute to destination.
ETANavDataFieldModel<number>Estimated time of arrival at next waypoint.
ETENavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Duration>>Estimated time enroute to next waypoint.
ETVNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Duration>>Estimated time to VNAV intercept.
FFNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.WeightFlux>>Fuel flow.
FLNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Flight level.
FOBNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Weight>>Total fuel remaining.
FODNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Weight>>Estimated fuel remaining at destination.
GNavDataFieldModel<number>G meter.
GPSANavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>GPS Altitude.
GRNavDataFieldModel<number>Glide ratio.
GSNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Speed>>Ground speed.
ISANavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.TemperatureDelta>>International standard atmosphere.
LCLNavDataFieldModel<number>Local time.
LDGNavDataFieldModel<number>Estimated time of arrival at destination.
MACHNavDataFieldModel<number>Mach number.
OATNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Temperature>>Outside air temperature.
RATNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Temperature>>Ram air temperature.
TASNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Speed>>True airspeed.
TKENavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Angle>>Track angle error.
TRKNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<NavAngleUnitFamily, NavAngleUnit>>Ground track.
USDNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Weight>>Fuel used.
UTCNavDataFieldModel<number>UTC time.
VSRNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Speed>>Vertical speed required to meet next VNAV restriction.
WPTNavDataFieldModel<string>Next waypoint ident.
XTKNavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>Cross-track error.

Defined in


Ƭ NavStatusBoxFieldType: BearingToWaypoint | DistanceToWaypoint | TimeToWaypoint

A type of data field supported by the navigation status box.

Defined in


Ƭ NavStatusBoxFieldTypeModelMap: { [Type in NavStatusBoxFieldType]: NavStatusBoxFieldModel<NavDataFieldTypeModelMap[Type] extends NavDataFieldModel<infer T> ? T : never> }

A map from navigation data field type to navigation status box field data model type.

Defined in


Ƭ NavStatusTrackedLegs: Object

From, to, and next flight plan legs tracked by LNAV.

Type declaration

fromLegLegDefinition | nullThe current nominal leg from which LNAV is tracking.
nextLegLegDefinition | nullThe next nominal leg which LNAV is tracking.
toLegLegDefinition | nullThe current nominal leg which LNAV is tracking.

Defined in


Ƭ NavdataComputerOptions: Object

Configuration options for NavdataComputer.

Type declaration

lnavIndex?numberThe index of the LNAV computer from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
useSimObsState?booleanWhether to use the sim's native OBS state. If true, then the sim's OBS state as exposed through the event bus topics defined in NavEvents will be used. If false, then the OBS state exposed through the event bus topics defined in LNavObsEvents will be used. Defaults to true.
useVfrCdiScaling?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to use VFR instead of IFR CDI scaling logic. Defaults to false.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ NearestAirportUserSettingTypes: Object

Type description for nearest airport user settings.

Type declaration

nearestAptRunwayLengthnumberThe minimum runway length, in feet, required for an airport to be included in the nearest list.
nearestAptRunwaySurfaceTypesnumberBitflags of the supported runway surface types for an airport to be included in the nearest list.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenConnextMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin Connext weather map.

Type declaration

airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset
bingDelay?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay binding the map's Bing Map instance. Defaults to 0.
bingIdstringThe ID to assign to the map's bound Bing Map instance.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which player airplane and autopilot properties are updated from event bus data.
flightPlanner?FlightPlannerThe flight planner containing the active flight plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
includeAirspaces?booleanWhether to display airspaces. Defaults to true.
includeAltitudeArc?booleanWhether to include the altitude intercept arc display. Defaults to true.
includeOrientationIndicator?booleanWhether to include an orientation indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRangeIndicator?booleanWhether to include a map range indicator. Defaults to false.
includeRunwayOutlines?booleanWhether to display airport runway outlines. Defaults to false.
includeTrackVector?booleanWhether to include the track vector display. Defaults to true.
includeWindVector?booleanWhether to include the wind vector display. Defaults to true. Ignored if windDataProvider is not defined.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
miniCompassImgSrc?stringThe URI of the mini-compass's image asset. Required to display the mini-compass.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
noGpsBannerText?stringThe text of the banner that is displayed when GPS position is not available. Defaults to 'NO GPS POSITION'.
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the no-heading player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc?string | Subscribable<string>The URI of the no-heading player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it.
pointerBoundsOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The offset of the boundary surrounding the area in which the pointer can freely move, from the edge of the projected map, excluding the dead zone, or a subscribable which provides it. Expressed as [left, top, right, bottom], relative to the width and height, as appropriate, of the projected map window. A positive offset is directed toward the center of the map. Required to support the map pointer.
pointerInfoSize?MapPointerInfoLayerSizeThe size of the pointer information box. Required to display the pointer information box. Ignored if the map pointer is not supported.
radarOverlayMinRangeIndex?numberThe minimum range index, inclusive, at which the radar overlay is visible.
rangeCompassOptionsRangeCompassOptionsStyling options for the range compass.
rangeEndpoints?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>>>The range endpoints of the map for each orientation mode, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to the following: { [MapOrientation.NorthUp]: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25], [MapOrientation.HeadingUp]: [0.5, 0.67, 0.5, 0.33], [MapOrientation.TrackUp]: [0.5, 0.67, 0.5, 0.33] }
rangeRingOptionsRangeRingOptionsStyling options for the range ring.
runwayDesignationImageCache?MapRunwayDesignationImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve runway designation images. If not defined, runway designations will not be rendered. Ignored if includeRunwayOutlines is false.
settingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<MapUserSettingTypes & WeatherMapUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing map settings. If not defined, map options will not be controlled by user settings.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
targetOffsets?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>>>The nominal projected target offset of the map for each orientation mode, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to the following: { [MapOrientation.NorthUp]: [0, 0], [MapOrientation.HeadingUp]: [0, 0.17], [MapOrientation.TrackUp]: [0, 0.17] }
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useAirspaceVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind airspace visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useAltitudeArcUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind altitude intercept arc options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useOrientationUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind map orientation to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useRadarOverlayUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind the display of the radar overlay to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useRangeUserSettingByDefault?booleanWhether the map's range should be controlled by user setting by default. Defaults to true.
useTrackVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind track vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWaypointVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind waypoint visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWindVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind wind vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
waypointIconImageCacheWaypointIconImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve waypoint icon images.
waypointStyleFontType"Roboto" | "DejaVu"The font type to use for waypoint labels.
waypointStyleScale?numberThe scaling factor of waypoint icons and labels. Defaults to 1.
windDataProvider?WindDataProviderA provider of wind data for the wind vector. Required to display the wind vector.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenHsiMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin HSI map.

Type declaration

airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset
allowRelativeTerrainMode?booleanWhether to allow relative terrain mode. Defaults to true. Ignored if useTerrainUserSettings is false or settingManager is not defined.
bingDelay?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay binding the map's Bing Map instance. Defaults to 0.
bingIdstringThe ID to assign to the map's bound Bing Map instance.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which player airplane and autopilot properties are updated from event bus data.
flightPlanner?FlightPlannerThe flight planner containing the active flight plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
groundRelativeTerrainBlendDuration?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, over which to blend the on-ground and relative terrain mode colors when transitioning between the two. Defaults to 10000 milliseconds.
includeAirspaces?booleanWhether to display airspaces. Defaults to true.
includeAltitudeArc?booleanWhether to include the altitude intercept arc display. Defaults to true.
includeDetailIndicator?booleanWhether to include a detail indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRangeIndicator?booleanWhether to include a map range indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRunwayOutlines?booleanWhether to display airport runway outlines. Defaults to false.
includeTrackVector?booleanWhether to include the track vector display. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficOffScaleIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic off-scale status indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficStatusIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic status indicator. Defaults to true.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
nexradMinRangeIndex?numberThe minimum range index, inclusive, at which NEXRAD is visible.
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the no-heading player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc?string | Subscribable<string>The URI of the no-heading player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it.
rangeEndpoints?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The range endpoints of the map, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0].
runwayDesignationImageCache?MapRunwayDesignationImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve runway designation images. If not defined, runway designations will not be rendered. Ignored if includeRunwayOutlines is false.
settingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<MapUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing map settings. If not defined, map options will not be controlled by user settings.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
targetOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The nominal projected target offset of the map, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0, 0].
trafficIconOptions?NextGenHsiMapTrafficIconOptionsConfiguration options for traffic icons. Required to display traffic.
trafficSettingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<TrafficUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing settings controlling the operation of the traffic system. If not defined, certain traffic display options will not be controlled by user settings.
trafficSystem?TrafficSystemThe traffic system from which to retrieve traffic intruder data. Required to display traffic.
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useAirspaceVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind airspace visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useAltitudeArcUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind altitude intercept arc options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useDeclutterUserSetting?booleanWhether to bind the global declutter function to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useNexradUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind the display of NEXRAD to user settings. Defaults to false. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useRangeUserSettingByDefault?booleanWhether the map's range should be controlled by user setting by default. Defaults to true.
useTerrainUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind terrain colors to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useTrackVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind track vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWaypointVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind waypoint visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
waypointIconImageCacheWaypointIconImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve waypoint icon images.
waypointStyleFontType"Roboto" | "DejaVu"The font type to use for waypoint labels.
waypointStyleScale?numberThe scaling factor of waypoint icons and labels. Defaults to 1.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenHsiMapTrafficIconOptions: Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "iconSize" | "font" | "fontSize"> & Partial<Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "drawOffScale" | "supportAdsbVector">>

Configurations for traffic intruder icons for next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) HSI maps.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenNavMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin navigation map.

Type declaration

airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconOrientation?MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation | Subscribable<MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation>The orientation of the player airplane icon. Defaults to MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation.HeadingUp.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset
allowRelativeTerrainMode?booleanWhether to allow relative terrain mode. Defaults to true. Ignored if useTerrainUserSettings is false or settingManager is not defined.
bingDelay?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay binding the map's Bing Map instance. Defaults to 0.
bingIdstringThe ID to assign to the map's bound Bing Map instance.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which player airplane and autopilot properties are updated from event bus data.
defaultFocusRangeIndex?numberThe default map range index to apply when the procedure focus consists of only a single point in space. Defaults to 17 (25 NM/50 KM with standard range arrays).
drawEntirePlan?boolean | Subscribable<boolean>Whether to always draw the entire active flight plan, or a subscribable which provides it. Defaults to false. Ignored if the active flight plan is not displayed.
flightPlanner?FlightPlannerThe flight planner containing the active flight plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
groundRelativeTerrainBlendDuration?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, over which to blend the on-ground and relative terrain mode colors when transitioning between the two. Defaults to 10000 milliseconds.
includeAirspaces?booleanWhether to display airspaces. Defaults to true.
includeAltitudeArc?booleanWhether to include the altitude intercept arc display. Defaults to true.
includeDetailIndicator?booleanWhether to include a detail indicator. Defaults to true.
includeOrientationIndicator?booleanWhether to include an orientation indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRangeIndicator?booleanWhether to include a map range indicator. Defaults to false.
includeRunwayOutlines?booleanWhether to display airport runway outlines. Defaults to false.
includeTerrainScale?booleanWhether to include a terrain scale indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrackVector?booleanWhether to include the track vector display. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficFailedIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic failed mode indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficOffScaleIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic off-scale status indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficStatusIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic status indicator. Defaults to true.
includeWindVector?booleanWhether to include the wind vector display. Defaults to true. Ignored if windDataProvider is not defined.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
miniCompassImgSrc?stringThe URI of the mini-compass's image asset. Required to display the mini-compass.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
nexradMinRangeIndex?numberThe minimum range index, inclusive, at which NEXRAD is visible.
noGpsBannerText?stringThe text of the banner that is displayed when GPS position is not available. Defaults to 'NO GPS POSITION'.
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the no-heading player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc?string | Subscribable<string>The URI of the no-heading player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it.
nominalFocusMargins?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>A subscribable which provides the nominal focus margins, as [left, top, right, bottom] in pixels. The nominal margins define the offset of the boundaries of the focus region relative to the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Positive values represent offsets toward the center of the window. When the flight plan is focused, the focused elements of the plan are guaranteed to be contained within the focus region. Defaults to [0, 0, 0, 0].
pointerBoundsOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The offset of the boundary surrounding the area in which the pointer can freely move, from the edge of the projected map, excluding the dead zone, or a subscribable which provides it. Expressed as [left, top, right, bottom], relative to the width and height, as appropriate, of the projected map window. A positive offset is directed toward the center of the map. Required to support the map pointer.
pointerInfoSize?MapPointerInfoLayerSizeThe size of the pointer information box. Required to display the pointer information box. Ignored if the map pointer is not supported.
rangeCompassOptionsRangeCompassOptionsStyling options for the range compass.
rangeEndpoints?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>>>The range endpoints of the map for each orientation mode, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to the following: { [MapOrientation.NorthUp]: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25], [MapOrientation.HeadingUp]: [0.5, 0.67, 0.5, 0.33], [MapOrientation.TrackUp]: [0.5, 0.67, 0.5, 0.33] }
rangeRingOptionsRangeRingOptionsStyling options for the range ring.
relativeTerrainStatusIndicatorIconPath?stringThe path to the relative terrain mode status indicator icon's image file. Required to include the relative terrain mode status indicator.
runwayDesignationImageCache?MapRunwayDesignationImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve runway designation images. If not defined, runway designations will not be rendered. Ignored if includeRunwayOutlines is false.
settingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<MapUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing map settings. If not defined, map options will not be controlled by user settings.
showDetailIndicatorTitle?booleanWhether to show the detail indicator title. Defaults to true. Ignored if includeDetailIndicator is false.
showTrafficAltRestriction?booleanWhether to show the traffic altitude restriction mode on the traffic status indicator. Defaults to true. Ignored if includeTrafficStatusIndicator is false.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
supportFlightPlanFocus?booleanWhether to support flight plan focus. Defaults to false. Ignored if the active flight plan is not displayed.
targetOffsets?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>>>The nominal projected target offset of the map for each orientation mode, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to the following: { [MapOrientation.NorthUp]: [0, 0], [MapOrientation.HeadingUp]: [0, 0.17], [MapOrientation.TrackUp]: [0, 0.17] }
trafficIconOptions?NextGenNavMapTrafficIconOptionsConfiguration options for traffic icons. Required to display traffic.
trafficSettingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<TrafficUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing settings controlling the operation of the traffic system. If not defined, certain traffic display options will not be controlled by user settings.
trafficSystem?TrafficSystemThe traffic system from which to retrieve traffic intruder data. Required to display traffic.
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useAirspaceVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind airspace visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useAltitudeArcUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind altitude intercept arc options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useDeclutterUserSetting?booleanWhether to bind the global declutter function to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useNexradUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind the display of NEXRAD to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useOrientationUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind map orientation to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useRangeUserSettingByDefault?booleanWhether the map's range should be controlled by user setting by default. Defaults to true.
useTerrainUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind terrain colors to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useTrackVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind track vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWaypointVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind waypoint visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWindVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind wind vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
waypointIconImageCacheWaypointIconImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve waypoint icon images.
waypointStyleFontType"Roboto" | "DejaVu"The font type to use for waypoint labels.
waypointStyleScale?numberThe scaling factor of waypoint icons and labels. Defaults to 1.
windDataProvider?WindDataProviderA provider of wind data for the wind vector. Required to display the wind vector.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenNavMapTrafficIconOptions: Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "iconSize" | "font" | "fontSize"> & Partial<Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "supportAdsbVector">>

Configurations for traffic intruder icons for next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) navigation maps.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenNearestMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin nearest waypoint map.

Type declaration

airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconOrientation?MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation | Subscribable<MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation>The orientation of the player airplane icon. Defaults to MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation.HeadingUp.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset
allowRelativeTerrainMode?booleanWhether to allow relative terrain mode. Defaults to false. Ignored if useTerrainUserSettings is false or settingManager is not defined.
bingDelay?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay binding the map's Bing Map instance. Defaults to 0.
bingIdstringThe ID to assign to the map's bound Bing Map instance.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which player airplane and autopilot properties are updated from event bus data.
defaultNoTargetRangeIndex?number | Subscribable<number> | nullThe default map range index to apply when there is no highlighted waypoint, or null if no range index should be applied. Defaults to null.
flightPlanner?FlightPlannerThe flight planner containing the active flight plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
groundRelativeTerrainBlendDuration?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, over which to blend the on-ground and relative terrain mode colors when transitioning between the two. Defaults to 10000 milliseconds.
includeAirspaces?booleanWhether to display airspaces. Defaults to true.
includeAltitudeArc?booleanWhether to include the altitude intercept arc display. Defaults to true.
includeDetailIndicator?booleanWhether to include a detail indicator. Defaults to true.
includeOrientationIndicator?booleanWhether to include an orientation indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRangeIndicator?booleanWhether to include a map range indicator. Defaults to false.
includeRunwayOutlines?booleanWhether to display airport runway outlines. Defaults to false.
includeTerrainScale?booleanWhether to include a terrain scale indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrackVector?booleanWhether to include the track vector display. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficFailedIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic failed mode indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficOffScaleIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic off-scale status indicator. Defaults to true.
includeTrafficStatusIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic status indicator. Defaults to true.
includeWindVector?booleanWhether to include the wind vector display. Defaults to true. Ignored if windDataProvider is not defined.
lineOptions?Readonly<WaypointHighlightLineOptions>Styling options for the waypoint highlight line.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
miniCompassImgSrc?stringThe URI of the mini-compass's image asset. Required to display the mini-compass.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
nexradMinRangeIndex?numberThe minimum range index, inclusive, at which NEXRAD is visible.
noGpsBannerText?stringThe text of the banner that is displayed when GPS position is not available. Defaults to 'NO GPS POSITION'.
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the no-heading player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc?string | Subscribable<string>The URI of the no-heading player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it.
pointerBoundsOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The offset of the boundary surrounding the area in which the pointer can freely move, from the edge of the projected map, excluding the dead zone, or a subscribable which provides it. Expressed as [left, top, right, bottom], relative to the width and height, as appropriate, of the projected map window. A positive offset is directed toward the center of the map. Required to support the map pointer.
pointerInfoSize?MapPointerInfoLayerSizeThe size of the pointer information box. Required to display the pointer information box. Ignored if the map pointer is not supported.
rangeCompassOptionsRangeCompassOptionsStyling options for the range compass.
rangeEndpoints?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>>>The range endpoints of the map for each orientation mode, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to the following: { [MapOrientation.NorthUp]: [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25], [MapOrientation.HeadingUp]: [0.5, 0.67, 0.5, 0.33], [MapOrientation.TrackUp]: [0.5, 0.67, 0.5, 0.33] }
rangeRingOptionsRangeRingOptionsStyling options for the range ring.
relativeTerrainStatusIndicatorIconPath?stringThe path to the relative terrain mode status indicator icon's image file. Required to include the relative terrain mode status indicator.
runwayDesignationImageCache?MapRunwayDesignationImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve runway designation images. If not defined, runway designations will not be rendered. Ignored if includeRunwayOutlines is false.
settingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<MapUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing map settings. If not defined, map options will not be controlled by user settings.
showDetailIndicatorTitle?booleanWhether to show the detail indicator title. Defaults to true. Ignored if includeDetailIndicator is false.
showTrafficAltRestriction?booleanWhether to show the traffic altitude restriction mode on the traffic status indicator. Defaults to true. Ignored if includeTrafficStatusIndicator is false.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
targetOffsets?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>>>The nominal projected target offset of the map for each orientation mode, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to the following: { [MapOrientation.NorthUp]: [0, 0], [MapOrientation.HeadingUp]: [0, 0.17], [MapOrientation.TrackUp]: [0, 0.17] }
trafficIconOptions?NextGenNearestMapTrafficIconOptionsConfiguration options for traffic icons. Required to display traffic.
trafficSettingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<TrafficUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing settings controlling the operation of the traffic system. If not defined, certain traffic display options will not be controlled by user settings.
trafficSystem?TrafficSystemThe traffic system from which to retrieve traffic intruder data. Required to display traffic.
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useAirspaceVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind airspace visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useAltitudeArcUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind altitude intercept arc options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useDeclutterUserSetting?booleanWhether to bind the global declutter function to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useNexradUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind the display of NEXRAD to user settings. Defaults to false. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useOrientationUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind map orientation to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useRangeUserSettingByDefault?booleanWhether the map's range should be controlled by user setting by default. Defaults to true.
useTerrainUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind terrain colors to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useTrackVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind track vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWaypointVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind waypoint visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWindVectorUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind wind vector options to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
waypointIconImageCacheWaypointIconImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve waypoint icon images.
waypointStyleFontType"Roboto" | "DejaVu"The font type to use for waypoint labels.
waypointStyleScale?numberThe scaling factor of waypoint icons and labels. Defaults to 1.
windDataProvider?WindDataProviderA provider of wind data for the wind vector. Required to display the wind vector.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenNearestMapTrafficIconOptions: Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "iconSize" | "font" | "fontSize"> & Partial<Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "supportAdsbVector">>

Configurations for traffic intruder icons for next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) nearest waypoint maps.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenProcMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin procedure map.

Type declaration

airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconOrientation?MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation | Subscribable<MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation>The orientation of the player airplane icon. Defaults to MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation.HeadingUp.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset
allowRelativeTerrainMode?booleanWhether to allow relative terrain mode. Defaults to true. Ignored if useTerrainUserSettings is false or settingManager is not defined.
bingDelay?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay binding the map's Bing Map instance. Defaults to 0.
bingIdstringThe ID to assign to the map's bound Bing Map instance.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which the player airplane's properties are updated from event bus data.
defaultFocusRangeIndex?numberThe default map range index to apply when the procedure focus consists of only a single point in space. Defaults to 17 (25 NM/50 KM with standard range arrays).
includeOrientationIndicator?booleanWhether to include an orientation indicator. Defaults to true.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
miniCompassImgSrc?stringThe URI of the mini-compass's image asset. Required to display the mini-compass.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
noGpsBannerText?stringThe text of the banner that is displayed when GPS position is not available. Defaults to 'NO GPS POSITION'.
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the no-heading player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc?string | Subscribable<string>The URI of the no-heading player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it.
nominalFocusMargins?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>A subscribable which provides the nominal focus margins, as [left, top, right, bottom] in pixels. The nominal margins define the offset of the boundaries of the focus region relative to the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Positive values represent offsets toward the center of the window. When the flight plan is focused, the focused elements of the plan are guaranteed to be contained within the focus region. Defaults to [0, 0, 0, 0].
pointerBoundsOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The offset of the boundary surrounding the area in which the pointer can freely move, from the edge of the projected map, excluding the dead zone, or a subscribable which provides it. Expressed as [left, top, right, bottom], relative to the width and height, as appropriate, of the projected map window. A positive offset is directed toward the center of the map. Required to support the map pointer.
pointerInfoSize?MapPointerInfoLayerSizeThe size of the pointer information box. Required to display the pointer information box. Ignored if the map pointer is not supported.
rangeEndpoints?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The range endpoints of the map, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25].
rangeRingOptionsRangeRingOptionsStyling options for the range ring.
settingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<MapUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing map settings. If not defined, map options will not be controlled by user settings.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
targetOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The nominal projected target offset of the map, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0, 0].
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useDeclutterUserSetting?booleanWhether to bind the global declutter function to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useTerrainUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind terrain colors to user settings. Defaults to false. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
waypointIconImageCacheWaypointIconImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve waypoint icon images.
waypointStyleFontType"Roboto" | "DejaVu"The font type to use for waypoint labels.
waypointStyleScale?numberThe scaling factor of waypoint icons and labels. Defaults to 1.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenTrafficMapIconOptions: Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "iconSize" | "font" | "fontSize"> & Partial<Pick<TrafficIconOptions, "drawOffScale" | "supportAdsbVector">>

Configurations for traffic intruder icons for next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin traffic maps.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenTrafficMapOptions: Omit<TrafficMapOptions, "nauticalRangeArray" | "metricRangeArray" | "trafficIconOptions" | "includeRangeRings" | "flightPathRenderer" | "configureFlightPlan" | "orientation" | "orientationText" | "operatingModeText" | "adsbModeText" | "altitudeModeText" | "standbyText"> & { includeRangeRings?: boolean ; metricRangeArray?: readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[] ; nauticalRangeArray?: readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[] ; trafficIconOptions: NextGenTrafficMapIconOptions ; waypointIconImageCache: WaypointIconImageCache ; waypointStyleFontType: "Roboto" | "DejaVu" ; waypointStyleScale?: number }

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin traffic map.

Defined in



Ƭ NextGenWaypointMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a next-generation (NXi, G3000, etc) Garmin waypoint map.

Type declaration

airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconOrientation?MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation | Subscribable<MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation>The orientation of the player airplane icon. Defaults to MapOwnAirplaneIconOrientation.HeadingUp.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it
airportAutoRangeMargins?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The nominal margins (relative to the map's dead zone boundaries), to respect when calculating the map range for airports, as [left, top, right, bottom] in pixels. Ignored if supportAirportAutoRange is false. Defaults to [0, 0, 0, 0].
allowRelativeTerrainMode?booleanWhether to allow relative terrain mode. Defaults to false. Ignored if useTerrainUserSettings is false or settingManager is not defined.
bingDelay?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, to delay binding the map's Bing Map instance. Defaults to 0.
bingIdstringThe ID to assign to the map's bound Bing Map instance.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which the player airplane's properties are updated from event bus data.
defaultAirportRangeIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The default map range index to apply when a range cannot be automatically selected for an airport. Ignored if supportAirportAutoRange is false. If not defined, the map range will not be reset when targeting an airport and a range cannot be automatically selected.
flightPlanner?FlightPlannerThe flight planner containing the active flight plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
groundRelativeTerrainBlendDuration?numberThe amount of time, in milliseconds, over which to blend the on-ground and relative terrain mode colors when transitioning between the two. Defaults to 2000 milliseconds.
includeAirspaces?booleanWhether to display airspaces. Defaults to false.
includeDetailIndicator?booleanWhether to include a detail indicator. Defaults to false.
includeLine?booleanWhether the map draws a line from the highlighted waypoint to the player airplane. Defaults to false.
includeOrientationIndicator?booleanWhether to include an orientation indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRunwayOutlines?booleanWhether to display airport runway outlines. Defaults to false.
lineOptions?WaypointHighlightLineOptionsStyling options for the waypoint highlight line. Ignored if includeLine is false.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
miniCompassImgSrc?stringThe URI of the mini-compass's image asset. Required to display the mini-compass.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. Defaults to a standard range array.
nexradMinRangeIndex?numberThe minimum range index, inclusive, at which NEXRAD is visible.
noGpsBannerText?stringThe text of the banner that is displayed when GPS position is not available. Defaults to 'NO GPS POSITION'.
noHeadingAirplaneIconAnchor?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the no-heading player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
noHeadingAirplaneIconSrc?string | Subscribable<string>The URI of the no-heading player airplane icon's image asset, or a subscribable which provides it.
pointerBoundsOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The offset of the boundary surrounding the area in which the pointer can freely move, from the edge of the projected map, excluding the dead zone, or a subscribable which provides it. Expressed as [left, top, right, bottom], relative to the width and height, as appropriate, of the projected map window. A positive offset is directed toward the center of the map. Required to support the map pointer.
pointerInfoSize?MapPointerInfoLayerSizeThe size of the pointer information box. Required to display the pointer information box. Ignored if the map pointer is not supported.
rangeEndpoints?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The range endpoints of the map, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.25].
rangeRingOptionsRangeRingOptionsStyling options for the range ring.
runwayDesignationImageCache?MapRunwayDesignationImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve runway designation images. If not defined, runway designations will not be rendered. Ignored if includeRunwayOutlines is false.
settingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<MapUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing map settings. If not defined, map options will not be controlled by user settings.
showDetailIndicatorTitle?booleanWhether to show the detail indicator title. Defaults to false. Ignored if includeDetailIndicator is false.
supportAirportAutoRange?booleanWhether the map should automatically adjust its range when the selected waypoint is an airport to give an appropriate view of the selected runway, or all runways if there is no selected runway. Defaults to false.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
targetOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The nominal projected target offset of the map, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0, 0].
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useAirspaceVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind airspace visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useDeclutterUserSetting?booleanWhether to bind the global declutter function to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useNexradUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind the display of NEXRAD to user settings. Defaults to false. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useTerrainUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind terrain colors to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
useWaypointVisUserSettings?booleanWhether to bind waypoint visibility to user settings. Defaults to true. Ignored if settingManager is not defined.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
waypointIconImageCacheWaypointIconImageCacheThe image cache from which to retrieve waypoint icon images.
waypointStyleFontType"Roboto" | "DejaVu"The font type to use for waypoint labels.
waypointStyleScale?numberThe scaling factor of waypoint icons and labels. Defaults to 1.

Defined in



Ƭ NumberUnitNavDataFieldTypes: keyof { [P in NavDataFieldType as NavDataFieldTypeModelMap[P] extends NavDataFieldModel<NumberUnitInterface<string>> ? P : never]: P }

NavDataField types that have models whose values extend NumberUnitInterface.

Defined in



Ƭ PitchLadderOptions: Object

Options for PitchLadder.

Type declaration

svtDisabledStylesPitchLadderStylesStyling options to apply when synthetic vision is disabled.
svtEnabledStylesPitchLadderStylesStyling options to apply when synthetic vision is enabled.

Defined in



Ƭ PitchLadderStyles: Object

Styling options for the pitch ladder.

Type declaration

chevronThresholdNegativenumberThe maximum negative pitch value at which to display warning chevrons.
chevronThresholdPositivenumberThe minimum positive pitch value at which to display warning chevrons.
majorLineIncrementnumberThe increment, in degrees, between major pitch lines.
majorLineLengthnumberThe length of major pitch lines.
majorLineShowNumberbooleanWhether to show number labels for major pitch lines.
mediumLineFactornumberThe number of medium pitch lines for each major pitch line.
mediumLineLengthnumberThe length of medium pitch lines.
mediumLineMaxPitchnumberThe maximum pitch at which to draw medium pitch lines.
mediumLineShowNumberbooleanWhether to show number labels for medium pitch lines.
minorLineFactornumberThe number of minor pitch lines for each medium pitch line.
minorLineLengthnumberThe length of minor pitch lines.
minorLineMaxPitchnumberThe maximum pitch at which to draw minor pitch lines.
minorLineShowNumberbooleanWhether to show number labels for minor pitch lines.
numberMarginnumberThe horizontal margin of each number label from its pitch line, in pixels.
numberOffsetYnumberThe vertical offset of each number label, in pixels.

Defined in



Ƭ RangeCompassHeadingBugOptions: Object

Styling options for the range compass heading bug.

Type declaration

headingBugHeightnumberThe height of the heading bug, in pixels.
headingBugWidthnumberThe width of the heading bug, in pixels.
referenceArrowHeightnumberThe height of the reference heading arrow, in pixels.
referenceArrowWidthnumberThe width of the reference heading arrow, in pixels.

Defined in



Ƭ RangeCompassOptions: Omit<MapRangeCompassLayerProps, keyof MapLayerProps<any> | "bus">

Styling options for the range compass.

Defined in



Ƭ RangeRingOptions: Omit<MapRangeRingLayerProps, keyof MapLayerProps<any>>

Styling options for the range ring.

Defined in



Ƭ RollIndicatorOptions: Object

Options for RollIndicator.

Type declaration

lowBankAngle?numberThe bank angle limit, in degrees, in Low Bank Mode. If not defined, the low-bank arc will not be displayed.
majorTickLengthnumberThe length of the major roll scale ticks, in pixels.
minorTickLengthnumberThe length of the minor roll scale ticks, in pixels.
pointerStyle"ground" | "sky"Whether to render the indicator with a ground pointer or a sky pointer. With a ground pointer, the roll scale rotates as the airplane banks to keep the zero-roll reference pointer pointed toward the ground while the roll pointer remains fixed. With a sky pointer, the roll pointer rotates as the airplane banks to keep itself pointed toward the sky while the roll scale remains fixed.
radiusnumberThe radius of the roll scale, in pixels.
referencePointerOffsetnumberThe offset of the tip of the zero-roll reference pointer from the roll scale, in pixels. Positive values displace the pointer away from the center of the circle circumscribed by the roll scale.
referencePointerSizeReadonlyFloat64ArrayThe size of the zero-roll reference pointer, as [width, height] in pixels.
rollPointerOffsetnumberThe offset of the tip of the roll pointer from the roll scale, in pixels. Positive values displace the pointer toward the center of the circle circumscribed by the roll scale.
rollPointerSizeReadonlyFloat64ArrayThe size of the roll pointer, as [width, height] in pixels.
showArcbooleanWhether to render the roll arc.
slipSkidIndicatorHeightnumberThe height of the slip/skid indicator, in pixels.
slipSkidIndicatorOffsetnumberThe offset of the slip/skid indicator from the roll pointer, in pixels. Values less than 0 will be clamped to 0.
slipSkidIndicatorTranslateScalenumberThe amount to translate the slip/skid indicator, in pixels, at full deflection.

Defined in



Ƭ SpeedConstraintListItem: Object

A item containing a speed constraint from a flight plan and associated metadata.

Type declaration

flightPhaseVerticalFlightPhaseThe vertical flight phase of this item's speed constraint.
globalLegIndexnumberThe global index of the flight plan leg associated with this item's speed constraint.
isMissedApproachbooleanWhether this item's speed constraint is part of a missed approach procedure.
speedConstraintReadonly<SpeedConstraint>This item's speed constraint.

Defined in



Ƭ SynVisUserSettingTypes: Object

Synthetic vision technology (SVT) user settings.

Type declaration

svtAirportSignShowbooleanWhether to show SVT airport signs.
svtDisabledFpmShowbooleanWhether to show the flight path marker when SVT is disabled.
svtEnabledbooleanWhether SVT is enabled.
svtHeadingLabelShowbooleanWhether to show SVT horizon heading labels.
svtPathwaysShowbooleanWhether to show SVT pathways.
svtTrafficShowbooleanWhether to show SVT traffic.

Defined in



Ƭ TcasRaPitchCueLayerOptions: Pick<TcasRaPitchCueLayerProps, "clipBounds" | "conformalBounds" | "tasSmoothingTau" | "pitchSmoothingTau">

Options for the TCAS resolution advisory pitch cue layer.

Defined in



Ƭ TerrainSystemAnnunciationDef: Object

A definition describing a terrain alerting system annunciation.

Type declaration

levelTerrainSystemAnnunciationLevelThe level of the annunciation.
textstringThe text to display for the annunciation.

Defined in



Ƭ TerrainSystemAnnunciationPriorityDef: TerrainSystemAnnunciationDef & { priority: number }

A definition describing a terrain alerting system annunciation with an assigned priority.

Defined in



Ƭ TerrainSystemControlEventsForId<ID>: { [P in keyof BaseTerrainSystemControlEvents as `${P}${TerrainSystemEventSuffix<ID>}`]: BaseTerrainSystemControlEvents[P] }

Events used to control a Garmin terrain alerting system with a specific ID.

Type parameters

IDextends string

Defined in



Ƭ TerrainSystemData: Object

Data provided by Garmin terrain alerting systems to modules.

Type declaration

baroAglnumberThe current barometric above ground height of the airplane, in feet.
baroAltitudenumberThe current barometric altitude of the airplane, in feet.
baroVerticalSpeednumberThe current barometric vertical speed of the airplane, in feet per minute.
departureAirportAirportFacility | nullThe departure airport loaded into the FMS, or null if there is no such airport.
departureRunwayOneWayRunway | nullThe departure runway loaded into the FMS, or null if there is no such runway.
destinationAirportAirportFacility | nullThe destination airport loaded into the FMS, or null if there is no such airport.
destinationRunwayOneWayRunway | nullThe destination runway loaded into the FMS, or null if there is no such runway.
flapsAnglereadonly [number, number]The extension angles, in degrees, of the airplane's trailing edge flaps, as [left, right].
gearPositionreadonly [number, number, number]The positions of the airplane's gear, as [nose, leftMain, rightMain]. A value of 0 indicates fully retracted, and a value of 1 indicates fully extended.
gpsAglnumberThe current GPS above ground height of the airplane, in feet.
gpsAltitudenumberThe current GPS altitude of the airplane, in feet.
gpsGroundSpeednumberThe current GPS ground speed of the airplane, in knots.
gpsPosGeoPointReadOnlyThe current GPS position of the airplane.
gpsVerticalSpeednumberThe current GPS vertical speed of the airplane, in feet per minute.
groundElevationnumberThe elevation of the ground directly below the airplane, in feet.
headingTruenumberThe current true heading of the airplane, in degrees.
isAttitudeValidbooleanWhether the terrain system has valid attitude data.
isBaroAltitudeValidbooleanWhether the terrain system has valid barometric altitude data.
isGpsPosValidbooleanWhether the terrain system has a valid position fix.
isGsGpActivebooleanWhether the autopilot GS or GP mode is active.
isHeadingValidbooleanWhether the terrain system has valid heading data.
isOnGroundbooleanWhether the airplane is on the ground.
isRadarAltitudeValidbooleanWhether the terrain system has valid radar altitude data.
nearestAirportAirportFacility | nullThe nearest airport within five nautical miles of the airplane, or null if there is no such airport.
radarAltitudenumberThe current radar altitude of the airplane, in feet.
realTimenumberThe current real (operating system) time, as a Javascript timestamp.
simRatenumberThe current simulation rate factor.
simTimenumberThe current sim time, as a Javascript timestamp.

Defined in



Ƭ TerrainSystemEventSuffix<ID>: ID extends "" ? "" : `_${ID}`

The event bus topic suffix for a Garmin terrain alerting system with a specific ID.

Type parameters

IDextends string

Defined in



Ƭ TerrainSystemEventsForId<ID>: { [P in keyof BaseTerrainSystemEvents as `${P}${TerrainSystemEventSuffix<ID>}`]: BaseTerrainSystemEvents[P] }

Events published by a Garmin terrain alerting system with a specific ID.

Type parameters

IDextends string

Defined in



Ƭ TimeNavDataFieldTypes: keyof { [P in NavDataFieldType as NavDataFieldTypeModelMap[P] extends NavDataFieldModel<number> ? P : never]: P }

NavDataField types that have models whose values are numbers.

Defined in



Ƭ TrackVectorOptions: Omit<MapTrackVectorLayerProps, keyof MapLayerProps<any>>

Options for the track vector.

Defined in



Ƭ TrafficIconOptions: MapTrafficIntruderIconOptions & { font: string }

Options for traffic intruder icons.

Defined in



Ƭ TrafficInfoServiceOptions: Object

Configuration options for TrafficInfoService.

Type declaration

adsb?GarminAdsb | nullThe ADS-B system associated with the TIS, or null if the TIS does not support ADS-B.
adsbMaxIntruderCount?numberThe maximum number of intruders tracked at any one time by the TIS when ADS-B is available. Defaults to TrafficInfoService.DEFAULT_ADSB_MAX_INTRUDER_COUNT.
adsbRealTimeUpdateFreq?numberThe maximum update frequency (Hz) in real time when ADS-B is available. Defaults to TrafficInfoService.DEFAULT_ADSB_REAL_TIME_UPDATE_FREQ.
adsbSimTimeUpdateFreq?numberThe maximum update frequency (Hz) in sim time when ADS-B is available. Defaults to TrafficInfoService.DEFAULT_ADSB_SIM_TIME_UPDATE_FREQ.
maxIntruderCount?numberThe maximum number of intruders tracked at any one time by the TIS when ADS-B is not available. Defaults to TrafficInfoService.DEFAULT_MAX_INTRUDER_COUNT.
realTimeUpdateFreq?numberThe maximum update frequency (Hz) in real time when ADS-B is not available. Defaults to TrafficInfoService.DEFAULT_REAL_TIME_UPDATE_FREQ.
simTimeUpdateFreq?numberThe maximum update frequency (Hz) in sim time when ADS-B is not available. Defaults to TrafficInfoService.DEFAULT_SIM_TIME_UPDATE_FREQ.
supportGpsFlightPhase?booleanWhether the ADS-B traffic alerting algorithm supports using GPS phase of flight information to select sensitivity levels. Ignored if ADS-B is not supported. Defaults to false.
supportRadarAltitude?booleanWhether the TIS supports radar altitude. Defaults to false.

Defined in



Ƭ TrafficMapOptions: Object

Options for creating a Garmin traffic map.

Type declaration

adsbModeText?Partial<Record<AdsbOperatingMode, string>>The text to display in the ADS-B operating mode indicator for each operating mode. Ignored if ADS-B is not supported.
airplaneIconAnchorReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The point on the player airplane icon that is anchored to the airplane's position, or a subscribable which provides it. The point is expressed as a 2-tuple relative to the icon's width and height, with [0, 0] at the top left and [1, 1] at the bottom right.
airplaneIconSizenumberThe size of the player airplane icon, in pixels.
airplaneIconSrcstring | Subscribable<string>The URI of the player airplane icon's image asset
altitudeModeText?Partial<Record<MapTrafficAltitudeRestrictionMode, string>>The text to display in the altitude restriction mode indicator for each operating mode. Ignored if includeAltitudeModeIndicator is false.
configureFlightPlan?(builder: MapWaypointDisplayBuilder) => voidA function which configures the display of flight plan waypoints. Required to display the active flight plan.
dataUpdateFreqnumber | Subscribable<number>The frequency, in hertz, with which the player airplane's properties are updated from event bus data.
flightPathRenderer?MapFlightPathPlanRendererThe flight path renderer to use to render the active plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
flightPlanner?FlightPlanner | Subscribable<FlightPlanner>The flight planner containing the active flight plan. Required to display the active flight plan.
iconFactory?MapTrafficIntruderIconFactoryA function which creates intruder icons for the traffic display. If not defined, a default icon of type MapTrafficIntruderIcon is created for each intruder.
includeAdsbModeIndicator?booleanWhether to include an ADS-B operating mode indicator. Defaults to true. Ignored if ADS-B is not supported.
includeAdsbOffBanner?booleanWhether to include an ADS-B standby mode warning banner. Defaults to true. Ignored if ADS-B is not supported.
includeAltitudeModeIndicator?booleanWhether to include an altitude restriction mode indicator. Defaults to true.
includeFailedBanner?booleanWhether to include a traffic system failed mode warning banner. Defaults to true.
includeOperatingModeIndicator?booleanWhether to include a traffic system operating mode indicator. Defaults to true.
includeOrientationIndicator?booleanWhether to include an orientation indicator. Defaults to true.
includeRangeRingsbooleanWhether to include range rings.
includeStandbyBanner?booleanWhether to include a traffic system standby mode warning banner. Defaults to true.
initCanvasStyles?(context: CanvasRenderingContext2D) => voidA function which initializes global canvas styles for the traffic display.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
mapRangeSettingManager?UserSettingManager<TrafficMapRangeControllerSettings>A user setting manager containing the map range setting. If not defined, map range will not be controlled by user setting.
metricRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for metric units mode. If not defined, a range array will not automatically be set when entering metric units mode.
miniCompassImgSrc?stringThe URI of the mini-compass's image asset. Required to display the mini-compass.
nauticalRangeArray?readonly NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>[]The map range array to use for nautical units mode. If not defined, a range array will not automatically be set when entering nautical units mode.
offScaleStatus?MutableSubscribable<MapTrafficOffScaleStatus>A mutable subscribable to update with the traffic layer's off-scale intruder status.
operatingModeText?Partial<Record<TcasOperatingMode, string>>The text to display in the traffic system operating mode indicator for each operating mode. Ignored if includeOperatingModeIndicator is false.
orientationMapOrientation | Subscribable<MapOrientation>The orientation of the map.
orientationText?Partial<Record<MapOrientation, string>>The text to display in the orientation indicator for each orientation mode. Ignored if includeOrientationIndicator is false.
rangeEndpoints?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The nominal range endpoints of the map, as [x1, y1, x2, y2], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0].
rangeRingOptions?TrafficRangeRingOptionsStyling options for the range rings. If not defined, both the outer and inner label radial values are set to 135 degrees. Ignored if includeRangeRings is false.
supportDataIntegrity?booleanWhether to support data integrity state. Defaults to true.
targetOffset?ReadonlyFloat64Array | Subscribable<ReadonlyFloat64Array>The nominal projected target offset of the map, as [x, y], where each component is expressed relative to the width or height of the map's projected window, excluding the dead zone. Defaults to [0, 0].
trafficIconOptionsTrafficIconOptionsConfiguration options for traffic icons.
trafficSettingManager?UserSettingManager<Partial<TrafficUserSettingTypes>>A user setting manager containing settings controlling the operation of the traffic system.
trafficSystemTrafficSystemThe traffic system from which to retrieve intruder data.
unitsSettingManager?UnitsUserSettingManagerA display units user setting manager. If not defined, map display units will not be controlled by user settings.
useRangeSettingByDefault?booleanWhether to use the map range user setting to control map range by default. Defaults to true. Ignored if mapRangeSettingManager is not defined.
vnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the VNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.

Defined in



Ƭ TrafficMapRangeControllerSettings: Object

User settings required by MapTrafficRangeController.

Type declaration

mapRangeIndexnumberThe range setting.

Defined in



Ƭ TrafficMapRangeLabelRenderer: (range: Subscribable<NumberUnitInterface<UnitFamily.Distance>>, displayUnit: Subscribable<Unit<UnitFamily.Distance>>) => VNode

A function which renders labels for traffic map range rings.

Type declaration

▸ (range, displayUnit): VNode



Defined in



Ƭ TrafficRangeRingOptions: Omit<TrafficMapRangeLayerProps, keyof MapLayerProps<any>>

Options for the traffic map range rings.

Defined in



Ƭ TrafficUserSettingTypes: Object

Traffic user settings.

Type declaration

trafficAdsbEnabledbooleanThe ADS-B operating mode setting.
trafficAltitudeModeTrafficAltitudeModeSettingThe traffic system altitude mode setting.
trafficAltitudeRelativebooleanThe traffic system relative altitude label setting.
trafficMotionVectorLookaheadnumberThe traffic system motion vector lookahead setting.
trafficMotionVectorModeTrafficMotionVectorModeSettingThe traffic system motion vector mode setting.
trafficOperatingModeTrafficOperatingModeSettingThe traffic system operating mode setting.

Defined in



Ƭ TypeOfNavDataFieldModel<M>: M extends NavDataFieldModel<infer T> ? T : never

Utility type to get the value type from a NavDataFieldModel type.

Type parameters

Mextends NavDataFieldModel<any>

Defined in



Ƭ UnitsUserSettingTypes: Object

Garmin display units user settings.

Type declaration

unitsAltitudeUnitsAltitudeSettingModeThe altitude units setting.
unitsDistanceUnitsDistanceSettingModeThe distance/speed units setting.
unitsFuelUnitsFuelSettingModeThe fuel units setting.
unitsNavAngleUnitsNavAngleSettingModeThe nav angle units setting.
unitsTemperatureUnitsTemperatureSettingModeThe temperature units setting.
unitsWeightUnitsWeightSettingModeThe weight units setting.

Defined in



Ƭ VNavDataEvents: GarminVNavDataEvents

Events related to Garmin VNAV data.


Defined in



Ƭ VNavTargetAltitudeRestriction: Object

A VNAV target altitude restriction.

Type declaration

altitudenumberThe altitude for this restriction, in feet.
typeVNavTargetAltitudeRestrictionTypeThe type of this restriction.

Defined in



Ƭ VNavTargetAltitudeRestrictionType: Exclude<AltitudeRestrictionType, AltitudeRestrictionType.Between | AltitudeRestrictionType.Unused>

Valid types of VNAV target altitude restrictions.

Defined in



Ƭ VSpeedBugDefinition: Object

A definition for an airspeed indicator reference V-speed bug.

Type declaration

labelstringThe bug's label text.
namestringThe name of the bug's reference V-speed.
showLegendbooleanWhether to show a legend for the bug at the bottom of the airspeed tape.
showOffscalebooleanWhether to show an off-scale label for the bug when the airspeed is off-scale.

Defined in



Ƭ VSpeedBugOptions: Object

Options for an airspeed indicator's displayed reference V-speed bugs.

Type declaration

allowZeroValue?booleanWhether to allow V-speed bugs to be displayed with a speed value of zero.
vSpeedBugDefinitionsIterable<VSpeedBugDefinition>An iterable of definitions for each displayed reference V-speed bug.
vSpeedSettingManagerUserSettingManager<VSpeedUserSettingTypes>A user setting manager containing reference V-speed settings.

Defined in



Ƭ VSpeedUserSettingTypes: Object

Type descriptions for reference V-speed user settings.

Index signature

[defaultValue: `vSpeedDefaultValue_${string}`]: number

The default value of a V-speed reference, in knots, or -1 if no such value exists.

Defined in



Ƭ VfrApproachListItem: Object

A VFR approach procedure paired with the index of the published approach on which it is based.

Type declaration

approachGarminVfrApproachProcedureThe VFR approach procedure.
indexnumberThe index of the published approach on which the VFR approach is based.

Defined in



Ƭ VsiScaleOptions: Object

Scale options for a vertical speed indicator.

Type declaration

majorTickIntervalnumber | Subscribable<number>The interval between major ticks, in feet per minute.
maximumnumber | Subscribable<number>The maximum absolute vertical speed representable on the indicator, in feet per minute.
minorTickFactornumber | Subscribable<number>The number of minor ticks for each major tick.

Defined in



Ƭ WaypointAlertComputerOptions: Object

Configuration options for WaypointAlertComputer.

Type declaration

alertLookaheadTimenumberThe amount of time from the waypoint or target turn, in seconds, to begin alerting.
flightPlannerFlightPlanner | Subscribable<FlightPlanner>The flight planner from which to retrieve the active flight plan.
lnavIndex?number | Subscribable<number>The index of the LNAV from which to source data. Defaults to 0.
nowAlertTime?numberThe amount of time, in seconds, to keep "...NOW" alerts active after they have been triggered. Defaults to five seconds.

Defined in



Ƭ WaypointHighlightLineOptions: Omit<MapLineLayerProps, keyof MapLayerProps<any> | "start" | "end">

Options for the waypoint highlight line.

Defined in



Ƭ WaypointInfoStoreOptions: Object

Configuration options for WaypointInfoStore.

Type declaration

useRegionFallbackForAirport?booleanWhether to fall back to using an airport's city name for region text if the airport's region cannot be found. Defaults to true.

Defined in



Ƭ WeatherMapOrientationControllerSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes & WeatherMapUserSettingTypes, "weatherMapOrientation" | "mapOrientation" | "mapAutoNorthUpActive" | "mapAutoNorthUpRangeIndex">

User settings required by WeatherMapOrientationController.


Defined in



Ƭ WeatherMapOrientationSettingsControllerSettings: Pick<MapUserSettingTypes & WeatherMapUserSettingTypes, "weatherMapOrientation" | "mapOrientation" | "mapAutoNorthUpActive" | "mapAutoNorthUpRangeIndex">

User settings required by WeatherMapOrientationSettingsController.

Defined in



Ƭ WeatherMapUserSettingTypes: Object

Weather map user settings.

Type declaration

weatherMapOrientationWeatherMapOrientationSettingModeThe weather map orientation setting.
weatherMapRangeIndexnumberThe weather map range index setting.

Defined in



Ƭ WeatherRadarUserSettingTypes: Object

Weather radar user settings.

Type declaration

wxrActivebooleanWhether the weather radar is active.
wxrCalibratedGainbooleanWhether the weather radar's gain should be locked to the calibrated setting (0 dBZ).
wxrGainnumberThe weather radar's gain, in dBZ.
wxrOperatingModeWeatherRadarOperatingModeThe weather radar's operating mode.
wxrRangeIndexnumberThe index of the weather radar's current range.
wxrScanModeWeatherRadarScanModeThe weather radar's scan mode.
wxrShowBearingLinebooleanWhether to show the bearing line in horizontal scan mode.
wxrShowTiltLinebooleanWhether to show the tilt line in vertical scan mode.

Defined in
