Campaign Optimization - Predicting How and When to Contact Leads

Visualizing Results with PowerBI

These instructions show you how to replace the cached data in the PowerBI dashboard with data from your SQL Server HDInsight solution , by using an ODBC connection to the SQL Database Hive table.

First, try refreshing the data using the Refresh button on the toolbar. Use your Windows credentials if prompted.

If this does not work, you may need to modify the connection information by using the steps below.

  1. Set up Connection between SQL Server and PowerBI using these instructions.
  2. Set up Connection between Hive and PowerBI using these instructions.
  3. Open the Campaign Optimization Dashboard.pbix file in the Campaign folder. Download the Campaign Optimization DashboardHDI.pbix and open it on your desktop.
  4. Click on Get Data and select More... The PowerBI dashboard will show charts built from cached data. We need to set it up to use the latest available scored dataset in the SQL ServerHive table.
  5. Select Get Data then Other and then selectODBC and Click OK
  6. Under Data Source Name Enter Campaign and click OK
  7. Navigate to Campaign > dbo and check Recommendations. Click Load.
  8. Navigate to Spark > default and check recommendations. Click Load.
  9. Once the data is loaded. Click on Edit Queries. You will see this new window
    Notice that on the left hand side you have 2 datasets: Lead_Scored_Dataset and Recommendationsrecommendations.
  10. Click on the second dataset (Recommendationsrecommendations) and then click on Advanced Editor in the toolbar. Select and copy all the code in the dialog that appears. Select and copy the code in the dialog that appears - from the top to the fifth line (ending with [Data]). Then click Done to close this dialog.
  11. Next, click on the first dataset (Lead_Scored_Dataset) and then click on ‘Advanced Editor’ in the toolbar. Delete all the code here and paste what you just copied into this dialog. Replace the first five lines with the code you just copied. Then add a "," to the end of what you pasted.
  12. Click Done to close this dialog. You should see the earlier warning disappear and be replaced with a table of data. This is the data from the SQL databaseHive table.
  13. Next, click on the second dataset (Recommendationsrecommendations) and press the delete key on your keyboard. You will see a pop up asking if you want to delete it. Click on Delete.
  14. Next, click on Close and Apply.
  15. Press Refresh. This will refresh the back end data of the dashboard and refresh the visuals. You are now viewing data from your SQL DatabaseHive table, rather than the imported data that was part of the initial solution package. Updates from the SQL DatabaseHive table will be reflected each time you hit Refresh.

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