Fraud Detection

On Prem: Setup SQL Server

The instructions on this page will help you to add this solution to your on premises SQL Server 2016 or higher.

If you instead would like to try this solution out on a virtual machine, visit the Quick Start page and use the 'Deploy to Azure' button. All the configuration described below will be done for you, as well as the initial deployment of the solution.

Prepare your SQL Server Installation

The rest of this page assumes you are configuring your on premises SQL Server 2016 or higher for this solution.

If you need a trial version of SQL Server 2017, see What’s New in SQL Server 2017 for download or VM options.

For more information about SQL server 2017 and ML Services, please visit:

Complete the steps in the Set up SQL Server ML Services (In-Database) Instructions. The set up instructions file can found at

  • If you are using SQL Server 2016, make sure R Services (In-Database) is installed.
  • If you are using SQL Server 2017, make sure Machine Learning Services (In-Database) is installed.

Ready to Run Code