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Represents a mode number to indicate what kind of content to retrieve when call Editor.getContent()


Enumeration members


CleanHTML: = 0

The clean content without any temporary content only for editor. This is the default value. Call to Editor.getContent() with trigger an ExtractContentWithDom event so that plugins can remove their temporary content, and will return the HTML content which is ready for save to storage.


PlainText: = 3

Get plain text content only, all format will be ignored


PlainTextFast: = 4

A fast way to get plain text content, the line-end positions may not be exactly same with HTML content, but the text content should be the same. This is used for quickly retrieve text content and check text only


RawHTMLOnly: = 1

Retrieve the raw HTML string in current editor. Temporary content will be included.


RawHTMLWithSelection: = 2

Retrieve the raw HTML string in current editor with a selection marker. This can be used for save current editor state and call to SetContent with this result can fully restore editor state including current selection

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