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An interface for editor core plugins. These plugins are built-in and most of them are not able to be replaced


  • CorePlugins



Readonly copyPaste

Copy and paste plugin for handling onCopy and onPaste event

Readonly domEvent

DomEvent plugin helps handle additional DOM events such as IME composition, cut, drop.

Readonly edit

Edit plugin handles ContentEditFeatures

Readonly entity

Entity Plugin handles all operations related to an entity and generate entity specified events

Readonly imageSelection

imageSelection: EditorPlugin

Image selection Plugin detects image selection and help highlight the image

Readonly lifecycle

Lifecycle plugin handles editor initialization and disposing

Readonly mouseUp

mouseUp: EditorPlugin

MouseUpPlugin help trigger MouseUp event even when mouse up happens outside editor as long as the mouse was pressed within Editor before

Readonly normalizeTable

normalizeTable: EditorPlugin

NormalizeTable plugin makes sure each table in editor has TBODY/THEAD/TFOOT tag around TR tags

Readonly pendingFormatState

PendingFormatStatePlugin handles pending format state management

Readonly typeAfterLink

typeAfterLink: EditorPlugin

after Firefox update TypeAfterLinkPlugin plugin helps workaround a Firefox bug to allow type outside a hyperlink

Readonly typeInContainer

typeInContainer: EditorPlugin

TypeInContainer plugin makes sure user is always type under a container element under editor DIV

Readonly undo

Undo plugin provides the ability to undo/redo

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