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Options for HtmlSanitizer




Optional additionalAllowedAttributes

additionalAllowedAttributes: string[]

Allowed HTML attributes in addition to default attributes, in lower case

Optional additionalAllowedCssClasses

additionalAllowedCssClasses: string[]

Allowed CSS Class names

Optional additionalDefaultStyleValues

additionalDefaultStyleValues: StringMap

CSS style default values in addition to the default value map, style name should be in lower case

Optional additionalGlobalStyleNodes

additionalGlobalStyleNodes: HTMLStyleElement[]

Additional global CSS style nodes

Optional additionalPredefinedCssForElement

additionalPredefinedCssForElement: PredefinedCssMap

Additional predefined CSS for element

Optional additionalTagReplacements

additionalTagReplacements: Record<string, string>

Additional tag replacement, to allow replace a tag to another name, or remove it.

The value can be: '*': Keep this element with no change ': Keep this element but change its tag to the given value null: Remove this element

For other unknown tags, we will respect the value of unknownTagReplacement with the same meaning

Optional attributeCallbacks

attributeCallbacks: AttributeCallbackMap

Callbacks for HTML attributes

Optional cssStyleCallbacks

cssStyleCallbacks: CssStyleCallbackMap

Callbacks for CSS styles

Optional elementCallbacks

elementCallbacks: ElementCallbackMap

Callbacks for HTML elements

Optional preserveHtmlComments

preserveHtmlComments: boolean

Preserve HTML comments

Optional unknownTagReplacement

unknownTagReplacement: string

Define a replacement tag name of unknown tags. A star "*" means keep as it is, no replacement Other valid string means replace the tag name with this string. Empty string, undefined means drop such elements and all its children



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