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SuperBench Config File

YAML format configuration file is an efficient method to take full advantage of SuperBench. You can put it in any place and specify the path to config file through -c /path/to/config.yaml in sb CLI.

This document covers schema of SuperBench configuration YAML file. You can learn YAML basics from Learn YAML in Y minutes. SuperBench configuration supports most of the YAML features, including anchors and aliases, merge key, etc.


Here lists syntax conventions used in this document:

  • The schema and example are in YAML format.

  • In YAML mappings which use a colon : to mark key: value pair.

    The left side of colon is a literal keyword defined in configuration, if it is surrounded by ${}, like ${name}, then the key is a string that can be defined by user.

    The right side of colon is a data type, which may be Python built-in types (like string, dict), or a rich structure defined in this document (first character capitalized).

  • The notation [ datatype ] indicates a YAML sequence of the mentioned data type. For example, [ string ] is a list of strings.

  • The notation | indicates there are multiple optional data types. For example, string | [ string ] means either a string or a list of strings is allowed.

Configuration Schema#

The configuration file describes all benchmarks running by SuperBench. There will be one or more benchmarks, each benchmark has its own settings and parameters. One benchmark may have one or more modes, which indicates how to run benchmarks in all given machines.

Here is an overview of SuperBench configuration structure:

version: stringsuperbench:  enable: string | [ string ]  monitor:    enable: bool    sample_duration: int    sample_interval: int  var:    ${var_name}: dict  benchmarks:    ${benchmark_name}: Benchmark


Version of the configuration file. Lower version sb CLI may not understand higher version config.


SuperBench configuration for all benchmarks.


Enable which benchmark to run, could be one or multiple benchmarks' name. If not specified, will use ${benchmark_name}.enable in each benchmark as default.

  • value from: benchmark names defined in superbench.benchmarks
  • default value: null


Enable monitor to collect system metrics periodically, currently only support CUDA platform. There are three settings:


Whether enable the monitor module or not.


Calculate the average metrics during sample_duration seconds, such as CPU usage and NIC bandwidth.


Do sampling every sample_interval seconds.


User-defined variables to be used in the configuration. Leveraging YAML anchors and aliases, common settings can be defined here to avoid config duplication.

Here is a usage example:

superbench:  var:    common_param: &param      num_warmup: 16      num_steps: 128      batch_size: 128  benchmarks:    model-benchmarks:foo:      models:        - resnet50      parameters: *param    model-benchmarks:bar:      models:        - vgg19      parameters: *param

The above configuration equals to the following:

superbench:  benchmarks:    model-benchmarks:foo:      models:        - resnet50      parameters:        num_warmup: 16        num_steps: 128        batch_size: 128    model-benchmarks:bar:      models:        - vgg19      parameters:        num_warmup: 16        num_steps: 128        batch_size: 128


Mappings of ${benchmark_name}: Benchmark.

There are three types of benchmarks, micro-benchmark, model-benchmark, and docker-benchmark. Each benchmark has its own unique name listed in docs.

${benchmark_name} can be one of the followings:

  • ${benchmark_unique_name}, it can be the exact same as benchmark's own unique name;
  • ${benchmark_unique_name}:${annotation}, or if there's a need to run one benchmark with different settings, an annotation separated by : can be appended after benchmark's unique name.

See Benchmark Schema for benchmark definition.

Benchmark Schema#

Definition for each benchmark, here is an overview of Benchmark configuration structure:


${benchmark_name}:  enable: bool  timeout: int  modes: [ Mode ]  frameworks: [ enum ]  parameters:    run_count: int    duration: int    log_raw_data: bool    ${argument}: bool | str | int | float | list


model-benchmarks:${annotation}:  enable: bool  timeout: int  modes: [ Mode ]  frameworks: [ enum ]  models: [ enum ]  parameters:    run_count: int    duration: int    log_raw_data: bool    num_warmup: int    num_steps: int    sample_count: int    batch_size: int    precision: [ enum ]    model_action: [ enum ]    pin_memory: bool    ${argument}: bool | str | int | float | list


Enable current benchmark or not, can be overwritten by superbench.enable.

  • default value: true


Set the timeout value in seconds, the benchmarking will stop early if timeout is triggered.

  • default value: none


A list of modes in which the benchmark runs. Currently only one mode is supported for each benchmark.

See Mode Schema for mode definition.


A list of frameworks in which the benchmark runs. Some benchmarks can support multiple frameworks while others only support one.

  • accepted values: [ onnxruntime | pytorch | tf1 | tf2 | none ]
  • default value: [ none ]


A list of models to run, only supported in model-benchmark.

  • accepted values:
    # pytorch framework[ alexnet | densenet121 | densenet169 | densenet201 | densenet161 | googlenet | inception_v3 |  mnasnet0_5 | mnasnet0_75 | mnasnet1_0 | mnasnet1_3 | mobilenet_v2 |  resnet18 | resnet34 | resnet50 | resnet101 | resnet152 |  resnext50_32x4d | resnext101_32x8d | wide_resnet50_2 | wide_resnet101_2 |  shufflenet_v2_x0_5 | shufflenet_v2_x1_0 | shufflenet_v2_x1_5 | shufflenet_v2_x2_0 |  squeezenet1_0 | squeezenet1_1 |  vgg11 | vgg11_bn | vgg13 | vgg13_bn | vgg16 | vgg16_bn | vgg19_bn | vgg19 |  bert-base | bert-large | gpt2-small | gpt2-medium | gpt2-large | gpt2-xl ]
  • default value: [ ]


Parameters for benchmark to use, varying for different benchmarks.

There are four common parameters for all benchmarks:

  • run_count: how many times does user want to run this benchmark, default value is 1.
  • duration: the elapsed time of benchmark in seconds. It can work for all model-benchmark. But for micro-benchmark, benchmark authors should consume it by themselves.
  • log_raw_data: log raw data into file instead of saving it into result object, default value is False. Benchmarks who have large raw output may want to set it as True, such as nccl-bw/rccl-bw.
  • log_flushing: real-time log flushing, default value is False.

For Model-Benchmark, there are some parameters that can control the elapsed time.

  • duration: the elapsed time of benchmark in seconds.
  • num_warmup: the number of warmup steps, should be positive integer.
  • num_steps: the number of test steps.

If duration > 0 and num_steps > 0, then benchmark will take the least as the elapsed time. Otherwise only one of them will take effect.

Mode Schema#

Definition for each benchmark mode, here is an overview of Mode configuration structure:

name: enumproc_num: intnode_num: intenv: dictmca: dictprefix: strparallel: bool


Mode name to use. Here lists available modes:

  • local: run benchmark as local process.
  • torch.distributed: launch benchmark through PyTorch DDP, each process will run on one GPU.
  • mpi: launch benchmark through MPI, the benchmark implementation could leverage MPI interface.

Some attributes may only be suitable for specific mode.

  • accepted values: local | torch.distributed | mpi
  • default value: local


Process number to run per node. Each process will run an individual benchmark, how processes communicate depends on the mode.

  • default value: 1


Node number to run in the mode. Defaults to all nodes provided by host file in the run. Will be ignored in local mode.

For example, assuming you are running model benchmark on 4 nodes, proc_num: 8, node_num: 1 will run 8-GPU distributed training on each node, while proc_num: 8, node_num: null will run 32-GPU distributed training on all nodes.

  • default value: null


Command prefix to use in the mode, in Python formatted string.

Available variables in formatted string include:

  • proc_rank
  • proc_num

So prefix: CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={proc_rank} will be expressed as CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0, CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1, etc.


Environment variables to use in the mode, in a flatten key-value dictionary. The value needs to be string, any integer or boolean values need to be enclosed in quotes.

Formatted string is also supported in value, available variables include:

  • proc_rank
  • proc_num


MCA (Modular Component Architecture) frameworks, components, or modules to use in MPI, in a flatten key-value dictionary. Only available for mpi mode.


Whether run benchmarks in parallel (all ranks at the same time) or in sequence (one rank at a time). Only available for local mode.

  • default value: yes


Pattern variables to run benchmarks with nodes in specified traffic pattern combination, in a flatten key-value dictionary. Only available for mpi mode.

Available variables in formatted string includes:

  • type(str): the traffic pattern type, required.
    • accepted values: all-nodes, pair-wise, k-batch, topo-aware
  • mpi_pattern(bool): generate pattern config file in ./output/mpi_pattern.txt for diagnosis, required.
  • batch(int): the scale of batch, required in k-batch pattern.
  • ibstat(str): the path of ibstat output, wil be auto-generated in ./output/ibstat_file.txt if not specified, optional in topo-aware pattern
  • ibnetdiscover(str): the path of ibnetdiscover output ibnetdiscover_file.txt, required in topo-aware pattern.
  • min_dist(int): minimum distance of VM pair, required in topo-aware pattern.
  • max_dist(int): maximum distance of VM pair, required in topo-aware pattern.