Source code for vivainsights.create_IV

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# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt in the project root for license information.
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import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from scipy.stats import wilcoxon
from scipy.stats import mstats
import math
import warnings
from vivainsights.create_bar_asis import *

# Ignore warnings for cleaner output

[docs] def p_test( data: pd.DataFrame, outcome: str, behavior: list, paired = False ): """ Name ----- p_test Description ----------- Performs Wilcoxon signed-rank test or rank-sum test between two groups. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame A Pandas DataFrame. outcome : str Name of the outcome variable. behavior : list List of behavior variables to test. paired : bool, optional Boolean indicating if the test should be paired or not. Default is False. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with variables and corresponding p-values. Examples -------- >>> import vivainsights as vi >>> import pandas as pd >>> data = pd.DataFrame({ ... 'outcome': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], ... 'behavior1': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50], ... 'behavior2': [5, 15, 25, 35, 45] ... }) >>> outcome = 'outcome' >>> behavior = ['behavior1', 'behavior2'] >>> vi.p_test(data, outcome, behavior) """ # Filter the dataset based on the outcome variable train = data[data[outcome].isin([0, 1])].copy() # Convert outcome to string and then to a factor train[outcome] = train[outcome].astype(str).astype('category') p_value_dict = {} for i in behavior: # Separate data into positive and negative outcomes pos = train[train[outcome] == '1'][i].dropna() neg = train[train[outcome] == '0'][i].dropna() # Ensure that the lengths of pos and neg are the same min_len = min(len(pos), len(neg)) pos = pos[:min_len] neg = neg[:min_len] # Perform Wilcoxon signed-rank test (or rank-sum test for unpaired data) _, p_value = wilcoxon(pos, neg) if paired else wilcoxon(pos, neg, alternative='two-sided') p_value_dict.update({i: p_value}) data_frame = pd.DataFrame(list(p_value_dict.items()), columns=['Variable', 'pval']) return data_frame
[docs] def calculate_IV( data: pd.DataFrame, outcome: str, predictor: str, bins: int ): """ Name ---- calculate_IV Description ----------- Calculates Information Value (IV) between a single predictor variable and the outcome variable. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame A DataFrame containing the data. outcome : str Name of the outcome variable. predictor : str Name of the predictor variable. bins : int Number of bins for binning the predictor variable. Returns ------- pd.DataFrame A DataFrame with IV calculations for the predictor variable. Raises ------ ValueError If the outcome variable has missing values in the input training data frame. Examples -------- >>> import vivainsights as vi >>> import pandas as pd >>> data = pd.DataFrame({ ... 'outcome': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], ... 'predictor': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] ... }) >>> outcome = 'outcome' >>> predictor = 'predictor' >>> bins = 5 >>> vi.calculate_IV(data, outcome, predictor, bins) """ pred_var = data[predictor] outc_var = data[outcome] # Check inputs if outc_var.isna().sum() > 0: raise ValueError(f"dependent variable {outcome} has missing values in the input training data frame") # Compute quantiles q = mstats.mquantiles(pred_var, prob=np.arange(1, bins) / bins, alphap=0, betap=0) # Compute cuts cuts = np.unique(q) # Compute intervals intervals = np.digitize(pred_var, bins=cuts, right=False) # Compute cut_table cut_table = pd.crosstab(intervals, outc_var).reset_index() # Compute min/max and percentage cut_table_2 = pd.DataFrame({ 'var': pred_var, 'intervals': intervals }).groupby('intervals').agg( min=('var', 'min'), max=('var', 'max'), n=('var', 'size') ).reset_index().round({'min': 1, 'max': 1}) cut_table_2[predictor] = cut_table_2.apply(lambda row: f"[{row['min']},{row['max']}]", axis=1) cut_table_2['percentage'] = cut_table_2['n'] / cut_table_2['n'].sum() cut_table_2 = cut_table_2[[predictor, 'intervals', 'n', 'percentage']] # Calculate Non-events and Events cut_table_1 = cut_table[1].values.astype(float) cut_table_0 = cut_table[0].values.astype(float) n_non_event = cut_table_1 * np.sum(cut_table_0) n_yes_event = cut_table_0 * np.sum(cut_table_1) # Compute WOE (Weight of Evidence) cut_table_2['WOE'] = np.where((cut_table[1] > 0) & (cut_table[0] > 0), np.log(n_non_event / n_yes_event), 0) # Compute IV_weight p1 = cut_table[1] / cut_table[1].sum() p0 = cut_table[0] / cut_table[0].sum() cut_table_2['IV_weight'] = p1 - p0 cut_table_2['IV'] = cut_table_2['WOE'] * cut_table_2['IV_weight'] cut_table_2['IV'] = cut_table_2['IV'].cumsum() return cut_table_2[[predictor, 'n', 'percentage', 'WOE', 'IV']]
[docs] def map_IV( data: pd.DataFrame, outcome: str, predictors = None, bins: int = 5 ): """ Name ---- map_IV Description ----------- Maps Information Value (IV) calculations for multiple predictor variables. Calls `calculate_IV()` for every predictor-outcome variable pair. Parameters ---------- - data: DataFrame containing the data - outcome: Name of the outcome variable - predictors: List of predictor variables (if None, all numeric variables except outcome are used) - bins: Number of bins for binning the predictor variables Returns ------- - Dictionary containing IV calculations for each predictor variable and a summary DataFrame """ if predictors is None: predictors = data.select_dtypes(include='number').columns.difference([outcome]) # List of individual tables Tables = {pred: calculate_IV(data, outcome, pred, bins) for pred in predictors} # Compile Summary Table Summary = pd.DataFrame({'Variable': list(Tables.keys())}).assign( IV=lambda df: df['Variable'].map(lambda var: Tables[var].iloc[-1]['IV']) ).sort_values(by='IV', ascending=False) return {'Tables': Tables, 'Summary': Summary}
[docs] def plot_WOE(IV, predictor): """ Name ---- plot_WOE Description ----------- Plots Weight of Evidence (WOE) for a predictor variable. Parameters ---------- IV : dict Dictionary containing IV calculations for each predictor variable. predictor : str Name of the predictor variable. Returns ------- None This function doesn't return a value; it plots the WOE. Examples -------- >>> import pandas as pd >>> data = pd.DataFrame({ ... 'outcome': [1, 0, 1, 0, 1], ... 'predictor': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50] ... }) >>> outcome = 'outcome' >>> predictor = 'predictor' >>> bins = 5 >>> IV = map_IV(data, outcome, [predictor], bins) >>> plot_WOE(IV, predictor) """ # Identify right table plot_table = IV['Tables'][predictor] # Get range WOE_values = [table['WOE'] for table in IV['Tables'].values()] for i in range(0,len(WOE_values)): WOE_range = np.min(WOE_values[i]), np.max(WOE_values[i]) mn=math.floor(np.min(plot_table['WOE'])) mx=math.ceil(np.max(plot_table['WOE'])) tick_lst=list(range(mn,mx+1)) # Plot plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8)) sns.barplot(x=predictor, y='WOE', data=plot_table, color='#8BC7E0') for index, value in enumerate(plot_table['WOE']): plt.text(index, value, round(value, 1), ha='right', va='top' if value < 0 else 'bottom',color='red' if value < 0 else 'green') plt.title(predictor) plt.xlabel(predictor) plt.ylabel("Weight of Evidence (WOE)") plt.ylim(WOE_range[0] * 1.1, WOE_range[1] * 1.1) plt.yticks(tick_lst)
[docs] def create_IV( data = pd.DataFrame, predictors = None, outcome:str = None, bins: int = 5, siglevel = 0.05, exc_sig: bool = False, return_type ="plot" ): """ Name ---- create_IV Description ----------- Creates Information Value (IV) analysis for predictor variables. Parameters ---------- data : pd.DataFrame DataFrame containing the data. predictors : list, optional List of predictor variables. outcome : str Name of the outcome variable. bins : int, optional Number of bins for binning the predictor variables. Defaults to 5. siglevel : float, optional Significance level. Defaults to 0.05. exc_sig : bool, optional Boolean indicating if non-significant predictors should be excluded. Defaults to False. return_type : str, optional Type of output to return ("plot", "summary", "list", "plot-WOE", "IV"). Defaults to "plot". Returns ------- Various The type of output to return. Can be "plot", "summary", "list", "plot-WOE", or "IV". Note ---- >>> create_IV function return_type 'list' and 'summary' has output format as a dictionary, kindly use for loop to access the key and values. >>> create_IV function return_type 'IV' has output format as a tuple, tuple element 'output_list'format is dictionary hence kindly use for loop to access the key and values. Example ------- >>> import numpy as np >>> 1. df["X"] = np.where(df["Internal_network_size"] > 40, 1, 0) >>> result = create_IV(df, predictors=["Email_hours", >>> "Meeting_hours", >>> "Chat_hours" >>> ], outcome="X",exc_sig=False, return_type="IV") >>> 2. df["X"] = np.where(df["Internal_network_size"] > 40, 1, 0) >>> result = create_IV(df, predictors=["Email_hours", >>> "Meeting_hours", >>> "Chat_hours" >>> ], outcome="X",exc_sig=False, return_type="summary") >>> 3. df["X"] = np.where(df["Internal_network_size"] > 40, 1, 0) >>> result = create_IV(df, predictors=["Email_hours", >>> "Meeting_hours", >>> "Chat_hours" >>> ], outcome="X",exc_sig=False, return_type="plot") """ # Preserve string pred_chr = predictors.copy() if predictors else None # Select training dataset if predictors is None: train = data.select_dtypes(include=np.number).dropna() else: train = data[predictors + [outcome]].dropna() # Calculate odds odds = train[outcome].sum() / (len(train[outcome]) - train[outcome].sum()) lnodds = np.log(odds) # Assert if not isinstance(exc_sig, bool): raise ValueError("Invalid input to `exc_sig`") # Prepare predictors DataFrame predictors = pd.DataFrame({'Variable': np.array(train.columns)}) predictors = predictors[predictors['Variable'] != outcome].reset_index(drop=True) predictors['Variable'] = predictors['Variable'].astype(str) # Perform statistical test and filter significant predictors predictors_pval = p_test(data=train, outcome=outcome, behavior=predictors["Variable"].tolist()) predictors_pval = predictors_pval[predictors_pval["pval"] <= siglevel] if predictors_pval.shape[0] == 0: raise ValueError("No predictors where the p-value lies below the significance level.") train = train[predictors_pval["Variable"].tolist() + [outcome]] # IV Analysis IV = map_IV(train, outcome, bins=bins, predictors=predictors_pval["Variable"].tolist()) IV_names = list(IV["Tables"].keys()) IV_summary = pd.merge(IV["Summary"], predictors_pval, on="Variable") IV_summary["pval"] = IV_summary["pval"].round(10) # Output loop if return_type == "summary": return IV_summary elif return_type == "IV": output_list = {variable: IV["Tables"][variable].assign( ODDS=lambda df: np.exp(df["WOE"] + lnodds), PROB=lambda df: df["ODDS"] / (df["ODDS"] + 1)) for variable in IV_names} return output_list, IV_summary, lnodds elif return_type == "plot": top_n = min(12, IV_summary.shape[0]) create_bar_asis(IV_summary, group_var="Variable", bar_var="IV", title="Information Value (IV)", subtitle=("Showing top", top_n, "predictors"), caption=None, ylab=None, xlab=None, percent=False, bar_colour="default", rounding=1) elif return_type == "plot-WOE": return [plot_WOE(IV, variable) for variable in IV["Summary"]["Variable"]] elif return_type == "list": output_list = {variable: IV["Tables"][variable].assign( ODDS=lambda df: np.exp(df["WOE"] + lnodds), PROB=lambda df: df["ODDS"] / (df["ODDS"] + 1)) for variable in IV_names} return output_list else: raise ValueError("Please enter a valid input for `return_type`.")