Many systems are designed to include an arbitrary number of similar or identical components. A good example of such a system is the Internet, which is designed to accommodate a large number of hosts, all communicating using the same set of protocols. Another example would be peer-to-peer protocols such as Chord.

We call these parameterized systems where the parameter in question is the number of protocol participants. Ivy allows you to model an implement parameterized protocol in a particular style. A parameterized object is one in which every component has an initial parameter of the same type. Here is an example of an object parameterized on type t:

type t

object foo = {

    function bit(S:t) : bool
    after init {
        bit(S) := false

    action set_bit(self:t) = {
        bit(self) := true

Notice that both the state component bit and the action set_bit have a first parameter of type t. The parameter of set_bit is suggestively called self. This parameter is used in any references to state components within the action. Thus, object foo really acts like a collection of independent objects or processes, one for each element of type t. The type t acts like a reference to one of these objects.

Ivy provides a shorthand for parameterized objects. We can equivalently write the object foo as follows:

type t

object foo(self:t) = {

    individual bit : bool
    after init {
        bit := false

    action set_bit = {
        bit := true

Ivy adds the parameter self to each state component of foo, and each reference to a component. That is, self becomes an implicit parameter, much as it does in an object-oriented programming language (except for Python, where the self parameter is explicit). It makes no difference to Ivy whether you use implicit or explicit parameters. You can reason about Ivy programs in the same way using either style.

As we will see later, IVY has special support for parameterized objects. For example, you can compile them and run them in separate process spaces or on different hosts. In addition, when proving assertions that relate to only one process, you can ignore the parameter. This can be a good trick for staying within a decidable logical fragment.

Leader election ring

As an example of a parameterized protocol, lets look at the very simple leader election protocol, introduced in this paper in 1979.

In this protocol we have a collection of distributed processes organized in a ring. Each process can send messages to its right neighbor in the ring and receive message from left neighbor. A process has a unique id drawn from some totally ordered set (say, the integers). The purpose of the protocol is to discover which process has the highest id value. This process is elected as the “leader”.

This protocol itself is trivially simple. Each process transmits its own id value. When it receives a value, it retransmits the value, but only if it is greater than the process’ own id value. If a process receives its own id, this value must have traveled all the way around the ring, so the process knows its id is greater than all others and it declares itself leader.

We’ll start with a service specification for this protocol, using the explicit parameterized style:

isolate app = {

    action tick(me:node)                 # called when a timer expires
    action elect(me:node)                 # called when v is elected leader

    specification {
        before elect {
            ensure >=    # only the max pid can be elected
} with node, id, trans

The isolate app is parameterized on an abstract datatype node that we will define shortly. Type node represents a reference to a process in our system. The function pid gives the id of a node, and will be defined shortly. The with clause at the end of the isolate tells us that this isolate depends on isolates node, id and trans that we will define later.

The interface of app has two actions: tick is called by the environment at some frequency, while elect is called by a node when it is elected leader. The specification of elect says that only the node with the maximum id value can be elected.

Now that we know what the protocol is supposed to do, let’s implement it:

isolate app = {


    implementation {
        implement tick(me:node) {
            call trans.send(me,me.get_next,;

        implement trans.recv(me:node,v:id) {
            if v = {  # Found a leader
                call elect(me);
            else if v >  { # pass message to next node
                call trans.send(me,me.get_next,v);
} with node, id, trans

We implement the tick by calling the network transport trans to send our id to the next node in the ring. The protocol also implements the recv action of the transport interface. This is called when the process receives a message with an id value v. If the value is equal to the process’ own id, the process knows it is leader and calls elect. Otherwise, if the received value is greater, it calls trans.send to send the value on to the next node.

Here is the same isolate described in the implicit style:

isolate app(me:node) = {

    action tick                 # called when a timer expires
    action elect                 # called when v is elected leader

    specification {
        before elect {
            ensure >=    # only the max pid can be elected

    implementation {
        implement tick {
            call trans.send(me,me.get_next,;

        implement trans.recv(v:id) {
            if v = {  # Found a leader
                call elect;
            else if v >  { # pass message to next node
                call trans.send(me,me.get_next,v);

There is not much difference. Notice that we dropped the parameter me from the action definitions. However, references to other objects still have to have the explicit parameter me. The implicit style mainly shows an advantage when the parameterized object has many references to its own actions and state components.

With our protocol implemented, let’s look at the interfaces that it’s built on, starting with the type of id values:

module total_order_properties(t) = {
    property [transitivity] X:t < Y & Y < Z -> X < Z
    property [antisymmetry] ~(X:t < Y & Y < X)
    property [totality] X:t < Y | X = Y | Y < X

isolate id = {
    type this

    specification {
        instantiate total_order_properties(this)

We defined a module that captures the properties of a total order, since we will re-use these for two different types. In fact, this module can also be found in the standard library order. We then define our abstract type id to be a type that satisfies these properties. Later, we will implement type id with fixed-width integers.

Now let’s look at the type of nodes, which is a bit more interesting:

isolate node = {
    type this
    action get_next(x:this) returns (y:this)
    function pid(X:node) : id          # map each node to an id

    axiom [injectivity] pid(X) = pid(Y) -> X = Y

    specification {

        instantiate total_order_properties(this)   

        after get_next {
            ensure (x < y & ~ (x < Z & Z < y)) | (y <= X & X <= x)

The type node supplies an action get_next that takes an element x and returns the next element y in the ring. The specification says that either y is the least element larger than x or x is the maximum element and y the minimum (that is, we “wrap around” to the beginning). In principle, we should also say that the type node is finite, but we won’t actually need this fact to prove safety of our protocol. This is one way of specifying a ring topology. Later we will see a different way that can make the proofs a little simpler. We can implement either version with fixed-width integers. We omit the implementation here.

Notice the axiom injectivity. This says that no two processes have the same id, which is necessary for correctness of the protocol. It is an axiom rather than a property because it is an assumption about the envionment. That is, we assume that the processes are configured such that each has a unique id but we cannot prove this.

Finally, we need a specification for the network transport layer. It’s quite simple:

isolate trans = {

    action send(src:node, dst:node, v:id)
    action recv(dst:node, v:id)

    specification {
        relation sent(V:id, N:node) # The identity V is sent at node N

        after init {
            sent(V, N) := false;

    before send {
        sent(v,dst) := true

    before recv {
        require sent(v,dst)

The relation sent tells us which values have been sent to which nodes. Initially, nothing has been sent. The interface provides two actions send and recv which are called, respectively, when a value is sent or received. The src and dst parameters give the source and destination node of the message.

The specification says that a value is marked as sent when send occurs and a value must be marked sent before it can be received. This describes a network service that can duplicate or re-order messages, but cannot corrupt messages.

Notice that trans has been written as paramterized isolate. In particular, the first parameter of each action is the location where the action occurs (the source for send and the destination for recv). This is imporant for extracting parallel processes from the Ivy code. In the netorking tutorial we will see how the transport service can be implemented.

Verifying the leader election protocol

Now let’s try to verify that the implementation of our leader election protocol app satisfies its service specification, assuming the specifications of trans, node, id.

We are trying to prove that, when any node calls app.elect, it in fact has the highest id. That is, the ensure statement is a guarantee of app when it calls app.elect.

Obviously, we will need an inductive invariant at this point. We will try to discover one using Ivy’s CTI method. You can find this example in the Ivy source directory doc/examples. We start Ivy using this command:

$ ivy_check isolate=app diagnose=true leader_election_ring.ivy

Ivy finds a counterexample to the ensure statement, and starts the graphical interface (because we used diagnose=true).

This is what we see:

Testing Ivy screenshot

On the left, we see a failing transition starting in state 0. The transition to state 1 is a failing call to trans.recv. To see the execution in more detail, we can left-click on the transition and choose Step in. In this case, however, we already have a pretty good idea of what went wrong: some node must have received its own id and declared itself leader without having the highest id. This is not surprising, since with no invariant conjectures, the only thing we know about state 0 is that it satisfies our axioms.

On the right, we see a depiction of the state 0. There are two elements in each of the two sorts id.t and node.t. Since we haven’t yet selected any relations to view, this is all we see. We could start selecting relations to see more information, but let’s instead choose the command Invariant|Diagram to see what information Ivy thinks might be relevant to the failure. Here’s what we see:

Testing Ivy screenshot

The arrow from id 0 to id 1 is depicting the relation X:id.t < Y. Because the arrow goes from X to Y, we interpret the arrow to mean 0:id.t < 1. Similarly, the arrow from node 0 to id 0 means that = 0. That is, the id of node 0 is 0. We can also see that node 1’s id is 1 and that trans.sent(0,1), in other words, id 0 has been sent to node 0. These facts are displayed below the graph under the heading “Constraints”.

The problem is clear: node 1 is receiving its own id, so it is about to become leader, but it does not have highest id. This situation clearly has to be ruled out. We do this by selecting the Conjecture|Strengthen command. Here is what Ivy says:

Testing Ivy screenshot

In other words, we conjecture that it never happens that a node N has id less than a node P, and node N is receiving its own id. Now we choose Invariant|Check induction, to see if our conjecture is inductive. Of course, it isn’t. Here’s what Ivy says:

Testing Ivy screenshot

And here is the counterexample to induction:

Testing Ivy screenshot

Here, some externally called action transitions from state 0 satisfying our conjecture to state 1 not satisfying the conjecture. Ivy is depicting state 0, with all the relations that appear in the conjecture. It’s not immediately clear what’s wrong here, so let’s try Invariant|Diagram again to see what Ivy thinks:

Testing Ivy screenshot

Now we can see the problem: node 2’s id is arriving at node 1, but it should never have passed node 0, because node 0 has a higher id. Notice, though, that there are two additional arrows in the diagram we didn’t mention (the ones from node 1 to id 0 and id 0 to id 1). Maybe these are actually irrelevant. We could remove these manually by clicking on the corresponding facts below. However, we have another trick up our sleeve. We can use bounded checking to see if some arrows can be removed. We choose Conjecture|Minimize and (somewhat arbitrarily) select a bound of 4 steps. Here is what Ivy says:

Testing Ivy screenshot

This conjecture says that we never have nodes in the order N < P < Q such that Q has a smaller id than N and the id of Q is arriving at P. In the graph, we see that the highlights have been removed from the two irrelevant arrows:

Testing Ivy screenshot

Ivy discovered that, within 4 steps, we can rule out the highlighted facts. By ruling out a more general situation, we obtain a stronger conjecture. Since this new conjecture seems right, let’s add it to our set by selecting Conjecture|Strengthen.

Now let’s try Invariant|Check induction again. Ivy is still unhappy and says that our first conjecture is still not relatively inductive. We try Invariant|Diagram again and here is what we see:

Testing Ivy screenshot

This looks very similar to the diagram that led to our previous conjecture. Here, however, it’s the id of node 0 that is arriving at node 2, when it couldn’t have passed through node 1. This situation is symmetric to the previous one by rotating the ring. Unfortunately, the way we described the ring topology using a linear order has broken the ring’s rotational symmetry, so this appears as a distinct case. Later, we’ll see a way to avoid this symmetry breaking. For now, though, we’ll just slog through the cases. As before, we minimize this diagram by bounded checking. Here is the result:

Testing Ivy screenshot

Ivy conjectures that we do not have nodes N < P < Q such that N has a lower id than P and the id of N is arriving at Q. This is just another case of the general proposition that a lower id cannot pass a higher id. We chose Conjecture|Strengthen to add this new conjecture to our set.

Now we try Invariant|Check induction (the reader may be able to guess what happens next). Again, Ivy says that our first conjecture is not relatively inductive. After Invariant|Diagram, we see this:

Testing Ivy screenshot

This describes the same situation, where the id of node 1 is arriving at node 0. Once again, we generalize using Conjecture|Minimize, giving this conjecture:

Testing Ivy screenshot

We add this conjecture using Conjecture|Strengthen. Now when we use Invariant|Check induction, we get the following:

Testing Ivy screenshot

That is, we have found a proof for the isolate. We can save this invariant to a file using the File|Save invariant command. We edit these conjectures into our implementation object app, like this:

isolate app = {


    private {
        invariant ~( < & trans.sent(,N))
        invariant ~( < & trans.sent(,P) & N < P & P < Q)
        invariant ~( < & trans.sent(,Q) & N < P & P < Q)
        invariant ~( < & trans.sent(,N) & N < P & P < Q)

How not to break the rotational symmetry

As we observed above, this proof is a bit messy because of the way we described the ring topology using a totally ordered set. There’s a different way to describe rings that avoids this problem. Here is an alternative specification of node:

isolate node = {


    specification {

        relation btw(X:this,Y:this,Z:this)

        property btw(W, Y, Z) & btw(W, X, Y) -> btw(X, Y, Z)
        property btw(W, X, Z) & btw(X, Y, Z) -> btw(W, X, Y)
        property btw(W, X, Z) & btw(X, Y, Z) -> btw(W, Y, Z)
        property btw(W, Y, Z) & btw(W, X, Y) -> btw(W, X, Z)
        property W = X | btw(W, X, W)
        property ~btw(X, X, Y)
        property ~btw(X, Y, Y)
        property btw(X,Y,Z) |  Y = Z |  btw(X,Z,Y)
        property btw(X,Y,Z) |  Y = X |  btw(Y,X,Z)

        after get_next {
            assert ~btw(x,Z,y)

Instead of putting the nodes in a total order, we define are relation btw(X,Y,Z) that holds when Y occurs on the path form X to Z in the ring. The axioms of btw are a bit more complex than the axioms of a total order. One the other hand, it is very easy to specify get_next in terms of btw. We say that y is next after x in the ring if there is no Z between x and y. You might wonder if the properties given above for btw are really correct. Later, when we implement node, we’ll prove that it has these properties.

Now, let’s try to verify the isolate app with this new version of node:

$ ivy_check isolate=app diagnose=true leader_election_ring_btw.ivy

This is what we see:

Testing Ivy screenshot

That is, we have a node 1 that is receiving its own id while node 0 has a greater id. Notice, though, that on the right the relation node.btw doesn’t appear. This is because it is a ternary relation and Ivy doesn’t know how to display it graphically in a reasonable way.

Now, as before, let’s add this as a conjecture using Conjecture|Strengthen. As before, Invariant|Check induction shows that this conjecture is not relatively inductive. Applying Invariant|Diagram, this is what we see:

Testing Ivy screenshot

This is similar to what we saw before, but notice the blue arrow from node 1 to node 0. This corresponds to a new relation that has been added on the right: node.btw(2,X,Y). From this arrow, we can infer that node.btw(2,1,0) holds. That is, starting at 2, and moving around the ring, we see 1 before 0. We can also see this fact stated below under “Constraints”. This means that, from 1, we must pass through 0 on the way to 2. Therefore, the id of 1 cannot possibly reach 2, as the diagram shows.

We can try generalizing this diagram using Conjecture|Minimize, but in this case, there is no effect. No matter – since this looks like a reasonable conjecture, we use Conjecture|Strengthen to add it to our invariant. Here is the result:

Testing Ivy screenshot

This says it is not possible to have nodes Q,P,N in ascending order of id, such that P is on the way from Q to N and the id of P is arriving at Q.

Now let’s try Invariant|Check induction:

Testing Ivy screenshot

Because we haven’t broken the rotational symmetry of the ring, there is just one case needed when we state the key invariant that an id can’t bypass a higher id in the ring. This illustrates that the complexity of the proof can be affected by how we write the specification. Once again, we can save this invariant and edit it into the definition of app.

Finally, try this command to verify that in fact the properties of btw are correct for a particular implementation of node:

$ ivy_check leader_election_ring_btw.ivy

Have a look at the implementation of the node isolate in file leader_election_ring_btw.ivy. If this doesn’t make sense, see the tutorial on abstract datatypes.