We saw previously how to run the leader election example using a REPL. Via the REPL, the user acted the role of the environment, including the network. This is, of course somewhat unsatisfactory. Ideally, we would like a real network to take this role.

In this section, we’ll see how to accomplish that. That is, we will implement a protocol as a collection of processes communicating over a network.

A network interface

Ivy provides a simple interface to the Unix Datagram Protocol (UDP) in a module called udp. Here is the interface specification:

module udp_simple(addr,pkt) = {

    import action recv(dst:addr,v:pkt)
    export action send(src:addr,dst:addr,v:pkt)

    object spec = {
        relation sent(V:pkt, N:addr)
        after init {
            sent(V, N) := false

        before send {
            sent(v,dst) := true
        before recv {
            assert sent(v,dst)

    instance impl(X:addr) : udp_wrapper(addr,pkt,X)

The interface is a module with two parameters: the type addr of network addresses, and the type pkt of packets. It has two actions, recv and send. These are very similar to actions of the abstract transport interface we used in the leader election protocol. The only difference is that the send action takes the source address of the packet as a parameter as well as the destination address. We’ll see the reason for this shortly. Action recv is imported by the interface (meaning the user must implement it) while send is exported (meaning that udp_simple implements it).

As in the leader example, the specification promises that only packets that have been sent will be received (but packets may be dropped, duplicated or re-ordered).

For now, ignore the definition of object impl. We’ll come back to it later.

Let’s begin by writing a simple test program that uses udp_simple:

#lang ivy1.7

type a  # network addresses
type p  # packets

include udp
instance foo : udp_simple(a,p)

import foo.recv
export foo.send

interpret a->bv[1]
interpret p->bv[16]

extract iso_impl = foo.impl

Here, we define a type of network addresses a and a type of packets p. We include the udp module (which is part of IVy’s system libraries). We then make an instance of udp_simple. To allow us to interact with this module, we import the recv action from the environment and export send. Finally, we interpret the types: addresses are one-bit numbers and packets are 16-bit numbers. Since we don’t want to compile the specification, we extract just the implementation of the interface, which is foo.impl.

We compile and run this program as follows:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_impl udp_test.ivy
$ g++ -o udp_test udp_test.cpp
$ ./udp_test

Now we can send a packets:

> foo.send(0,1,2)
> foo.recv(1,2)

What happened here? When we started the REPL, IVY bound addresses 0 and 1 to two UDP port numbers. Call them ports A and B. We called foo.send to send a packet from address 0 to address 1 with content

  1. The module foo somehow marshaled the number 2 into a packet and sent it out on port A. It then printed a new prompt. At this point, the packet was received on the port B. This caused foo.recv to be called, resulting in the print-out foo.recv(1,2) after the prompt.

We can try it again.

> foo.recv(0,3)

A packet sent out on port B was received on port A.

Parallel processes

It’s not very interesting, though, for one process to send packets to itself. What we want is to have multiple processes talking to each other. IVy can create parallel processes for us starting from a parameterized object. Each value of the parameter becomes an individual process. This transformation is called parameter stripping.

Parameter stripping

The upd_simple specification is an example of a parameterized object. Each action has an initial parameter of type addr that we can think of as an instance of the object, or as identifying the process performing the action. This is why send has the parameter src. The source address is the one performing the send action.

We can extract just one process as follows:

extract iso_impl(me:a) = foo.impl(me)

Here, me is a symbolic constant that represents the first parameter of of each action. The first parameter is “stripped” by replacing it with the symbolic constant me.

Before thinking about this too hard, let’s just run it to see what happens. We compile as usual:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_impl udp_test2.ivy
$ g++ -o udp_test2 udp_test2.cpp

Now, open up a new terminal that we’ll call terminal A. In that terminal try to run upd_test2:

A: $ ./udp_test2
A: usage: udp_test2 me

Ivy says we need to give the value of the parameter me to create a process. In other words, we have to give the network address of the process we want to run. So let’s do that:

A: $ ./udp_test2 0
A: >

Now we start up another terminal (call it terminal B) and run a process with address 1:

B: $ ./udp_test2 1
B: >

Now, let’s send a packet from A to B:

A: > foo.send(1,2)
A: > 

B: foo.recv(2)

Notice that we omit the src parameter of foo.send, since that was given on the command line. Similarly, when terminal B receives the packet, it prints foo.recv(2), because the first parameter dst is implicit.

We can, of course, send a packet in the opposite direction:

B: foo.send(0,3)
B: >

A: foo.recv(3)

Also, one terminal can send a packet to itself:

A: foo.send(0,4)
A: > foo.recv(4)

(again, the packet is received after the prompt is printed).

IVy places some restriction on extracts with parameters. These restrictions guarantee that the parallel processes behave as if they were running sequentially in a single process space (technically, the Ivy guarantees that the actions are serializable). We’ll discuss these restrictions shortly. For now let’s look at using the udp_simple interface in our leader election protocol.

Running a distributed protocol

Recall that the leader election protocol had an interface trans that represented the network. Since this interface has the same specification udp_simple, we can replace object trans with this code:

include udp
instance trans : udp_simple(node.t,id.t)

Notice that we use node.t as the addr type and id.t as the pkt type. We also have to remove these declarations:

import trans.send
export trans.recv

This is because send is now provided by trans, and recv is now called by trans, not by the REPL. The environment is now just:

import serv.elect
export app.async

Finally, we change the extract declaration to include the implementation of trans:

extract iso_impl(me:node.t) = app(me),trans.impl(me),node_impl,id_impl,asgn

That is, we don’t want the specification object trans.spec in the code we actually run. Notice that we strip the first parameter of both app and trans.impl. We don’t strip parameters from node_impl, id_impl, asgn because these objects provide functions without any state (they are a bit like static methods in a C++ class). We’ll discuss this issue later in more detail.

Before running the protocol, we ought to try to verify it:

$ ivy_check leader_election_ring_udp.ivy
Checking isolate iso_app...
trying ext:app.async...
trying ext:trans.recv...
Checking isolate iso_id...
Checking isolate iso_node...
trying ext:node.get_next...

The verification succeeds. This makes sense, since the specification of trans hasn’t changed, so our inductive invariant is still good. We might ask why we didn’t have to verify trans.impl. This is because this object is part of IVy’s trusted code base. In fact, udp_simple is implemented in C++ and makes use of the operating system’s API, which we can’t formally verify. We can only verify trans.impl by testing.

For now, let’s try to run our protocol. As before, we compile it like this:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_impl leader_election_ring_udp.ivy
$ g++ -o leader_election_ring_udp leader_election_ring_udp.cpp 

Recall that we interpret the type node.t as one-bit numbers. That means that we have two processes in our ring numbered 0 and 1. So let’s create them in our terminals A and B:

A: $ ./leader_election_ring_udp 0
A: >

B: $ ./leader_election_ring_udp 1
B: >

The protocol is running, but it hasn’t done anything yet. We need to call the async action of one of the processes to get it to transmit its id:

A: > app.async
A: > serv.elect

Notice again the the implicit node.t parameters of these actions are omitted. Obviously, node 0 has the highest id, since it elected itself. What we didn’t see was node 0’s id being transmitted to node 1, then being forwarded back to node 0, causing node 0 to be elected. Just to make sure things are working, let’s try the following:

B: > app.async
B: >

Clearly, node 1’s id did not pass node 0, so node 1 is not elected.

The timeout interface

Our protocol works, but is still unsatisfactory in at least one way. That is, it only does something in response to a call to app.async. We’d like app.async to be connected to some kind of system event so it repeats at some interval. We can do this using the system timeout module. This contains the following interface:

module timeout_sec = {

    import action timeout

    object spec = {

    instance impl : timeout_wrapper

This interface is pretty simple. It calls imported action timeout without any specification. In fact, the implementation uses the operating system’s facilities to call timeout approximately once per second.

To test, this interface, let’s write a simple program that just imports timeout from the REPL:

#lang ivy1.7

include timeout

instance foo : timeout_sec

import foo.timeout

Here’s what we get:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl timeout_test.ivy 
$ g++ -o timeout_test timeout_test.cpp
$ ./timeout_test
> foo.timeout

The program prints foo.timeout once per second. Now let’s modify the leader election program so the the app.async action is called once per second.

First, we instantiate a timer for each process, like this:

include timeout
instance sec(X:node.t) : timeout_sec

Then we modify the protocol so that it implements sec.timeout. That is, we change this line:

    action async(me:node.t) = {

to this:

    implement sec.timeout(me:node.t) {

Notice that the parameter doesn’t change: we have one timer per process. We also have to remove this line, since action app.async no longer exists:

export app.async

Finally, we include the implementation of sec in the extract:

extract iso_impl(me:node.t) = app(me),trans.impl(me),sec.impl(me),node_impl,id_impl,asgn

Notice that sec.impl also has one parameter stripped, since we have one timer per process. We compile as before:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_impl leader_election_ring_udp2.ivy
$ g++ -o leader_election_ring_udp2 leader_election_ring_udp2.cpp 

Now we run the processes in terminals A and B:

A: $ ./leader_election_ring_udp2 0
A: >

B: $ ./leader_election_ring_udp2 1
B: >

A:  serve.elect
A:  serve.elect
A:  serve.elect

Notice that nothing happens when we start node 0. It is sending packets once per second, but they are being dropped because no port is yet open to receive them. After we start node 1, it forwards node 0’s packets, which causes node 0 to be elected (and to continues to be elected once per second).

A note: suppose we had neglected to include sec.impl in the extract. Since the action sec.timeout is called from outside the extract, it is implicitly exported to the environment. Since this is likely not what we want, Ivy gives the following warning:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_impl leader_election_ring_udp2.ivy
leader_election_ring_udp2.ivy: line 131: warning: action sec.timeout is implicitly exported


As mentioned above, IVy guarantees serializability. This means that actions executed by concurrent process produce the same input/output result as if the actions had been executed in isolation in some order. By isolation, we mean that each action completes before any other action begins.

To guarantee serializability, IVy requires that processes be non-interfering. This means that one process cannot have a side-effect that is visible to another process.

As an example of interference, consider the following program:

#lang ivy1.7

type t

individual bit : bool

object foo(me:t) = {
    action flip = {
        bit := ~bit

export foo.flip

extract iso_foo(me:t) = foo(me)

This program has one parallel process for each value of a type t. Each process provides a method that modifies a global variable bit. Obviously, this is not a distributed program, because the processes share a variable. Here’s what happens when we try to compile the program:

ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_foo interference2.ivy
interference2.ivy: line 9: error: assignment may be interfering

If processes don’t modify any state components in common, they are non-interfering. This means that if we execute action of distinct processes in parallel, the result is the same as if we had executed them sequentially in either order. Thus, the actions are serializable.

We could fix the above program by creating one copy of the bit for each process:

#lang ivy1.7

type t

individual bit(X:t) : bool

object foo(me:t) = {
    action flip = {
        bit(me) := ~bit(me)

export foo.flip

extract iso_foo(me:t) = foo(me),bit(me)

This program compiles successfully. But what would happen if one process tried to access the variable of another process. Consider this program:

#lang ivy1.7

type t

individual bit(X:t) : bool

object foo(me:t) = {
    action flip(x:t) = {
        bit(me) := ~bit(x)

export foo.flip

extract iso_foo(me:t) = foo(me),bit(me)

Here, object foo(me) accesses the bit of some process x, where x is an input. Here’s what happens when we compile:

ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_foo interference4.ivy
interference4.ivy: error: cannot strip parameter x from bit

Ivy recognizes that bit(me) is an access to the current process’ copy of bit, but it cannot compile bit(x), because x might not be equal to me.

Effects on the environment

Of course, to communicate with each other, processes must have a visible effect on something. That something is the environment, which includes the operating system and the physical network. A call to trans.send has an effect on the environment, namely sending a packet. The Ivy run-time guarantees, however, that actions remain serializable despite these effects, using Lipton’s theory of left-movers and right-movers. In the theory’s terms, receiving a packet is right-mover, while sending a packet is a left-mover. Every action consists of zero or one receive events followed by any number of send events. The theory tells use that such actions are serializable. That is, we can re-order any concurrent execution by commuting left-movers and right-movers such that the result is an equivalent isolated execution.

This, however, is an issue only for IVy’s implementers. Users can simply rely on the fact that concurrent execution will appear equivalent to sequential execution, assuming the program passes ivy_check.

Immutable objects and initial states

Ivy allows immutable objects (that is, read-only objects) such as the pid map in the leader protocol, to be shared between processes. Each process refers to its own local copy of the immutable object. In the case of the pid map, IVy solved for a value of this function satisfying the given axiom that no two nodes have the same id. A table of this function was stored in the compiled process.

Currently, IVy has some limitations in its ability to generate the immutable objects and also to generate initial states for parametrized processes. Consider, for example, this program:

#lang ivy1.7

type t

object foo(me:t) = {
    individual bit:bool
    after init {
        bit := false

    action get_bit returns (x:bool) = {
        x := bit

export foo.get_bit

extract iso_foo(me:t) = foo(me)

IVy can compile this program and run it:

$ ./paraminit 0
> foo.get_bit

Note that it is allowed for the initial condition to depend on the parameter me. For example, we could write:

after init {
    bit := me = 0

That is, we want bit to be true initially only for process 0. This version can also be stripped and gives the expected result:

$ ivy_to_cpp target=repl isolate=iso_foo paraminit3.ivy 
$ g++ -o paraminit3 paraminit3.cpp
$ ./paraminit3 0
> foo.get_bit
>   ^C
$ ./paraminit3 1
> foo.get_bit