In the development of systems, we sometimes have to reason about mathematical functions and relations in ways that automated theorem provers can’t handle reliably. For these cases, IVy provides a facility that allows the user to supply the necessary proofs. IVy’s approach to theorem proving is designed to make maximal use of automated provers. We do this by localizing the proof into “isolates”. Our verification conditions in each isolate are confined to a logical fragment or theory that an automated prover can handle reliably.

Primitive judgments

A logical development in IVy is a succession of statements or judgments. Each judgment must be justified by a primitive axiom or inference rule.

Type declarations

On such primitive is a type declaration, like this:

    type t

This judgment can be read as “let t be a type”. It is admissible provided t is new symbol that has not been used up to this point in the development.

Functions and individuals

We can introduce a constant like this:

    individual n : t

where n is new. This judgment can be read as “let n be a term of type t” and is admissible if symbol n has not been used up to this point in the development.

Similarly, we can introduce new function and relation symbols:

    function f(X:t) : t
    relation r(X:t,Y:t)

The first judgment can be read as “for any term X of type t, let f(X) be a term of type t”. The second says “for any terms X,Y of type t, let r(X,Y) be a proposition” (a term of type bool).


An axiom is a proposition whose truth is admitted by fiat. For example:

    axiom [symmety_r] r(X,Y) -> r(Y,X)

The free variables X,Y in the formula are taken as universally quantified. The text symmetry_r between brackets is a name for the axiom and is optional. The axiom is simply admitted in the current context without proof. Axioms are dangerous, since they can introduce inconsistencies. You should use axioms only if you are developing a foundational theory and you know what you are doing, or to make a temporary assumption that will later be removed.


A property is a proposition that can be admitted as true only if it follows logically from judgments in the current context. For example:

    property [myprop] r(n,X) -> r(X,n)

A property requires a proof (see below). If a proof is not supplied, IVy applies its default proof tactic. This calls the automated prover Z3 to attempt to prove the property from the previously admitted judgments in the current context.

The default tactic works by generating a verification condition to be checked by Z3. This is a formula whose validity implies that the property is true in the current context. In this case, the verification condition is:

    #-   (forall X,Y. r(X,Y) -> r(Y,X)) -> (r(n,X) -> r(X,n))

That is, it states that axiom symmetry_r implies property myprop. IVy checks that this formula is within a logical fragment that Z3 can decide, then passes the formula to Z3. If Z3 finds that the formula is valid, the property is admitted.


A definition is a special form of axiom that cannot introduce an inconsistency. As an example:

    function g(X:t) : t

    definition g(X) = f(X) + 1

This can be read as “for all X, let g(X) equal f(X) + 1”. The definition is admissible if the symbol g is “fresh”, meaning it does not occur in any existing properties or definitions in the current context. Further g must not occur on the right-hand side of the equality (that is, a recursive definition is not admissible without proof – see “Recursion” below).

Theory instantiations

IVy has built-in theories that can be instantiated with a specific type as their carrier. For example, the theory of integer arithmetic is called int. It has the signature {+,-,*,/,<}, plus the integer numerals, and provides the axioms of Peano arithmetic. To instantiate the theory int using type u for the integers, we write:

    type u
    interpret u -> int

This declaration requires that type u is not previously interpreted and that the symbols {+,-,*,/,<} in the signature of int are fresh. Notice, though, that the symbols {+,-,*,/,<} are overloaded. This means that + over distinct types is considered to be a distinct symbol. Thus, we can we can instantiate the int theory over different types (and also instantiate other theories that have these symbols in their signature).


A schema is a compound judgment that takes a collection of judgments as input (the premises) and produces a judgment as output (the conclusion). If the schema is valid, then we can provide any type-correct values for the premises and the conclusion will follow.

Here is a simple example of a schema taken as an axiom:

    axiom [congruence] {
        type d
        type r
        function f(X:d) : r
        property X = Y -> f(X) = f(Y)

The schema is contained in curly brackets and gives a list of premises following a conclusion. In this case, it says that, given types d and r and a function f from d to r and any values X,Y of type d, we can infer that X=Y implies f(X) = f(Y). The dashes separating the premises from the conclusion are just a comment. The conclusion is always the last judgment in the schema. Also, notice the declaration of function f contains a variable X. The scope of this variable is only the function declaration. It has no relation to the variable X in the conclusion.

The keyword axiom tells IVy that this schema should be taken as valid without proof. However, as we will see, the default tactic treats a schema differently from a simple proposition. That is, a schema is never used by default, but instead must be explicitly instantiated. This allows is to express and use facts that, if they occurred in a verification condition, would take us outside the decidable fragment.

Any judgment that has been admitted in the current context can be applied in a proof. When we apply a schema, we supply values for its premises to infer its conclusion.

    property [prop_n] Z = n -> Z + 1 = n + 1
    proof {
        apply congruence

The proof declaration tells IVy to apply the axiom schema congruence to prove the property. IVy tries to match the proof goal prop_n to the schema’s conclusion by picking particular values for premises, that is, the types d,r and function f. It also chooses terms for the the free variables X,Y occurring in the schema. In this case, it discovers the following assignment:

    #- d = t
    #- r = t
    #- X = Z
    #- Y = n
    #- f(N) = N + 1

After plugging in this assignment, the conclusion of the rule exactly matches the property to be proved, so the property is admitted.

The problem of finding an assignment such as the one above is one of “second order matching”. It is a hard problem, and the answer is not unique. In case IVy did not succeed in finding the above match, we could also have written the proof more explicitly, like this:

    property [prop_n_2] Z = n -> Z + 1 = n + 1
    proof {
        apply congruence with X=Z, Y=n, f(X) = X:t + 1

Each of the above equations acts as a constraint on the assignment. That is, it must convert X to Z, Y to n and f(X) to X + 1. Notice that we had to explicitly type X on the right-hand side of the last equation, since its type couldn’t be inferred (and in fact it’s not the same as the type of X on the left-hand side, which is d).

It’s also possible to write constraints that do not allow for any assignment. In this case, Ivy complains that the provided match is inconsistent.

Forward proofs

In the normal way of writing proofs, we start from a set of premises, then proceed to prove a sequence of facts (or lemmata), ending in a conclusion. Each fact must be seen to follow from the preceding facts by applying a valid schema.

For example, consider the following axiom schema:

    relation man(X:t)
    relation mortal(X:t)

    axiom [mortality_of_man] {
        property [prem] man(X)
        property mortal(X)

The scope of free variables such as X occurring in properties is the entire schema. Thus, this schema says that, for any term X of type t, if we can prove that man(X) is true, we can prove that mortal(X) is true.

We take as a given that Socrates is a man, and prove he is mortal:

    individual socrates : t

    axiom [soc_man] man(socrates)

    property mortal(socrates)
    proof {
        apply mortality_of_man with prem = soc_man

The axiom mortality_of_man, requires us supply the premise man(socrates). Fortunately, we have this fact as an axiom. To justify the conclusion mortal(socrates) we tell Ivy to apply axiom mortality_of_man with soc_man as its premise.

Ivy achieves this proof by matching the axiom mortality_of_man against the provided premise and conclusion. In this process, it discovers the substitution X = socrates. Applying this substitution to the axiom yields the deduction we wish to make. However, if we wanted to be more explicit about the substitution, we could have written:

    property mortal(socrates)
    proof {
        apply mortality_of_man with prem = soc_man, X = socrates

Theorems ========

Thus far, we have seen schemata used only as axioms. However, we can also prove the validity of a schema as a theorem. For example, here is a theorem expressing the transitivity of equality:

    theorem [trans] {
        type t
        property [left] X:t = Y
        property [right] Y:t = Z
        property X:t = Z

We don’t need to provide a proof for this Ivy’s default tactic using Z3 can handle it. The verification condition that Ivy generates is:

    #-   X = Y & Y = Z -> X = Z

Here is a theorem that lets us eliminate universal quantifiers:

    theorem [elimA] {
        type t
        function p(W:t) : bool
        property [prem] forall Y. p(Y)
        property p(X)

It says, for any predicate p, if p(Y) holds for all Y, then p(X) holds for a particular X. Again, Z3 can prove this easily. Now let’s derive a consequence of these facts. A function f is idempotent if applying it twice gives the same result as applying it once. This theorem says that, if f is idempotent, then applying f three times is the same as applying it once:

    theorem [idem2] {
        type t
        function f(X:t) : t
        property [idem] forall X. f(f(X)) = f(X)
        property f(f(f(X))) = f(X)

The default tactic can’t prove this because the premise contains a function cycle with a universally quantified variable. Here’s the error message it gives:

    #- error: The verification condition is not in the fragment FAU.
    #- The following terms may generate an infinite sequence of instantiations:
    #-   proving.ivy: line 331: f(f(X_h))

This means we’ll need to apply some other tactic. Here is one possible proof:

    proof {
        property [lem1] f(f(f(X))) = f(f(X)) proof {apply elimA with prem=idem}
        property [lem2] f(f(X)) = f(X) proof {apply elimA with prem=idem}
        apply trans with left = lem1

We think this theorem holds because f(f(f(X))) is equal to f(f(X)) (by idempotence of f) which in turn is equal to f(X) (again, by idempotence of f). We then apply transitivity to infer f(f(f(X))) = f(X).

To prove that f(f(f(X))) = f(f(X)) from idempotence, we apply the elimA theorem with idem as the premise. Let’s look in a little more detail at how this works. The elimA theorem has a premise forall X. p(X). Ivy matches has to find a substitution that will match this formulas idem, the premise that we want to use, which is forall X. f(f(X)) = f(X). It discovers the following substitution:

    #- t = t
    #- p(Y) = f(f(Y)) = f(Y)

Now Ivy tries to match the conclusion p(X) against the property lem1 we are proving, which is f(f(f(X))) = f(f(X)). It first plugs in the above substitution, so p(X) becomes:

    #- f(f(X)) = f(X)

Matching this with our goal lem1, it then gets this substitution:

    #- X = f(X)

Plugging these substitutions into elimA as defined above, we obtain:

    #- theorem [elimA] {
    #-     property [prem] forall Y. f(f(Y)) = f(Y)
    #-     #--------------------------------
    #-     property f(f(f(X))) = f(f(X))
    #- }

which is just the inference we want to make. This might give the impression that Ivy can magically arrive at the instantiation of a lemma needed to produce a desired inference. In general, however, this is a hard problem. If Ivy fails, we can still write out the full substitution manually, like this:

    #- property [lem1] f(f(f(X))) = f(f(X))
    #- proof {
    #-     apply elimA with t=t, p(Y) = f(f(Y)) = f(Y), X=f(X)
    #- }

The second step of our proof, deriving the fact f(f(X) = f(X) is a similar application of idem. The final step uses transitivity, with our two lemmas as premises. In this case, we only have to specify the the left premise of trans is lem1. This is enough to infer the needed substitution. There would be no harm, however, in writing right=lem2.

Natural deduction

The above proof is an example of reasoning in a style called natural deduction. In fact, elimA is a primitive inference rule in natural deduction. In the natural deduction style, a premise of a theorem is often itself a theorem. For example, here is a rule of natural deduction that is used to prove an implication:

    theorem [introImp] {
        function p : bool
        function q : bool
        theorem [lem] {
            property [prem] p
            property q
        property p -> q

This rule says that, for any predicates p and q, if we can prove q from p, then we can prove p -> q. The premise lem of this rule is itself a lemma, which we have to supply in order to use the rule.

As an application of introImp, let’s try to prove the following theorem:

    relation p
    relation q

    property p & (p->q) -> q

To apply introImp to prove the implication p & (p->q) -> q, we first need a proof of q from p & (p->q). So here’s the start of a proof:

    proof {
        theorem [lem1] {
            property [p1] p & (p -> q)
            property q
        apply introImp

Notice we didn’t actually prove lem1. By leaving out the proof, we effectively pass the problem of proving lem1 on to Z3. With this lemma, we can then apply introImp to give us our goal. We could also have said with lem=lem1, but we didn’t have to because Ivy can figure out the premise needed by introImp just by matching the conclusions.

Now, if we don’t want to burden Z3 with the proof of lem1, we can fill it in. We’ll use this rule for eliminating implications:

    theorem [elimImp] {
        function p : bool
        function q : bool
        property [prem1] p
        property [prem2] p -> q
        property q

This rule says that, for any predicates p and q, if we can prove p and we can prove p -> q, then we can prove q. You might also recognize the elimImp rule as modus ponens.

Here’s a slightly more detailed proof of our theorem that includes a proof of lem1::

    property p & (p->q) -> q
    proof {
        theorem [lem1] {
            property [p1] p & (p -> q)
            property q
        } proof {
            property [p2] p
            property [p3] p -> q 
            apply elimImp with prem1 = p1
        apply introImp

That is, from p & (p -> q) we can infer p and p -> q. Notice that when we applied elimImp, we again specified only one premise, since this was enough to determine the substitution for p in the rule.

If we want to add more detail to the proof, we can can go another level deeper by adding proofs for p2 and p3. We’ll use these two additional rules for eliminating “and” operators:

    axiom [elimAndL] {
        function p : bool
        function q : bool
        property [prem] p & q
        property p

    axiom [elimAndR] {
        function p : bool
        function q : bool
        property [prem] p & q
        property q

Here is the more detailed proof using elimAndL and elimAndR:

    property p & (p->q) -> q
    proof {
        theorem [lem1] {
            property [p1] p & (p -> q)
            property q
        } proof {
            property [p2] p proof {apply elimAndL with prem = p1}
            property [p3] p -> q proof {apply elimAndR with prem = p1}
            apply elimImp with prem1 = p2
        apply introImp

Notice the hierarchical style of proofs in natural deduction. Each lemma is proved by a sequence of sub-lemmas, until we reach the bottom level at which the lemmas are proved by primitive rules.

The full set of inference rules of natural deduction (including equality) can be found in the the Ivy standard header deduction. Many tutorial resources may be found on the World-Wide Web on writing natural deduction proofs.

Backward proof

An alternative way to construct a proof in Ivy is backward chaining. While it is perhaps most natural to use proof rules to work forward from premises to conclusions, it is equally possible to use the same rules to work backward from conclusions to premises. When applying a rule, Ivy does not require that all premises of the rule be immediately supplied. An unsupplied premise becomes a subgoal which we must prove later. In effect, the proof of the missing premise is “pushed on the stack”.

As an example, let’s look at an alternative proof of the mortality of Socrates:

    property mortal(socrates)
    proof {
        apply mortality_of_man
        apply soc_man

When we apply mortality_of_man to prove mortal(socrates) we lack the necessary premise man(socrates). Ivy is undeterred by this. It simply matches the conclusion mortal(X) to mortal(socrates), instantiates the axiom mortality_of_man and pushes the needed premise man(socrates) on the goal stack. We then discharge this goal using soc_man, leaving the goal stack empty. Each proof step is applied to the top goal on the stack. As you may have guessed, goals remaining on the stack at the end of the ‘proof’ are passed to Z3.

When chaining proof rules backward, it is helpful to be able to see the intermediate subgoals, since we do not write them explicitly. This can be done with the showgoals tactic, like this:

    property mortal(socrates)
    proof {
        apply mortality_of_man
        apply soc_man

When checking the proof, the showgoals tactic has the effect of printing the current list of proof goals, leaving the goals unchanged. A good way to develop a backward proof is to start with just the tactic showgoals, and to add tactics before it. Running the Ivy proof checker in an Emacs compilation buffer is a convenient way to do this.

More examples of backward proofs

Here, once again, is our theorem about idempotence:

    theorem [idem3] {
       type t
       function f(X:t) : t
       property forall X. f(f(X)) = f(X)
       property f(f(f(X))) = f(X)

Here is one possible proof in the backward style:

    proof  {
        apply trans with Y = f(f(X))
        apply elimA with X = f(X)
        apply elimA with X = X

In fact, it is the same proof that we wrote in the forward style, but it is now both more succinct and more difficult to understand.

As another example, here is our proof of theorem mp written in the backward style:

    property p & (p->q) -> q
    proof {
        apply introImp
        apply elimImp with p = p
        apply elimAndL with q = (p->q)
        apply elimAndR with p = p

Again, it is much more succinct, but offers no intuition as to why the theorem is true.

When is a backward proof appropriate? One use case is when we wish to make a small transformation to a very complex formula before passing the problem to Z3. In this situation, writing out the resulting formula as an explicit lemma is probably a waste of effort, since the formula is intended to be consumed by an automated tool rather than a human user.

Skolemization and instantiation

Quantifiers are the usual reason that a proof goal lies outside Ivy’s decidable fragment. Usually, the fastest way to prove something that is not in the decidable fragment is to eliminate the quantifier that is causing the problem. This is possible with natural deduction, but sometimes very inconvenient. A better alternative is to use Skolemization and instantiation.

Here is the idempotence lemma done in this style:

    theorem [idem4] {
        type t
        function f(W:t) : t
        property [idem] forall Y. f(f(Y)) = f(Y)
        property f(f(f(X))) = f(X)
    proof {
        instantiate idem with Y = X

Remember that when we tried to prove this before, Ivy complained the the term f((Y)) put us outside the decidable fragment. This is because Y was universally quantified in the premise idem. In this proof, however, we use the instantiate tactic to plug in the value X for the universally quantified Y in idem. This is called quantifier instantiation and gives us the following proof goal:

    #- theorem [idem4] {
    #-     type t
    #-     function f(W:t) : t
    #-     property [idem] f(f(X)) = f(X)
    #-     #--------------------------------
    #-     property f(f(f(X))) = f(X)
    #- }

Without the quantifier, Z3 has no problem handling this proof goal.

It turns out we can always handle purely first-order proof goals in this way, provided we apply a further tactic called skolemize. This tactic allows us to deal with alternations of quantifiers.

Here is an example:

    theorem [sk1] {
        type t
        individual a : t
        relation r(X:t,Y:t)
        property [prem] forall X. exists Y. r(X,Y)
        property exists Z. r(a,Z)
    proof {
        tactic skolemize
        instantiate prem with X=a
        instantiate with Z = _Y(a)

The skolemize tactic replaces the existentially quantified Y in prem by a fresh function _Y(X). Here is the resulting proof goal:

    #- theorem [sk1] {
    #-     function _Y(V0:t) : t
    #-     type t
    #-     individual a : t
    #-     relation r(V0:t,V1:t)
    #-     property [prem] forall X. r(X,_Y(X))
    #-     property exists Z. r(a,Z)
    #- }

When skolemize is done, the premises have only universal quantifiers, and the conclusion has only existential quantifiers. Now, we can finish the proof by instantiating the universal in prem with a, giving r(a,_Y(a)), and then instantiating the existentially quantified Z in the conclusion with _Y(a) , which also gives r(a,_Y(a)). One way to describe the instantiation of the conclusion is that we have provided the term _Y(a) as a witness for the existential quantifier. Our final proof goal is trivial:

    #- theorem [sk1] {
    #-     function _Y(V0:t) : t
    #-     type t
    #-     individual a : t
    #-     relation r(V0:t,V1:t)
    #-     property [prem] r(a,_Y(a))
    #-     property r(a,_Y(a))
    #- }

All of this wasn’t really necessary, since the original theorem is in the decidable fragment. However, the approach of Skolemization followed by selective instantiation of quantifiers can be a quick way to reduce a proof problem to a decidable one. First, we try to get Z3 to discharge the proof goal automatically. If Ivy complains about a quantified variable, we eliminate that variable by Skolemization and instantiation. If we guess the wrong instantiation, Ivy will give us a counterexample.

Avoiding name clashes

How does Skolemization work if there is more than one variable with the same name? As an example, suppose we have this axiom:

    relation s(X:t,Y:t)
    axiom [prem] forall X. exists Y. s(X,Y)

We would like to prove this property:

    individual a : t
    individual b : t
    property [sk2] exists Z,W. s(a,Z) & s(b,W)

To prove this, we would like to use the axiom twice, once for X=a and once for X=b. So let’s create two instances of it:

    proof {
        instantiate [p1] prem with X=a
        instantiate [p2] prem with X=b
        tactic skolemize

Notice we gave the two instances distinct names, p1 and p2. After Skolemization, this is the proof goal we got:

    #- theorem [prop1] {
    #-     individual _Y : t
    #-     individual _Y_a : t
    #-     property [p1] s(a,_Y)
    #-     property [p2] s(b,_Y_a)
    #-     property exists W,Z. s(a,Z) & s(b,W)
    #- }

The Skolem symbol in p2 was automatically given a fresh name _Y_a so as not to clash with the symbol _Y used in p1. Now we could witness the conclusion with W=_Y and Z=_Y_a. This is fragile, though, because changes to the proof might result in a name different from _Y_a. A better approach is to use alpha renaming to the two quantifiers different variable names. For example:

    property exists Z,W. s(a,Z) & s(b,W)
    proof {
        instantiate [p1] prem<Y1/Y> with X=a
        instantiate [p2] prem<Y2/Y> with X=b
        tactic skolemize
        instantiate with Z=_Y1, W=_Y2

By renaming the bound variables in our two copies of the axiom to be Y1 and Y2, we can make sure that the Skolem symbols have predictable names. Again, there was no need to use manual instantiation for this simple problem, but in more complex cases with nested quantifiers, this approach can make it possible to let Z3 do most of the quantifier instantiation work by only instantiating the quantifiers that the fragment checker complains about.


Recursive definitions are permitted in IVy by instantiating a definitional schema. As an example, consider the following axiom schema:

    #- axiom [rec[u]] {
    #-     type q
    #-     function base(X:u) : q
    #-     function step(X:q,Y:u) : q
    #-     fresh function fun(X:u) : q
    #-     #---------------------------------------------------------
    #-     definition fun(X:u) = base(X) if X <= 0 else step(fun(X-1),X)
    #- }

This axiom was provided as part of the integer theory when we interpreted type u as int. It gives a way to construct a fresh function fun from two functions:

  • base gives the value of the function for inputs less than or equal to zero.
  • step gives the value for positive X in terms of X and the value for X-1

A definition schema such as this requires that the defined function symbol be fresh. With this schema, we can define a recursive function that adds the non-negative numbers less than or equal to X like this:

    function sum(X:u) : u

    definition {
       sum(X:u) = 0 if X <= 0 else (X + sum(X-1))
    proof {
       apply rec[u]

Notice that we wrote the definition in curly brackets. This causes Ivy to treat it as an axiom schema, as opposed to a simple axiom. We did this because the definition has a universally quantified variable X under arithmetic operators, which puts it outside the decidable fragment. Because this definition is a schema, when we want to use it, we’ll have to apply it explicitly,

In order to admit this definition, we applied the definition schema rec[u]. Ivy infers the following substitution:

    #-  q=t, base(X) = 0, step(X,Y) = Y + X, fun(X) = sum(X)

This allows the recursive definition to be admitted, providing that sum is fresh in the current context (i.e., we have not previously referred to sum except to declare its type).

Extended matching

Suppose we want to define a recursive function that takes an additional parameter. For example, before summing, we want to divide all the numbers by N. We can define such a function like this:

    function sumdiv(N:u,X:u) : u

        sumdiv(N,X) = 0 if X <= 0 else (X/N + sumdiv(N,X-1))
       apply rec[u]

In matching the recursion schema rec[u], IVy will extend the function symbols in the premises of rec[u] with an extra parameter N so that schema becomes:

    #- axiom [rec[u]] = {
    #-     type q
    #-     function base(N:u,X:u) : q
    #-     function step(N:u,X:q,Y:u) : q
    #-     fresh function fun(N:u,X:u) : q
    #-     #---------------------------------------------------------
    #-     definition fun(N:u,X:u) = base(N,X) if X <= 0 else step(N,fun(N,X-1),X)
    #- }

The extended schema matches the definition, with the following assignment:

    #- q=t, base(N,X)=0, step(N,X,Y)=Y/N+X, fun(N,X) = sum2(N,X)

This is somewhat as if the functions were “curried”, in which case the free symbol fun would match the partially applied term sumdiv N. Since Ivy’s logic doesn’t allow for partial application of functions, extended matching provides an alternative. Notice that, to match the recursion schema, a function definition must be recursive in its last parameter.


The default tactic can’t generally prove properties by induction. For that IVy needs manual help. To prove a property by induction, we define an invariant and prove it by instantiating an induction schema. Here is an example of such a schema, that works for the non-negative integers:

    axiom [ind[u]] {
        relation p(X:u)
        theorem [base] {
            individual x:u
            property x <= 0 -> p(x)
        theorem [step] {
            individual x:u
            property p(x) -> p(x+1)
        property p(X)    

Like the recursion schema rec[u], the induction schema ind[u] is part of the integer theory, and becomes available when we interpret type u as int.

Suppose we want to prove that sum(Y) is always greater than or equal to Y, that is:

    property [sumprop] sum(Y) >= Y

We can prove this by applying our induction schema. Here is a backward version of the proof:

    proof [sumprop] {
        apply ind[u] with X = Y
        proof [base] {
            instantiate sum with X = x
        proof [step] {
            instantiate sum with X = x + 1

Applying ind[u] produces two sub-goals, a base case and an induction step:

    #- theorem [base] {
    #-    individual x:u
    #-    property x <= 0 -> sum(x) >= x
    #- }

    #- theorem [step] {
    #-     individual x:u
    #-     property [step] sum(x) >= x -> sum(x+1) >= x + 1
    #- }

The default tactic can’t prove these goals because the definition of sum is a schema that must explicitly instantiated. Fortunately, it suffices to instantiate this schema just for the specific arguments of sum in our subgoals. For the base case, we need to instantiate the definition for X, while for the induction step, we need X+1. The effect of the instantiate tactic is to add an instance of the definition of sum to the proof context, so in particular, it will be used by the default tactic. Notice that we referred to the definition of sum by the name sum. Alternatively, we can name the definition itself and refer to it by this name.

After instantiating the definition of sum, our two subgoals look like this:

    #- theorem [prop5] {
    #-     property [def2] sum(Y + 1) = (0 if Y + 1 <= 0 else Y + 1 + sum(Y + 1 - 1))
    #-     property sum(Y) >= Y -> sum(Y + 1) >= Y + 1
    #- }

    #- theorem [prop4] {
    #-     property [def2] sum(Y) = (0 if Y <= 0 else Y + sum(Y - 1))
    #-     property Y:u <= 0 -> sum(Y) >= Y
    #- }

Because these goals are quantifier-free the default tactic can easily handle them, so our proof is complete.

As an alternative, here is the slightly more verbose forward version of this proof:

    property [sumprop2] sum(Y) >= Y

    proof [sumprop2] {
        theorem [base] {
            individual x:u
            property x <= 0 -> sum(x) >= x
        } proof {
            instantiate sum with X = x
        theorem [step] {
            individual x:u
            property sum(x) >= x -> sum(x+1) >= x + 1
        } proof {
            instantiate sum with X = x + 1
        apply ind[u]

This version is more clear than the backward version in that the base case and inductive step of the proof are stated explicitly. For a complex inductive hypothesis, this style might get a bit verbose. To reduce the amount of text we need to type, we can introduce a function definition inside a proof, like this:

    theorem [foo] {property sum(X) >= X}
    proof {
        function inv(X) = sum(X) >= X
        property inv(X) proof {
            theorem [base] {
                individual x:u
                property x <= 0 -> inv(x)
            } proof {
                instantiate sum with X = x
            theorem [step] {
                individual x:u
                property inv(x) -> inv(x + 1)
            } proof {
                instantiate sum with X = x + 1
            apply ind[u]


If we can prove that something exists, we can give it a name. For example, suppose that we can prove that, for every X, there exists a Y such that succ(X,Y). Then there exists a function that, given an X, produces such a Y. We can define such a function called next in the following way:

    relation succ(X:t,Y:t)
    axiom exists Y. succ(X,Y)

    property exists Y. succ(X,Y) named next(X)

Provided we can prove the property, and that next is fresh, we can infer that, for all X, succ(X,next(X)) holds. Defining a function in this way, (that is, as a Skolem function) can be quite useful in constructing a proof. However, since proofs in Ivy are not generally constructive, we have no way to compute the function next, so we can’t use it in extracted code.

Hierarchical proof development

As the proof context gets larger, it becomes increasingly difficult for the automated prover to handle all of the judgments we have admitted. This is especially true as combining facts or theories may take us outside the automated prover’s decidable fragment. For this reason, we need some way to break the proof into manageable parts. For this purpose, IVy provides a mechanism to structure the proof into a collection of localized proofs called isolates.


An isolate is a restricted proof context. An isolate can make parts of its proof context available to other isolates and keep other parts hidden. Moreover, isolates can contain isolates, allowing us to structure a proof development hierarchically.

Suppose, for example, that we want to define a function f, but keep the exact definition hidden, exposing only certain properties of the function. We could write something like this:

    isolate t_theory = {

        implementation {
            interpret t -> int
            definition f(X) = X + 1

        theorem [expanding] { 
            property f(X) > X
        property [transitivity] X:t < Y & Y < Z -> X < Z        


Any names declared within the isolate belong to its namespace. For example, the names of the two properties above are t_theory.expanding and t_theory.transitivity.

The isolate contains four declarations. The first, says the type t is to be interpreted as the integers. This instantiates the theory of the integers for type t, giving the usual meaning to operators like + and <. The second defines f to be the integer successor function. These two declarations are contained an implementation section. This means that the default tactic will use them only within the isolate and not outside.

The remaining two statements are properties about t and f to be proved. These properties are proved using only the context of the isolate, without any judgments admitted outside.

Now suppose we want to prove an extra property using t_theory:

    isolate extra = {

        theorem [prop] {  
            property Y < Z -> Y < f(Z)
        proof {
            instantiate t_theory.expanding with X = Z
    with t_theory

The ‘with’ clause says that the properties in t_theory should be used by the default tactic within the isolate. In this case, the transitivity property will be used by default. This pattern is particularly useful when we have a collection of properties of an abstract datatype that we wish to use widely without explicitly instantiating them.

Notice that the default tactic will not use the interpretation of t as the integers and the definition of f as the successor function, since these are in the implementation section of isolate t_theory and are therefore hidden from other isolates. Similarly, theorem expanding is not used by default because it is a schema. This is as intended, since including any of these facts would put the verification condition outside the decidable fragment.

We used two typical techniques here to keep the verification conditions decidable. First, we hid the integer theory and the definition of f inside an isolate, replacing them with some abstract properties. Second, we eliminated a potential cycle in the function graph by instantiating the quantifier implicit in theorem expanding, resulting in a stratified proof goal.

Hierarchies of isolates

An isolate can in turn contain isolates. This allows us to structure a proof hierarchically. For example, the above proof could have been structured like this:

    isolate extra2 = {

        function f(X:t) : t

        isolate t_theory = {

            implementation {
                interpret t -> int
                definition f(X) = X + 1

            theorem [expanding] { 
                property f(X) > X
            property [transitivity] X:t < Y & Y < Z -> X < Z        


        theorem [prop] {  
            property Y < Z -> Y < f(Z)
            assume t_theory.expanding with X = Z


The parent isolate extra2 uses only the visible parts of the child isolate t_theory.

Proof ordering and refinement

Thus far, proof developments have been presented in order. That is, judgments occur in the file in the order in which they are admitted to the proof context.

In practice, this strict ordering can be inconvenient. For example, from the point of view of clear presentation, it may often be better to state a theorem, and then develop a sequence of auxiliary definitions and lemmas needed to prove it. Moreover, when developing an isolate, we would like to first state the visible judgments, then give the hidden implementation.

To achieve this, we can use a specification section. The declarations in this section are admitted logically after the other declarations in the isolate.

As an example, we can rewrite the above proof development so that the visible properties of the isolates occur textually at the beginning:

    isolate extra3 = {

        function f(X:t) : t

        specification {
            theorem [prop] {  
                property Y < Z -> Y < f(Z)
                assume t_theory.expanding with X = Z

        isolate t_theory = {

            specification {
                theorem [expanding] { 
                    property f(X) > X
                property [transitivity] X:t < Y & Y < Z -> X < Z        

            implementation {
                interpret t -> int
                definition f(X) = X + 1