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AZT404 - Principal Impersonation#

Adversaries may abuse resources that are configured with a service principal or other identity to further their access to the current or other resources.

ID Name Description Action Resources
AZT404.1 Function Application By utilizing a Function Application configured with a managed identity or other identity provider, an attacker can execute Azure operations on a given resource. Microsoft.Web/sites/hostruntime/vfs/run.csx/write Function App
AZT404.2 Logic Application By utilizing a Logic Application configured with a managed identity or other identity provider, an attacker can execute Azure operations on a given resource. Microsoft.Logic/workflows/write Logic Application
AZT404.3 Automation Account By utilizing a Automation Account configured with a managed identity or RunAs account, an attacker can execute Azure operations on a given resource. Microsoft.Automation/automationAccounts/runbooks/* Automation Account
AZT404.4 App Service By utilizing an App Service configured with a managed identity or other identity provider, an attacker can execute Azure operations on a given resource. Microsoft.Web/sites/write App Service