Hello and welcome to the Microsoft BeLux Partner TechTeam Journey Hub

This initiative is in preview towards Microsoft Partners. It is an exercise of the Microsoft Belgium & Luxembourg Partner Tech Team to explore new ways to help our partners become even more successful. It is this important to understand that:

  1. This site is in preview and might still miss information.
  2. We welcome constructive feedback and suggestions to improve.

This site can be seen as a hub where we bring many of the Microsoft programs, products & technical resources together. To make this tangible for you, as a partner, we have structured the content “solution area”-specific journeys. We hope it will accelerate your Partner journey to deliver the best possible Customer experience.


If you are just getting started, or are looking for information that his not solution area specific, please visit the Typical Partner Journey section.

Partner Journeys for each Solution Area

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability

Microsoft Cloud for Sustainability empowers organizations to accelerate sustainability progress and business growth