Reference Architectures

Architecture center

Find architecture diagrams and technology descriptions for reference architectures, real world examples of cloud architectures, and solution ideas for common workloads on Azure

Azure Architectures

Data Reference architectures

An end-to-end ref architecture for analytics An end-to-end ref architecture for analytics

Cloud adoption framework

CAF landing page

This link brings you directly to the CAF landing page:

Cloud-scale analytics is designed to be modular. It allows partners and customers to start with a small footprint and grow over time. Partners and customers should decide ahead how to organize data domains across data landing zones. The building blocks can be deployed through the Azure portal, GitHub Actions workflows, and Azure Pipelines. There are template repositories for the data management landing zone, data landing zone, and data integrations/products. Each contains sample YAML pipelines to help you get started faster with setting up your environments.

Cloud scale analytics

Well architected framework

We have an entire page dedicated to the well architected framework where we highlight the main topics and from there link to the actual documentation:

Well Architected Framework