Github Copilot

On this page, we discuss Application Innovation journeys for Github Copilot. If you are new to partner journeys or just want/need more context, then please take a look at the Getting Started page first.


GitHub Copilot is a revolutionary AI-powered code completion tool that helps you write better code faster and easier.

It is developed by GitHub and powered by AI, and it leverages machine learning models trained on billions of lines of code from GitHub repositories.

It can generate context-aware code suggestions for dozens of languages, frameworks, and APIs, as well as tests, documentation, and comments.

Whether you are working on a new project, learning a new skill, or exploring a new technology, GitHub Copilot can help you find your way, save you time and write better code.

We are here to help

The Microsoft GPS Belux Partner Tech Team is here to help you on your journey with GitHub Copilot and help you boost your productivity and creativity.

We will provide you with guidance, support, and resources to get started with GitHub Copilot and integrate it into your workflow.

You will also get access to exclusive events, webinars, and workshops where you can learn from experts, share your experiences, and network with other developers.

1. Envisioning

Let’s be crystal clear; GitHub Copilot does not replace developers, but rather enhances their capabilities and helps them in their application development journey.

It accelerates innovation by allowing teams to prototype new ideas more rapidly and innovate faster. It can also help professionals learn and be productive with new languages and techniques faster.

By providing suggestions and boilerplate code, developers can cut down on development time and create more consistent code. Adopting GitHub Copilot has secondary effects on improving job satisfaction and improving retention.

Let the numbers speak for themselves:


Supported IDE's

Currently, we support the following IDE’s:
  ✅ JetBrains compatible IDE’s : IntelliJ IDEA (Ultimate, Community, Educational), Android Studio, AppCode, CLion, Code With Me Guest, DataGrip, DataSpell, GoLand, JetBrains Client, MPS, PhpStorm, PyCharm (Professional, Community, Educational), Rider, RubyMine, RustRover, WebStorm)
  ✅ NeoVim
  ✅ VS Code
  ✅ Visual Studio 2022
  ✅ Github CodeSpaces

Github Copilot comes in different flavours from which you can choose from.


Copilot Enterprise Waiting list

Copilot Enterprise is not yet available. Click here to get on the waiting list

Github Copilot X

You might also have heard about Github Copilot X which has caused some confusion.

Copilot X is a vision for the future development of GitHub Copilot. It represents a set of features that are planned for future development.

Copilot X is not a separate product, but rather a roadmap for the evolution of GitHub Copilot. It’s not a SKU

2. Technical Enablement


Below you can find webinars that we will be hosting during the year. We will be discussing several Technical and business related topics, delivered by the local GPS Belux Techteam and our Github Colleagues so make sure you tune in!

SessionsTypeTimeRegistration Link
GitHub Copilot: Your AI development partnerBusinessFebruary 20th 10:00am-11:00am CET
GitHub Copilot: Trusted and proven AIDigital TrustFebruary 27th 11:00am-12:00pm CET
GitHub Copilot: A whole new UniverseTechnicalMarch 6th 10:00am-11:00am CET

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