Node-to-Node Channels

CCF nodes communicate over channels which terminate in each node’s enclave. Channels are used for two purposes:

  • Sending integrity-protected consensus headers for ledger replication from the primary to backup nodes, or from a candidate node to other replicas during an election.

  • Forwarding encrypted client requests from backups to the primary node for execution.


CCF does not use TLS for node-to-node channels for efficiency reasons:

  • The ledger entries to be replicated between nodes are encrypted with the ledger key (AES GCM) and we want to avoid having to encrypt them again once per backup.

  • Headers sent between nodes only contain consensus information that is not confidential and does not need to be encrypted.

Each channel has a corresponding TCP socket opened on the node’s untrusted host. Outgoing channels (i.e. those initiated by the local node) are responsible for the lifetime of a client connection on the host, while incoming channels are created when a peer first contact the local node on its well-known node-to-node interface.

Channel Establishment Protocol

A set of two 256-bit AES-GCM keys are generated for each pair of nodes. Each key is derived from a shared secret established from the authenticated Diffie-Hellman key exchange protocol. Each node’s public key share is integrity protected using the node’s identity certificate, which is endorsed by the shared Service Identity.

Replay of previous messages is disallowed by using a monotonic counter as the AES-GCM IV used for each encrypt/integrity-protect operation on the channel. Replayed messages are discarded by the receiving node that keeps track of the sender’s last IV (although receiving nodes accept IV forward jumps).

Encryption keys are automatically refreshed periodically (in line with by starting a fresh key-exchange protocol.

The following diagram shows how this key-exchange protocol executes when a new node is added to the network, with the contents of each message.

    participant Primary as Primary (P)
    participant Backup as Backup (B)

    Backup->>+Primary: Join request over TLS
    Note over Primary: Consortium trusts backup
    Primary-->>+Backup: Service identity S = {S_priv, S_pub} over TLS

    Primary->>+Backup: key_exchange_init: {P's public key share} <br> signed with P's node cert (endorsed by S)

    Note over Backup: Verifies endorsement of P's cert with S_pub <br> Verifies signature with P's cert

    Backup->>+Primary: key_exchange_response: {B's public key share + P's public key share}  <br>  signed with B's node cert (endorsed by S)

    Note over Primary: Verifies endorsement of B's cert with S_pub <br> verifies signature with B's cert

    Note over Primary: Derives channel send and recv keys from shared secret

    Primary->>+Backup: key_exchange_final: {P's public key share + B's public key share}  <br> signed with P's node cert (endorsed by S)

    Note over Backup: Verifies endorsement of P's cert with S_pub <br> Verifies signature with P's cert

    Note over Backup: Derives channel send and recv keys from shared secret

    Note over Primary, Backup: Node-to-node channel between P and B is now established

    Primary->>+Backup: Consensus headers message (e.g. replication) <br> (integrity protected with channel key)
    Backup->>+Primary: Consensus headers response

    Backup->>+Primary: Forwarded client HTTP request <br> (encrypted with channel key)
    Primary->>+Backup: Forwarded client HTTP response

This diagram shows the state machine for a channel on each node, with the messages that trigger each transition.

    [*] --> INACTIVE
    INACTIVE --> INITIATED: initiate()
    INITIATED --> ESTABLISHED: key_exchange_response

    INACTIVE --> WAITING_FOR_FINAL: key_exchange_init
    INITIATED --> WAITING_FOR_FINAL: key_exchange_init (higher priority)
    WAITING_FOR_FINAL --> ESTABLISHED: key_exchange_final

    %%INITIATED --> INACTIVE: close()
    %%ESTABLISHED --> INACTIVE: close()

The brief sequence diagram of a successful key exchange is as follows.

    participant Node1 as Node1 (A)
    participant Node2 as Node2 (B)

    Note over Node1: state := Initiated
    Node1->>+Node2: key_exchange_init

    Note over Node2: state := WaitingForFinal
    Node2->>+Node1: key_exchange_response

    Note over Node1: state := Established
    Node1->>+Node2: key_exchange_final

    Note over Node2: state := Established

However, if messages are dropped this protocol can reach various deadlocked states. Once the channel is established we are able to process dropped and reordered messages on the receiving end, so we should also be robust to these during channel establishment. Even with perfect network conditions and honest hosts, if we want to support legitimate closure of channels then we should be robust to this happening during key establishment. The following diagram shows some of the issues when key exchange messages are dropped.

    participant N1 as Node 1
    participant Node1 as Node1 Channel
    participant Node2 as Node2 Channel
    participant N2 as Node 2

    N1 ->>+ Node1: send(2, M)
    Note over Node1: state := Initiated

    alt init dropped
        Node1 --x Node2: init

        rect rgba(200, 10, 10, .5)
            N2 ->>+ Node2: send(1, N)
            Note over Node2: state := Initiated
            Node2-->>+Node1: init
            Note over Node1: Ignored if lower-priority
    else init delivered
        Node1-->>+Node2: init
        Note over Node2: state := WaitingForFinal

        alt response dropped
            Node2 --x Node1: response

            rect rgba(200, 10, 10, .5)
                N2 ->>+ Node2: send(1, N)
                Note over Node2: Ignored due to WaitingForFinal

            rect rgba(200, 10, 10, .5)
                N1 ->>+ Node1: send(2, M)
                Node1-->>+Node2: init
                Note over Node2: Ignored due to WaitingForFinal
        else response delivered
            Node2-->>+Node1: response
            Note over Node1: state := Established

            alt final dropped
                Node1 --x Node2: final

                rect rgba(200, 10, 10, .5)
                    Node1-->>+Node2: encrypted(M)
                    Note over Node2: Unable to decrypt M

                rect rgba(200, 10, 10, .5)
                    N2 ->>+ Node2: send(1, N)
                    Node2-->>+Node1: init
                    Note over Node1: Ignored if lower-priority

            else final delivered
                Node1-->>+Node2: final
                Note over Node2: state := Established

                rect rgba(10, 200, 10, .3)
                    Node1-->>+Node2: encrypted(M)
                    Note over Node1: Successfully decrypted M

                    Node2-->>+Node1: encrypted(N)
                    Note over Node1: Successfully decrypted N

To be robust to this, I think we need to reason about what a node should do in response to each type of message, in each state. An initial approach to this is summarised by the following proposed flowchart.

        graph TD
    %% Every emit is currently actually only done the first time

    s_generate[Generate key]
    s_emit_kei[Emit key_exchange_init]
    s_emit_ker[Emit key_exchange_response]
    s_use_key[Use their key]
    s_emit_kef[Emit key_exchange_final]
    s_dual_kei{Which has priority?}

    s_unknown =="receive|send"==> s_inactive
    s_inactive =="send(M)"==> s_queue_new
    s_queue_new ==> s_generate

    %% They're trying to talk to us, but we're not in the right state! Help
    %% them start over
    s_inactive --"receive(response)|receive(final)"--> s_generate

    s_generate ==> s_emit_kei

    s_emit_kei ==> s_initiated

    s_initiated --"send(M')"--> s_queue_new_init
    s_queue_new_init --> s_emit_kei
    s_initiated --> s_emit_kei

    s_initiated =="receive(response)"==> s_emit_kef
    s_established --"receive(response)"--> s_emit_kef
    s_emit_kef ==> s_established

    s_initiated --"receive(init)"--> s_dual_kei
    s_dual_kei --I win--> s_emit_kei
    s_dual_kei --They win--> s_use_key
    s_use_key ==> s_emit_ker

    s_inactive =="receive(init)"==> s_use_key
    s_emit_ker ==> s_waiting

    s_waiting --"send(M')"--> s_queue_new_waiting
    s_queue_new_waiting --> s_emit_ker

    s_waiting --"receive(init)"--> s_emit_ker
    s_waiting --"receive(response)"--> s_waiting
    s_waiting =="receive(final)"====> s_established

    s_initiated-."close()"....-> s_inactive
    s_waiting-."close()"....-> s_inactive
    s_established-."close()"....-> s_inactive

This does not yet deal with key rotation, and I believe we need an establishment-attempt nonce to prevent replay attacks that could re-establish an old, overused key. While the summary above says we start a fresh key-exchange protocol, the actual implementation attempts to do this in parallel with encrypted messages over an existing channel. If we build a protocol which can reliably deal with legitimate reconnection attempts, it would be preferable to re-use that for key rotation - deliberately close an existing connection and start fresh with a new channel - rather than building an additional rotation protocol.

An open question here is whether we need to handle channel closures and re-opening. If we do not, then we can consider all dropped messages here as malicious DoS, but perhaps simplify the protections. One option is to avoid ever closing a channel - if a node has opened a channel to another node, it remains communicating with them forever. Another is to determine a point after which a channel can be safely closed - if the channel is used only for consensus and not forwarding, it may be safe to close after a node’s retirement.