Built-in Maps



X509 certificates of all members in the consortium.

Key Member ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the member certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Member certificate, represented as a PEM-encoded string.


Public encryption keys submitted by members to the network. The recovery share for each member is encrypted by the key they have submitted.

Key Member ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the member certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Member public encryption key, represented as a PEM-encoded string.


Participation status and auxiliary information attached to a member.

Key Member ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the member’s X509 certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Represented as JSON.


doxygenstruct: Cannot find class “ccf::MemberDetails” in doxygen xml output for project “CCF” from directory: /tmp/tmpwrf8v3r7/a65040b6dbddc3ffc32d68c818149539aeadfcd8/doc/../doxygen/xml

enum class ccf::MemberStatus


enumerator ACCEPTED
enumerator ACTIVE


Member acknowledgements of the ledger state, each containing a signature over the Merkle root at a particular sequence number.

Key Member ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the member certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct MemberAck : public ccf::StateDigest

Public Members

std::optional<SignedReq> signed_req = std::nullopt

Signed request containing the last state digest.

std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> cose_sign1_req = std::nullopt

COSE Sign1 containing the last state digest.

struct StateDigest

Records a signed signature containing the last state digest and the next state digest to sign

Subclassed by ccf::MemberAck

Public Members

std::string state_digest

Next state digest the member is expected to sign.

struct SignedReq

Public Members

std::vector<uint8_t> sig = {}


std::vector<uint8_t> req = {}

Signed content.

std::vector<uint8_t> request_body = {}

Request body.

ccf::crypto::MDType md = ccf::crypto::MDType::NONE

Hashing algorithm used to summarise content before signature.

std::string key_id = {}

Signer key id, if present in the request.


X509 certificates of all network users.

Key User ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the user certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value User certificate, represented as a PEM-encoded string.


Auxiliary information attached to a user.

Key User ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the user certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct UserDetails

Public Members

nlohmann::json user_data = nullptr

Free-form user data, useful to store role information about users for example.


Identity, status and attestations (endorsed quotes) of the nodes hosting the network.

Key Node ID: SHA-256 digest of the node public key, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct NodeInfo : public ccf::NodeInfoNetwork

Public Members

QuoteInfo quote_info

Node enclave quote.

ccf::crypto::Pem encryption_pub_key

Node encryption public key, used to distribute ledger re-keys.

NodeStatus status = NodeStatus::PENDING

Node status.

std::optional<ccf::kv::Version> ledger_secret_seqno = std::nullopt

Set to the seqno of the latest ledger secret at the time the node is trusted

std::optional<std::string> code_digest = std::nullopt

Code identity for the node.

std::optional<ccf::crypto::Pem> certificate_signing_request = std::nullopt

Node certificate signing request.

Fields below are added in 2.x

std::optional<ccf::crypto::Pem> public_key = std::nullopt

Public key.

nlohmann::json node_data = nullptr

Free-form user data, can be used to store operator correlation IDs/labels for the node for example

std::optional<ccf::crypto::Pem> cert = std::nullopt

Fields below are deprecated Deprecated as of 2.x. Node certificate. Only set for 1.x releases. Further releases record node identity in public_key field. Service-endorsed certificate is recorded in “public:ccf.nodes.endorsed_certificates” table

bool retired_committed = false

Commit state for Retired state

Introduced during 2.x (2.0.5), and so optional for backward compatibility.

enum class ccf::NodeStatus


enumerator PENDING
enumerator TRUSTED
enumerator RETIRED
struct NodeInfoNetwork : public ccf::NodeInfoNetwork_v2

Subclassed by ccf::NodeInfo

struct NodeInfoNetwork_v2

Node network information.

Subclassed by ccf::NodeInfoNetwork

Public Types

using RpcInterfaces = std::map<RpcInterfaceID, NetInterface>

RPC interface mapping.

Public Members

NetInterface node_to_node_interface

Node-to-node network interface.

RpcInterfaces rpc_interfaces

RPC interfaces.

std::optional<ACME> acme = std::nullopt

ACME configuration.

struct ACME

ACME configuration description.

Public Members

std::map<std::string, ccf::ACMEClientConfig> configurations

Mapping of ACME client configuration names to configurations.

struct NetInterface

Network interface description.

Public Members

std::optional<size_t> max_open_sessions_soft = std::nullopt

Maximum open sessions soft limit.

std::optional<size_t> max_open_sessions_hard = std::nullopt

Maximum open sessions hard limit.

std::optional<http::ParserConfiguration> http_configuration = std::nullopt

HTTP configuration.

std::optional<Endorsement> endorsement = std::nullopt

Interface endorsement.

std::optional<std::vector<std::string>> accepted_endpoints = std::nullopt

Regular expressions of endpoints that are accessible over this interface. std::nullopt means everything is accepted.

std::optional<size_t> forwarding_timeout_ms = std::nullopt

Timeout for forwarded RPC calls (in milliseconds)

struct Redirections
struct QuoteInfo

Describes a quote (attestation) from trusted hardware.

Public Members

QuoteFormat format = QuoteFormat::oe_sgx_v1

Quote format.

std::vector<uint8_t> quote

Enclave quote.

std::vector<uint8_t> endorsements

Quote endorsements.

std::optional<std::vector<uint8_t>> uvm_endorsements

UVM endorsements (SNP-only)

std::optional<std::string> endorsed_tcb = std::nullopt

Endorsed TCB (hex-encoded) (SNP-only)

enum class ccf::QuoteFormat


enumerator oe_sgx_v1
enumerator insecure_virtual
enumerator amd_sev_snp_v1


Key Node ID: SHA-256 digest of the node public key, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Node service-endorsed certificate, represented as a PEM-encoded string.


DEPRECATED. Previously contained versions of the code allowed to join the current network on SGX hardware.

Key MRENCLAVE, represented as a base64 hex-encoded string (length: 64).

Value Status represented as JSON.


Code ID





Map mimicking SNP host_data for virtual nodes, restricting which host_data values may be presented by new nodes joining the network.

Key Host data: The host data.

Value Metadata: The platform specific meaning of the host data.


Trusted virtual measurements for new nodes allowed to join the network. Virtual measurements are constructed by CCF to test and debug code update flows on hardware without TEE protections.


Since virtual nodes provide no protection, this should be empty on production instances.

Key Measurement, represented as a base64 hex-encoded string (length: 64).

Value Status represented as JSON.


Trusted attestation report host data field for new nodes allowed to join the network (SNP only). Only the presence of the joiner’s host data key is checked, so the metadata is optional and may be empty for space-saving or privacy reasons.

Key Host data: The host data.

Value Metadata: The platform specific meaning of the host data.


Trusted SNP measurements for new nodes allowed to join the network (SNP only).


For improved serviceability on confidential ACI deployments, see nodes.snp.uvm_endorsements map.

Key Measurement, represented as a base64 hex-encoded string (length: 96).

Value Status represented as JSON.


Code ID





For Confidential Azure Container Instance (ACI) deployments, trusted endorsements of utility VM (UVM) for new nodes allowed to join the network (SNP only).

Key Trusted endorser DID (did:x509 only for now: https://github.com/microsoft/did-x509/blob/main/specification.md).

Value Map of issuer feed to Security Version Number (SVN) represented as JSON. See https://ietf-wg-scitt.github.io/draft-ietf-scitt-architecture/draft-ietf-scitt-architecture.html#name-issuer-identity.


Service identity and status.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Represented as JSON.

enum class ccf::ServiceStatus


enumerator OPENING
enumerator OPEN
enumerator RECOVERING
struct ServiceInfo

Public Members

ccf::crypto::Pem cert

x.509 Service Certificate, as a PEM string

ServiceStatus status = ServiceStatus::OPENING

Status of the service.

std::optional<ccf::kv::Version> previous_service_identity_version = std::nullopt

Version (seqno) of previous service identity (before the last recovery)

std::optional<size_t> recovery_count = std::nullopt

Number of disaster recoveries performed on this service.

nlohmann::json service_data = nullptr

Free-form user data, can be used by members to store additional information about service

std::optional<ccf::TxID> current_service_create_txid = std::nullopt

TxID at which current service was created.


Service configuration.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct ServiceConfiguration

Public Members

std::optional<size_t> maximum_node_certificate_validity_days = std::nullopt

Fields below are added in 2.x

std::optional<size_t> recent_cose_proposals_window_size = std::nullopt

Size of recent_cose_proposals window.

Fields below are added in 3.x


PEM identity of previous service, which this service recovered from.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Previous Service Identity, represented as a PEM-encoded JSON string.


Key Name of a network interface (string).

Value Endorsed TLS certificate for the interface, represented as a PEM-encoded string.


Governance proposals.

Key Proposal ID: SHA-256 digest of the proposal and store state observed during its creation, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Proposal as submitted (body of proposal request), as a raw buffer.


Status, proposer ID and ballots attached to a proposal.

Key Proposal ID: SHA-256 digest of the proposal and store state observed during its creation, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct ProposalInfo

Proposal metadata stored in the KV.

Public Members

ccf::MemberId proposer_id

ID of the member who originally created/submitted this proposal.

ccf::ProposalState state

Current state of this proposal (eg - open, accepted, withdrawn)

Ballots ballots = {}

Collection of ballots (scripts) submitted for this proposal. Each ballot is a javascript module exporting a single ‘vote’ function, re-executed to determine the member’s vote each proposal resolution. Keyed by each submitting member’s ID

std::optional<Votes> final_votes = std::nullopt

Collection of boolean results of the submitted ballots, keyed by submitting member’s ID, that caused a transition to a terminal state. Note that this is not present for open, withdrawn, or dropped proposals

std::optional<VoteFailures> vote_failures = std::nullopt

Collection of exception details describing which ballots failed to execute successfully, keyed by submitting member’s ID. Populated in the same circumstances as final_votes

std::optional<Failure> failure = std::nullopt

Exception details from execution of the proposal itself, either during resolution or application. Populated in the same circumstances as final_votes

enum class ccf::ProposalState

Members use proposals to propose changes to the public governance tables in the KV store. Active members can issue proposals. These proposals are stored in the KV, and passed to the JS constitution functions for validation and execution.


enumerator OPEN
enumerator ACCEPTED
enumerator WITHDRAWN
enumerator REJECTED
enumerator FAILED
enumerator DROPPED


JavaScript modules, accessible by JavaScript endpoint functions.

Key Module name as a string.

Value Contents of the module as a string.


JavaScript engine module cache, accessible by JavaScript endpoint functions.

Key Module name as a string.

Value Compiled bytecode as raw buffer.


JavaScript engine version of the module cache, accessible by JavaScript endpoint functions.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value QuickJS version as a string.


QuickJS runtime options, used to configure runtimes created by CCF.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct JSRuntimeOptions

Public Members

size_t max_heap_bytes = Defaults::max_heap_bytes

heap size for QuickJS runtime

size_t max_stack_bytes = Defaults::max_stack_bytes

stack size for QuickJS runtime

uint64_t max_execution_time_ms = Defaults::max_execution_time_ms

max execution time for QuickJS

bool log_exception_details = Defaults::log_exception_details

emit exception details to the log NOTE: this is a security risk as it may leak sensitive information to anyone with access to the application log, which is unprotected.

bool return_exception_details = Defaults::return_exception_details

return exception details in the response NOTE: this is a security risk as it may leak sensitive information, albeit to the caller only.

size_t max_cached_interpreters = Defaults::max_cached_interpreters

how many interpreters may be cached in-memory for future reuse

struct Defaults


Used by transactions that set the JS application to signal to the interpreter cache system that existing instances need to be flushed.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Boolean, represented as JSON.


JavaScript endpoint definitions.

Key Concatenation of HTTP method and endpoint dispatch key.


app.json fragment


{ "endpoints": { "/jwt": { "get": { ... } } } }

GET /jwt

{ "endpoints": { "/jwt": { "post": { ... } } } }

POST /jwt

{ "endpoints": { "/log/private/{id}": { "post": { ... } } } }

POST /log/private/{id}

Value Represented as JSON.

struct EndpointProperties

Public Members

Mode mode = Mode::ReadWrite

Endpoint mode.

ForwardingRequired forwarding_required = ForwardingRequired::Always

Endpoint forwarding policy.

RedirectionStrategy redirection_strategy = RedirectionStrategy::ToPrimary

Endpoint redirection policy.

std::vector<nlohmann::json> authn_policies = {}

Authentication policies.

nlohmann::json openapi

OpenAPI schema for endpoint.

std::string js_module

JavaScript module.

std::string js_function

JavaScript function name.

std::optional<InterpreterReusePolicy> interpreter_reuse = std::nullopt

Determines how JS interpreters may be reused between multiple calls, sharing global state in potentially unsafe ways. The default empty value means no reuse is permitted.

enum class ccf::endpoints::Mode


enumerator ReadWrite
enumerator ReadOnly
enumerator Historical
enum class ccf::endpoints::ForwardingRequired


enumerator Sometimes

ForwardingRequired::Sometimes is the default value, and should be used for most read-only operations. If this request is made to a backup node, it may be forwarded to the primary node for execution to maintain session consistency. Specifically, if this request is sent as part of a session which was already forwarded, then it will also be forwarded.

enumerator Always

ForwardingRequired::Always should be used for operations which may produce writes. If this request is made to a backup node, it will be forwarded to the primary node for execution.

enumerator Never

ForwardingRequired::Never should be used for operations which want to read node-local state rather than the latest replicated state, such as historical queries or local consensus information. This call will never be forwarded, and is always executed on the receiving node, potentiall breaking session consistency. If this attempts to write on a backup, this will fail.


CA cert bundle storage table, these bundles are used to authenticate connections to JWT issuers.

Key Bundle name, represented as a string.

Value Cert bundle, represented as a PEM-encoded string.


JWT issuers.

Key JWT issuer URL, represented as a string.

Value Represented as JSON.

struct JwtIssuerMetadata

Public Members

JwtIssuerKeyFilter key_filter = JwtIssuerKeyFilter::All

JWT issuer key filter, kept for compatibility with existing ledgers.

std::optional<std::string> ca_cert_bundle_name

Optional CA bundle name used for authentication when auto-refreshing.

bool auto_refresh = false

Whether to auto-refresh keys from the issuer.

enum class ccf::JwtIssuerKeyFilter


enumerator All


JWT signing keys, used until 5.0.

Key JWT Key ID, represented as a string.

Value JWT public key or certificate, represented as a DER-encoded string.


JWT signing key to Issuer mapping, used until 5.0.

Key JWT Key ID, represented as a string.

Value JWT issuer URL, represented as a string.


JWT signing keys, used until 6.0.

Key JWT Key ID, represented as a string.

Value List of (DER-encoded certificate, issuer, constraint), represented as JSON.


JWT signing keys, from 6.0.0 onwards.

Key JWT Key ID, represented as a string.

Value List of (DER-encoded public key, issuer, constraint), represented as JSON.


Service constitution: JavaScript module, exporting validate(), resolve() and apply().

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value JavaScript module, represented as a string.


Governance history of the service, captures signed governance requests submitted by members.

Key Member ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the member certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value Represented as JSON.

See ccf::SignedReq


Governance history of the service, captures all COSE Sign 1 governance requests submitted by members.

Key Member ID: SHA-256 fingerprint of the member certificate, represented as a hex-encoded string.

Value COSE Sign1


Window of recent COSE signed proposals, kept for the purpose of avoiding potential replay. Submitted proposals must be newer than the timestamp of the median, and not collide with any entry.

The window size is set to 100 by default, but can be overriden by setting recent_cose_proposals_window_size in public:ccf.gov.service.config.

Key ccf.gov.msg.created_at field from COSE protect header, as a string zero-padded to 10 characters, followed by SHA-256 digest of the COSE Sign1, represented as a hex-encoded string and separated by a ‘:’.

Value Proposal ID as a string.



On each rekey, the old ledger secret is stored in this table , encrypted with the new secret.

While the contents themselves are encrypted, the table is public so as to be accessible by a node bootstrapping a recovery service.


Used to broadcast ledger secrets between nodes during a recovery and ledger rekey.

While the contents themselves are encrypted, the table is public so as to be accessible by a node bootstrapping a recovery service.


On every signature transaction, this contains the serialised Merkle Tree for the ledger, between the previous signature and this one.

This is used to generate receipts for historical transactions without having the recompute hashes.


Signatures emitted by the primary node at regular interval, over the root of the Merkle Tree at that sequence number.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.


struct PrimarySignature : public ccf::NodeSignature

Public Members

ccf::SeqNo seqno = 0

Sequence number of the signature transaction.

ccf::View view = 0

View of the signature transaction.

ccf::crypto::Sha256Hash root

Root of the Merkle Tree as of seqno - 1.

ccf::crypto::Pem cert

Service-endorsed certificate of the node which produced the signature.

struct NodeSignature

Subclassed by ccf::PrimarySignature

Public Members

std::vector<uint8_t> sig


NodeId node

Node ID.

Nonce hashed_nonce

Hashed nonce created by the node, only used for BFT.


COSE signatures emitted by the primary node over the root of the Merkle Tree at that sequence number.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Raw COSE Sign1 message as byte string (DER-encoded). Implements the following CDDL schema.


Members’ recovery_shares, encrypted by the keys recorded in members.encryption_public_keys.

While the contents themselves are encrypted, the table is public so as to be accessible by nodes bootstrapping a recovery service.


Evidence inserted in the ledger by a primary producing a snapshot to establish provenance.

Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.


struct SnapshotHash

Public Members

ccf::crypto::Sha256Hash hash

Snapshot digest.

ccf::kv::Version version

Sequence number to which the snapshot corresponds.


Used to persist submitted shares during a recovery.

While the contents themselves are encrypted, the table is public so as to be accessible by nodes bootstrapping a recovery service.


Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Raw COSE Sign1 message as byte string (DER-encoded). Implements the following CDDL schema.


Key Sentinel value 0, represented as a little-endian 64-bit unsigned integer.

Value Last signed Merkle root of previous service instance, represented as a hex-encoded string.