Install CCF


The ccf-app-template repository can be used to quickly setup the environment necessary to build CCF apps.


CCF builds and runs on Linux. It is primarily developed and tested on Ubuntu 20.04. The dependencies required to build and run CCF apps can be conveniently installed using the ansible playbooks in the CCF repository or Install, depending on the target TEE platform:

$ cd <ccf_path>/getting_started/setup_vm/
$ ./ app-dev.yml --extra-vars "platform=snp"


The virtual version of CCF can also be run on hardware that does not support SEV-SNP. Virtual mode does not provide any security guarantees and should be used for development purposes only.

$ cd <ccf_path>/getting_started/setup_vm/
$ ./ app-dev.yml --extra-vars "platform=virtual"

This will install the latest release of CCF, but a specific release can also be specified with --extra-vars "ccf_ver=X.Y.Z" if desired.

Installation from .deb

Alternatively, CCF releases are available on the GitHub repository release page.

The CCF Debian package (ccf_<platform>_<version>_amd64.deb) contains the libraries and utilities to start a CCF service and build CCF applications. CCF can be installed as follows, for the SNP and Virtual platforms:

# Set CCF_VERSION to most recent LTS release
$ export CCF_VERSION=$(curl -ILs -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | sed 's/^.*ccf-//')
# Alternatively, set this manually, e.g.:
# export CCF_VERSION=4.0.0
$ wget${CCF_VERSION}/ccf_snp_${CCF_VERSION}_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt install ./ccf_snp_${CCF_VERSION}_amd64.deb

Assuming that CCF was installed under /opt, the following commands can be run to verify that CCF was installed successfully:

$ /opt/ccf_snp/bin/cchost --version
CCF host: ccf-<version>
Platform: SNP

$ /opt/ccf_snp/bin/
No package/app specified. Defaulting to installed JS logging app
Setting up Python environment...
Python environment successfully setup
[16:10:16.552] Starting 1 CCF node...
[16:10:23.349] Started CCF network with the following nodes:
[16:10:23.350]   Node [0] =
# Set CCF_VERSION to most recent LTS release
$ export CCF_VERSION=$(curl -ILs -o /dev/null -w %{url_effective} | sed 's/^.*ccf-//')
# Alternatively, set this manually, e.g.:
# export CCF_VERSION=4.0.0
$ wget${CCF_VERSION}/ccf_virtual_${CCF_VERSION}_amd64.deb
$ sudo apt install ./ccf_virtual_${CCF_VERSION}_amd64.deb


Virtual mode does not provide any security guarantees and should be used for development purposes only.

Assuming that CCF was installed under /opt, the following commands can be run to verify that CCF was installed successfully:

$ /opt/ccf_virtual/bin/cchost --version
CCF host: ccf-<version>
Platform: Virtual

$ /opt/ccf_virtual/bin/
No package/app specified. Defaulting to installed JS logging app
Setting up Python environment...
Python environment successfully setup
[16:10:16.552] Starting 1 CCF node...
[16:10:16.552] Virtual mode enabled
[16:10:23.349] Started CCF network with the following nodes:
[16:10:23.350]   Node [0] =

The CCF install notably contains:

  • The cchost binary required to spin up a CCF application

  • The cmake files required to build CCF applications

  • The ansible playbooks required for CCF Development Setup (under getting_started/)

  • Header files and libraries to build CCF applications (under include/ and lib/)

  • A limited set of Python utilities to start a basic CCF service for local testing

  • Various utility scripts (see Running CCF Applications)


To remove an installation of CCF, run:

$ sudo apt remove ccf_snp
$ sudo apt remove ccf_virtual

From Source

To build and install CCF from source, please see Build CCF from Source.