Application RPCs are exposed under /app and require authentication with a valid user identity. You can read what application endpoints may look like, as generated by the example C++ logging app, in Example app RPC API.


By default, CCF will also add some built-in endpoints:

GET /app/api

OpenAPI schema

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Default response description

  • default – An error occurred

GET /app/tx

Current status of a transaction

Possible statuses returned are Unknown, Pending, Committed or Invalid.

Query Parameters:
  • transaction_id (string) – (Required)

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Default response description

  • default – An error occurred

GET /app/commit

Current commit level

Latest transaction ID that has been committed on the service

Query Parameters:
  • view_history (boolean) –

  • view_history_since (integer) –

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Default response description

  • default – An error occurred

GET /app/receipt

Receipt for a transaction

A signed statement from the service over a transaction entry in the ledger

Query Parameters:
  • transaction_id (string) – (Required)

Status Codes:
  • 200 OK – Default response description

  • default – An error occurred