

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct.

For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.

Ways you can help contribute include:

  • Contribute to the DSCEA solution hosted on GitHub at
    • Code updates, pull requests, issues and feature requests are all welcomed
    • All code related pull requests should target the dev branch
  • DSCEA documentation (The site you are looking at right now)
    • DSCEA documentation is hosted in the same repo as the solution, inside the docs folder
    • Each page on this site has a contribute button located towards the top of the page that will bring you directly to the proper markdown file in the repo
    • All documentation related pull requests should target the docs-dev branch
  • Share your stories of how you have used DSCEA in your environment
  • Develop and share DSC configuration files that benefit from being paired with DSCEA